FREE SAMPLE – Hanes T-Shirt - business, org., or school

  • 5K Club

    Get a FREE Sample shirt from 4imprint. Your sample shirt will be a Hanes 50/50 ComfortBlend T-Shirt.
    You will be required to create an account. Their registered customers get their famous Blue Boxes filled with FREE samples! You can request FREE samples of many of the items that they sell. You may receive a phone call.
    You are able to note a color preference in the comments section.

    Get your FREE Sample here
    Click the “Request A FREE Sample” button under the shirt image.

  • 4K Club

    must create a 4imprint account

  • Thank you, your request has been submitted.
    Your customer care representative will review your request prior to shipment and may contact you with any questions. In order to keep our costs low, certain items may need to be returned to us after you have finished reviewing them. In these cases, we will contact you with further information - of course we pay freight both ways.


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