Free 400 UNI tokens for Crypto Traders $1000 value exp unk

  • 5K Club

    THis is for people who trade crypto or have in the past.

    Uniswap is giving 400 UNI tokens away for the launch of their token. THis currently has a value of $1000.

    To qualify you had to have used uniswap before September 1st 2020

    If you have used it before September 1 you can visit this link and attach your wallet to get the 400 tokens.

    If you have used Uniswap then you know how to turn this into dollars or Bitcoin

    THis is for people who trade crypto or have in the past.

    Uniswap is giving 400 UNI tokens away for the launch of their token. THis currently has a value of $1000.

    To qualify you had to have used uniswap before September 1st 2020

    If you have used it before September 1 you can visit this link and attach your wallet to get the 400 tokens.

    If you have used Uniswap then you know how to turn this into dollars or Bitcoin


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