San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 10K Club Banned

    @cshell1 GOOD DEAL!! I just missed!! Live & Stream!

    @cshell1 GOOD DEAL!! I just missed!! Live & Stream!

  • 10K Club Banned

    949------danny everett–La Mesa
    RonzillaToday at 3:15 PM

    KSON 3 1/3 minutes to say I’m #4?

    949------danny everett–La Mesa
    RonzillaToday at 3:15 PM

    KSON 3 1/3 minutes to say I’m #4?

  • 10K Club Banned

    100.7—Daniel Hernandez–C. Vista
    RonzillaToday at 4:05 PM
    Daniel Hernandez–C. Vista TXT-----spotty

    100.7—Daniel Hernandez–C. Vista
    RonzillaToday at 4:05 PM
    Daniel Hernandez–C. Vista TXT-----spotty

  • 1000 Club

    100.7 Daniel Hernandez of Chula Vista
    Text Spotty

    100.7 Daniel Hernandez of Chula Vista
    Text Spotty

  • 10K Club Banned

    92.5–#1—hill YES–HILL (WASN’T SURE) tied W/100.7

    92.5–#1—hill YES–HILL (WASN’T SURE) tied W/100.7

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    949----------ken oliver- Linda Vista

    949----------ken oliver- Linda Vista

  • 10K Club Banned

    KyXy------Alexa—SAMANTHA CLARK–C’ BAD

    KyXy------Alexa—SAMANTHA CLARK–C’ BAD

  • 10K Club Banned

    98.1–Can You beat SARA?? (MONDAY)

    98.1–Can You beat SARA?? (MONDAY)

  • 10K Club Banned

    TODD RICK–97.3
    CALL-1-833-288-0973 WITH IN 10 minutes!!

    TODD RICK–97.3
    CALL-1-833-288-0973 WITH IN 10 minutes!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    101.5 KGB–Disney name----BETSY RITBERGMAN–C’MONT

    101.5 KGB–Disney name----BETSY RITBERGMAN–C’MONT

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    92.5 --finalista 4 da week----BUTTON

    Just lost a Source!! I think it’s terminal

    92.5 --finalista 4 da week----BUTTON

    Just lost a Source!! I think it’s terminal

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    91-X-------HIT IT–NOW IS THE TIME!!

    91-X-------HIT IT–NOW IS THE TIME!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    949-----------kayla epps…Linda Vista

    949-----------kayla epps…Linda Vista

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 500 Club

    KyXy Disney Code PLAY

    KyXy Disney Code PLAY

  • 10K Club Banned

    Winners Weekend: Countryfest Tickets!
    It’s a KSON Winners Weekend! Listen all weekend long for your chance to win a pair of tickets to KSON’s CountryFest brought to you by SDCCU starring Randy Houser, Rodney Adkins, Uncle Kracker, Filmore and Carolina Jones Saturday, July 13th at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.

    Winners Weekend: Countryfest Tickets!
    It’s a KSON Winners Weekend! Listen all weekend long for your chance to win a pair of tickets to KSON’s CountryFest brought to you by SDCCU starring Randy Houser, Rodney Adkins, Uncle Kracker, Filmore and Carolina Jones Saturday, July 13th at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.

  • 10K Club Banned

    Kramer & Geena’s Summer of Fun sends you to … ZEDD!

    JUNE 28-30: Listen to Channel 933 fo the cue to call 855-570-1933 and you could win a pair of tickets to see ZEDD at OMNIA Nightclub San Diego on Wednesday, July 3rd!

    Kramer & Geena’s Summer of Fun sends you to … ZEDD!

    JUNE 28-30: Listen to Channel 933 fo the cue to call 855-570-1933 and you could win a pair of tickets to see ZEDD at OMNIA Nightclub San Diego on Wednesday, July 3rd!

  • 10K Club Banned

    JUNE 28-30: Listen to JAM’N 95.7 for the cue to call 888-570-1957 and you could win a family four pack of tickets to SeaWorld San Diego. (11:20am–ADDED)95.7 only does these about 3 to 4 times a day…hard to gage When…and they Tease It for hours…“Coming up-those Family 4-Packs of Seaworld passes!” …yes, “Coming Up” …but When!! Been saying it, since 9:30–nothing yet–I haven’t been constantly on it…but checking, time to time for 10-15 minutes, for “Clues”

    JUNE 28-30: Listen to JAM’N 95.7 for the cue to call 888-570-1957 and you could win a family four pack of tickets to SeaWorld San Diego. (11:20am–ADDED)95.7 only does these about 3 to 4 times a day…hard to gage When…and they Tease It for hours…“Coming up-those Family 4-Packs of Seaworld passes!” …yes, “Coming Up” …but When!! Been saying it, since 9:30–nothing yet–I haven’t been constantly on it…but checking, time to time for 10-15 minutes, for “Clues”

