Should using a VPN slow my net speed?

  • 1000 Club

    I normally get about 118.xxMbps down and 15.xxMbps up. I just started using NordVPN and when it is turned on it cuts my speed by half. Is that normal or are my settings fouled up? Thanks for any info.

  • What are you using to measure the speed?
    Is it consistently 1/2 the speed with multiple tests?
    Are you connecting to a domestic VPN server or one in another country?

  • 1000 Club

    Thank for the reply. I use NordVPN which I believe is located in Panama but I’m using a US server. I have used several speed tests including speakeasy and ookla. But I dont believe that is relevant because no matter what test I use the halving holds true. Understand my speed is fine for my use, I just want to know if this is normal.

  • It can be normal. You are adding an extra step into the path that needs to be taken for network connections.

    I have NordVPN as well. I did a quick test with speed test ookla to a local connection.

    with Nord I got
    ping: 20ms
    Download: 68 Mbps
    Upload: 130 Mbps

    without Nord I got
    ping: 18ms
    Download: 107 Mbps
    Upload: 121 Mbps

    I don’t use the VPN for anything that would be sensitive to a lag, like FPS online.
    I do use it for general web browsing with their CyberSec enabled to block some ads/malware/etc.

    If you wanted to know some information on a connection to a specific IP address / web site. You can run a traceroute on the address. It’s called tracert in windows command prompt. There are probably some GUI apps to get similar information.

    Running test against a different speed server for my ISP gave more dramatic results.

    With Nord

    Without Nord

  • 1000 Club

    I’m very surprised that except for the last example all your U/Ls were faster than D/Ls.

  • It is normal that the speed decreased. I use VPN, which is in the Opera. By online games it is noticeable that the speed was lower


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