San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 500 Club

    101.5 KGB - Win a Virtual Ticket for Jon Bonamassa LIVE from Austin City Limits! ENTER below to win a virtual ticket to watch Jon Bonamassa LIVE on April 1, 2021. This sweepstakes is limited to one entry per person per day and ends on: 03/28/2021.

    101.5 KGB - Win a Virtual Ticket for Jon Bonamassa LIVE from Austin City Limits! ENTER below to win a virtual ticket to watch Jon Bonamassa LIVE on April 1, 2021. This sweepstakes is limited to one entry per person per day and ends on: 03/28/2021.

  • 500 Club

    dan kson 355 — All Access Weekend: Dan + Shay virtual M&G! Enter Here!

    dan kson 355 — All Access Weekend: Dan + Shay virtual M&G! Enter Here!

  • 1000 Club

    @Palacios1980 nice job. You cleared the board

    @Palacios1980 nice job. You cleared the board

  • 1000 Club

    You got it on first try. Nice

    @bryanwr said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    Z90 - DRY

    You got it on first try. Nice

    @bryanwr said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    Z90 - DRY

  • 500 Club

    @supertaylorguy i told yu @Palacios1980 gotz it handled!

    @supertaylorguy i told yu @Palacios1980 gotz it handled!

  • 500 Club

    @supertaylorguy & @bryanwr yesturday ronz diss’d us on the FB contest site. b careful

    @supertaylorguy & @bryanwr yesturday ronz diss’d us on the FB contest site. b careful

  • 10K Club Banned

    I posted YOU ARE THE PROBLEM & Are Trying to Get to me THERE --aND POSTED A LINK ASKING PEOPLE TO COME OVER THERE …To See what I Post There>>I found the Post & Link–Goes Right to US HERE ON F B

    HappyWife 500 CLUB 7 days ago
    @bryanwr wave z90 12

    tip make contest-trivia friendz 2 check fur codez an get invitez to the multi non-publix forumz
    also check herez THE paranoid one from Phat Wallet

    I posted YOU ARE THE PROBLEM & Are Trying to Get to me THERE --aND POSTED A LINK ASKING PEOPLE TO COME OVER THERE …To See what I Post There>>I found the Post & Link–Goes Right to US HERE ON F B

    HappyWife 500 CLUB 7 days ago
    @bryanwr wave z90 12

    tip make contest-trivia friendz 2 check fur codez an get invitez to the multi non-publix forumz
    also check herez THE paranoid one from Phat Wallet

  • 500 Club

    plant 72881 5

    cash 200200 5

    plant 72881 5

    cash 200200 5

  • 3K Club

    Z90 - Z90 - WALL

    Z90 - Z90 - WALL

  • 10K Club Banned

    72881 PLANT

    72881 PLANT

  • 500 Club

    raven martinez 1007 5

    raven martinez 1007 5

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 500 Club



  • 10K Club Banned

    so impressed with your lying self–I just got done with an in home computer repair—too bad you are beyond REPAIR–BTW–You MISSPELLED >>WHACKO!!–so DESPARATE TO screw with me!!–BUT THAT IS Common knowledge+++ AS With others–Chasing people out of Here!!—*-OH! I got a great//funny Mssg from someone that used to post, months ago–I only “see” in Messenger, from time to time (was a good poster, too)-the Mssg tells WHY they “Lurk” instead of posting >>>Thanks, for all you do, but, I don’t know why she showed back up

    so impressed with your lying self–I just got done with an in home computer repair—too bad you are beyond REPAIR–BTW–You MISSPELLED >>WHACKO!!–so DESPARATE TO screw with me!!–BUT THAT IS Common knowledge+++ AS With others–Chasing people out of Here!!—*-OH! I got a great//funny Mssg from someone that used to post, months ago–I only “see” in Messenger, from time to time (was a good poster, too)-the Mssg tells WHY they “Lurk” instead of posting >>>Thanks, for all you do, but, I don’t know why she showed back up

  • 10K Club Banned

    SHOUT lake hodges >>>>>Slam Bamm Big Poop Bang

    What?? No Slammo? see how “fun” it is

    SHOUT lake hodges >>>>>Slam Bamm Big Poop Bang

    What?? No Slammo? see how “fun” it is

  • 500 Club

    hav a good weeknd y’all, git sum sleep. good vibz tribe

    hav a good weeknd y’all, git sum sleep. good vibz tribe

  • 3K Club



  • 10K Club Banned

    100.7 –LISA DEMELO WON

    100.7 –LISA DEMELO WON

  • 10K Club Banned
    Happy Wife?? Chased about 5 or 6 Good posters because of her antics!!—Gets 1 post just to be first & I did 5 in 6 minutes–Not missing Any at those Times—Who will post >>USEFUL STUFF??

