San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
KYXY: Nicole Houston from SD
Call: 619-718-7100 for now
Enter Daily Until 12/9…
Enter Daily Until this Friday…
I thought it sounded like Ken🤣
@ecbud Chris Spelled it TWICE and I couldn’t tell For Sure–KEN Fits too…Pen the first couple and TEN after he spelled it—Stream was the Same -so I had to play it safe & Put both Pen and Ten
@aztec4life I heard it, but wasn’t ready —Had to post their FB page. it was UP, when I got here. Isn’t KYXY 1-888-560-9650?>>>
–SORRY, I Just Tried it…and the 560-9650 it IS “Not in Service at This Time” --KYXY Does Not have That UPDATED Temporary Number on their page----Just The Ones I Copied from that Page>>>That’s going to mess Some Callers Up!!—OH NO!! –How does someone get in???I Just tried the 619-718-7100<<Says it is No Longer in SERVICE—How does someone get in??
KYXY----MICHELE LIZANO La Mesa Those phone Numbers Do Not WORK!!
61749 SEVEN
@ronzilla Dorothy repeated the number when she announced the name, did she do it at 10:10 too? I barely missed that one. She said the normal line is not working.
@aztec4life said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
KYXY: Call: 619-718-7100 for now
I hope their new caller ID system gets fried during this phone reboot haha. Sorry, I should have private messaged @aztec4life directly instead of having multiple post on the topic.
@aztec4life YES, she Did…but it sounded like the 619-718-7100 you posted–I Tried the 7100 one and it says “OUT OF SERVICE” ----How do They Call In??..Nobody is Answering the 291-9797 Front Desk Number to Tell them BOTH Numbers are Not Functioning!!=----PLUS…Michele Lizano has been called before—Might have been on the 949–A-I…But I know I have posted it before!!
kyxy working on phone line for now the office number is
if you need to reach our front desk, the number is 619-291-9797
i called and it is working
@bigd EVERYTIME I Tried…it rings until it says…“the Voice Mail has not been set up yet”—That poor woman at the Front Desk, She’s injured as it is!! I got through, finally and it is the Only Line Working, besides the Advertising Line 619-718-7158. She’s getting Flooded with calls—She knows me, and I Gave her a “Break” for about 8 minutes, talking to her, I Told her I Posted that the 2 Numbers are DOWN …where I Post the KYXY Names on their FB pg. BUT I DID NOT Post the 291-9797 Number—. I Think Michele’s Name is going to be a Repeat Later Today (Only Fair) –But Imagine They call your Name …10 Minutes to Get in and Both Numbers won’t Let you IN!! The 9650 number went out Yesterday Afternoon and BOTH Winners had to use the 9797 number! I think they may have let the Red Head go----(she was kinda “snappy”) Maybe she was Temporary while This woman was healing, getting ready to return
KFM-BFM Cash $500
Randy Bender from Descanso
Text: Acorn
KyXy Radio 96.5 FM Ronnie 619-291-9797 is the right number. -Dorothy<<She Just told me the Front Desk # will be it for a While!! I had told Dorothy that Neither Number were going through except the Front Desk and Advertising
@yabbersgoo11 anyone?
KYXY: Sarah O’Neill from Ramona
Call 619-291-9797
KYXY---------SARA//SARAH O’NEIL RAMONA…my “As” didn’t take, at first…or I’m just That weak! LOL !–I feel like I’m Missing//Forgetting Something
KyXy Sarah O’Neal of Ramona
@dstall63 YES!! FRY that Thing!! I Found out that the Person that gives me “Attitude” when I’m there (“You here AGAIN!” or OH! it’s HIM, again–Geez!) is SARAH of “Can You Beat Sarah” the One that tried to Argue about my Kiss win, by Saying, “But you just won something 11 hrs. ago!” …Until I Informed her I Knew there are No Restrictions on Wins–THEN She changed her Tune!! 2 “Judgement Calls” took me OUT and went to another person–NOW I KNOW WHY>>>SARAH ----No big deal, posting --I’m sure it may help others, as it is a “Work in Progress”>>> KyXy Radio 96.5 FM : Ronnie 619-291-9797 is the right number. -Dorothy<<She Recently told me the Front Desk # will be it for a While!! I had told Dorothy that Neither Number were going through except the Front Desk and Advertising They have been using different numbers–Yesterday’s 2 Winners Both had to call the 291-9797 # to win …one was a little late, but due to the Issues they got it—I Think that is Fair—Extra time because of the Mess!
