SEE POST! with Free Ship: Get 2 x 72 roll Charmin and Two 33.8oz Crest Mouthwash for $42 + tax ac/promos, earn $28.45 in Wags Cash
This requires CAREFUL following of the instructions below. DO NOT DEVIATE.
Log in at to your account
Proceed to your coupon panel. Clip the $15WC on $45 P&G products, all P&G Oral care boosters ($5 on 2) and the $3/2 Crest/Scope MW Coupon. Clip ANY AND ALL BOOSTER Account coupons your have, most should have an earn $8 on $40 spend pre tax.
add TWO of this charmin (can be extra soft or extra strong, link to soft) [url],-336-sheets-per-roll/ID=300447299-product[/url]
CHOOSE SHIPPING not store pick up
Add two Crest MWash at this link. [url],-99-germ-kill,-antigingivitis-%26-antiplaque-clean-mint/ID=prod6399460-product[/url]
Apply Promo Code MAR20
20% is deducted, shipping will be free to home or wherever you choose.
see screenshot of breakdown in cart with totals and wags cash to be earned. [ATTACH]17172655[/ATTACH]
If you are so inclined to play around for other scenarios, here’s the link to the full list of items on the $15WC on $45 of P&G items. many P&G beauty/household included. My scenario above is some of the best bang for the buck for everyday household/HBA stuff.
REMEMBER, whatever you choose, YOUR total post 20% off and Walgreens Q’s must be $45 or above to earn the $15. P&G manufacturer coupons can drop the total below $45 to still qualify as is seen in my order example. ($3 off 2 Crest for $42.38 total)
DO NOT CHOOSE “Delivery my items sooner by courier” option, if preselected, UNCHECK THIS BOX.
This is a major cause of items getting left off orders if not in stock locally, totally screwing up the order and Wags Cash earned.
AGAIN!! DO NOT SELECT THIS OPTION, Make sure it is unchecked towards final checkout.