San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 10K Club Banned

    949----kaaboo----------LOREN//LAUREN PUCINI vista 👀

    949----kaaboo----------LOREN//LAUREN PUCINI vista 👀

  • 3K Club

    ch933 cat 200200

    ch933 cat 200200

  • 3K Club

    the last word at 6 for the west coast entercom s will be DICE which you can put in now also if you haven’t already and be done

    the last word at 6 for the west coast entercom s will be DICE which you can put in now also if you haven’t already and be done

  • 10K Club Banned

    91-X----RAMONES - 👀👀
    all these zeros…Who am I posting for----I got these//won’t miss a thing----GOOD NIGHT

    91-X----RAMONES - 👀👀
    all these zeros…Who am I posting for----I got these//won’t miss a thing----GOOD NIGHT

  • 3K Club

    91x the ramones

    91x the ramones

  • 3K Club

    ch933 drink 200200

    ch933 drink 200200

  • 3K Club

    ch933 drink 200200

    ch933 drink 200200

  • 10K Club Banned

    949-------kaaboo---------Alexis Alvarez of O’ Side
    Strange Day-----Whatever (I didn’t get the “Memo”)

    949-------kaaboo---------Alexis Alvarez of O’ Side
    Strange Day-----Whatever (I didn’t get the “Memo”)

  • 94.9: Alexis Alvarez (Oceanside)

    94.9: Alexis Alvarez (Oceanside)

  • 10K Club Banned

    949–Alexia’s last call---------LORI//LAURIE GARCIA…kearny mesa

    949–Alexia’s last call---------LORI//LAURIE GARCIA…kearny mesa

  • 94.9: Lori Garcia (Kearny Mesa)

    94.9: Lori Garcia (Kearny Mesa)

  • 94.9. 7 o’clock Lori Garcia Kearney Mesa

    94.9. 7 o’clock Lori Garcia Kearney Mesa

  • 10K Club Banned

    Double/Triple dialing—my Roomie hit Alexia’s 7:21pm --4-pack of Seaworld tickets–tossed him the Phone–#9–Winner! (2 nights in a Row~) another call-in in about an Hour FOR >>Alexia - Tickets to North Park Festival of Arts May 11th
    Listen to Alexia for a chance to win a pair of beer & meal tickets to North Park Festival of Arts Saturday, May 11th
    You and your friend each get thirteen four ounce samples of beer plus a meal on North Park! The Festival of Arts will have live music all day, live art, the 619 Spirits.

    Double/Triple dialing—my Roomie hit Alexia’s 7:21pm --4-pack of Seaworld tickets–tossed him the Phone–#9–Winner! (2 nights in a Row~) another call-in in about an Hour FOR >>Alexia - Tickets to North Park Festival of Arts May 11th
    Listen to Alexia for a chance to win a pair of beer & meal tickets to North Park Festival of Arts Saturday, May 11th
    You and your friend each get thirteen four ounce samples of beer plus a meal on North Park! The Festival of Arts will have live music all day, live art, the 619 Spirits.

  • @ronzilla are they going to have another ticket giveaway tonight? I never won anything from this station do they have a 30 day prize window like Star, rock, 93.3, etc. cause I don’t want to mess up with winning the kaaboo tickets by winning seaworld?

    @ronzilla are they going to have another ticket giveaway tonight? I never won anything from this station do they have a 30 day prize window like Star, rock, 93.3, etc. cause I don’t want to mess up with winning the kaaboo tickets by winning seaworld?

  • 10K Club Banned

    @mumof3 YES, It’s in my post, above------949 is an Entercom Station----NO 30 Day “Penalty-Box”—I’ve hit them 3 times in one weekend—KSON//94.9 & 94.9-HD2 BOB radio–someone in here hit 98.1 @ 8:30am, then Again 4 hours Later!! twice in 4hrs!! That’s Smokin’!!—there’s been as Couple names Called twice–IF they were Paying attention—they’d have 4 …3-day Kaaboo wrist bands!!----That guy, Volkov on 98.1 today—2 days in a Row, he was Called–Should have 8 Disney tickets—I don’t know IF he called in even once

    @mumof3 YES, It’s in my post, above------949 is an Entercom Station----NO 30 Day “Penalty-Box”—I’ve hit them 3 times in one weekend—KSON//94.9 & 94.9-HD2 BOB radio–someone in here hit 98.1 @ 8:30am, then Again 4 hours Later!! twice in 4hrs!! That’s Smokin’!!—there’s been as Couple names Called twice–IF they were Paying attention—they’d have 4 …3-day Kaaboo wrist bands!!----That guy, Volkov on 98.1 today—2 days in a Row, he was Called–Should have 8 Disney tickets—I don’t know IF he called in even once

  • @ronzilla nice! She caught me off guard and I was streaming, too late!