KSON FB -----DARLENE BUD Call & WIN Related to EC?
98.1 FB ELIZABETH TROE//TROW//TROUGH Call & WIN! TRULL???..Stream didn’t help!
KYXY: Marcos Monta from SD
Tried to edit—Made a Mess —EDIT a MESS…Can’t Type–My “As” are not working right!! a MESS—I gotta POUND on it!! MARCOS MONTA 4 Minutes Later!!
61749 Eleven
I Heard949–BUT My Keyboard Debacle and Malfunctioning ----I Don’t Remember the Word!! --(it was an E-Z one) Worthless if ya can’t remember!! NO “A” --NOW “E” --means no posting for me! --Technical issues Take Me OUT! Not going to Hammer on them. —I Gotta run some MSFT Scans & MY AVG Tune-Up//Repair I NOW SEE >>ELEVEN!! DUH…I knew it had nothing to do with the bands—at least it got posted!!!—I wonder why Buzztrain’s didn’t come up after Refreshing?? --I Forgot about a noon call-in!!!
96.5 KYXY –MIA GIDDENS C V…chance it was Gibbons…but GIDDENS on the Stream too. 619-291-9797
AVG or Restating fixed it…keyboard working!!
Yes! I won😀
100.7==$250—GAIL //GAYLE VICK K M --txt toast
Gayle Vick - Kearny
Text: Toast
KYXY --Stocking—DIANNA MEZA Call and WIN!! 619-291-9797
KYXY: Diana Meza from SD
@ecbud YES!! I LOVE IT!! WHAT WAS IT?? Call your name or a Call-In?? The Prize? WINNER WINNER >>KABOOOOOOOOM!! LOL Way to GO!
91X NOW…
91-X NOW-----SORRY–DIALING --“We Have Our WINNER!” —Can’t wait until they Do Wrecks the Halls, next week—this is the HARDEST ONES they do!! 2 Disney Tix…and they go CRAZY—Easier Winning 4-Packs on other Stations!
FB friend of the day: Up for grabs all this week: Casino Pauma free play package that includes $25 in Free Play and a $25 Buffet certificate! Sign up for your shot to win and listen for me to call out your name at 11:40am! -Amber
61749 SHOES
@ecbud I Had a Feeling you might have been related–LOL Call & WIN Related to EC? HaHaHa ENJOY!!* no need to include your name----I love those Buffets—I love posting Winners, in general, But a TEAM Member is an Extra Sweet one! IF you could SEE ME—I’m Clapping & Smiling!! YEEEEWW!!
@buzztrain Thanks, 91X “somehow” (LOL) played their song, Precisely at that time!! Hmmmm.
98.1 TAD: Christina Garcia from National City
TAD—Kristina//Christina Garcia NC–HaHaHa I just came in out of the Rain—My Mouse is all wet…Fun trying to move anything—like MUD! LOL–It’s Really Coming Down!!
@aztec4life ---- I just came in out of the Rain—My Mouse is all wet…Fun trying to move anything—like MUD! LOL
KYXY 96.5 Stocking>>>>MICHEAL ZWECK//ZWICK EC …CALL and WIN…I need dry clothes! Pick a Number–LOL
KyXy Michael Swick of El Cajon
@yabbersgoo11 said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Having trouble with 933. They pick up the phone then hang up ALL the time during contests, even when I know I’m one of the first callers, they never say anything. I havent won from that station in months !! Anyone else have this problem??
@yabbersgoo11, that happens to all of us, could be anything but they are probably just hanging up until they get to the winner without saying anything (rude). All stations present different challenges to us when we call, I hate when people call ahead of time for a contest and the station doesn’t clear them out, so it makes it impossible to time a win. Unfortunately it is the price we pay to try to win contests. Don’t give up, wins come with persistence and being smart about which contests/stations you want to invest your time in. I wish you the greatest of luck!
I’m not going to be Available to post the next 100.7…until a few minutes after it Is Given and possibly the KYXY…949 I can get------outside diverting some water flow and away from my Radios//Computer for a Bit!!
@ronzilla got you covered
KFM-BFM Cash $500
Noah Jordan from National City
Text: Mug
@aztec4life Good deal!! Came in for a quick check, almost finished outside—SOAKED!!