    Happy Wife?? Chased about 5 or 6 Good posters because of her antics!!—Gets 1 post just to be first & I did 5 in 6 minutes–Not missing Any at those Times—Who will post >>USEFUL STUFF??


  • 1000 Club

    92.5 CITY is a bonus shout out. You can also text these shout-outs to 33619.

    92.5 CITY is a bonus shout out. You can also text these shout-outs to 33619.

  • 1000 Club

    92.5 shout out to Otay Ranch for the 6pm hour. Can text to 33619

    92.5 shout out to Otay Ranch for the 6pm hour. Can text to 33619

  • 10K Club Banned

    Sorry, But I Have had More than enough Of Happy Wife’s Rudeness & Ridiculous giant “Look at ME, Looky, Looky” GIFs and Harrassing Me on a Daily Basis. Also, her friend Super Taylor Guy, just would LOVE to see me Gone. This Forum Should be a good, Safe & Respectable place FOR ALL.  Sad that Happy Wife . Her and Super Taylor Guy both want me out of here. They Will BOTH Be screaming for MODS to take me out. I have almost 21,000 Posts in here (Ronzilla 20,931) and almost 30,000 Upvotes (Ronzilla 29,415) So, I’d say Most people found My information,in my Posts, Useful. But I Willfuly, on my own am Stopping… Just as, SHROSS, Love-Joy?, Puggle, Amber-Lynn, . aztec4life, ECBUD, Big-D, Littlemissfelina & Others all stopped because how it went from Good//Peaceful interaction…to NOT! Yes! I Have made some REACTIONARY Comments in here over those Problems, but we have moved on from all that For the BETTER! That BETTER has Faded.
    Here are some comments of People in the F B Group I Post in. >> Cynthia xxxx xxxxx You have fans! Don’t let those unhappy people bring you down. She is UNHAPPY WIFE—why else would anyone mess with such an awesome, helpful person?. You post way more than anyone else in here-I see your post almost as they say them–simply incredible. She must be jealous, on drugs or drunk, a mental case or All of the Above. If you’re not wanted there, then hell with those fools in Fat Wallet. You will always have a good and friendly place with us. those people don’t deserve you, if all you get is Crap! Please reconsider, You and Terry are the Awsome Duo! Between you and her–nothing gets missed. When you started here, many of us were like, Who is this guy, some kind of A-I Terminator poster from another world…LOL, many times 2 to 4 in a Minute! really, we want you with us! 
    Diane XXXXXXX -XXXX THX for everything. I won 2 times from you posting. last year I didn’t even know 98.1 was doing Disney 4 packs. third try, I won from Joe. The other was that trip a day to Cabo. if not for your post, I would have missed it. If you change your mind, please stay, for all of us. F those people in that Club. Why would you stay in such a hateful place anyway?Rosie XXXXXXXX  Ronnie, thank you for all your post we really appreciate all you do for our group. God bless you on whatever you decide but decide to be with us, please.Charlie XXXXXXX What happened? Someone’s being bad in the group? I have never heard of that Nut-Job. WTF is her problem? Mental? **Diane Chambris XXXXXXXX Ahhhh ok. Wow, that’s really F’d up! Why? Who? like a burning building, g t f o while you can. That’s just Crazy! Who talks like that and spells like a 4yr.old. Must have the brain of a 4yr.old, that was Glad to get Rid of It!! LOL.Michelle McXXXXXXXX I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, not sure who keeps messing with you but you’re appreciated! I will say it however many times it takes to change your mind. You are loved here! Don’t put up with those crazy people one day more! I sure wouldn’t. What do you owe, people like that?Marty Me too! I