Taste Of Nature Candy Class Action Claim Information

  • 5K Club

    Eligible class members include anyone who purchased certain Taste Of Nature Candy products between January 1, 2013 – June 18, 2018. Claim to receive a up to $1.00 ($0.25 for up to 4 products) without proof of purchase here. Deadline to file is 12/24/18.

  • 500 Club

    That was posted 4 months ago, and some people may not have seen the information back then. Would that thread have shown up in a search if it was 4 months old? Just asking.

  • @dionaea then bump up the old post. Don’t make a new one for the post count!

  • 500 Club

    Please read what I asked and respond to the question. I asked if the old thread would have shown up in a search if it was over 4 months old. Thank you. And yes, old threads should be bumped if they can be found in a search.

    That was posted 4 months ago, and some people may not have seen the information back then. Would that thread have shown up in a search if it was 4 months old? Just asking.

  • 5K Club

    @dionaea I think it would show up until its put in expired. I am having a problem getting info on what is expired, so to those of you who are NOT complaining, I’m very sorry. I do what MrCheap told me to do & It may show that its a repost on the 97th answer. That is just too far to go & I’m sure the rest of our people don’t have that problem. Anyone who actually has a correct way to search would be much appreciated if they told me about it. TIA

  • @dionaea it showed up in a search for me just fine.

  • 500 Club

    Thank you. That is the question I asked, CouponClipper. Granted, I agree that due diligence should be taken to try to find any post on a deal, no matter how old, and then add to that post, but it did get carried to extremes on FW, IMHO. I am feeling a bit sad that aspect of FW has carried over to PhatWallet and that no matter how old a post is, some feel a post should never ever ever ever ever be posted again. On FB, I recall “post count” was extremely important to some as they earned badges and “attaboys” from them, and zealously guarded their territory, making sure that no matter how long ago they posted the information, no one else ever posted it ever again, but it also meant that often I missed good information because it would be posted once, I would have been busy and missed seeing it, there’d be quite a few responses the day it was posted, and then it would drop off the radar and time would go by, several months even, and then someone would post the deal again, I’d see it and think “Oh, cool, I didn’t know about that deal”…and someone would promptly have the new months-later post locked as a “repost”, and I have to go try to find the old old old old post, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. OK, that’s my viewpoint, and it’s one of the reasons I never post any deals I find on here. I just want us all to help each other. Sigh. Oh, and if you feel you need to flame out, go for it. I won’t care. I just want us to share and help each other.

  • @dionaea bottom line, the OP has a habit of reposting items.

  • Global Moderator

    Locked as repost.


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