San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

  • 1000 Club

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    @chumle Not worth the time it takes to do–like a little pestering gnat that just keeps coming back for more—but We’ve seen Your (HW’s) “Opinion”…How’s about a real “Reputable Opinion” RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:@disneywizard I Believe the 72881 Ended Last Week!
    Thanks, amended. Also huge boxcars of thanks for maintaining iHeart, the reveal on KOST was buried in girl squeak, I heard it clearly and distinctly but couldn’t separate the code word. I depend upon you, I steal your work every day. Don’t let anyone tell you duplicate posts aren’t allowed - ours differ , my bonus trivia has the questions value added. iHeart usually you’re first to finish editing, mine wasn’t posted when your edit began and vice versa. If, as usual, they agree, great - that’s the real beauty of forums CONFIRMATION.
    Then there’s “HappyWife” Telling the “Squad” to basically Get to Posting & Start Posting Whatever Ronzilla is Doing!!–Since I was Posting 90% of Everything >>RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    oh my, ware iz every1 bamm bamm? we gotz a pack mule doin the work givin us da codez. squad sez copycat everythin

    BUT Wait–there’s More!! Yet another Normal Person’s (Similar to dozens you reposted, by the people in my FB group)
    RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    How to Waterboard English
    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @palacios1980 sorry hun yu bin zilla’d. cat say we didn’t warn yu. narc dunt play well wit otherz. Yuuuge bad kharma iz duble crossin him all round lol so he attaks. the zillo cycle. poor @bryanwr iz next. sorry again hun an keep kickin his bootie to tuscaloodie <<YET >> I << am the Instgator!!

    As if the English Language had not been tortured and mangled enough this superior posturing to throw shade vexes my ciphering. I’m guessing it’s a rally to incite insurrection. Poetry it lacks.

    @HappyWife So little actually said strengthens your character ill. You indicate spiteful, vengeful yet are still able to play the racist card. I pray I may help you turn to your neighbor with “Peace be with you.” reflected to lift your rage for a tranquil heart. - Reverend Doctor Wizard Phd MO

    This is the same person You pulled your “Attack Dog” tactics on before & (No Surprise) were 100% Wrong! I Would not doubt, one bit, You are simply another one of HW’s Fake Accounts, like tkosd, that HW Used to get some of my Contest “Tricks” & get Where I’d be Posting in FB…Then Laughed about it, a couple days later–Posting where on FB I was going to<<<That’s on “Honest” Person, for ya—Lies & Trickery to get what it wants! >>"Tkosd
    Hey I saw your post about leaving but you said you have a facebook? How do I follow that? I have won some really nice ones the last few years Nothing as consistent as yours but I always try to learn good strategy etc
    I’d like to consider myself a student of the artI don’t want to miss your posts. (NO I am not including the Tips) Ronzilla TRY THOSE when they start agsin----You will LIMIT OUT 4 or 5 Times a MONTH!! NEW CONTEST COMING NEXT WEEK KSON…tkosd Appreciate the tips. Call ins are tough for me but I have better luck with online entry contests This should have been my Tip-Off >>"Ronzilla You only have ONE PROFILE VIEW…ME…LOL!
    Ttkosd haha yeah I just lurk really…It was Because IT was just Created 20 Minutes Prior!!

    MORE RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    @chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @Global-Moderators can someone please give this thread some assistance? @Ronzilla left this thread to wreak havoc in multiple other threads to eventually get kicked out of all of them so he has returned here to dump on this thread. There was even a new thread created called “Southern California Radio …” for him to do his thing but he is not satisfied with that. Can we finally deal with him and isolate him into that new thread or?

    Presume not to tell me what I think, or what motivates me. Nor should you presume to tell anyone what they SHOULD think or feel, NOYB. I pray you achieve enlightenment. Until then take a chill pill and just be cool, hothead - PLEASE.
    Nor should I have to explain myself. I was a latecomer to FatWallet, requested a thread be created on SlickDeals and developed a modest following until betrayed. I have finally achieved enough credibility to establish a thread here which.
    F Y I–I was Never Kicked Out of ANYWHERE–I Simply Left Voluntarilly, mostly because CTGolfer & H W were stalking me in those places to continue their Onslaught …And just Go To Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion–I AM CURRNTLY Posting There & Always have Since the START!>>ZERO DRAMA-Cause there is “NO MAMMA”----- -OH! MY! Just Look at ALL the HAVOC There!! Only Real difference There—NO HW or anyone Trying to be a Thug//Gangster “SQUAD RUNNER”–(3 person Skwad LOL—barely a “Wad”) & Attempting to Control the Forum, just as you do–that is a Main Commonality with You & H W…so, SAME PERSON?? You may change the “Spots” but you can’t Change the “Animal”—ME?? I POST—unless Harrassed! You think “I should be Embarrassed” ? .I think (as well as others) you ARE an Embarrassment!

    I Have Dozens of This type of response, over the years, from “Lurkers”—"Thanks a lot, . I have won some great contests thanks to you and all the great coverage you provide" —I don’t Know WHO they are—But still Love hearing about Their Wins! I had one from this woman I had given “Tips” to, Her mother was Trying to win Legoland, to take the grandkids to—3 days later, I get the Message that her 1st real win was a DISNEY 4-Pack, on 98.1 and all were going for one of the kid’s b-days—They never even knew 98.1 existed, yet just Won Big on it (Better Yet)-I WON That day, as well–I won that “Assist”— hoep diz cleerz tingz up a bitz n u git it bttr dan b-4…try “Less Lip” & More REAL CONTRIBUTING SOMETIME!! MY GOD! …this bares Repeating, and is So Basic >> HOW DARE YOU! Presume not to tell me what I think, or what motivates me. Nor should you presume to tell anyone what they SHOULD think or feel, NOYB. I pray you achieve enlightenment. Until then take a chill pill and just be cool, hothead - PLEASE. Nor should I have to explain myself. This is a Contest Posting Forum–Perhaps there is a “Bitch, Moan & Gripes” Forum , in here That would be Much More fitting for your type of “Contributing” No real reason for your Ridiculous Comments—What is the Matter??..Things going “Too Good” in here & you Feel it is Due time for a “Shake Up”–“Rattle the Cage” a Bit??? Do what you do best—Lurk & Look.