agree with what everyone is saying, I’m just not good with words, but for sure, we all dig you and all of it!Mary ChXXXXXX Do you need my email? If ya wanna talk, I’m here, honey. WOW! That is just 100% insane Craziness. You need to just get the heck out. Why put yourself through all that crazy abuse. Ovrer a YEAR!! this is a very sick individual. Just separate from it…walk away, yes, walk away FAST! What are they reacting to? That Crazy Rant Happy Wife Made and I COPIED IT because I knew she would delete, like Dozens Before, and nothing for the MODs–but it is All there for them to see (Just click the 3 vertical dots & Report This" the rant>>HappyWife, "Listen you psycho, don’t take it out on us just because you chose to be superman and post everything 24 hours a day to stroke your narcissism. Go hide in some hospital until the chemical imbalance in your brain absorbs the medications. /happy friday y’all<< oh!! that’s a Mark of “Stability”— just for posting 2 before she could  Plus her ridiculous 'tarted Bamm  Bamm GIF This Place is For Posting Contest Information for all of us to Share! << SHARE >>Not try & Run it Like Her own Little Fantasy Army…or “Squad”. Many here have witnessed her many attacks on me–No Matter when sho goes back later to remove them. Just go back To One Day Ago and look at the few days, Happy Wife, was not posting—It was Orderly and Most all about getting the Names & Contest info to others in here. THAT Is what this forum WAS & Should go back to being. ONLY Times there are Problems, is when It raises it’self and starts crap & Making rude comments and Filling the Pages with “Nothing to do with Contests” Garbage & Chatting! This is Not a Chat Room–It is For Posting Contest Information for all of us to Share! << SHARE >>Not try & Run it Like Her own Little Fantasy Army…or “Squad”.
    GO LOOK at “Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion” Another Place I Post on Phat Wallet, that is Free of HappyWifes Trio (SQUAD) It is Smaller, But Frre of the SQUAD, allows it to be just as you see it—All Business–No Time For Whackos! Many here have witnessed her many attacks on me–No Matter when she goes back later to remove them. This Forum Should be a good, Safe & Respectable place FOR ALL.  Sad that Happy Wife, CHUMLE and Super Taylor Guy (AKA The “Squad”) Just want me out of here. They Will Be screaming for MODS …I “Could” just delete this…But NO! Wether It gets Me Banned Or Whatever----This Forum Should be LIKE IT WAS BEFORE. Contest info, and Assisting others in Winning or Improving their chances there of! BUT simply go Back to Monday through Thursday’s postings, See How those Days went Compared to when HappyWife is Posting>>Like two different forums–more likea “Forum” and not a "CIRCUS"
    GOOD BYE! Good Luck, I love “Most” of you in here and Only wish the BEST OF LUCK and Everything Else, in Life for You! To all the People I Helped WIN–I loved all that and THAT Is what drove//drives me to make all my posting. WITH OR WITHOUT ME…I Am NOT Ruined nor Letting HappyWife & “SQUAD” Win–I am merely Going to be Posting in the Other TWO Places, where Things are MUCH BETTER & I Am Appreciated for all my Posting—Not “Ram-Rodded” by Jealeous// Weak Ego destructive types! GOD BLESS, ++ Just Keep Trying and Most of all, be good to each Other >>AND WIN!<<…in closing, I received an bonus word, in an email, for Z-90 >>>> I Can’t help but Share>>> Since we’re feeling good today we’ll give you the exclusive Newsletter code word - just head to the entry page below and enter the word “RICK” to get yourself one entry closer to the $10,000 prize.