  • 3K Club

    kyxy 10:10 is ride

    kyxy 10:10 is ride

  • 3K Club

    kyxy disney code 11:10 is COLOR

    kyxy disney code 11:10 is COLOR

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    @bb-8 I Couldn’t even spell a 5 letter word!! HaHaHa!! clor…coolr…colrr —!! Talk about “Stumbling!!” LOL I Think I got closer to COOLER, befor I got COLOR–a Battle of the Keyboard–and the Keyboard as Winning!! They use COLOR every weekend

    @bb-8 I Couldn’t even spell a 5 letter word!! HaHaHa!! clor…coolr…colrr —!! Talk about “Stumbling!!” LOL I Think I got closer to COOLER, befor I got COLOR–a Battle of the Keyboard–and the Keyboard as Winning!! They use COLOR every weekend

  • 10K Club Banned

    I JUST NOW Found This!! JUNE 28-30: Listen to STAR 94.1 for the cue to call 866-570-1941 and you could win a pair of tickets to Shawn Mendes: The Tour with special guest Alessia Cara at Pechanga Arena San Diego on Monday, July 8th at 7:30pm. PLUS on-air winners will be qualified for the grand prize: a Meet & Greet with Shawn Mendes! Tickets are currently SOLD OUT----I-Heart Weekend Contests USUALLY show, when you put the cursor up to “Contests” it will be the Top One & say “Weekend Giveaway” …Not the case, today–you have to go through All of them, until you see one with this weekends Dates–I hope this isn’t a permanent change!

    I JUST NOW Found This!! JUNE 28-30: Listen to STAR 94.1 for the cue to call 866-570-1941 and you could win a pair of tickets to Shawn Mendes: The Tour with special guest Alessia Cara at Pechanga Arena San Diego on Monday, July 8th at 7:30pm. PLUS on-air winners will be qualified for the grand prize: a Meet & Greet with Shawn Mendes! Tickets are currently SOLD OUT----I-Heart Weekend Contests USUALLY show, when you put the cursor up to “Contests” it will be the Top One & say “Weekend Giveaway” …Not the case, today–you have to go through All of them, until you see one with this weekends Dates–I hope this isn’t a permanent change!

  • 3K Club

    @ronzilla just know that your spelling will never be as bad as our fake president lol

    @ronzilla just know that your spelling will never be as bad as our fake president lol

  • 3K Club

    kyxy disney word for 12:10 is ALADDIN

    kyxy disney word for 12:10 is ALADDIN

  • 10K Club Banned

    @bb-8 HaHaHa–it was Funny–Like someone highjacked my Fingers!! LOL …just wasn’t working–good thing you had already “Carried the Torch”

    @bb-8 HaHaHa–it was Funny–Like someone highjacked my Fingers!! LOL …just wasn’t working–good thing you had already “Carried the Torch”

  • 10K Club Banned

    AAAA! Had it backwards–back & forth between 94.1 & 95.7…went back to 94.1—new song–dialed it was all locked up—95.7 went off about 7 minutes later–How they do them…about 10 minutes apart, to give the line answerer, time to do the winner’s info, then get to the next station—Hopefully 94.1 will be in the 2 o’clock hour With 95.7 closely after them–Hard to tell which will go 1st, until the call-in cycle is revealed --94.1-Then 95.7—95.7, on weekends, does them more consistently in the evening, around 5 25, then a 725 and possibly 825 or even 925 W/Vee Gomez …that usaully answers during the Day–but has a show on 95.7 weekend Nights, after 7PM

    AAAA! Had it backwards–back & forth between 94.1 & 95.7…went back to 94.1—new song–dialed it was all locked up—95.7 went off about 7 minutes later–How they do them…about 10 minutes apart, to give the line answerer, time to do the winner’s info, then get to the next station—Hopefully 94.1 will be in the 2 o’clock hour With 95.7 closely after them–Hard to tell which will go 1st, until the call-in cycle is revealed --94.1-Then 95.7—95.7, on weekends, does them more consistently in the evening, around 5 25, then a 725 and possibly 825 or even 925 W/Vee Gomez …that usaully answers during the Day–but has a show on 95.7 weekend Nights, after 7PM

  • 10K Club Banned

    …For some reason…the above post was Duplicated–Erased

    …For some reason…the above post was Duplicated–Erased

  • 10K Club Banned

    Looks like KSON & KYXY–will be either extremely Close together OR, possibly block each other until or IF Garly Lee comes on & Starts doing them Between 25 & 35 after! She likes to do them 10–15 after–20 after at the latest, but mostly 10ish after! I will be listening to KSON, while listening to KYXY…will post KyXy, IF Before Kson OR slightly after–IF KSON goes off 1st The Source that Quit, yesterday is suddnely working, for however long that may last!

    Looks like KSON & KYXY–will be either extremely Close together OR, possibly block each other until or IF Garly Lee comes on & Starts doing them Between 25 & 35 after! She likes to do them 10–15 after–20 after at the latest, but mostly 10ish after! I will be listening to KSON, while listening to KYXY…will post KyXy, IF Before Kson OR slightly after–IF KSON goes off 1st The Source that Quit, yesterday is suddnely working, for however long that may last!

