SHOPRITE!! Gift Card Deal 11/12-18 (redeem $10 grocery voucher 11/19-25) Buy $50 in SELECT GC's , get $10 Grocery Voucher

  • Global Moderator

    SHOPRITE!! Gift Card Deal 11/12-18 (redeem $10 grocery voucher 11/19-25)

    Buy $50 in SELECT GC’s (shown are Lowes, Bed Bath, Home Depot, Macys, etc), get a $10 OYNO Voucher.

    If this is one that spits out of the catalina machine, it will be one per transaction. If printed on the bottom of your receipt, Limit ONE TOTAL per SR card)

    More details forthcoming.0_1510069830398_Capture.JPG

    SHOPRITE!! Gift Card Deal 11/12-18 (redeem $10 grocery voucher 11/19-25)

    Buy $50 in SELECT GC’s (shown are Lowes, Bed Bath, Home Depot, Macys, etc), get a $10 OYNO Voucher.

    If this is one that spits out of the catalina machine, it will be one per transaction. If printed on the bottom of your receipt, Limit ONE TOTAL per SR card)

    More details forthcoming.0_1510069830398_Capture.JPG

  • MC any good deals on eye exams?? From the pic of the ad, I can’t make out the cards that qualify 😉
    Edit: Damn, I just reread the post and you noted those in the ad! I really do need an eye exam!

    MC any good deals on eye exams?? From the pic of the ad, I can’t make out the cards that qualify 😉
    Edit: Damn, I just reread the post and you noted those in the ad! I really do need an eye exam!

  • hope SR does their Visa GC deal on Black FRI/Sat. they also did it a second time the next week also. Get 15.00 SR coupon when buying a $100VGC and the following week it was a 10.00 VGC. I have 2 PP cards so got 50.00 in free food, minus the fees (28.00 =22.00 in freebies.) Plus use a 5% card for points. (amex BCP/Blue Cash and a bunch of 3% cards. (Amex everyday/Alliant/Consumers Credit Union). Any work on that yet MRC???

    hope SR does their Visa GC deal on Black FRI/Sat. they also did it a second time the next week also. Get 15.00 SR coupon when buying a $100VGC and the following week it was a 10.00 VGC. I have 2 PP cards so got 50.00 in free food, minus the fees (28.00 =22.00 in freebies.) Plus use a 5% card for points. (amex BCP/Blue Cash and a bunch of 3% cards. (Amex everyday/Alliant/Consumers Credit Union). Any work on that yet MRC???

  • Global Moderator

    @barrytuneup it was $20 the first week, $15 the second, not $15 and $10.

    Hoping they will repeat the deal.

    @barrytuneup it was $20 the first week, $15 the second, not $15 and $10.

    Hoping they will repeat the deal.

  • Global Moderator

    @juicer OP clearly says “more details forthcoming” all I had at post time. will be update by Saturday with complete details/qualifying cards.

    @juicer OP clearly says “more details forthcoming” all I had at post time. will be update by Saturday with complete details/qualifying cards.

  • Looks like Nordstrom GCs qualify too.

    Looks like Nordstrom GCs qualify too.

  • Here is the ad scan from my south Jersey ShopRite.

    Here is the ad scan from my south Jersey ShopRite.


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