    @chumle Not worth the time it takes to do–like a little pestering gnat that just keeps coming back for more—but We’ve seen Your (HW’s) “Opinion”…How’s about a real “Reputable Opinion” RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:@disneywizard I Believe the 72881 Ended Last Week!
    Thanks, amended. Also huge boxcars of thanks for maintaining iHeart, the reveal on KOST was buried in girl squeak, I heard it clearly and distinctly but couldn’t separate the code word. I depend upon you, I steal your work every day. Don’t let anyone tell you duplicate posts aren’t allowed - ours differ , my bonus trivia has the questions value added. iHeart usually you’re first to finish editing, mine wasn’t posted when your edit began and vice versa. If, as usual, they agree, great - that’s the real beauty of forums CONFIRMATION.
    Then there’s “HappyWife” Telling the “Squad” to basically Get to Posting & Start Posting Whatever Ronzilla is Doing!!–Since I was Posting 90% of Everything >>RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    oh my, ware iz every1 bamm bamm? we gotz a pack mule doin the work givin us da codez. squad sez copycat everythin

    BUT Wait–there’s More!! Yet another Normal Person’s (Similar to dozens you reposted, by the people in my FB group)
    RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    How to Waterboard English
    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @palacios1980 sorry hun yu bin zilla’d. cat say we didn’t warn yu. narc dunt play well wit otherz. Yuuuge bad kharma iz duble crossin him all round lol so he attaks. the zillo cycle. poor @bryanwr iz next. sorry again hun an keep kickin his bootie to tuscaloodie <<YET >> I << am the Instgator!!

    As if the English Language had not been tortured and mangled enough this superior posturing to throw shade vexes my ciphering. I’m guessing it’s a rally to incite insurrection. Poetry it lacks.

    @HappyWife So little actually said strengthens your character ill. You indicate spiteful, vengeful yet are still able to play the racist card. I pray I may help you turn to your neighbor with “Peace be with you.” reflected to lift your rage for a tranquil heart. - Reverend Doctor Wizard Phd MO

    This is the same person You pulled your “Attack Dog” tactics on before & (No Surprise) were 100% Wrong! I Would not doubt, one bit, You are simply another one of HW’s Fake Accounts, like tkosd, that HW Used to get some of my Contest “Tricks” & get Where I’d be Posting in FB…Then Laughed about it, a couple days later–Posting where on FB I was going to<<<That’s on “Honest” Person, for ya—Lies & Trickery to get what it wants! >>"Tkosd
    Hey I saw your post about leaving but you said you have a facebook? How do I follow that? I have won some really nice ones the last few years Nothing as consistent as yours but I always try to learn good strategy etc
    I’d like to consider myself a student of the artI don’t want to miss your posts. (NO I am not including the Tips) Ronzilla TRY THOSE when they start agsin----You will LIMIT OUT 4 or 5 Times a MONTH!! NEW CONTEST COMING NEXT WEEK KSON…tkosd Appreciate the tips. Call ins are tough for me but I have better luck with online entry contests This should have been my Tip-Off >>"Ronzilla You only have ONE PROFILE VIEW…ME…LOL!
    Ttkosd haha yeah I just lurk really…It was Because IT was just Created 20 Minutes Prior!!

    MORE RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    @chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @Global-Moderators can someone please give this thread some assistance? @Ronzilla left this thread to wreak havoc in multiple other threads to eventually get kicked out of all of them so he has returned here to dump on this thread. There was even a new thread created called “Southern California Radio …” for him to do his thing but he is not satisfied with that. Can we finally deal with him and isolate him into that new thread or?

    Presume not to tell me what I think, or what motivates me. Nor should you presume to tell anyone what they SHOULD think or feel, NOYB. I pray you achieve enlightenment. Until then take a chill pill and just be cool, hothead - PLEASE.
    Nor should I have to explain myself. I was a latecomer to FatWallet, requested a thread be created on SlickDeals and developed a modest following until betrayed. I have finally achieved enough credibility to establish a thread here which.
    F Y I–I was Never Kicked Out of ANYWHERE–I Simply Left Voluntarilly, mostly because CTGolfer & H W were stalking me in those places to continue their Onslaught …And just Go To Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion–I AM CURRNTLY Posting There & Always have Since the START!>>ZERO DRAMA-Cause there is “NO MAMMA”----- -OH! MY! Just Look at ALL the HAVOC There!! Only Real difference There—NO HW or anyone Trying to be a Thug//Gangster “SQUAD RUNNER”–(3 person Skwad LOL—barely a “Wad”) & Attempting to Control the Forum, just as you do–that is a Main Commonality with You & H W…so, SAME PERSON?? You may change the “Spots” but you can’t Change the “Animal”—ME?? I POST—unless Harrassed! You think “I should be Embarrassed” ? .I think (as well as others) you ARE an Embarrassment!

    I Have Dozens of This type of response, over the years, from “Lurkers”—"Thanks a lot, . I have won some great contests thanks to you and all the great coverage you provide" —I don’t Know WHO they are—But still Love hearing about Their Wins! I had one from this woman I had given “Tips” to, Her mother was Trying to win Legoland, to take the grandkids to—3 days later, I get the Message that her 1st real win was a DISNEY 4-Pack, on 98.1 and all were going for one of the kid’s b-days—They never even knew 98.1 existed, yet just Won Big on it (Better Yet)-I WON That day, as well–I won that “Assist”— hoep diz cleerz tingz up a bitz n u git it bttr dan b-4…try “Less Lip” & More REAL CONTRIBUTING SOMETIME!! MY GOD! …this bares Repeating, and is So Basic >> HOW DARE YOU! Presume not to tell me what I think, or what motivates me. Nor should you presume to tell anyone what they SHOULD think or feel, NOYB. I pray you achieve enlightenment. Until then take a chill pill and just be cool, hothead - PLEASE. Nor should I have to explain myself. This is a Contest Posting Forum–Perhaps there is a “Bitch, Moan & Gripes” Forum , in here That would be Much More fitting for your type of “Contributing” No real reason for your Ridiculous Comments—What is the Matter??..Things going “Too Good” in here & you Feel it is Due time for a “Shake Up”–“Rattle the Cage” a Bit??? Do what you do best—Lurk & Look.

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned



  • 1000 Club

  • 1000 Club

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 1000 Club

  • 1000 Club

    97.3 Samuel Trevino, National City…1,Single…FAIL

    97.3 Samuel Trevino, National City…1,Single…FAIL

  • 10K Club Banned

    Man, if you are depending on 50-55 after, You’d Never Hear any of them—Why I am Keeping this going as Much as possible----Loks like “LUKE” is getting Sunday off!

    Man, if you are depending on 50-55 after, You’d Never Hear any of them—Why I am Keeping this going as Much as possible----Loks like “LUKE” is getting Sunday off!

