Free $10 Amazon Pet Product Credit W/Creation of an Amazon Pet Profile
Amazon account required
Enter your verification code sent to your email
Set up a pet profile
Scroll and click on the offer shown below to get a free $10 pet purchase credit
Promotion expires 11:59 PT 4/30/19
Promotion expires 11:59 PT 4/30/19.
Also, when you redeem this offer, your order can be less than $10. The coupon is for up to $10 off. I bought something for $9.99 and it was totally free.
I chose no rush shipping, so I will also get a $5 credit to Prime Now.
I created profile for Toby who weighs 22 lbs. He’s a little overweight but 22 lbs is not out of line for Maine Coons. Amazon recommended weight management food.
There was no code in my email. No coupon for $10 off on Toby’s profile page.
Worked for me. Filled in all of the required information about my pet and it showed the profile as 80% complete… no coupon anywhere. So I went back and answered the first two “optional” questions and the profile was at 100% completed. Poof! The coupon appeared in the middle of the page as I scrolled down. Thanks OP!
No joy. Answered 100% of the profile questions and no $10 coupon. Lots of other discounts, though.