I’m testing to see how my albino rat icon looks on PWF. It’s the same rat that you know and love that was on FW.

Best posts made by Burgerwars
Just a test.
RE: 401K Contributions Limit Increases for 2018...But...
Putting $2,400 into retirement savings a year isn’t much, especially considering traditional pensions are basically non-existent. I don’t think such a draconian change will be made, but who knows. Our crooked politicians are probably thinking of doing this, as many retirement savers don’t think things out. If people are averaging $10,000 a year in contributions now, and all of a sudden can only contribute $2,400, their paychecks will go up $7,600 a year (minus taxes). Many people will think they’re flush with new money, and start blowing it on junk they don’t need, instead of saving it for retirement elsewhere.
My Robinhood account was just activated for crypto currency trading. This is how it worked.
I made a $10 purchase of bitcoin as a test. The $10 got me 0.00119335 bitcoin at about $8,379. I checked the current price on Coinbase at as close to the same time as this transaction, at it was $8,343. While they say there is no transaction fee, it looks like they take a bit of a spread.
I probably won’t be doing much, if any, crypto stuff on Robinhood, but it’s nice that’s it’s available.
RE: National Cheeseburger Day is Monday, Sept. 18
I live for this day. You have my permission to take off from work and not tell the boss.
RE: 401K Contributions Limit Increases for 2018...But...
@tjtv I’ve also looked at this as the ultimate bargain for an employer. Instead of all the costs in providing traditional pensions, just add 5% to employee salaries for 401k matches, with no other costs or liabilities.
RE: Advice on career
Agree with the above comments. My suggestion is to stay employed, hopefully in the IT field as you complete a degree, if possible. My feeling is dropping out of the workforce as you pursue your education leaves you at risk of a possible poor economy in a couple years. It’s hard to predict what the economy and jobs will be like down the road. If you were younger, then a traditional full-time school schedule might be better.
As far as IT, see if you can intern and/or get tours and advice from some local IT companies. Maybe there’s a Microsoft, Google or Facebook office nearby. Expand your programming experience beyond JavaScript. My suggestion is know Visual Studio well, using stuff like aspx.net, C#, MVC, etc. Know a relational database (SQL and SQL server) and how to build apps that connect with it. Although I don’t like the product, know advanced features of SharePoint and its administrator functions.
Good luck.