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON SHAKE 7:56 < ON TIME!??!

    KSON SHAKE 7:56 < ON TIME!??!

  • 1000 Club

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON SHAKE 10p

    KSON SHAKE 10p

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    I’m beggining to see a pattern!

    I’m beggining to see a pattern!

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 10K Club Banned



  • @ronzilla said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:

    @big-o BEWARE It seems that Happy Wife, YOU, Myself, DisneyWizard, trell11 Should All be Reported to the Mods according to CT Golfer For Posting Contests in the “Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel” >CT Golfer’s Quote> But this is NOT the “contests” forum as I have previously stated. This is for radio station trivia and bonus points codes. PLEASE post contests in the contest forum where they belong. If not, I will ask mods to remove them and maybe more. I don’t want it to come to that.<< That just Sounds like more of a Long Winded Version of OR LEAVE" Actually If you’re going to get all “Hard Nosed” About it, The Forum description says Nothing About “Code Words” Just “Trivia” Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel<< Also No Mention of Entercom either, So having a Mod come in and Remove All that is Not Clear Channel, there will be about 2-3 Posts per Day I-Heart & Clear Channel Can “Loosely” be the Same–I get Calls from San Diego I-Heart Clear Channel is on my C I D

    I myself, have Zero Problem with things that are Posted Here, since these Code & Bonus Words are intended to Get Points so You Can redeem them in exchange to Enter Contests to WIN Prizes. So, in a round about way, are they pretty much not he Same as Texting//Entering Code Words to Win $$ or Trips// Prizes & Gift Cards but merely side step the point redeeming aspect?? As I mentioned before, the operative word WIN, denotes some type of Contest or Sweepstakes . Code Words are used for those Contests. The Trivia Words are used as an answer to a Question That is used To either Win a Prize Or get Points that are then used to accumulate Points that are eventually redeemed to enter contests for a shot at Winning a Prize, Such as a $50 Subway Card or Other Prize, depending on Points…Does Not all that Sound Like Contests are the End Result, Technically Making this A “Contest Forum” that Uses Words as it Form of “ENTRY”…and singling out ME out as the Only “Violator” in here, even though there are others Posting The exact same Information, Yet Not Being Mentioned—What does THAT sound Like?? HMMM? GIVE ME A BREAK…I would Place that somewhere between Hypocracy & a Personal Attack!! Now I Do Know that a Personal Attack, now THAT Is a Violation. So Instead of Certain People Concentrating on ME…How About we Make Some CLARIFICATIONS on What this Forum Is & Isn’t and Simply Move on!! Because this Minority that is Fixated ON ME is Much More the Problem here, than whether Something is “Trivia For Prizes” or “Code Words for Prizes” it appears, to me, the lines are being skewed to merely fit an AGENDA. >>Get Ronzilla OUT<< HW’s agenda. with her friend//associate in assistance ctgolfer
    I Use to Tell People Just to Get them to join in on Posting, that “1st, 2nd 3rd, doesn’t matter and it helps make them easier for people in a hurry to find them” DisnetWiz says Postiong 2 I-HEART Lisst is not a problem, and in fact helps in Verification—I LIKE THAT, it is 100% TRUE!.
    Excepet in One members opinion ctgolfer 10K CLUB 15 days ago “L” - If something is already posted, why do you re-post it again??? - “L”…Yet That all changes when it applies to him When Duplicating a Post From duckmin
    @ctgolfer By your accont, 'No problem, we just happen to post at the same time.
    duckmin 500 CLUB 28 days ago
    Thursday December 3rd
    Happy December ??

    Be Well and Stay Safe!
    Spread Good Wishes, We’re in This Together

    Movie Trivia: Glenn Close

    Tee 'em High and Let 'em Fly!
    Fire it up!!
    You see, I am Good at Patterns ,How I “Broke the Code” for the I-Heart Words The Pattern HERE is One of “It is Only a Violation IF I am Doing It”…Same Thing As Certain Others except whenThey do it, in their opinion, >>ALL IS FINE<<

    Is it not an Odd coincidence H W shows up the very day, I mentioned I am Posting here, the same KFRG I was posting, then following me to F B , too?? speaking of F B …I Recently posted my having to Stop posting there, as wel, because H W has stalked me to that place, not knowing where to go until a day or 2 ago?? But finds it a MUST now?
    F B Members responses to me stopping or winning from my posts >>Cynthia Delgadillo Ferguson (Mssgd her and Won 3-day KAABO & Coachella didn’t know 949 said her name)
    Ronzila, all your work is super appreciated! I really don’t know how you do it, but it doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m sorry you are going through this.
    Michelle McDaniel Jondall
    What the heck?! That’s a crazy, I’ve said it before but I appreciate all the posts. Wish I knew how to stop it, Ronzilla, I definitely appreciate your posts!
    Jessica Snyder Simply amazing. How do you get those? thank You Much! I just watch the clock to enter LOL
    Ruth Ferrel Delgado
    Thank you for posting all the words! Keep posting! I follow what u post.
    Steven Welty (Won 12 Days of Christmas to Florida --words from my Posts).Big big thank you to this page! I found out yesterday I won the one of the 12 days of Christmas Legand Florida trips. They announce a winner each day and I won day 5. Certainly do appreciate the links/reminders/keywords. Thanks Ronzilla
    Rosabel Corona
    I see and use them too! Thank you for all your posts ???
    Michelle Knowles
    Thank you! I want this one
    Chip Malee
    For the record, one of my peeps also won on the day before the last day. Also got notification by email. So that’s 2 winners.1 from this group. that guy doing all those words THANK YOU!
    Mike Slane
    I would love to know how you get all these words 8-12 hours earlier !!
    Jenifer Hines
    Ronzilla It was my name they called, I missed it oh! Thank you!
    BY “Trivia” and “Bonus Words” are posting the Following Wrong ?? Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel

    trell11, 17 days ago THE BIG BANG THEORY "Wonder Woman 1984 Sweepstakes
    Click to Enter Sweepstakes December 14 - January 1 Code word lasso
    DisneyWizard 16 days ago
    ?THE BIG BANG THEORY ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Sweepstakes
    DisneyWizard 25 days ago
    KTLA 5.1 Tune in and Win (template)
    KTLA 5.1 Tune in and Win 09:50= CLAPTON random pick until 11:00 wins an Eric Clapton
    Swagpack -
    DisneyWizard 25 days ago
    ” GIVEAWAY DECEMBER 2020 SWEEPSTAKES Official Rules 1. Sponsors. This sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes

