Received a settlement check today, 8/21/2020, for $25.02 for a single phone number claim. Heads up, the check is dated 8/7/2020 and is good for 90 days. Well, I read back in this thread and someone else seems to be calculating $8.34 per phone number. Another family member with same last name in household has claims for 2 other phone numbers, perhaps they were all combined into one check. ???
3 tries to deposit the check via crapitalone mobile app failed with a message that I needed to take a picture of both the front and back of the check. This ain’t my first rodeo. I had taken the pics and they were well lit, clear, and in-frame. After thinking about it a bit I thought maybe the bar codes and my name and address on the back of the check were confusing the deposit software. So I covered that part up with a bit of white paper and the 4th attempt at deposit was successful. The back of the check is actually the front if the pop-apart mailer the little piece of $hit arrives in.