San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
91x Jimmy Eat World
@gotnopoints thanx—I was just going to hit Submit!
@ronzilla lol. Np
thanks for all the posts that you do.
91-x------Bonus—CAGE the ELEPHANT
@gotnopoints --I gotta do something W/ 3 radios & a Stream Going–HaHaHa!–sometimes, I even remember to Enter!!
91x The Ramones
949—kaaboo------ALLY MALATOS e c
ROCK105.3>bike-200200-dog<101.5 kgb----for $1000
100.7-----------STEPHANIE SMITH ec
91-X–bucket-------TALKING HEADS
94.9 kaaboo for 2--------<<))FOSTER MITCHELL((>>
------------------------------------------------forest ranch
KSON Winners Weekend: Brad Paisley on-air contest;
Usual times are 10 thru 5 (including the 5 hour)
91-X------bONUs---------BLACK KEYS
@buzztrain Listen all Saturday for you chance to win a pair of tickets to see Brad Paisley on Saturday, June 2nd at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre.
For the Brad Paisley on-air contest, listen to the station each day starting at 5:00 a.m. (PT) and ending at 12:00 p.m. (PT) starting on May 4, 2019 and ending on May 5, 2019 listen for the cue to call. Caller 10 to 833-287-1037 after the cue to call airs will, upon verification of eligibility, receive two (2) tickets to tickets to see Brad Paisley on June 2, 2019 at North Island Credit Union Ampitheatre, valued at $56.00
94.9 Aristecy Rap of La Mesa (very hard to uderstand)
5:13-94.9—kaaboo for Two-- ARISDELSY RAFF …La Mesa (even the Stream didn’t help)
91-X-------bonus bucket list band>>>>>PIXIES
91x muse
ch933 drink
949--------------------------------------------LEAH FALLON vista
91–x bUCKEt-------k o l
91x bucket bonus kings of leon
949-------Taylor Heston
Does anyone have a Tix for Brewers Guild in Vista R & B event they want to trade? I have 2 Cinco by the Bay for tomorrow.
Win Broadway SD Charlie and the Chocalate Factory fm NBC TV
Morning, does anyone have the weekend contest information on all the stations thank you for any help?
949-----Faith Alexander --9:14am
@mumof3 —Well, appears we have a rather Full Option Weekend
KSON—Winners Weekend: Contest Brad Paisley on-air contest Listen all Saturday and win a pair of tickets to see Brad Paisley on Saturday, June 2nd at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre.–**Usually begins around 10am and 1 after 5pm
101.5/KGB-APRIL 30-MAY 5: Listen to 101.5 KGB for the cue to call 888-570-1015 and you could win a pair of tickets to iHeartRadio ICONS with Sammy Hagar and the Circle at the iHeartRadio Theater in Los Angeles on Wednesday, May 8th at 7pm. The weekday giveaways will take place during The DSC Show (Morning) ends @ 10am
94.1-APRIL 29-MAY 5: Listen to STAR 94.1 FM for the cue to call 866-570-1941 and you could win a family four pack of tickets to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
MAY 3-5: Listen to Channel 933 for the cue to call 855-570-1933 and you could win a family four pack of SeaWorld one-day admission tickets
95.7 MAY 3-10: Listen to JAM’N 95.7 for the cue to call 888-570-1957 and you could win a family four pack of SeaWorld one-day admission tickets.
GOOD Luck----persistence!!
that takes care of KSON----#10 For a Pair of Brad Paisley, with Chris Lane and singer-songwriter Riley Green --Jun 2. --Yes. Good Live-Rating 4.6 - 555 reviews!–Now I can head out to Cinco by the Bay, or somewhere-LOL
brad paisley in a few min on kson
@bigd on the link it says enter daily but it’s not showing that it only shows one entry but I entered 2 days
933 just did seaworld ticketd. I was #5 and then too late. But the lady said to try again at 2pm
@mumof3 Does it say. “One Entry Today”? …some just say that to confirm your entry was accepted…without keeping a total, except for “bonus” entries–hopefully this is why.–or you entered within a restricted time–within 12-24hrs of last one
933 just did sea world again . I couldn’t get in. Anybody get through? Lol. Guy said more coming. Viva La Musica
Here’s your cheat sheet for this week’s Phrases of the Day and when to listen for them:
Monday, May 6 // 7am - 8am
"Just Keep Swimming"Tuesday, May 7 // 8am - 9am
"The Circle of Life"Wednesday, May 8 // 6am - 7am
"Tale as Old as Time"Thursday, May 9 // 7am - 8am
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes"Friday, May 10 // 6am - 7am
"Think Happy Thoughts"
quiet today, padres beat the bums and Killing Eve on bbc America then GOT on HBO
ch933 sun 200200