    There are many more the further you go back
    YET, is it is OK & Is perfectly Fine with commiting the same “violation” in the San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes by posting his 2 regular TRIVIA posts he does here but in a Contest Forum
    POSTED IN CONTESTS & SWEEPSTAKES Posting Codes & Bonus Words in San Diego TV & RADIO Contests & Sweepstakes
    RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    ctgolfer 10K CLUB about a month ago
    Book Worm Trivia: Marie
    Classic Rock :Challenge: Kick Start My Heart
    Country Music Trivia: Country
    Get your game on: 30
    Healthy Knowledge: Antibiotic
    Movie Trivia: The House with a Clock in its Walls
    Music Challenge: A Boy Who Loives Across The Street From The Edge
    Music Pop Quiz: The Rua
    Sports Trivia: Bill Peters
    TV Trivia: Gillian Flynn
    Is this not the Same thing he Points out to Me as a VIOLATION but in Reverse? (NOBODY ELSE even DisneyWiz-posts theSame I-HEART SWEEPSTAKES as I do…Big O the Intercom Contest, as I do) /
    But I am the "Target"
    I Observed Before Posting any Code Word Contests & Sweepstakes Posted In Here.
    So I Joined in----Only to Be Onvce Again, Threatened to have Mods BAN ME
    There Should Be some Clarification on this Matter and Some Consistency in What Can & Can’t be Posted Since almost 50% of the Posting are For Codeword Contests & Sweeps

    To me, They are BOTH Code Words that you enter//Text to win a contest–the moment the Word >>WIN<< when used, it denotes Contest//Sweeps…not TRIVIA//BONUS POINTS

    I was Actually Going to88 Prepare My Dinner, when, as before…was Reported to the Mods Late at night, Posting in “Freebies”" Some yellow wormie thing & FMB1 500 CLUB 11 days ago You should report ronzippythepinhead to a mod Actually the person being asked Follows Me.because She LIKES MY POSTS --That late night Double team>>Failed<<
    giving the Chance I may not see it & be Banned without Recourse BUT I did as I am Doing Now >Checking to see IF it was Happening Again…and it has already begun
    GOODThing I Caught him while in the Forum Because After a Review and me being able to have “some kind” of input–Made all the Difference MR.CHEAP We’re cool Ronzilla. the reason why each gets its own thread is this: IF I WAS SO BAD Why did MRCHEAP Ask me to stay & Try??
    We’re cool Ronzilla. the reason why each gets its own thread is this:

    Deals all expire at different times. some freebies are valid for a day, some a month.

    If people have comments or updates on the freebie and make a post, it is confusing as to which item they are talking about if you have 4 freebies posted as 4 replies.

    I Told him I was Not going to Post Twice Sicking MODS on me Everywhere I Try–one is same one Threatening me now

    His Response–he Tried to Talk Me INTO STAYING!! Reported & then Asked to Stay----I must really be a Terrible person…maybe going b Certain Complaints

    @ronzilla said in Recruit (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 1) Kindle Edition - FREE - exp unk:

    @mistercheap Appreciate your help, but I Believe it would be better IF I watch & Learn Before jumping into this “New Area”…Kinda like starting a new job without any experience. I need to step back & learn it! First time behind the wheel, is no time to jump onto the Freeway! Best to clean up MY MESS while it is small I don"t have very many, so i will just Shut those down, as well, during today

    @Ronzilla take it slow, post a few things you think are worth sharing and take if from there. If you have questions/concerns, feel free to PM me for advice. we need good contributors to the deal boards, everyone, myself included was ‘new’ once.

    I Shall Remove this Saturday-IT IS TEMPORARY just to give time to be seen__I AM Taking
    Tomorrow & Possibly Monday OFF as well— OUT or We shall ALL BE Banned for Posting Contests & Sweeps in a TRIVIA Forum…I am 65, work 17 to 20 hour days "I need this harassment from the same 3 people??

    @Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every couple months, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve learned nothing John Snow.

    @ronzilla said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:

    @big-o BEWARE It seems that Happy Wife, YOU, Myself, DisneyWizard, trell11 Should All be Reported to the Mods according to CT Golfer For Posting Contests in the “Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel” >CT Golfer’s Quote> But this is NOT the “contests” forum as I have previously stated. This is for radio station trivia and bonus points codes. PLEASE post contests in the contest forum where they belong. If not, I will ask mods to remove them and maybe more. I don’t want it to come to that.<< That just Sounds like more of a Long Winded Version of OR LEAVE" Actually If you’re going to get all “Hard Nosed” About it, The Forum description says Nothing About “Code Words” Just “Trivia” Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel<< Also No Mention of Entercom either, So having a Mod come in and Remove All that is Not Clear Channel, there will be about 2-3 Posts per Day I-Heart & Clear Channel Can “Loosely” be the Same–I get Calls from San Diego I-Heart Clear Channel is on my C I D

    I myself, have Zero Problem with things that are Posted Here, since these Code & Bonus Words are intended to Get Points so You Can redeem them in exchange to Enter Contests to WIN Prizes. So, in a round about way, are they pretty much not he Same as Texting//Entering Code Words to Win $$ or Trips// Prizes & Gift Cards but merely side step the point redeeming aspect?? As I mentioned before, the operative word WIN, denotes some type of Contest or Sweepstakes . Code Words are used for those Contests. The Trivia Words are used as an answer to a Question That is used To either Win a Prize Or get Points that are then used to accumulate Points that are eventually redeemed to enter contests for a shot at Winning a Prize, Such as a $50 Subway Card or Other Prize, depending on Points…Does Not all that Sound Like Contests are the End Result, Technically Making this A “Contest Forum” that Uses Words as it Form of “ENTRY”…and singling out ME out as the Only “Violator” in here, even though there are others Posting The exact same Information, Yet Not Being Mentioned—What does THAT sound Like?? HMMM? GIVE ME A BREAK…I would Place that somewhere between Hypocracy & a Personal Attack!! Now I Do Know that a Personal Attack, now THAT Is a Violation. So Instead of Certain People Concentrating on ME…How About we Make Some CLARIFICATIONS on What this Forum Is & Isn’t and Simply Move on!! Because this Minority that is Fixated ON ME is Much More the Problem here, than whether Something is “Trivia For Prizes” or “Code Words for Prizes” it appears, to me, the lines are being skewed to merely fit an AGENDA. >>Get Ronzilla OUT<< HW’s agenda. with her friend//associate in assistance ctgolfer
    I Use to Tell People Just to Get them to join in on Posting, that “1st, 2nd 3rd, doesn’t matter and it helps make them easier for people in a hurry to find them” DisnetWiz says Postiong 2 I-HEART Lisst is not a problem, and in fact helps in Verification—I LIKE THAT, it is 100% TRUE!.
    Excepet in One members opinion ctgolfer 10K CLUB 15 days ago “L” - If something is already posted, why do you re-post it again??? - “L”…Yet That all changes when it applies to him When Duplicating a Post From duckmin
    @ctgolfer By your accont, 'No problem, we just happen to post at the same time.
    duckmin 500 CLUB 28 days ago
    Thursday December 3rd
    Happy December ??