  • 10K Club Banned

    KyXy---------WOODY—They seem to be using the same ones as last weeks! Whatever caused my “DEAD” source to begin functioning again–Glad it has!!!–KSON HAS NOT GONE YET!–NEXT???

    KyXy---------WOODY—They seem to be using the same ones as last weeks! Whatever caused my “DEAD” source to begin functioning again–Glad it has!!!–KSON HAS NOT GONE YET!–NEXT???

  • 3K Club

    kyxy d land tix word for 1:10 is

    kyxy d land tix word for 1:10 is

  • 10K Club Banned

    I know this DJ Stalls a lot & will make 1 or 2 announcements before finally giving the Cue, so I played it accordingly—dialed after her 5th word…and was Still only #3—but by the time she finally gets to, “Looking for Caller 10!”…She should be saying, “Looking AT caller 10” …because it was OVER way Before she ever got to that point!–She could Easily do the Cue & THEN give the announcements!! ____I think JIM, the Winner, is one of the People that follows my F B Posts!! Congratulations, Jim!!

    I know this DJ Stalls a lot & will make 1 or 2 announcements before finally giving the Cue, so I played it accordingly—dialed after her 5th word…and was Still only #3—but by the time she finally gets to, “Looking for Caller 10!”…She should be saying, “Looking AT caller 10” …because it was OVER way Before she ever got to that point!–She could Easily do the Cue & THEN give the announcements!! ____I think JIM, the Winner, is one of the People that follows my F B Posts!! Congratulations, Jim!!

  • Did anyone hear the 949 1:10 name?

    Did anyone hear the 949 1:10 name?

  • 10K Club Banned

    @mrs_lisamurphy They are Repeats from the prior week–IF your weren’t called during the week, You will Not be Called During the Weekend

    @mrs_lisamurphy They are Repeats from the prior week–IF your weren’t called during the week, You will Not be Called During the Weekend

  • 10K Club Banned

    everythingis so close–4 sources going!!

    everythingis so close–4 sources going!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    KYXY----------incredible–just incredible–NO “S”

    KYXY----------incredible–just incredible–NO “S”

  • @ronzilla yeah I’m listening because I was called during the week prior and missed it

    @ronzilla yeah I’m listening because I was called during the week prior and missed it

  • 10K Club Banned

    @mrs_lisamurphy YES!! I posted it—
    ‎Ronzilla‎ to ALT 949
    Top Fan · June 20 at 2:16 PM ·
    LISA MURPHY-CAMPO!!! YES–CAMPO!!-----EVERYTHING I am listening for is Between 05 after & 20 after–KSON & KYXY are 10ish after the Hour-----ALL I can say is LISTEN as often as you can OR Get Friends//Family to be your network!! ! I will Try to catch IF I get them after//before the others! --Call Friends//Family OR Just Listen UP

    @mrs_lisamurphy YES!! I posted it—
    ‎Ronzilla‎ to ALT 949
    Top Fan · June 20 at 2:16 PM ·
    LISA MURPHY-CAMPO!!! YES–CAMPO!!-----EVERYTHING I am listening for is Between 05 after & 20 after–KSON & KYXY are 10ish after the Hour-----ALL I can say is LISTEN as often as you can OR Get Friends//Family to be your network!! ! I will Try to catch IF I get them after//before the others! --Call Friends//Family OR Just Listen UP

  • 10K Club Banned

    Changed–no longer applies…since your 2nd Chance was Last week…not this one --2nd chance is ONLY For people called in the Prior week

    Changed–no longer applies…since your 2nd Chance was Last week…not this one --2nd chance is ONLY For people called in the Prior week

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    949–OSCAR ARAGON?? ALACON?? she had Trouble with it!! LISA MURPHY I just noticed you were Called on 6/20 that would have been during the WEEK OF THE 17th Thru The 21ST–Last weekend would have Been your 2nd Chance weekend Not this one! SORRY!

    949–OSCAR ARAGON?? ALACON?? she had Trouble with it!! LISA MURPHY I just noticed you were Called on 6/20 that would have been during the WEEK OF THE 17th Thru The 21ST–Last weekend would have Been your 2nd Chance weekend Not this one! SORRY!

  • 10K Club Banned

    kson will be before 3:40!! probanly 32-35 after! --probably messes up my 94.1—they always have to Block another station “GIG”

    kson will be before 3:40!! probanly 32-35 after! --probably messes up my 94.1—they always have to Block another station “GIG”

  • 3K Club

    kyxy d land 4:10 is ANDY

    kyxy d land 4:10 is ANDY

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    @bb-8 I Have to take off—hopefully, ya got the final one!! Missing ONE on a Thin contest, should Not be The Total difference!!

    @bb-8 I Have to take off—hopefully, ya got the final one!! Missing ONE on a Thin contest, should Not be The Total difference!!


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