San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 500 Club

    1st 933 Zoo cue after 12

    1st 933 Zoo cue after 12

  • 10K Club Banned

    @buzztrain YES, it is Usually the Inbetween of 94.1 but with 94.1 doing 1 & 2 pm hours, one will be the Same Hour! PLUS 933 has the habit of saying, “Coming up Next” which can Load It Up!! with early Callers!! TWICE yesterday-----Ringing Right at the Cue----But “We Already have Our Winner”

    @buzztrain YES, it is Usually the Inbetween of 94.1 but with 94.1 doing 1 & 2 pm hours, one will be the Same Hour! PLUS 933 has the habit of saying, “Coming up Next” which can Load It Up!! with early Callers!! TWICE yesterday-----Ringing Right at the Cue----But “We Already have Our Winner”

  • 10K Club Banned

    @buzztrain No Cell—I Can’t Text, ALL on the Form…I fill ONE OUT, Clone Them (Prefilled with my Info & Word), then just Click "Continue, then “Submit” and down the Line of Entries…Much More & Faster than Individual Entries!!

    @buzztrain No Cell—I Can’t Text, ALL on the Form…I fill ONE OUT, Clone Them (Prefilled with my Info & Word), then just Click "Continue, then “Submit” and down the Line of Entries…Much More & Faster than Individual Entries!!

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    she just ruined THE 933 CALL-IN----I KNEW IT–WHY SAY THAT??

    she just ruined THE 933 CALL-IN----I KNEW IT–WHY SAY THAT??

  • 10K Club Banned

    @buzztrain I MAY HAVE BEEN LATE>>SIMPLIFIED>>>Invalid entry. Could not find active contest for short code and keyword given.
    …didn’t know they did weekends!!

    @buzztrain I MAY HAVE BEEN LATE>>SIMPLIFIED>>>Invalid entry. Could not find active contest for short code and keyword given.
    …didn’t know they did weekends!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    This post is deleted!
    This post is deleted!

  • 10K Club Banned

    @buzztrain I Have THESE as the 94.1 times—noted them as theuy were said>>>11:20, 1:20, 2:20, 4:20 & 6:20 for ZOO TIX…94.1

    @buzztrain I Have THESE as the 94.1 times—noted them as theuy were said>>>11:20, 1:20, 2:20, 4:20 & 6:20 for ZOO TIX…94.1

  • 10K Club Banned

    I GOTTA GET OFF THIS PAGE—TURNED OFF that Darn “PING” for Notifications----only got 97 Entries on 949 for FEVER — Commenting here & Answering questions (MY OWN FAULT) --I Have ZERO for the Current Word—Should be 50++ by NOW ----I can’t be “ANSWER MAN” IF I want to Entrer Contest TOO!!----I got Both lines ringing on 93.3 by Dialing about 20-30 seconds Early----IT TOTALLY RUINS IT for People that Actually Wait for the CUE, When they Annnounce EXACTLY WHEN TO CALLTHEN It’s ALL ABOUT Caling in EARLY to get a Line to Ring!!..1 Ringout and 2 …“Already Got the Winner” on 1st line----and 2nd one----RUINED IT With the EXACT TIME!!

    I GOTTA GET OFF THIS PAGE—TURNED OFF that Darn “PING” for Notifications----only got 97 Entries on 949 for FEVER — Commenting here & Answering questions (MY OWN FAULT) --I Have ZERO for the Current Word—Should be 50++ by NOW ----I can’t be “ANSWER MAN” IF I want to Entrer Contest TOO!!----I got Both lines ringing on 93.3 by Dialing about 20-30 seconds Early----IT TOTALLY RUINS IT for People that Actually Wait for the CUE, When they Annnounce EXACTLY WHEN TO CALLTHEN It’s ALL ABOUT Caling in EARLY to get a Line to Ring!!..1 Ringout and 2 …“Already Got the Winner” on 1st line----and 2nd one----RUINED IT With the EXACT TIME!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    I Knew BETTER Than to WASTE TIME on an EXACT TIME CALL-IN …(at Least I had Clones Spinning while doing it) …Heck with that IF they say it again!! 10 Times Less Chance When they DO—WHY THEY DO IT–TO PREVENT THE SAME PEOPLE FROM WINNING, That Always WIN