    Be Well and Stay Safe!
    Spread Good Wishes, We’re in This Together

    Movie Trivia: Glenn Close

    Tee 'em High and Let 'em Fly!
    Fire it up!!
    You see, I am Good at Patterns ,How I “Broke the Code” for the I-Heart Words The Pattern HERE is One of “It is Only a Violation IF I am Doing It”…Same Thing As Certain Others except whenThey do it, in their opinion, >>ALL IS FINE<<

    Is it not an Odd coincidence H W shows up the very day, I mentioned I am Posting here, the same KFRG I was posting, then following me to F B , too?? speaking of F B …I Recently posted my having to Stop posting there, as wel, because H W has stalked me to that place, not knowing where to go until a day or 2 ago?? But finds it a MUST now?
    F B Members responses to me stopping or winning from my posts >>Cynthia Delgadillo Ferguson (Mssgd her and Won 3-day KAABO & Coachella didn’t know 949 said her name)
    Ronzila, all your work is super appreciated! I really don’t know how you do it, but it doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m sorry you are going through this.
    Michelle McDaniel Jondall
    What the heck?! That’s a crazy, I’ve said it before but I appreciate all the posts. Wish I knew how to stop it, Ronzilla, I definitely appreciate your posts!
    Jessica Snyder Simply amazing. How do you get those? thank You Much! I just watch the clock to enter LOL
    Ruth Ferrel Delgado
    Thank you for posting all the words! Keep posting! I follow what u post.
    Steven Welty (Won 12 Days of Christmas to Florida --words from my Posts).Big big thank you to this page! I found out yesterday I won the one of the 12 days of Christmas Legand Florida trips. They announce a winner each day and I won day 5. Certainly do appreciate the links/reminders/keywords. Thanks Ronzilla
    Rosabel Corona
    I see and use them too! Thank you for all your posts ???
    Michelle Knowles
    Thank you! I want this one
    Chip Malee
    For the record, one of my peeps also won on the day before the last day. Also got notification by email. So that’s 2 winners.1 from this group. that guy doing all those words THANK YOU!
    Mike Slane
    I would love to know how you get all these words 8-12 hours earlier !!
    Jenifer Hines
    Ronzilla It was my name they called, I missed it oh! Thank you!
    BY “Trivia” and “Bonus Words” are posting the Following Wrong ?? Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel

    trell11, 17 days ago THE BIG BANG THEORY "Wonder Woman 1984 Sweepstakes
    Click to Enter Sweepstakes December 14 - January 1 Code word lasso
    DisneyWizard 16 days ago
    ?THE BIG BANG THEORY ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Sweepstakes
    DisneyWizard 25 days ago
    KTLA 5.1 Tune in and Win (template)
    KTLA 5.1 Tune in and Win 09:50= CLAPTON random pick until 11:00 wins an Eric Clapton
    Swagpack -
    DisneyWizard 25 days ago
    ” GIVEAWAY DECEMBER 2020 SWEEPSTAKES Official Rules 1. Sponsors. This sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes

    There are many more the further you go back
    YET, is it is OK & Is perfectly Fine with commiting the same “violation” in the San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes by posting his 2 regular TRIVIA posts he does here but in a Contest Forum
    POSTED IN CONTESTS & SWEEPSTAKES Posting Codes & Bonus Words in San Diego TV & RADIO Contests & Sweepstakes
    RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
    ctgolfer 10K CLUB about a month ago
    Book Worm Trivia: Marie
    Classic Rock :Challenge: Kick Start My Heart
    Country Music Trivia: Country
    Get your game on: 30
    Healthy Knowledge: Antibiotic
    Movie Trivia: The House with a Clock in its Walls
    Music Challenge: A Boy Who Loives Across The Street From The Edge
    Music Pop Quiz: The Rua
    Sports Trivia: Bill Peters
    TV Trivia: Gillian Flynn
    Is this not the Same thing he Points out to Me as a VIOLATION but in Reverse? (NOBODY ELSE even DisneyWiz-posts theSame I-HEART SWEEPSTAKES as I do…Big O the Intercom Contest, as I do) /
    But I am the "Target"
    I Observed Before Posting any Code Word Contests & Sweepstakes Posted In Here.
    So I Joined in----Only to Be Onvce Again, Threatened to have Mods BAN ME
    There Should Be some Clarification on this Matter and Some Consistency in What Can & Can’t be Posted Since almost 50% of the Posting are For Codeword Contests & Sweeps

    To me, They are BOTH Code Words that you enter//Text to win a contest–the moment the Word >>WIN<< when used, it denotes Contest//Sweeps…not TRIVIA//BONUS POINTS

    I was Actually Going to88 Prepare My Dinner, when, as before…was Reported to the Mods Late at night, Posting in “Freebies”" Some yellow wormie thing & FMB1 500 CLUB 11 days ago You should report ronzippythepinhead to a mod Actually the person being asked Follows Me.because She LIKES MY POSTS --That late night Double team>>Failed<<
    giving the Chance I may not see it & be Banned without Recourse BUT I did as I am Doing Now >Checking to see IF it was Happening Again…and it has already begun
    GOODThing I Caught him while in the Forum Because After a Review and me being able to have “some kind” of input–Made all the Difference MR.CHEAP We’re cool Ronzilla. the reason why each gets its own thread is this: IF I WAS SO BAD Why did MRCHEAP Ask me to stay & Try??
    We’re cool Ronzilla. the reason why each gets its own thread is this:

    Deals all expire at different times. some freebies are valid for a day, some a month.

    If people have comments or updates on the freebie and make a post, it is confusing as to which item they are talking about if you have 4 freebies posted as 4 replies.