    Sorry, But I Have had More than enough Of Happy Wife’s Rudeness & Ridiculous giant “Look at ME, Looky, Looky” GIFs and Harrassing Me on a Daily Basis. Also, her friend Super Taylor Guy, just would LOVE to see me Gone. This Forum Should be a good, Safe & Respectable place FOR ALL.  Sad that Happy Wife . Her and Super Taylor Guy both want me out of here. They Will BOTH Be screaming for MODS to take me out. I have almost 21,000 Posts in here (Ronzilla 20,931) and almost 30,000 Upvotes (Ronzilla 29,415) So, I’d say Most people found My information,in my Posts, Useful. But I Willfuly, on my own am Stopping… Just as, SHROSS, Love-Joy?, Puggle, Amber-Lynn, . aztec4life, ECBUD, Big-D, Littlemissfelina & Others all stopped because how it went from Good//Peaceful interaction…to NOT! Yes! I Have made some REACTIONARY Comments in here over those Problems, but we have moved on from all that For the BETTER! That BETTER has Faded.
    Here are some comments of People in the F B Group I Post in. >> Cynthia xxxx xxxxx You have fans! Don’t let those unhappy people bring you down. She is UNHAPPY WIFE—why else would anyone mess with such an awesome, helpful person?. You post way more than anyone else in here-I see your post almost as they say them–simply incredible. She must be jealous, on drugs or drunk, a mental case or All of the Above. If you’re not wanted there, then hell with those fools in Fat Wallet. You will always have a good and friendly place with us. those people don’t deserve you, if all you get is Crap! Please reconsider, You and Terry are the Awsome Duo! Between you and her–nothing gets missed. When you started here, many of us were like, Who is this guy, some kind of A-I Terminator poster from another world…LOL, many times 2 to 4 in a Minute! really, we want you with us! 
    Diane XXXXXXX -XXXX THX for everything. I won 2 times from you posting. last year I didn’t even know 98.1 was doing Disney 4 packs. third try, I won from Joe. The other was that trip a day to Cabo. if not for your post, I would have missed it. If you change your mind, please stay, for all of us. F those people in that Club. Why would you stay in such a hateful place anyway?Rosie XXXXXXXX  Ronnie, thank you for all your post we really appreciate all you do for our group. God bless you on whatever you decide but decide to be with us, please.Charlie XXXXXXX What happened? Someone’s being bad in the group? I have never heard of that Nut-Job. WTF is her problem? Mental? **Diane Chambris XXXXXXXX Ahhhh ok. Wow, that’s really F’d up! Why? Who? like a burning building, g t f o while you can. That’s just Crazy! Who talks like that and spells like a 4yr.old. Must have the brain of a 4yr.old, that was Glad to get Rid of It!! LOL.Michelle McXXXXXXXX I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, not sure who keeps messing with you but you’re appreciated! I will say it however many times it takes to change your mind. You are loved here! Don’t put up with those crazy people one day more! I sure wouldn’t. What do you owe, people like that?Marty Me too! I agree with what everyone is saying, I’m just not good with words, but for sure, we all dig you and all of it!Mary ChXXXXXX Do you need my email? If ya wanna talk, I’m here, honey. WOW! That is just 100% insane Craziness. You need to just get the heck out. Why put yourself through all that crazy abuse. Ovrer a YEAR!! this is a very sick individual. Just separate from it…walk away, yes, walk away FAST! What are they reacting to? That Crazy Rant Happy Wife Made and I COPIED IT because I knew she would delete, like Dozens Before, and nothing for the MODs–but it is All there for them to see (Just click the 3 vertical dots & Report This" the rant>>HappyWife, "Listen you psycho, don’t take it out on us just because you chose to be superman and post everything 24 hours a day to stroke your narcissism. Go hide in some hospital until the chemical imbalance in your brain absorbs the medications. /happy friday y’all<< oh!! that’s a Mark of “Stability”— just for posting 2 before she could  Plus her ridiculous 'tarted Bamm  Bamm GIF This Place is For Posting Contest Information for all of us to Share! << SHARE >>Not try & Run it Like Her own Little Fantasy Army…or “Squad”. Many here have witnessed her many attacks on me–No Matter when sho goes back later to remove them. Just go back To One Day Ago and look at the few days, Happy Wife, was not posting—It was Orderly and Most all about getting the Names & Contest info to others in here. THAT Is what this forum WAS & Should go back to being. ONLY Times there are Problems, is when It raises it’self and starts crap & Making rude comments and Filling the Pages with “Nothing to do with Contests” Garbage & Chatting! This is Not a Chat Room–It is For Posting Contest Information for all of us to Share! << SHARE >>Not try & Run it Like Her own Little Fantasy Army…or “Squad”.
    GO LOOK at “Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion” Another Place I Post on Phat Wallet, that is Free of HappyWifes Trio (SQUAD) It is Smaller, But Frre of the SQUAD, allows it to be just as you see it—All Business–No Time For Whackos! Many here have witnessed her many attacks on me–No Matter when she goes back later to remove them. This Forum Should be a good, Safe & Respectable place FOR ALL.  Sad that Happy Wife, CHUMLE and Super Taylor Guy (AKA The “Squad”) Just want me out of here. They Will Be screaming for MODS …I “Could” just delete this…But NO! Wether It gets Me Banned Or Whatever----This Forum Should be LIKE IT WAS BEFORE. Contest info, and Assisting others in Winning or Improving their chances there of! BUT simply go Back to Monday through Thursday’s postings, See How those Days went Compared to when HappyWife is Posting>>Like two different forums–more likea “Forum” and not a "CIRCUS"
    GOOD BYE! Good Luck, I love “Most” of you in here and Only wish the BEST OF LUCK and Everything Else, in Life for You! To all the People I Helped WIN–I loved all that and THAT Is what drove//drives me to make all my posting. WITH OR WITHOUT ME…I Am NOT Ruined nor Letting HappyWife & “SQUAD” Win–I am merely Going to be Posting in the Other TWO Places, where Things are MUCH BETTER & I Am Appreciated for all my Posting—Not “Ram-Rodded” by Jealeous// Weak Ego destructive types! GOD BLESS, ++ Just Keep Trying and Most of all, be good to each Other >>AND WIN!<<…in closing, I received an bonus word, in an email, for Z-90 >>>> I Can’t help but Share>>> Since we’re feeling good today we’ll give you the exclusive Newsletter code word - just head to the entry page below and enter the word “RICK” to get yourself one entry closer to the $10,000 prize.