    I Knew BETTER Than to WASTE TIME on an EXACT TIME CALL-IN …(at Least I had Clones Spinning while doing it) …Heck with that IF they say it again!! 10 Times Less Chance When they DO—WHY THEY DO IT–TO PREVENT THE SAME PEOPLE FROM WINNING, That Always WIN

  • 500 Club

    Called 933 @ cue; caller 5&9 - score!

    Called 933 @ cue; caller 5&9 - score!

  • 10K Club Banned

    @buzztrain >>>NICE–I LOVE IT…and That is Not an Easy One----Got in 3 times …BUT Nobody Said what Caller I was–JUST RANG_(TOO EARLY, #1, #2 or #3) and the Other 2 were “Just Got our Winner” & “We already Have Our Winner” —GOOD JOB!!–Great the “ALREADY GOT OUR WINNER” —WAS YOU----YEEEEEW!!..I CAN’T WIN on 93.3 (30 Day BS) ,So I just give the Phone to my Roomate IF iI get #9!!

    @buzztrain >>>NICE–I LOVE IT…and That is Not an Easy One----Got in 3 times …BUT Nobody Said what Caller I was–JUST RANG_(TOO EARLY, #1, #2 or #3) and the Other 2 were “Just Got our Winner” & “We already Have Our Winner” —GOOD JOB!!–Great the “ALREADY GOT OUR WINNER” —WAS YOU----YEEEEEW!!..I CAN’T WIN on 93.3 (30 Day BS) ,So I just give the Phone to my Roomate IF iI get #9!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    BTW 105.3 DOES NOT HAVE A FOOTBALL GAME ON—DOING THE "DISTURBED TICKETS (For NOW)…They May broadcast a 2pm Game—SUNDAY< they do a Football game instead of Music at some Point

    BTW 105.3 DOES NOT HAVE A FOOTBALL GAME ON—DOING THE "DISTURBED TICKETS (For NOW)…They May broadcast a 2pm Game—SUNDAY< they do a Football game instead of Music at some Point

  • 10K Club Banned

    I’m STREAMING 97.3–NO WORD this HOUR…DID ANYIONE GET IT??? OR was It Never Given

    I’m STREAMING 97.3–NO WORD this HOUR…DID ANYIONE GET IT??? OR was It Never Given

  • 10K Club Banned

    949-----CLOSE ??? or clothes??? I thought I heard a “T” in the Spelling yet Said it Like CLOSE!!! —BUT I was STILL STREAMING 97.3 and the SLOW LOADIONG STREAM misseed it for 949!!

    949-----CLOSE ??? or clothes??? I thought I heard a “T” in the Spelling yet Said it Like CLOSE!!! —BUT I was STILL STREAMING 97.3 and the SLOW LOADIONG STREAM misseed it for 949!!

  • 500 Club

    Clothes 94.9

    Clothes 94.9

  • 10K Club Banned

    @puggle I thought So, be cause CLOSE has n o “T” or “H” in it, But he Repeated it, and Sounded just Like CLOSE–No TH Sound!!-=–94.1 IS LATE!!<< MAYBE I DESERVINGLY MISSED IT By NOT Giving it FULL ATTENTION!!!

