$1 Delivery on all DoorDash Deliveries for 30 Days for New Customers
$1 Delivery for 30 Days!
Place your first order on DoorDash and we’ll give you $1 delivery fee for 30 days on all orders over $10! You’ll see the discount on the cart screen so start looking for something you’re craving and order away.
- Valid on orders of $10 or more.
- First-time users only.
- Offer valid for 30 days after customer’s first order is delivered.
- Limit one per person.
- Other fees, taxes, and gratuity still apply.
- All deliveries subject to availability.
- Must have or create a valid DoorDash account with a valid form of accepted payment on file.
- No cash value. Non-transferable. See full terms and conditions at http://drd.sh/rtb7p2/