@kimmytz Unfortunately whether you participate or not the attorneys will still make an obscene amount. I believe the court knocked the lead plantiffs share down to $25K from the requested $50K while giving the law firm a bit over 33 1/3% of the payout fund. I’m guessing the lower paid paralegals do most of the paper shuffling and the partners show up to collect the big bucks. At least this settlement was for cash and not a coupon for a future purchase of already over-priced goods or services that already ripped you off once (cough StickitMaster). But I hear you. I’m certainly not bitter! LOL
Posts made by frugal
RE: Charvat v. Resort Marketing Group, Inc update
RE: Charvat v. Resort Marketing Group, Inc update
Received a settlement check today, 8/21/2020, for $25.02 for a single phone number claim. Heads up, the check is dated 8/7/2020 and is good for 90 days. Well, I read back in this thread and someone else seems to be calculating $8.34 per phone number. Another family member with same last name in household has claims for 2 other phone numbers, perhaps they were all combined into one check. ???
3 tries to deposit the check via crapitalone mobile app failed with a message that I needed to take a picture of both the front and back of the check. This ain’t my first rodeo. I had taken the pics and they were well lit, clear, and in-frame. After thinking about it a bit I thought maybe the bar codes and my name and address on the back of the check were confusing the deposit software. So I covered that part up with a bit of white paper and the 4th attempt at deposit was successful. The back of the check is actually the front if the pop-apart mailer the little piece of $hit arrives in.
RE: Sirius XM select 6 months for $33 or 5 months for $28 (YMMV, plus taxes/royalty fees)
Bump. I renewed today for the 4th time on Select Plan for 6 months for $30 + taxes & fees. After saying I needed to cancel because it’s too expensive, first offered 1 year for $5.99 per month + t&f. Said no. Then offered 6 months for $33 + t&f. Said no. Then magically I was offered the 6 months for $30 + t&f. They have to try to maximize revenue. I’ve always been willing to let them cancel and wait for the inevitable “specials”. So far that hasn’t been necessary. I’m not going to subsidize the ridiculous truck loads of money they pay Stern by paying the full price. I don’t listen to him. Now if it was a pay-per-view with Stern in a cage full of hungry rats, that I’d pay for! Of course he might just out rat them.