GiantPA/Martins - Pepsi Family Six Pack 16.9z Bottles 6 for $11 ac plus $34 towards $40 FETCH 2500 points Pepsi Offer
Probably the best soda deal of the year thus far given how prices have gone up.
This week (until Thurs 9/7) Giant/Martins has buy 2 get FOUR free on the six packs mentioned above. There is also a $2/5 digital on Pepsi/FL that comes off (confirmed)
Buy 6 mix/match for about $13 after 4 free, then $2/5 digital making it $11 + tax. Scan your receipt for FETCH which has a spend $40 on pepsi get 2500 points.
Even before the fetch, works out to under $2 per 6 pack.