    @puggle I thought So, be cause CLOSE has n o “T” or “H” in it, But he Repeated it, and Sounded just Like CLOSE–No TH Sound!!-=–94.1 IS LATE!!<< MAYBE I DESERVINGLY MISSED IT By NOT Giving it FULL ATTENTION!!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    OK!! I Got 30 Clones Spinning, so I got 90 Seconds----BEST WAT TO DO 949 is to TEXT & the FORM!! --NO Time To Explain HOW or WHY–But it has To Do With HOW the Get the Winner BACK to ENTERUING …only getting 78–85 By Messing Around HERE----Not even Close to 134 Average!! !Y

    OK!! I Got 30 Clones Spinning, so I got 90 Seconds----BEST WAT TO DO 949 is to TEXT & the FORM!! --NO Time To Explain HOW or WHY–But it has To Do With HOW the Get the Winner BACK to ENTERUING …only getting 78–85 By Messing Around HERE----Not even Close to 134 Average!! !Y

  • 10K Club Banned

    the FAN 97.3 Just did their Station ID<<<NO WORD SAID AGAIN!! …THIS MAY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT!!!>>>>How to Enter & How to Win3. Weekdays only (Monday – Friday, excluding weekends) from January 3, 2019 through February 1, 2019 (each, a
    “Contest Day”), participating Stations will announce a Contest keyword each hour from 7:00am local Station time
    on through 6:59<<<THAT DISTARCTION IS GONE

    the FAN 97.3 Just did their Station ID<<<NO WORD SAID AGAIN!! …THIS MAY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT!!!>>>>How to Enter & How to Win3. Weekdays only (Monday – Friday, excluding weekends) from January 3, 2019 through February 1, 2019 (each, a
    “Contest Day”), participating Stations will announce a Contest keyword each hour from 7:00am local Station time
    on through 6:59<<<THAT DISTARCTION IS GONE

  • 1000 Club

    Just chiming in… 94.1 announced they’re doing zoo tickets in less than 20 min, so by 2:25 be ready to call in!

    Just chiming in… 94.1 announced they’re doing zoo tickets in less than 20 min, so by 2:25 be ready to call in!

  • 500 Club

    94.9 celebrate

    94.9 celebrate

  • 500 Club

    94.9: Celebrate

    94.9: Celebrate

  • 10K Club Banned

    949----Celebrate----HaHaHa…,Just Refreshed and all the Previous “CELEBTRATES” Popped UP!!—Had it on the STREAM because of all the 933 and 941 coming up—LATE

    949----Celebrate----HaHaHa…,Just Refreshed and all the Previous “CELEBTRATES” Popped UP!!—Had it on the STREAM because of all the 933 and 941 coming up—LATE

  • 1000 Club

    @aztec4life said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    Just chiming in… 94.1 announced they’re doing zoo tickets in less than 20 min, so by 2:25 be ready to call in!

    They did it right at 2:20. Got three “Thanks we got our winner!”

    @aztec4life said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    Just chiming in… 94.1 announced they’re doing zoo tickets in less than 20 min, so by 2:25 be ready to call in!

    They did it right at 2:20. Got three “Thanks we got our winner!”

  • 10K Club Banned

    94.1–both ring-----but nothing—not even a caller##------OH!! Just Said “We Just Got our Winner” told me —! I was #10 & #12!!! Try again n ext time!! I HOPE I SEE A WINNING POST HERE AGAIN!

    94.1–both ring-----but nothing—not even a caller##------OH!! Just Said “We Just Got our Winner” told me —! I was #10 & #12!!! Try again n ext time!! I HOPE I SEE A WINNING POST HERE AGAIN!

  • 10K Club Banned

    933 will…I was just Typing that 933 will be very soon, then IT WENT!!…Just Did and ANOTHER—“JUST GOT OUR WINNER”" …a Little OFF Today, BUT Close will be a HIT SOON!!–BUT Getting it to RING is Half the FUN!! <<The DJ like That response!!

