San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
ROCK-105.3–DISNEY—TIME—1pm hour—USUALLY GOES AROUND 50 After the hour–if IT GOES PAST 20-23 After!! (20 After LESS than 20% of the time–but a possibilIty)
949-----------1:14----------------ERIC LEVIN//LEVINE–p b
KSON---------1:15------------LOLA LUZARAGA//LUZIRAGA
100.7----LUCY DUGAN
Here is the info on the 105.3 @amberlynn mentioned: APRIL 8-12: Listen to DSC in the 8AM HOUR for the cue to call 888-570-1015 and you could win two (2) Disneyland® Resort 1-Day 1-Park tickets!
100.7 name - Lucy Dugan
-text CHARGE
100.7 lucy dugan poway
KSON---------2:13----------------------ALENA OPASCOLAS
2p 200200 truck save
kson Lenny Apastollis
94.9 Jessie Drews of Nat City
---------------949------------JESSY DREWS NC
2:10 names: 94.9: Jessie Drews in National City, 103.7: Alenie Apustolis?
A bright shinny penny to the one who got 96.5 name?
@dstall63 96.5 2:10 - Michael McCare
@littlemissfelina You rock!
@dstall63 no, you do!
lol it’s all about the teamwork!~
91----X--------Now!!–24–57–HURRY --85 88 --DONE!!!
2:29 91x artist is playing
@littlemissfelina Exactly. Who new contesting could be so much fun, like a team video game. It’s great Day!
I was caller 91! Vampire Weekend tickets and in the running for Coachella.
@cmariyaa Woot Woot!!! I am so darn happy. The icing on the cake with such a great day. Crossing my fingers for the Coachella win too for you.
CASH for 105.3
@cmariyaa And you made it sound so easy—LOL++ Hilary is such a pleasure to deal with!! Congrats!!–I had a feeling one of mine would be 88 <<it just seems to be my number
3p 200200 bills variety
949------------------------------------MARK WENDT
kson Madeline Stovenger
3:10 name on 103.7: Madelyn Stottinger
@amberlynn YOU GOT IT CORRECT–I THINK!! lol —I was stuck between “T” or “D”–a friend of mine is Rottinger<<SIMILAR
@amberlynn SOUNDS LIKE is Always my Default!!
@amberlynn haha, I was gonna put Jason Aldean but I am not sure I know how to spell his name either! Fun day
@dstall63 Thank you! Keeping my fingers crossed too that I get “the call”.
@ronzilla Thank you. And yes, Hilary is very sweet.
200200: car
Looks like a team effort for the 97.3 code, let’s get our dictionaries out haha. sports talk, I wish they had music too.
Code is GOLF
97.3-------3:30---------Las Vegas Code Word---------Golf
97.3 Vegas Codeword: Golf
@amberlynn I Like double posts----then I Know it assures a -Zero chance of a Miss!! A Single can save the Day, But a Double Secures it is IN!! OH!! and then there’s this Spelling thing—LOL
200200: friend, coffee, office, fish
@cmariyaa How could you miss BILLS??----Kidding, it was the Only One I got-ha ha ha! —Good Nailing it!!
Each Word represents a station—IF you have a preference you can support a station as a favorite, by entering their words–Like 105.3 uses FUZZ
Magic 92.5 // Win DISNEYLAND passes! Listen from 4-5PM for “Bust A Move” by Young MC, THEN BE caller 9 to (619) 570-1925
Magic 92.5 // Win DISNEYLAND passes! Listen from 4-5PM for “Bust A Move” by Young MC, THEN BE caller 9 to (619) 570-1925!
4p 200200 talk
100.7 name - Derik Rodriguez
-text COOLER
100.7-------------------------DERRICK RODRIGUEZ–P L
@ronzilla I didn’t post bills because you had already taken care of it.
@cmariyaa i Was Kidding because you got all but that one and I was weak, with just BILLS!! HaHa!—the I-Hearts seem to be yours & BB-88’s specialty–GOOD THING–more dependable than I am on those!!—Would have been just fine to include BILLS, giving others a chance at entering it that may have missed mine, to support That Station----but Most just want a word that works (Like Me) & Others know how to support a certain station–perhaps with bills