    I Told him I was Not going to Post Twice Sicking MODS on me Everywhere I Try–one is same one Threatening me now

    His Response–he Tried to Talk Me INTO STAYING!! Reported & then Asked to Stay----I must really be a Terrible person…maybe going b Certain Complaints

    @ronzilla said in Recruit (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 1) Kindle Edition - FREE - exp unk:

    @mistercheap Appreciate your help, but I Believe it would be better IF I watch & Learn Before jumping into this “New Area”…Kinda like starting a new job without any experience. I need to step back & learn it! First time behind the wheel, is no time to jump onto the Freeway! Best to clean up MY MESS while it is small I don"t have very many, so i will just Shut those down, as well, during today

    @Ronzilla take it slow, post a few things you think are worth sharing and take if from there. If you have questions/concerns, feel free to PM me for advice. we need good contributors to the deal boards, everyone, myself included was ‘new’ once.

    I Shall Remove this Saturday-IT IS TEMPORARY just to give time to be seen__I AM Taking
    Tomorrow & Possibly Monday OFF as well— OUT or We shall ALL BE Banned for Posting Contests & Sweeps in a TRIVIA Forum…I am 65, work 17 to 20 hour days "I need this harassment from the same 3 people??

    @Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every couple months, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve learned nothing John Snow.

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    94.1 OSCARS

    94.1 OSCARS

  • 1000 Club

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 1000 Club

  • 1000 Club

  • 1000 Club

  • @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @supertaylorguy NICE a HW edit “Jump Post”…THAT is what “TJ” was al ABOUT? IS IT that big a deal to Post First?? Gotta make a Fake “TJ”?? post–then fill in AFTER—so it LOOKS LIKE it was Posted FIRST–" Post–then Fill it in AFTER with NEW INFO-----pretty "fragile in the Ego-ile >>>that Post ORIGINALLY SAID “TJ”?& nothing else-----NOT What is there NOW! LOL—Ha Ha Ha–Not making ME Look WEAK!
    Quite the CONTRARY–LOL>>>>"SKWAD"

    @Ronzilla That makes 4 of many other of your rant posts in the last 4 months. You can’t change what happened every month, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.

    And those who up-vote his shenanigans are perpetuating the problem and preventing the open sharing in the forum.

    @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @supertaylorguy NICE a HW edit “Jump Post”…THAT is what “TJ” was al ABOUT? IS IT that big a deal to Post First?? Gotta make a Fake “TJ”?? post–then fill in AFTER—so it LOOKS LIKE it was Posted FIRST–" Post–then Fill it in AFTER with NEW INFO-----pretty "fragile in the Ego-ile >>>that Post ORIGINALLY SAID “TJ”?& nothing else-----NOT What is there NOW! LOL—Ha Ha Ha–Not making ME Look WEAK!
    Quite the CONTRARY–LOL>>>>"SKWAD"

    @Ronzilla That makes 4 of many other of your rant posts in the last 4 months. You can’t change what happened every month, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.

    And those who up-vote his shenanigans are perpetuating the problem and preventing the open sharing in the forum.

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    94.1 OSCARS

    94.1 OSCARS

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    @chumle GEEEEZUS!!! What?? Ya had to “beat me” & put up an Even Longer Post than Anyones??..and “Flashing your Panties” again?? My GoD!! IF This is a Message inteneded for ME–As the Rules say, “To conserve space for Posting Information in the Forum, Chatting//Communications Is to be done Thru P W Messenger!!” But this is simply more freaking Drama- shake things up–No Possitivity or Real Contribution to the Forum, and more to make these ridiculous “Rants” a Public Display–nothing else!! I Dont get how you think this is supposed to get me “shaking in my boots” LOL …when all it does, is explain the hypocracy in the “Trivia” Forum, where CTgolfer Would complain that My I-Heart codeword posts (Not Others with the Same) Should Not be Posted there since they are not Trivia --YET When the OPPOSITE Happens & it is CT Doing it–in our >>RADIO & TV Contest page (NOT TRIVIA PAGE) it suddenly becomes OK!! (WHAT!!) Anyway, CTGolfer & (an outsider to the group) Fmb1 were jumping all over Anything I Posted and Everywhere I Posted, like Stalkers (HW, too) (It was Stopped) and Name Calling, multiple times —He Got another Warning on a “Deal” post I made, but That has since been Deleted–no record I can access. Be careful with your BS Little Rants–they may just BACKFIRE on you like on FMB-1<< He probaly got the 24hr. warning ban, 1st, recieved multiple Warnings—I Found the 2nd, (you want nore YOU SEARCH!! 30 minutes Wasted on Your BS) so there had to be a First, at least,—I Am Fairly Sure FMB-1, after weeks of Harrassment//Gay, multiple Homosexual Ones as well (Big Wrong Here --I Could Legally Sue him for it, since it is a PUBLIC FORUM…like on FB) Since that Major “Sexual Harrassment” one …plus, Zero Anything By FMB-1, I believe, he got himself to the point of ANY Posting concerning Ronzilla, will get you BANNED PERMANENTLY. I Know that is the Final Stage after the 24hr., 48hr, 7 day Ban. It took another rational Poster to Complain about FMB-1–But he Did & Shut Him Down>> @ctujackbauer said in Official Political Discussion thread:

    Looking at the past 7 posts, excluding kamal’s post, would you define this as civil? Posting text edited images/memes and calling another pwf member a stalker, specifically.

    Thanks for the note. Relevant posts have been moved the the garage.
    @FMB1 you have been warned. No personal attacks unless you’re in the garage.