    933 will…I was just Typing that 933 will be very soon, then IT WENT!!…Just Did and ANOTHER—“JUST GOT OUR WINNER”" …a Little OFF Today, BUT Close will be a HIT SOON!!–BUT Getting it to RING is Half the FUN!! <<The DJ like That response!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    @aztec4life >>94.1 Times>>>11:20, 1:20, 2:20, 4:20 6:20 for ZOO TIX…94.1

    @aztec4life >>94.1 Times>>>11:20, 1:20, 2:20, 4:20 6:20 for ZOO TIX…94.1

  • 10K Club Banned

    WOW!! I can’t WIN, BUT NO FOOTBALL GAME on 105.3-------CALL-INS for DISTURBED//3 DAYS GRACE Still Happening…and a Chance for the Autographed Disturbed PLAYLIST!!

    WOW!! I can’t WIN, BUT NO FOOTBALL GAME on 105.3-------CALL-INS for DISTURBED//3 DAYS GRACE Still Happening…and a Chance for the Autographed Disturbed PLAYLIST!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    Haven’t been listening, BUT>>IF<< 105.3 Gives the Cue—it will be Before OR at 2:55–57

    Haven’t been listening, BUT>>IF<< 105.3 Gives the Cue—it will be Before OR at 2:55–57

  • 10K Club Banned

    105.3 ---------DID Not do it—SO 3:50, 5:50-55 sand MAYBE 7:50-55 …Looks like Nobody even reading My Posts–No 1s 0r 2s in boxes —Not worth LESS ENTRIES FOR ME --OUT—Concentrating on CONTESTS ONLY—ALL DONE HEAR!

    105.3 ---------DID Not do it—SO 3:50, 5:50-55 sand MAYBE 7:50-55 …Looks like Nobody even reading My Posts–No 1s 0r 2s in boxes —Not worth LESS ENTRIES FOR ME --OUT—Concentrating on CONTESTS ONLY—ALL DONE HEAR!

  • 500 Club

    94.9: Dominic

    94.9: Dominic

  • 500 Club

    94.9 clouds

    94.9 clouds

  • 1000 Club

    94.1 still taking early callers. I was #1, then #5 and I dialed about 1 minute early.

    94.1 still taking early callers. I was #1, then #5 and I dialed about 1 minute early.

  • 500 Club

    @aztec4life I missed call in this hour.

    @aztec4life I missed call in this hour.

  • 500 Club

    94.9 Nineteen

    94.9 Nineteen

  • 10K Club Banned

    @aztec4life I called about 30 seconds early, 7 and "we Just Got Our Winner, and “We Already Have a Winner, Try again next time!!” –I’d rather have BOTH My Early Calls CANCELLED AT THE CUE Than Have Them Go Thru!! <<<Then I’d know it was done FAIRLY!!127 on CLOUDS and 36 already on NINETEEN<<<Better than 48-75 AVG–TOTAL-…as with 4 of the words-

    @aztec4life I called about 30 seconds early, 7 and "we Just Got Our Winner, and “We Already Have a Winner, Try again next time!!” –I’d rather have BOTH My Early Calls CANCELLED AT THE CUE Than Have Them Go Thru!! <<<Then I’d know it was done FAIRLY!!127 on CLOUDS and 36 already on NINETEEN<<<Better than 48-75 AVG–TOTAL-…as with 4 of the words-

  • 10K Club Banned

    139 entries on ninteen!!!

    139 entries on ninteen!!!

  • 500 Club

    @ronzilla I did not get through.

    @ronzilla I did not get through.

  • 10K Club Banned

    @puggle Even Though I had 2 Early Calls go Through–I’d rather hear them go to an instant busy signal OR click OFF as the Cue is Given----the WIN being IN Before the Cue Is Flat Out WRONG!! >>AND THEY CAN ALL SEE IT ON THE BOARD!! ALL LIT UP EARLY!!
    About 10-12 onths ago, I recorded a few of my 2 minutes out calls getting IN and Caller Numbers Given (Calls Accepted) & One Win on those CHEATER CAlls to a couple People @ MAX 105.7 and let them know it is ILLEGAL and goes Against Their Own “Rules” they Have Posted for US to follow in order to WIN Or Be disqualified and that even having a “Cue to Call” was a JOKE!! -----105.7 Will no longer take Early Calls–they pick up and tell you or the call is CANCELLED Before the Cue!! I told those People, “IF We Have to Play by the Rules—Shouldn’t YOU??”<<Those recordings could have caused a Lot of Trouble for Them!!>>Many times, since then, I’ve been #1 or #2 dialing right at the Cue! FIXED!!