  • 1000 Club

    @Global-Moderators Sorry to bother you. What are the etiquette rules on this particular message board? If anarchy is allowed, I can work with that. Just wondering.

    The gentleman who set up this wonderful topic board no longer posts here. Not sure how he set it up or wanted it set up.

    Maybe we all here could need a refresher on the standards of conduct. Then we can hit the reset button and let everybody start again with a clean slate. But with knowledge of the expected rules of conduct.

    It seems like we might have some lurkers or people who are hesitate to post. Lurking is allowed but I feel that our little community would be better served if everybody (who wants to post ) felt comfortable and respected enough in order to post without hesitancy.

    Maybe others can share their view of this small community and how to improve it. Thank you.

    @Global-Moderators Sorry to bother you. What are the etiquette rules on this particular message board? If anarchy is allowed, I can work with that. Just wondering.

    The gentleman who set up this wonderful topic board no longer posts here. Not sure how he set it up or wanted it set up.

    Maybe we all here could need a refresher on the standards of conduct. Then we can hit the reset button and let everybody start again with a clean slate. But with knowledge of the expected rules of conduct.

    It seems like we might have some lurkers or people who are hesitate to post. Lurking is allowed but I feel that our little community would be better served if everybody (who wants to post ) felt comfortable and respected enough in order to post without hesitancy.

    Maybe others can share their view of this small community and how to improve it. Thank you.

  • 10K Club Banned

    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @Palacios1980 did yu get ta meet supertaylr or ronz at irish julip? cant wait fur yu to meet ronz. good vibz

    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @Palacios1980 did yu get ta meet supertaylr or ronz at irish julip? cant wait fur yu to meet ronz. good vibz

  • 10K Club Banned

    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    😆 Friday Funny: One big difference between men and women is if a woman says “smell this” to you, it usually smells nice! /happ friday good luck today!

    What the Hell does THIS GARBAGE have to do wth any CONTEST??? and these type of things get posted on a regular basis!

    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    😆 Friday Funny: One big difference between men and women is if a woman says “smell this” to you, it usually smells nice! /happ friday good luck today!

    What the Hell does THIS GARBAGE have to do wth any CONTEST??? and these type of things get posted on a regular basis!

  • 10K Club Banned

    Like the Multiple times a day <Wammo, Bamm Bamm s or other comments meant to Ridicule me in the forum.
    HappyWife 500 CLUB about 20 hours ago
    raven martinez 1007 5

    Ronzilla 10K CLUB about 20 hours ago

    HappyWife 500 CLUB about 20 hours ago

    HappyWife 500 CLUB a day ago
    bike z90 8 -or- bamm bamm lolol < Posted 30 seconds sooner, because I posted in FB first–not about Fast, about getting MORE & putting up Correct Info.

    HappyWife 500 CLUB a day ago
    aaron prichard 1007 9 -or- bamm bamm lolol

    Ronzilla 10K CLUB a day ago
    Ronzilla Virtual Storyteller 1Min << that is because it is a Copy & Paste from my FB Post–What Race??
    100.7 ERIN PRITCHARD >>>IT WAS A GIRL…He said >SHE<—But it is ALL about FAST!! Correct??? who Cares!!! lolololol

    I Posted 5 to her one–all >Correct info< to her 1 really quick one. (Concentrating on One-just to be the Quickest…while I go for >More< info in the Shortest time, meaning–LESS MISSES-More Useable Info (Isn’t that the Point? getting as much info up on the “Board”)
    Ronzilla 10K CLUB about 23 hours ago
    NOT TOO BAD 5 in 6 minutes!!..meanwhile H W would concentrate on ONE just to be 1st & miss 3 at least–to do it!

    BUT The Real “Proof” is to simply gor back to Monday thru Thursday’s Postings, See How those 3 - 4 Days look Compared to when HappyWife is Posting>>.those 3 - 4 days are how it should be Every Day!

    Like the Multiple times a day <Wammo, Bamm Bamm s or other comments meant to Ridicule me in the forum.
    HappyWife 500 CLUB about 20 hours ago
    raven martinez 1007 5

    Ronzilla 10K CLUB about 20 hours ago

    HappyWife 500 CLUB about 20 hours ago

    HappyWife 500 CLUB a day ago
    bike z90 8 -or- bamm bamm lolol < Posted 30 seconds sooner, because I posted in FB first–not about Fast, about getting MORE & putting up Correct Info.

    HappyWife 500 CLUB a day ago
    aaron prichard 1007 9 -or- bamm bamm lolol

    Ronzilla 10K CLUB a day ago
    Ronzilla Virtual Storyteller 1Min << that is because it is a Copy & Paste from my FB Post–What Race??
    100.7 ERIN PRITCHARD >>>IT WAS A GIRL…He said >SHE<—But it is ALL about FAST!! Correct??? who Cares!!! lolololol

    I Posted 5 to her one–all >Correct info< to her 1 really quick one. (Concentrating on One-just to be the Quickest…while I go for >More< info in the Shortest time, meaning–LESS MISSES-More Useable Info (Isn’t that the Point? getting as much info up on the “Board”)
    Ronzilla 10K CLUB about 23 hours ago
    NOT TOO BAD 5 in 6 minutes!!..meanwhile H W would concentrate on ONE just to be 1st & miss 3 at least–to do it!