    @ronzilla nice! She caught me off guard and I was streaming, too late!

  • @ronzilla wow that’s amazing so you can non stop win all day long as many times possible from the same station 😮

    @ronzilla wow that’s amazing so you can non stop win all day long as many times possible from the same station 😮

  • 10K Club Banned

    @yabbersgoo11 —ALL this week she was doing them 1 hour later-(8:25ish & 9:30ish)–tonight was a Surprise–NO Prewarning—I’m sure others were Caught off guard–HaHaHa–Alexia just answered a phone that had Stopped ringing on Our end, but not hers—“Hello, anyone there?? Is someone calling in for a Request–Hello”"–CLICK! --Forgot all about it, after Ralph gave her his Info!! oooops!At least 949 Music was still playing!!

    @yabbersgoo11 —ALL this week she was doing them 1 hour later-(8:25ish & 9:30ish)–tonight was a Surprise–NO Prewarning—I’m sure others were Caught off guard–HaHaHa–Alexia just answered a phone that had Stopped ringing on Our end, but not hers—“Hello, anyone there?? Is someone calling in for a Request–Hello”"–CLICK! --Forgot all about it, after Ralph gave her his Info!! oooops!At least 949 Music was still playing!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    @mumof3 Different stations would be better, than the same one. 98.1 gets kinda Cranky IF you get through too much—While Other D Js LIKE IT–I won from Alyssa 3 disney 4-paks in one week (Monday, Tuesday & Friday)–hitting the Secret Song…only thing she said was–“That’s Crazy-Man! You are the Luckiest caller I’ve had --Whatever//However you do it–it’s amazingly RAD!”

    @mumof3 Different stations would be better, than the same one. 98.1 gets kinda Cranky IF you get through too much—While Other D Js LIKE IT–I won from Alyssa 3 disney 4-paks in one week (Monday, Tuesday & Friday)–hitting the Secret Song…only thing she said was–“That’s Crazy-Man! You are the Luckiest caller I’ve had --Whatever//However you do it–it’s amazingly RAD!”

  • 10K Club Banned

    ALEXIA JUST DID THE 2nd Call-in!–Usually she does a 15 minute Warning–NONE of That Tonight!! ALL SURPRISE Announcements!!

    ALEXIA JUST DID THE 2nd Call-in!–Usually she does a 15 minute Warning–NONE of That Tonight!! ALL SURPRISE Announcements!!

  • 3K Club

    ch933 Sun 200200

    ch933 Sun 200200

  • 3K Club

    ch933 orange 200200

    ch933 orange 200200

  • 3K Club

    ch933 cat 200200

    ch933 cat 200200

  • 10K Club Banned

    @bb-8 what town, type of station, where the heck is it—been through stations for 15 minutes…so many lists with “SEE ALL” options----HIDDEN in there somewhere.entering that krz 98.5 --yields This 0 stations found for krz 98.5 Enter just 98.5–I get this 3 stations found for 98.5.-----Kiss 98.5 Buffalo 98.5 KYGO 98.5 KYGO Denver BIG 98.5 BIG 98.5 Richmond

    @bb-8 what town, type of station, where the heck is it—been through stations for 15 minutes…so many lists with “SEE ALL” options----HIDDEN in there somewhere.entering that krz 98.5 --yields This 0 stations found for krz 98.5 Enter just 98.5–I get this 3 stations found for 98.5.-----Kiss 98.5 Buffalo 98.5 KYGO 98.5 KYGO Denver BIG 98.5 BIG 98.5 Richmond

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    94.9--------kaaboo-----KRISTA HANSEN
    Today at 7:18 AM ( A 7:10 going off to block 7:20 AM CALL-IN Slot on other Stations)

    94.9--------kaaboo-----KRISTA HANSEN
    Today at 7:18 AM ( A 7:10 going off to block 7:20 AM CALL-IN Slot on other Stations)

  • 10K Club Banned

    SUNNY 98.1–T a D—12:00pm

    Nobody wants this Posted either??
    No Responses----NO LONGER POSTING! (I won’t be missing it, just not Posting)
    What are you Logged in For??👀 and run?

    I got the 72881 word (who cares, if not used I-heart?? same) I’m already Entered ON Both!—kaaboo coming up—Do I Post It??
    Posting For Nobody is not what I am here for ( I can use them without having to post them) Let me Know Which Ones ARE Of Interest

    SUNNY 98.1–T a D—12:00pm

    Nobody wants this Posted either??
    No Responses----NO LONGER POSTING! (I won’t be missing it, just not Posting)
    What are you Logged in For??👀 and run?

