HOT: Rite Aid 10/2-3 only B&M: Get 4 Dove Body Polishes FREE a/2 BOGO Q's and 50% back in Fetch Rewards on all 4 (Deal Idea MM)
This is a great way to hit $40 spend in store very easily, there are about $7.49 RR at Rite Aid (not sure if there’s a promo for BC on Dove stuff, will update thread if there is)
In the new ‘SAVE’ insert there’s a BOGO coupon (up to $6.99) for the Dove Body Polish. If you have 2 coupons, this will give you $30 worth of spend towards the $40 to earn $10 Bonus Cash.
Fetch has an offer good to 10/3 only to earn 50% back in points on up to FIVE Body Polishes. (Dove)
There are also $1/1 Listerine Q’s in this insert.
Deal Idea:
Buy 4 Dove Body Polishes = $30
Buy $12 in Listerine itemsHave $10BC/40 Q scanned at register
Use two Listerine Q’s and two Dove Qs
Pay 26ish + tax.
Earn $16 in BC from order ($10BC and $6BC on Listerine)
Earn 15K Fetch Points on the 4 body polishes = $15 towards Gift Card$5mm (plus if you have a Dove or Listerine BCC earnings from that) plus points you earn on the order.
For the sales week ending today, Oct. 1 there’s $10BC wyb $20 Dove. L2
It stacks with the $10 BC wyb $40 Beauty & Skin care. L2
No Dove or Beauty BC starting 10/2.This week I got $20 Dove & 4 cat food ($1.59-1.99 ea)
~$25 - $5/$25 flu shot q (+$5 back on $25 if you still have it)
Pay ~$20 get back $10 Dove, $10 cat food +/- $5 wyb $25
Repeat with a different $5 filler.
Get back $20: $10 Dove, $10 wyb $40.
No Dove Qs needed.
Great deal if you can get Fetch today.Check the date on the Save q. IIRC, Unilever Qs do not scan early.