    THIS IS IT–No More Responses to your Hot Headed Garbage, You can Post them, just so you can enjoy posting garbage–But you are100% on your OWN on this!.MY Appologies to the rest of you, for Even having all the Crappola on here–But I AM Finished with it!!..Obviously, “someone” thinks this is his personal “Rage Page” and can do whatever he wants!!.IN Closing, I AM HERE, I WILL POST IN HERE, Not HW, Cumlie, or anyone else, that is not a Mod will change THAT Until I Decide to Take a Break Or Stop–Plus Like Many that post, Stop and later, Return–WHY Is it Only when I —Crap is thrown At Me, by the Same 2 People (possibly 2 in 1) Grow Up and simply —LIVE WITH IT!–BTW–How many holes//Missed stuff would there have been most of last week & the one before–IF I decided not to Post??..Not claiming to be a “hero” I am sure Some would have Jumped in and got some–BUT I think things still would have been “Lacking”…Again, go to Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, etc., and Look @ How that forum is Handled//Looks…all Nice & Clean…the Difference??-----None of your BS over & over repetitious ranting, about things that were already posted days, weeks & months ago, then re-do them with misrepresentation!"…and No “HappyWife’s Traveling Circus<<those are the Only Differences, besides what is posted”…Here We Go With another typical RANT W/ Missrepresentation …Sht is endless!! Ha Ha HA!! RANT WHAT!!! S T G Did a Fake "TJ?"and nothing else, untilm
    after…that Should have been simply Added to the Previous, “CITY”–But NO–The PLAN was to USE that unneccesary “TJ?” to fill in AFTER with The INFO I Had Already Posted, below it --making a “Jump Post” > Before< STG Could Post his.—But He “Needs” to Use it to Change It to Appear First!!–Because he hadn’t been first sll Day–And is Under “Pressure” from HW to “BEAT ME”
    .As H W says Here>> oh my, ware iz every1 bamm bamm?<<(Meaning, in HW Garble—Nobody Slamming/posting before the Zilla?>> (Must Post BEFORE he getting ALL) >we gotz a pack mule doin the work givin us da codez. squad sez copycat everythin<< (Meaning–Get Whatever You see Him Posting-Go Back, check–Then Beat Him Next time! ) OK Go Ahead and take pride in that “Cheap” move–simply because it was someone else doing It----IF I Ever Did it, You’d Start Screaming For Mods--Problen is>>I DON’T DO IT<< …
    ++ someone else witnessed that “Bait & Switch,” since I already Had an upvote on mine–NO the same thing HW Falsely accuses Me of…when I POST Before H W–& go back to fix an error or add the City–instantly begins in with the __looky looky–Edit-Zilla Jump Post jump Post—but the 2 upvoters already Know it is BS–Like DisneyWiz, explaing What the “Edit” Feature is & Why it is 100% OK To use it–IT IS FOR EDITING MISTAKES or ADDING MORE INFO.–Or when You already Typed in the Name & the DJ Changes How it was Said–then You FIX IT!!-----Funny Thing IS–Even with all your Belly Aching–I Bet You Still Use My Info to Enter things–DONT YOU!?* …damn, where’s the Excedrine!!

    @chumle GEEEEZUS!!! What?? Ya had to “beat me” & put up an Even Longer Post than Anyones??..and “Flashing your Panties” again?? My GoD!! IF This is a Message inteneded for ME–As the Rules say, “To conserve space for Posting Information in the Forum, Chatting//Communications Is to be done Thru P W Messenger!!” But this is simply more freaking Drama- shake things up–No Possitivity or Real Contribution to the Forum, and more to make these ridiculous “Rants” a Public Display–nothing else!! I Dont get how you think this is supposed to get me “shaking in my boots” LOL …when all it does, is explain the hypocracy in the “Trivia” Forum, where CTgolfer Would complain that My I-Heart codeword posts (Not Others with the Same) Should Not be Posted there since they are not Trivia --YET When the OPPOSITE Happens & it is CT Doing it–in our >>RADIO & TV Contest page (NOT TRIVIA PAGE) it suddenly becomes OK!! (WHAT!!) Anyway, CTGolfer & (an outsider to the group) Fmb1 were jumping all over Anything I Posted and Everywhere I Posted, like Stalkers (HW, too) (It was Stopped) and Name Calling, multiple times —He Got another Warning on a “Deal” post I made, but That has since been Deleted–no record I can access. Be careful with your BS Little Rants–they may just BACKFIRE on you like on FMB-1<< He probaly got the 24hr. warning ban, 1st, recieved multiple Warnings—I Found the 2nd, (you want nore YOU SEARCH!! 30 minutes Wasted on Your BS) so there had to be a First, at least,—I Am Fairly Sure FMB-1, after weeks of Harrassment//Gay, multiple Homosexual Ones as well (Big Wrong Here --I Could Legally Sue him for it, since it is a PUBLIC FORUM…like on FB) Since that Major “Sexual Harrassment” one …plus, Zero Anything By FMB-1, I believe, he got himself to the point of ANY Posting concerning Ronzilla, will get you BANNED PERMANENTLY. I Know that is the Final Stage after the 24hr., 48hr, 7 day Ban. It took another rational Poster to Complain about FMB-1–But he Did & Shut Him Down>> @ctujackbauer said in Official Political Discussion thread:

    Looking at the past 7 posts, excluding kamal’s post, would you define this as civil? Posting text edited images/memes and calling another pwf member a stalker, specifically.

    Thanks for the note. Relevant posts have been moved the the garage.
    @FMB1 you have been warned. No personal attacks unless you’re in the garage.

    THIS IS IT–No More Responses to your Hot Headed Garbage, You can Post them, just so you can enjoy posting garbage–But you are100% on your OWN on this!.MY Appologies to the rest of you, for Even having all the Crappola on here–But I AM Finished with it!!..Obviously, “someone” thinks this is his personal “Rage Page” and can do whatever he wants!!.IN Closing, I AM HERE, I WILL POST IN HERE, Not HW, Cumlie, or anyone else, that is not a Mod will change THAT Until I Decide to Take a Break Or Stop–Plus Like Many that post, Stop and later, Return–WHY Is it Only when I —Crap is thrown At Me, by the Same 2 People (possibly 2 in 1) Grow Up and simply —LIVE WITH IT!–BTW–How many holes//Missed stuff would there have been most of last week & the one before–IF I decided not to Post??..Not claiming to be a “hero” I am sure Some would have Jumped in and got some–BUT I think things still would have been “Lacking”…Again, go to Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, etc., and Look @ How that forum is Handled//Looks…all Nice & Clean…the Difference??-----None of your BS over & over repetitious ranting, about things that were already posted days, weeks & months ago, then re-do them with misrepresentation!"…and No “HappyWife’s Traveling Circus<<those are the Only Differences, besides what is posted”…Here We Go With another typical RANT W/ Missrepresentation …Sht is endless!! Ha Ha HA!! RANT WHAT!!! S T G Did a Fake "TJ?"and nothing else, untilm
    after…that Should have been simply Added to the Previous, “CITY”–But NO–The PLAN was to USE that unneccesary “TJ?” to fill in AFTER with The INFO I Had Already Posted, below it --making a “Jump Post” > Before< STG Could Post his.—But He “Needs” to Use it to Change It to Appear First!!–Because he hadn’t been first sll Day–And is Under “Pressure” from HW to “BEAT ME”
    .As H W says Here>> oh my, ware iz every1 bamm bamm?<<(Meaning, in HW Garble—Nobody Slamming/posting before the Zilla?>> (Must Post BEFORE he getting ALL) >we gotz a pack mule doin the work givin us da codez. squad sez copycat everythin<< (Meaning–Get Whatever You see Him Posting-Go Back, check–Then Beat Him Next time! ) OK Go Ahead and take pride in that “Cheap” move–simply because it was someone else doing It----IF I Ever Did it, You’d Start Screaming For Mods--Problen is>>I DON’T DO IT<< …
    ++ someone else witnessed that “Bait & Switch,” since I already Had an upvote on mine–NO the same thing HW Falsely accuses Me of…when I POST Before H W–& go back to fix an error or add the City–instantly begins in with the __looky looky–Edit-Zilla Jump Post jump Post—but the 2 upvoters already Know it is BS–Like DisneyWiz, explaing What the “Edit” Feature is & Why it is 100% OK To use it–IT IS FOR EDITING MISTAKES or ADDING MORE INFO.–Or when You already Typed in the Name & the DJ Changes How it was Said–then You FIX IT!!-----Funny Thing IS–Even with all your Belly Aching–I Bet You Still Use My Info to Enter things–DONT YOU!?* …damn, where’s the Excedrine!!