    BUT The Real “Proof” is to simply gor back to Monday thru Thursday’s Postings, See How those 3 - 4 Days look Compared to when HappyWife is Posting>>.those 3 - 4 days are how it should be Every Day!

  • 1000 Club

    KSON 103.7 1255pm Dan and Shay Virtual Meet and Greet Code Word is TEQUILA Per the rules, this code word can be entered unlimited times Thank you.

    KSON 103.7 1255pm Dan and Shay Virtual Meet and Greet Code Word is TEQUILA Per the rules, this code word can be entered unlimited times Thank you.

  • 1000 Club

    KSON 103.7 153pm Dan and Shay Virtual Meet and Greet Code Word is SHAY Per the rules, this code word can be entered unlimited times.
    Thank you.

    KSON 103.7 153pm Dan and Shay Virtual Meet and Greet Code Word is SHAY Per the rules, this code word can be entered unlimited times.
    Thank you.

  • 1000 Club

    KSON 103.7 255pm Dan and Shay Virtual Meet and Greet Code Word is DAN Per the rules, this code word can be entered unlimited times.
    Thank you.

    KSON 103.7 255pm Dan and Shay Virtual Meet and Greet Code Word is DAN Per the rules, this code word can be entered unlimited times.
    Thank you.

  • 10K Club Banned

    It has been the Same THREE all weekend…in the Same Rotation–Next should be Tequila.

    It has been the Same THREE all weekend…in the Same Rotation–Next should be Tequila.

  • 10K Club Banned

    IF you are Really interested in Winning Dan & Shay–they will run it again starting on April 16, 2021 at 3:00pm (PT) and ending on April 18, 2021 at 11:59pm (PT) It appears to be the final one in this series

    IF you are Really interested in Winning Dan & Shay–they will run it again starting on April 16, 2021 at 3:00pm (PT) and ending on April 18, 2021 at 11:59pm (PT) It appears to be the final one in this series

  • 10K Club Banned

    Just re-affirming STG’s comment, using a Copy & Paste of KSON’s pg.After hearing the codeword announced on-air, enter for the chance to win by using the codeword to complete the entry form located at, by 11:59pm (PT) on April 18, 2021. Each codeword may be entered an unlimited amount of times during the contest. On or about April 19, 2021, one (1) winner will be randomly selected from all eligible entries received, Otherwise, KSON general contest rules apply and are available by clicking

    Just re-affirming STG’s comment, using a Copy & Paste of KSON’s pg.After hearing the codeword announced on-air, enter for the chance to win by using the codeword to complete the entry form located at, by 11:59pm (PT) on April 18, 2021. Each codeword may be entered an unlimited amount of times during the contest. On or about April 19, 2021, one (1) winner will be randomly selected from all eligible entries received, Otherwise, KSON general contest rules apply and are available by clicking

  • 10K Club Banned

    Even though I Know the Rules & Use a Copy & Paste of them, And I could’ve easily used it on STG’s post-(( I Don’t Play That, when it is Correct))-BUT He is 100% Correct–So No Need, as with mine-No Need, yet it still happens–There is Always the Ususual “slam” by H W, even though she already knows, mine is correct–a 100% Slam, only>>HappyWife 500 CLUB 2 days ago
    💯 tryin to be helpful to win. plz do yourself a favor and read rules on website an call promotion yourself, not 3rd hand from people here who are guessin nad sometimes wrong - peace
    I assume “Nad” means “And”<< That will only get Posted after one of MY Rules Updates, nobody else’s --just ridiculous! BTW – “plz do yourself a favor and not 3rd hand from people here who are guessin nad sometimes wrong” >> Due to COVID, the Entercom Station Offices are CLOSED and Promotions does not Answer —Use the EMAIL OPTION

    Even though I Know the Rules & Use a Copy & Paste of them, And I could’ve easily used it on STG’s post-(( I Don’t Play That, when it is Correct))-BUT He is 100% Correct–So No Need, as with mine-No Need, yet it still happens–There is Always the Ususual “slam” by H W, even though she already knows, mine is correct–a 100% Slam, only>>HappyWife 500 CLUB 2 days ago
    💯 tryin to be helpful to win. plz do yourself a favor and read rules on website an call promotion yourself, not 3rd hand from people here who are guessin nad sometimes wrong - peace
    I assume “Nad” means “And”<< That will only get Posted after one of MY Rules Updates, nobody else’s --just ridiculous! BTW – “plz do yourself a favor and not 3rd hand from people here who are guessin nad sometimes wrong” >> Due to COVID, the Entercom Station Offices are CLOSED and Promotions does not Answer —Use the EMAIL OPTION

  • 10K Club Banned

    4PM MIGHT Have to WAIT a Bit, but for some reason–no matter What Word >>This is invalid. APPEARS!

