Pagination Vs. Infinite Scroll
I’m moving an off topic discussion on this subject from another thread for continued dialog.
I’m going to be following this thread but i was wondering…over at the defunct FW i was able to go right to the front page (where the chart is) or click on any individual page in the thread (aside from just going to the latest postings) so i was wondering…how do you do that here?
@craig10x it depends on if you use infinite scroll or pagination
@craig10x if you’re using pagination view, the page list is at the very bottom of the thread, bottom dead center, below the reply button. I had trouble finding it too…
I’m kind of confused about this…not familiar with pagination view…how do i make my view display the page list? Do you mean in settings…i am using the default and it has pagination view checked…but i am not seeing page numbers at the bottom of the thread page…
@craig10x Click your avatar in the top right corner of the screen, then select Settings, in the second box on the right hand side of the settings page you will see ability to toggle between pagination and infinite scroll. Hope this helps, speak up if not!
@craig10x also see the picture and discussion regarding this issue in this thread -
I unchecked pagination and saved the setting but i am still not seeing page numbers at the bottom…i must be missing something…However, whether pagination is on or off, i just noticed that you can change the page numbers from the very top of the screen…there are up and down arrows, you can type in a particular page number and with the arrows far to the left and right, you can jump to 1st page or last page…
Is that what you were talking about?..didn’t notice it before…i guess i can use that…
@craig10x said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:
I’m kind of confused about this…not familiar with pagination view…how do i make my view display the page list? Do you mean in settings…i am using the default and it has pagination view checked…but i am not seeing page numbers at the bottom of the thread page…
@craig10x said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:
I unchecked pagination and saved the setting but i am still not seeing page numbers at the bottom…i must be missing something…However, whether pagination is on or off, i just noticed that you can change the page numbers from the very top of the screen…there are up and down arrows, you can type in a particular page number and with the arrows far to the left and right, you can jump to 1st page or last page…
Is that what you were talking about?..didn’t notice it before…i guess i can use that…
If I may chime in @craig10x, when pagination is enabled, you will not see the page navigation tool at the bottom of the page unless the number of posts in the thread is greater than the number of posts per page you set in the pagination settings on your account.
For example, your last post was the 26th reply to this thread. If pagination is set to initiate at 50 replies (the default setting), there is no need for a page tool at the bottom of the page because there are no pages in this thread yet. If you set the pagination tool to 20 replies, you will see the page navigation tool appear at the bottom.
If you want pages enabled, you must re-check pagination in your settings.
When you click on the “out of” between the post/reply count on the tool bar at the top of the page, you can enter a number to jump to the nth post in the thread (your last post was post # 26 so type that in to test this): it is not a page number navigator, but a post number navigator. The single up/down arrows on either side reverse or advance your view 1 post at a time (not a page at a time). The double up/down arrows take you to the very beginning and very end of the thread, respectively, as you noted.
Once pagination is activated by enough posts, the pagination tool at the bottom of the page has backward and forward arrows to navigate a full page at a time. As shown in the link provided by @mikk1, on mobile devices the page navigation tool also has the double arrows to jump to the beginning or end of a thread.
Thanks so much…now i get it…
Is it better to have pagination enable or disabled? And if enabled…how many posts per page?
Thanks @fivetalents - appreciate the assistance!
@craig10x - that’s completely up to you! some folks like everything on just one long page (infinite scroll/pagination turned off), others prefer seeing things page by page. I’d suggest you play with the settings to decide what works best for you - there is no “right” answer, it’s all just your personal preference.
@ everyone else - sorry we’ve hijacked this thread a bit. but hopefully this information will be helpful for others as well.
@craig10x said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:
Thanks so much…now i get it…
Is it better to have pagination enable or disabled? And if enabled…how many posts per page?I would try both for a while and see which meets your personal preferences. I really like infinite scroll but found it jumped around too much when I scrolled up or down too quickly, causing me to loose my orientation for where I was in the thread. This was more of an issue for a thread with a lot of replies (try it out on the welcome refugees thread in the Announcements forum). Pagination felt too limited to me as I’m used to having 100 posts per page on FW, and 50 (the maximum here) felt too brief, but I’m getting used to it and prefer it over infinite scroll now.
To keep this thread on topic, I’m going to create a new thread in the support forum so that we can continue the discussion there.
I’ll play with it and thanks to all who worked to get me straightened out…I think it will be helpful to others who also probably didn’t know how it works…back to the main discussion…
@mikk1 said in Pagination Vs. Infinite Scroll:
Thanks @fivetalents - appreciate the assistance!
@craig10x - that’s completely up to you! some folks like everything on just one long page (infinite scroll/pagination turned off), others prefer seeing things page by page. I’d suggest you play with the settings to decide what works best for you - there is no “right” answer, it’s all just your personal preference.
@ everyone else - sorry we’ve hijacked this thread a bit. but hopefully this information will be helpful for others as well.
Sorry @mikk1, we were posting at the same time (and said essentially the same thing!).