    I got the 72881 word (who cares, if not used I-heart?? same) I’m already Entered ON Both!—kaaboo coming up—Do I Post It??
    Posting For Nobody is not what I am here for ( I can use them without having to post them) Let me Know Which Ones ARE Of Interest

  • Iheart 200200 Star BIRD
    933 BEACH

    Iheart 200200 Star BIRD
    933 BEACH

  • 1000 Club

    Kyxy STALE 72881

    Kyxy STALE 72881

  • 10K Club Banned

    949------kaaboo------Veronica Perkins…POWAY
    Today at 8:16 AM
    -Veronica Perkins…POWAY

    949------kaaboo------Veronica Perkins…POWAY
    Today at 8:16 AM
    -Veronica Perkins…POWAY

  • @ronzilla thank you for posting I’m at work so I do appreciate it I can take a quick look to check name before my boss sees 👀

    @ronzilla thank you for posting I’m at work so I do appreciate it I can take a quick look to check name before my boss sees 👀

  • 10K Club Banned

    @mumof3 any luck W/alexia? Sherry Knight (96.5 KYXY) Does a evening call-in too …hint–use 2-3 phones----best on getting in Beats 1 out of 9…No problem, But when my posts show 0 it = 0 views//users…I have No Other Way of Telling…and I wonder What good am I doing?? Why I like Double Posts—for the “Quick Check” that has a Limited time to See//Find—DOUBLE POSTS Are simply Easier to See! I. also wasn’t seeing much participation.(I don’t want a Page of “Bulldogs”–feel like a “Posting Pig”).especially seeing 4 or 5 people logged In…yet still Zero Responses to my posts----That makes me think, the Ones I AM posting are of Zero Interest//Use GLAD you get USE Out of My posts…perhaps I AM accomplishing “something”

    @mumof3 any luck W/alexia? Sherry Knight (96.5 KYXY) Does a evening call-in too …hint–use 2-3 phones----best on getting in Beats 1 out of 9…No problem, But when my posts show 0 it = 0 views//users…I have No Other Way of Telling…and I wonder What good am I doing?? Why I like Double Posts—for the “Quick Check” that has a Limited time to See//Find—DOUBLE POSTS Are simply Easier to See! I. also wasn’t seeing much participation.(I don’t want a Page of “Bulldogs”–feel like a “Posting Pig”).especially seeing 4 or 5 people logged In…yet still Zero Responses to my posts----That makes me think, the Ones I AM posting are of Zero Interest//Use GLAD you get USE Out of My posts…perhaps I AM accomplishing “something”

  • 3K Club

    @ronzilla post kaaboo please as i loved last year thanks to 94.9

    @ronzilla post kaaboo please as i loved last year thanks to 94.9

  • 10K Club Banned

    @bb-8 About the Best Festival in SD Since Street Scene—Looking Forward to seeing the Tony Hawk Festival @ Marina Park (Kinda Street Scene 2 West)----I Have 4 1-Day Tickets (so far) for This Years KAABOO (All I-Heart)…went every year (6 Bands I know, have Played over the years)—2nd year they gave us 3-Day wristbands for our 1-Day Passes—Walked So Fast Away from that Booth–HaHaHa! So 949–kaaboo is a get as often as I can!—roger!! I Play 91-X is that a Good one, too? I Know the 100.7 is a Must, with $400-$1000 not uncommon!!…91-X seems to announce the 1st one near the 1-2 minutes after…They Know that 100.7 is those times and the 72881 words!!

    @bb-8 About the Best Festival in SD Since Street Scene—Looking Forward to seeing the Tony Hawk Festival @ Marina Park (Kinda Street Scene 2 West)----I Have 4 1-Day Tickets (so far) for This Years KAABOO (All I-Heart)…went every year (6 Bands I know, have Played over the years)—2nd year they gave us 3-Day wristbands for our 1-Day Passes—Walked So Fast Away from that Booth–HaHaHa! So 949–kaaboo is a get as often as I can!—roger!! I Play 91-X is that a Good one, too? I Know the 100.7 is a Must, with $400-$1000 not uncommon!!…91-X seems to announce the 1st one near the 1-2 minutes after…They Know that 100.7 is those times and the 72881 words!!

  • 500 Club

    @ronzilla thanks for posting. Generally I don’t enter any concert or any national contests. As a result, you probably won’t see me post that often unless it’s for trips, cash, devices or amusement park tkts, local contests only. Right now there seems to be a lot of stations where you have to listen for a code or name. I’m not listening to 94.9 for kaaboo tkts and my reception for 91X has not very good. I don’t expect to win the 91X contest but try to listen whenever I get a chance. Same goes for TaD. Keep up the good work! I’m sure others appreciate your assistance.