    4PM MIGHT Have to WAIT a Bit, but for some reason–no matter What Word >>This is invalid. APPEARS!

  • 10K Club Banned

    4:20pm UPDATE—TEQUILA is Now Accepted! It has happenned a few times this weekend!

    4:20pm UPDATE—TEQUILA is Now Accepted! It has happenned a few times this weekend!

  • @chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    A positive challenge from a fellow member:

    I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.

    Poor @HappyWife deserves a medal putting up with it, I personally couldn’t stay quiet about it and I guess others just leave. She can’t even post once without negative comments, look it up, some posts aren’t edited to hide it. Friday, he posted right after each of her posts to intimidate, who does that? Territorial behavior? This is a person who has lost sight of why they started posting in the first place or maybe worse. I had an epiphany Friday and here is my first search: “Many narcissists enjoy provoking negative emotions to gain control, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance”.

    The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.

    With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.

    I see a few people have accepted the “challenge” and started posting again and reporting abuse, good for you! Have faith, baby steps will prevail.

    @chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    A positive challenge from a fellow member:

    I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.

    Poor @HappyWife deserves a medal putting up with it, I personally couldn’t stay quiet about it and I guess others just leave. She can’t even post once without negative comments, look it up, some posts aren’t edited to hide it. Friday, he posted right after each of her posts to intimidate, who does that? Territorial behavior? This is a person who has lost sight of why they started posting in the first place or maybe worse. I had an epiphany Friday and here is my first search: “Many narcissists enjoy provoking negative emotions to gain control, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance”.

    The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.

    With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.

    I see a few people have accepted the “challenge” and started posting again and reporting abuse, good for you! Have faith, baby steps will prevail.

  • @supertaylorguy said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @Global-Moderators Sorry to bother you. What are the etiquette rules on this particular message board? If anarchy is allowed, I can work with that. Just wondering.

    The gentleman who set up this wonderful topic board no longer posts here. Not sure how he set it up or wanted it set up.

    Maybe we all here could need a refresher on the standards of conduct. Then we can hit the reset button and let everybody start again with a clean slate. But with knowledge of the expected rules of conduct.

    It seems like we might have some lurkers or people who are hesitate to post. Lurking is allowed but I feel that our little community would be better served if everybody (who wants to post ) felt comfortable and respected enough in order to post without hesitancy.

    Maybe others can share their view of this small community and how to improve it. Thank you.

    @supertaylorguy Thank you for the courage to speak out, you are golden!

    @supertaylorguy said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @Global-Moderators Sorry to bother you. What are the etiquette rules on this particular message board? If anarchy is allowed, I can work with that. Just wondering.

    The gentleman who set up this wonderful topic board no longer posts here. Not sure how he set it up or wanted it set up.

    Maybe we all here could need a refresher on the standards of conduct. Then we can hit the reset button and let everybody start again with a clean slate. But with knowledge of the expected rules of conduct.

    It seems like we might have some lurkers or people who are hesitate to post. Lurking is allowed but I feel that our little community would be better served if everybody (who wants to post ) felt comfortable and respected enough in order to post without hesitancy.

    Maybe others can share their view of this small community and how to improve it. Thank you.

    @supertaylorguy Thank you for the courage to speak out, you are golden!

  • 1000 Club

    GCL: updating for new week. Have to try to listen to 97.3 to get their times. Thx.

    Call in:
    6:20am 95.7 Luna Grill/Westgate LV
    6:45am Fridays 91x Wheel of Burrito
    7:00 am Power 106 LA stream - Cannon’s Cash $1000
    7am hour 97.3?
    7:10 am 93.3 Seaworld
    7:20 am 94.1 Jersey Mike’s
    7:20am 95.7 Luna Grill/Westgate LV
    7:40 am 93.3 Maroon 5 Code
    7:55 am 96.5 not sure how you get on …no prizes now?
    8:00 am Power 106 LA stream - Cannon’s Cash $1000
    8:10 am 93.3 Seaworld
    8:10am 94.1 Maroon 5 code
    8:20 am 94.1 Jersey Mike’s
    8:45 am 91x M-Th Wheel of Burrito
    9:10 am 93.3 Seaworld this week
    9:35 am 93.3 ?
    1:20 pm 93.3 SeaWorld tickets this week
    1:35pm /1:50pm 97.1 They ask for a player to call in 135pm, sports trivia contest against the Coach at 150pm, have to beat the Coach to receive entry into grand prize (currently Vegas)
    2:20 pm 94.1 Jersey Mike’s?
    4pm 95.7 Pablo’s show…still going Luna Grill/Westgate Las Vegas this week…Pablo’s mom gives names to four songs as they are counted down #4, #,3,#2,#1…then she picks a number and you have to call in with her song title
    4pm 97.9 beat the fan?
    5:20 pm 94.1 Jersey Mike’s?
    5:20 pm 93.3 (seems to air little later than 94.1) Seaworld tickets this week
    8:20 pm or maybe 8:35 pm 93.3
    9:35 pm 93.3 after 9at9 sometimes?

