Senior Shopping Discounts

  • 5K Club

    Check with the specific store in your area, as discounts might vary and change without notice.

    Kohls - special 15% discount every Wednesday

    Marshalls and Ross - 10% discount for seniors – though the exact age is determined by each store.

    Walgreens - 20% discounts once a month for seniors and card members over 55 years old.
    Dress Barn - If you are 62 or older, you can get a 10% discount every Tuesday and Wednesday

    Stein Mart - On the first Monday of each month, you can get an extra 20% discount on clearance items.

    Goodwill - gives 10%-20% discounts varying by store.

    Farm Fresh – 5% discount Tuesdays and Thursdays (55+)

    Hy-Vee – depending on location will usually offer 5% discount on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (some stores set age to 65+)

    Fred Meyer – 10% senior discount on the first Tuesday of every month

    New Seasons Market – 10% discount every Wednesday

    Compare Food Supermarket – 10% discount in participating locations, get in touch with your local store to find out more

    Piggly Wiggly – varying discounts at participating locations

    Fry’s Food – 10% discount on the first Wednesday of every month to all seniors with VIP card.

    Walmart - Walmart offers very few discounts to seniors. Some locations can offer reduced costs to seniors some days each week.


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