JUST4U Digitals: Possible $20/100 or $10/50 grocery purchase Q's exp 11/25 conf'd at ACME
had these Q’s in my account at ACME. so check yours.
they stack with other digital q’s on items but not sure if those drop you below the threshold if the $10/or 20 comes off.
@mistercheap I get $10/$50’s almost every week and rarely use them because I can’t come up with $50 worth of groceries. But I do know that J4u q’s that are store q’s lower your spend. I get iBotta items as fillers and use mq’s as much as possible. I usually end up with an oop ~$42. I can’t tell which j4u are store vs. mq’s so I presume they’re all store q’s to make sure that I don’t fall below the minimum spend.
ETA: I have $20/$75 online order but won’t use it.