WALGREENS B&M $5 off $15 valid to 4/21 = $1.67 Coke 6 Pack 16.9z, .82 Solid White Tuna, Batteries, etc
See scan, bar code is MULTI USE, these coupons are also found at the pharmacy or ask (YMMV on store having) but works at all stores nationwide.
Some exclusions (dairy, gift cards, lottery, cigs, etc)
ALSO earn 5x Bal Rewards Points by scanning Q on front page of circular on order.
Coke 6 pack 16.9 oz bottles 2/$5 MB 2 (but over two odd number okay, ie 3 or 5) = $1.67 per ac wys $15
Chicken of the Sea Solid White Tuna $1.25 ea with in ad Q (4/$5), pay 82c after Q’s.
Some batteries are BOGO
also, lots of clearance stuff scattered around store, $5/15 DOES APPLY to clearance prices too.!
CLICK, will be right side up at link 0_1523992675939_Capture.JPG