ACME MARKETS (possibly sister chains like Albertson's) FREE 5 pack Probiotic Drink (Sat clip req'd), Visa and Happy Card Deals w/Dig Q, more.

  • Global Moderator

    **CLIP ON SATURDAY!! Must redeem by Monday 8/26

    FREE CLIP BY 8/24
    Yakult Probiotic Drink
    5-pk., 2.7-oz. Limit 1.
    One time use
    Expires: 08/26/19**

    ALL BELOW ARE YMMV BY ACCOUNT expire 8/31 or later (Happy are 9/7)

    $1 off any Bath Tissue, $1 off any Facial Tissue, $1 Off any Yogurt $1 off any Dry Pasta
    (all free items priced at $1 or just above which they have)
    Gallon Milk $2.50 (PENNSYLVANIA)
    $15 off Two $100 Pre Paid Visas ($3.10 MM after fees)
    8x Points on $50+ Happy Gift Cards (must clip specific ones)
    10X on Dominos


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