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON DRUNK 3:44

    KSON DRUNK 3:44

  • 1000 Club

    Also, still 1 hour left to enter 10K Oscar contest in the Fox Super 8 app.

    Also, still 1 hour left to enter 10K Oscar contest in the Fox Super 8 app.

  • 1000 Club

    97.3 Nat Stevens, Chula Vista, 1 out of 9, Walk, FAIL

    97.3 Nat Stevens, Chula Vista, 1 out of 9, Walk, FAIL

  • 1000 Club

  • 10K Club Banned

    SHAKE KSON 4:43

    SHAKE KSON 4:43

  • 1000 Club

  • 10K Club Banned

    94.12 OSCARS 5:22p

    94.12 OSCARS 5:22p

  • 1000 Club

    Open to licensed California drivers 18+

    Open to licensed California drivers 18+

  • 10K Club Banned

    94.1 OSCARS

    94.1 OSCARS

  • 10K Club Banned

    Proposition…no, it is not a txt word… I Post in 3 Places, go fast to do it, because of Work Constraints//Lack of Time or to just get them done before the one coming up in 1 minute to 90 seconds >BUT< After all the Cumlie Drama…and the “jump post” play—I have an Idea that is over due. I have before and sometimes post on FB Before in here --those are the ones tagged “Virtual Storyteller” that I Copy & Paste from FB…sometimes even those post 1st, sometimes 2nd or 3rd…no matter–I like 2 or 3 posts better, easier to see, the different colors are better than just my same “vanilla” icon, making things Blend in & Harder to find the individual word or name…then there’s verification or even if 2 different words or names—if one doesn’t go-then #2 might—the 2nd option is better than just the one incorrect one.
    I Shall begin Posting in the F B page First, for every post…Not just Some!–So that way–IF 1st is the end all of your mission in here–then so be it—take it, I cant Cure You & there shall Easily be 40 seconds to a minute (Some posts are difficult there) plenty of time to post before me. I believe, the most important thing in here, is to get as much correct contest info up, in the shortest amount of time-(Some can come 2-3 a Minute!!)-and Not Fixate on one, just to Beat Others to the Post…missing 2 …and trading in the ONe, instead of getting all Three–just for a Persnal “Reward” of Posting before someone else and having your little "NA NA NA NA NA NA or whatever floats yer boat!. I Have asked more than once for others to post If & Whenever they Can. Personally, I think the Forum is LESS when it is just//mostly me. It makes the Forum look barren, unpopular and possibly semi-abandoned I Know people get busy–LIFE HAPPENS…it happens to me too—can’t chain myself to the radio, when things gotta get done!
    ANYWAY–Tomorrow I Still Post–Just in a Different Order (Unless I Know it is someone in here) About as Simple as can be, for a solution. Nothing changes for me, except the order I post them. Certain People can Relish in the fact they posted 1st …and then I Posts in DizneyWiz’s Pg. after here and Still relish in that I Posted in all three places–spreading it further & Wider! The FB Pg. Gets Way More Winning or, “That’s my Sister” responses, there and 2 to 4 people a week mssg me with a big thank you. I Should be Posting there First, anyway. TOMORROW IT IS!!

    Proposition…no, it is not a txt word… I Post in 3 Places, go fast to do it, because of Work Constraints//Lack of Time or to just get them done before the one coming up in 1 minute to 90 seconds >BUT< After all the Cumlie Drama…and the “jump post” play—I have an Idea that is over due. I have before and sometimes post on FB Before in here --those are the ones tagged “Virtual Storyteller” that I Copy & Paste from FB…sometimes even those post 1st, sometimes 2nd or 3rd…no matter–I like 2 or 3 posts better, easier to see, the different colors are better than just my same “vanilla” icon, making things Blend in & Harder to find the individual word or name…then there’s verification or even if 2 different words or names—if one doesn’t go-then #2 might—the 2nd option is better than just the one incorrect one.
    I Shall begin Posting in the F B page First, for every post…Not just Some!–So that way–IF 1st is the end all of your mission in here–then so be it—take it, I cant Cure You & there shall Easily be 40 seconds to a minute (Some posts are difficult there) plenty of time to post before me. I believe, the most important thing in here, is to get as much correct contest info up, in the shortest amount of time-(Some can come 2-3 a Minute!!)-and Not Fixate on one, just to Beat Others to the Post…missing 2 …and trading in the ONe, instead of getting all Three–just for a Persnal “Reward” of Posting before someone else and having your little "NA NA NA NA NA NA or whatever floats yer boat!. I Have asked more than once for others to post If & Whenever they Can. Personally, I think the Forum is LESS when it is just//mostly me. It makes the Forum look barren, unpopular and possibly semi-abandoned I Know people get busy–LIFE HAPPENS…it happens to me too—can’t chain myself to the radio, when things gotta get done!
    ANYWAY–Tomorrow I Still Post–Just in a Different Order (Unless I Know it is someone in here) About as Simple as can be, for a solution. Nothing changes for me, except the order I post them. Certain People can Relish in the fact they posted 1st …and then I Posts in DizneyWiz’s Pg. after here and Still relish in that I Posted in all three places–spreading it further & Wider! The FB Pg. Gets Way More Winning or, “That’s my Sister” responses, there and 2 to 4 people a week mssg me with a big thank you. I Should be Posting there First, anyway. TOMORROW IT IS!!

  • 1000 Club

    I recommend this contest. It is national, but 40,000 winners. Daily through June 12th. Use the attached image for your pass.

    I recommend this contest. It is national, but 40,000 winners. Daily through June 12th. Use the attached image for your pass.


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