    @ronzilla thanks for posting. Generally I don’t enter any concert or any national contests. As a result, you probably won’t see me post that often unless it’s for trips, cash, devices or amusement park tkts, local contests only. Right now there seems to be a lot of stations where you have to listen for a code or name. I’m not listening to 94.9 for kaaboo tkts and my reception for 91X has not very good. I don’t expect to win the 91X contest but try to listen whenever I get a chance. Same goes for TaD. Keep up the good work! I’m sure others appreciate your assistance.

  • 10K Club Banned

    100.7---------------TARA HUNT san marcos<<$200

    100.7---------------TARA HUNT san marcos<<$200

  • 500 Club

    100.7 Tara Hunt of San Marcos
    Text news

    100.7 Tara Hunt of San Marcos
    Text news

  • 1000 Club

    That was funny. They almost skipped the contest on 100.7…dj joked about it

    Tera Hunt
    Text NEWS

    That was funny. They almost skipped the contest on 100.7…dj joked about it

    Tera Hunt
    Text NEWS

  • 10K Club Banned

    @supertaylorguy That’s my man, Chris…so cool under pressure–LOL

    @supertaylorguy That’s my man, Chris…so cool under pressure–LOL

  • 200200 Star- TOYS
    933- SUN

    200200 Star- TOYS
    933- SUN

  • 10K Club Banned

    @gotnopoints I Must say, When you do Post, many times, it has been a SAVE --or great Back Up–appreciate the feedback–YOUR Posts are much appreciated, as well.

    @gotnopoints I Must say, When you do Post, many times, it has been a SAVE --or great Back Up–appreciate the feedback–YOUR Posts are much appreciated, as well.

  • 1000 Club

    Kyxy 72881 frame

    Kyxy 72881 frame

  • 10K Club Banned

    91-X …A F I or MUSE?? just missed because 91-X & 949 WERE ON Top of Each Other!ST MISSED 949— STREAM TOO–everything at once–I’m going with A F I 1 minute after & would Block 100.7 and make getting 949 Difficult<<IT Worked–LOL…Just a “Bump”…not out of the Race

    91-X …A F I or MUSE?? just missed because 91-X & 949 WERE ON Top of Each Other!ST MISSED 949— STREAM TOO–everything at once–I’m going with A F I 1 minute after & would Block 100.7 and make getting 949 Difficult<<IT Worked–LOL…Just a “Bump”…not out of the Race

  • 10K Club Banned

    ALYSSA says…kaaboo WAS—Marnie//Marney Walden–Whew!!

    ALYSSA says…kaaboo WAS—Marnie//Marney Walden–Whew!!

  • 500 Club

    @ronzilla also missed 91X due to static.

    @ronzilla also missed 91X due to static.

  • 10K Club Banned

    @gotnopoints I think A F I Fits with Beginning @ almost 2 minutes after & MUSE wasn’t until almost 6 after…too late UPDATE 9:25 just announced A F I was it (good already entered)–He Had to Say it–“Beer for Breakfast” kinda got in the Way!

    @gotnopoints I think A F I Fits with Beginning @ almost 2 minutes after & MUSE wasn’t until almost 6 after…too late UPDATE 9:25 just announced A F I was it (good already entered)–He Had to Say it–“Beer for Breakfast” kinda got in the Way!

  • 500 Club

    91X AFI

    91X AFI

  • 10K Club Banned

    @gotnopoints <<<Another Backup//Save the Day post!!–He Had to Repeat it–“Beer for Breakfast” kinda got in the Way!–

    @gotnopoints <<<Another Backup//Save the Day post!!–He Had to Repeat it–“Beer for Breakfast” kinda got in the Way!–

  • 10K Club Banned

    91-X–bONUs-----NIRVANA (even IF missed --nirvana, muse, pearl jam or cure, would be safer “gamble” entries, instead of a non-entry)

    91-X–bONUs-----NIRVANA (even IF missed --nirvana, muse, pearl jam or cure, would be safer “gamble” entries, instead of a non-entry)

  • @ronzilla no I wanted the seaworld tix so I didn’t call in for the other one but I’ll be sure to listen tonight for them and check out 96.5 also, do you know the prize or estimated time for kyxy

    @ronzilla no I wanted the seaworld tix so I didn’t call in for the other one but I’ll be sure to listen tonight for them and check out 96.5 also, do you know the prize or estimated time for kyxy


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