    7:05 am 92.5 Jagger Kristi $1000 minute…enter and they contact you
    8:00 am 103.7 Tammy college knowledge…enter and wait
    8:05 am 91x Beat Danielle enter and wait
    8:05 am 92.5 Jagger Kristi $1000 minute…enter an wait
    8:35 am z90 Heads Up…word game…no prizes?
    900 am 103.7 Tammy College Knowledge…enter and wait
    2:00 pm 103.7 country power hour

    GCL: updating for new week. Have to try to listen to 97.3 to get their times. Thx.

    Call in:
    6:20am 95.7 Luna Grill/Westgate LV
    6:45am Fridays 91x Wheel of Burrito
    7:00 am Power 106 LA stream - Cannon’s Cash $1000
    7am hour 97.3?
    7:10 am 93.3 Seaworld
    7:20 am 94.1 Jersey Mike’s
    7:20am 95.7 Luna Grill/Westgate LV
    7:40 am 93.3 Maroon 5 Code
    7:55 am 96.5 not sure how you get on …no prizes now?
    8:00 am Power 106 LA stream - Cannon’s Cash $1000
    8:10 am 93.3 Seaworld
    8:10am 94.1 Maroon 5 code
    8:20 am 94.1 Jersey Mike’s
    8:45 am 91x M-Th Wheel of Burrito
    9:10 am 93.3 Seaworld this week
    9:35 am 93.3 ?
    1:20 pm 93.3 SeaWorld tickets this week
    1:35pm /1:50pm 97.1 They ask for a player to call in 135pm, sports trivia contest against the Coach at 150pm, have to beat the Coach to receive entry into grand prize (currently Vegas)
    2:20 pm 94.1 Jersey Mike’s?
    4pm 95.7 Pablo’s show…still going Luna Grill/Westgate Las Vegas this week…Pablo’s mom gives names to four songs as they are counted down #4, #,3,#2,#1…then she picks a number and you have to call in with her song title
    4pm 97.9 beat the fan?
    5:20 pm 94.1 Jersey Mike’s?
    5:20 pm 93.3 (seems to air little later than 94.1) Seaworld tickets this week
    8:20 pm or maybe 8:35 pm 93.3
    9:35 pm 93.3 after 9at9 sometimes?

    7:05 am 92.5 Jagger Kristi $1000 minute…enter and they contact you
    8:00 am 103.7 Tammy college knowledge…enter and wait
    8:05 am 91x Beat Danielle enter and wait
    8:05 am 92.5 Jagger Kristi $1000 minute…enter an wait
    8:35 am z90 Heads Up…word game…no prizes?
    900 am 103.7 Tammy College Knowledge…enter and wait
    2:00 pm 103.7 country power hour

  • 1000 Club

    @chumle You are welcome. Courage? No. Just wondering what the rules are. I cannot find them. Thank you.

    @chumle You are welcome. Courage? No. Just wondering what the rules are. I cannot find them. Thank you.

  • 500 Club

    200200 DOUBLE 0400

    200200 DOUBLE 0400

  • 500 Club

    Win tickets to Jurassic Quest Drive Thru at Del Mar Fairgrounds fm Fox5
    Today’s Keyword RAPTOR

    Win tickets to Jurassic Quest Drive Thru at Del Mar Fairgrounds fm Fox5
    Today’s Keyword RAPTOR

  • 1000 Club

    95.7 At around 620am, they replayed last Friday’s on-air contest. Nobody is answering their phone. I tried texting my answer. This might affect the 720am call-in. Thanks.

    95.7 At around 620am, they replayed last Friday’s on-air contest. Nobody is answering their phone. I tried texting my answer. This might affect the 720am call-in. Thanks.

  • 500 Club

    cool 72881 7

    cash 200200 7

    cool 72881 7

    cash 200200 7

  • 500 Club

    baseball 72881 8

    wow z90 8

    baseball 72881 8

    wow z90 8

  • 1000 Club

    Power 106 stream… Song of the Hour is Too Good by Drake and Rihanna

    Power 106 stream… Song of the Hour is Too Good by Drake and Rihanna

  • Z90 - Honey (9am)

    Z90 - Honey (9am)

  • 3K Club

    Z90 - HONEY

    Z90 - HONEY

  • 3K Club



  • 500 Club

    @bryanwr thankz1

    @bryanwr thankz1

  • 1000 Club

    906am 100.7 big stimulus Steven Terry

    906am 100.7 big stimulus Steven Terry


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