GIANT PA/MARTINS to 10/4 5.33 lbs of Fresh Boneless Chicken Breast and a jar of Prego Cooking sauce for $5-$5.25 a/digital and promo

  • Global Moderator

    This is just a great offer and anyone with a GIANT/MARTIN digital coupon account can get it.

    There’s a digital coupon to get $5 off $10 purchase of select items. One of the items is the meat dept chicken breast on sale for $1.88 lb. in addition, you get a free jar of Prego Cooking Sauce ($2 value) free instant with the chicken purchase.

    At the meat department look for ONE package of chix breasts with a sticker price of $10 or more (remember, look at the SALE price sticker, not the pre-sale price sticker) and put a jar of PREGO COOKING (not pasta) Sauce in your cart too. Pay $5.xx for both a/all offers.


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