    @puggle Even Though I had 2 Early Calls go Through–I’d rather hear them go to an instant busy signal OR click OFF as the Cue is Given----the WIN being IN Before the Cue Is Flat Out WRONG!! >>AND THEY CAN ALL SEE IT ON THE BOARD!! ALL LIT UP EARLY!!
    About 10-12 onths ago, I recorded a few of my 2 minutes out calls getting IN and Caller Numbers Given (Calls Accepted) & One Win on those CHEATER CAlls to a couple People @ MAX 105.7 and let them know it is ILLEGAL and goes Against Their Own “Rules” they Have Posted for US to follow in order to WIN Or Be disqualified and that even having a “Cue to Call” was a JOKE!! -----105.7 Will no longer take Early Calls–they pick up and tell you or the call is CANCELLED Before the Cue!! I told those People, “IF We Have to Play by the Rules—Shouldn’t YOU??”<<Those recordings could have caused a Lot of Trouble for Them!!>>Many times, since then, I’ve been #1 or #2 dialing right at the Cue! FIXED!!

  • 500 Club

    My daughter asked me about Monter truck Tix.
    I could have got them last week on Vet Tix.
    Besides channel 5 contest what other sites should I enter to try to win her tickets?
    Thanks for help ahead of time from you big winners.
    Maybe I will get lucky and win.

    My daughter asked me about Monter truck Tix.
    I could have got them last week on Vet Tix.
    Besides channel 5 contest what other sites should I enter to try to win her tickets?
    Thanks for help ahead of time from you big winners.
    Maybe I will get lucky and win.

  • 500 Club

    200200 Taco

    200200 Taco

  • 500 Club

    200200 BILLS

    200200 BILLS

  • 500 Club

    200200 CREDIT

    200200 CREDIT

  • 500 Club

    Enter to win a family four-pack of front-row tickets to Disney on Ice at Valley View Casino Center on Thursday, January 24 at 7 p.m. from Fox 5

    Enter to win a family four-pack of front-row tickets to Disney on Ice at Valley View Casino Center on Thursday, January 24 at 7 p.m. from Fox 5

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 500 Club

    95819 BIG

    95819 BIG

  • 10K Club Banned

    i JUST WON ON 933 --caller #9 answer Pro-active–But I missed the prize desription and it ended up being4 tickets to the SEALS LaCrosse (Never heard of them), so I Hungup!! I guess the ZOO 4 Pack is at 7:20 & 8:20

    i JUST WON ON 933 --caller #9 answer Pro-active–But I missed the prize desription and it ended up being4 tickets to the SEALS LaCrosse (Never heard of them), so I Hungup!! I guess the ZOO 4 Pack is at 7:20 & 8:20

  • 10K Club Banned

    Oh, Crap----933 actually called back—and I’m Stuck with the Tickets!! HaHaHa!! …Don’t they Know a Disconnect means you lose the Prize!! LOL!

    Oh, Crap----933 actually called back—and I’m Stuck with the Tickets!! HaHaHa!! …Don’t they Know a Disconnect means you lose the Prize!! LOL!

  • 500 Club

    7: Bowl
    8: Hike
    9: Magnet

    Text to 72881

    I will try to update before my flight back to S.D.

    7: Bowl
    8: Hike
    9: Magnet

    Text to 72881

    I will try to update before my flight back to S.D.

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON Has ZOO 4 Packs, 94.1 & 933 have them, as well, as Call-ins!!

    KSON Has ZOO 4 Packs, 94.1 & 933 have them, as well, as Call-ins!!


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