Moderators, I don’t think people are coming back in fear of being assaulted till you permanently ban @Ronzilla.
Posts made by Chumle
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
more great useful RAMBLINGS— YOU’D RATHER see MORE OF THESE?? “DRUNKEN” TYPE SOUNDING RAMBLINGS?? DON"'T Twist this (AS You Like to Do) to me Calling him DRUNK–that i am not! Just how it “sounds” as though SOMEONE was THAT WAY!
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
92.5 thanks rdubNeeded some Bad from MJ <<<<<<<<<<<What! DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING contest?!
Read a tweet that XMan has been with Magic for 22 years. That is amazing. So hard for.a DJ to stay in one region/one station for that long. Tough business especially now << Now a Radio DJ//Career Discussion Forum??
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
92.5 same John Legend song that they played yesterday. Good song but letdown a little after Michael. <<<<<<<<< What!?! DOES THAT HELP ANYONE??supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
You are crazy and I am out of my mind. Okay, that is a good lyric << THIS is Not a MUSICAL LYRIC FORUM!!supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
MarvinnGaye sexual healing… It has been too long. Good song choice <<Not a RADIO Update Forum Eithersupertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
92.5 going tonight text her to play some Norah Jones 6195701925 << I Think a Song Request IS not a Proper Post…Nor ON TOPIC!!She said contest for Valentine’s Jam in half hour. So around 840pm
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
Sade No Ordinary Love. Fantastic <<< NOT a Song Artist Discussion Forum Eithersupertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
840pm she sounded so faint. I heard try again. Don’t know what number I was. Try tomorrow. Hopefully Kings win <<Not a Sports Forum…but a Common Subject for This Person…Multiple Times a Day, when here…in other words OFF TOPIC multiple Times a day0
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
Doing good. Kings up by 2 at the half. Need them to win…to win << More OFF TOPIC sports----- Perhaps “Suggest” ANOTHER forum TO GO POST THOSE IN0
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
92.5 Albert of LaMesa won. He lurks him. Congrats man <<Congrats for What??? Missing SOME INFO HERE incomplete post
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 2 days ago
92.5 she said she will play some nj <<<DON’T KNOW WHAT nj is But no Matter --OFF TOPIC AGAINSomeone doesn’t understand social incompatibility or computers but knows how to point fingers and victim blame. @Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
Frowning at what’s become of this thread, what an unreadable mess! How proud you must be to start a war with the moderators, first they turn on the down vote because of your words and actions, then removed edit because of your lewd comments towards women, banned you from other threads because you tried to commit threadkill, now you’re doing it here again and defyng the moderators with the images.
The moderators provide this website to users at no cost, imagine the grief caused and disk space and bandwidth wasted with your defiance.
Suggested Moderators New Years Resolution to clean up this thread. Continue with no edit, disable all images, remove all formatting of posts (large fonts, bold, etc., text only) and limit posts to 140 characters like Twitter. Or they could finally just ban you from the site or this thread so users will return and rebuild in the new year.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
KGB)) Enter For Your Chance To >Win A $1000 Gift< Card
Text Game Day to 51881 to enter for a chance to win
wwaaaaaahh!! He’s STILL Able to Post IMAGES --AAAAH!—Childish GAMES!! By the USUAL SUSPECTS…some here are well aware…Suddenly being “FOLLOWED” and " coincidently --IMAGES Don"t LOAD …Like in “Check your Google”@Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
Frowning at what’s become of this thread, what an unreadable mess! How proud you must be to start a war with the moderators, first they turn on the down vote because of your words and actions, then removed edit because of your lewd comments towards women, banned you from other threads because you tried to commit threadkill, now you’re doing it here again by defyng the moderators with the images.
The moderators provide this website to users at no cost, imagine the disk space and bandwidth wasted with your defiance.
Suggested Moderators New Years Resolution to clean up this thread. Continue with no edit, disable all images, remove all formatting of posts (large fonts, bold, etc., text only) and limit posts to 140 characters like Twitter. Or they could finally just ban you from the site or this thread so users will return and rebuild in the new year.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
Mission accomplished, the positive challenge works. We won the battle with @Ronzilla and are ready to win the war when the shenanigans start again.
Many thanks to @dangeRuss, the moderators and the many.
Positive challenge working superbly. Have a fantastic day.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@casas said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@chumle Why won’t you stop posting this nonsense just to start problems. I’ve reviewed your posts & I can’t find even a single one where you’ve actually posted something on topic & helpful to this group. It really is time for you to move on. The majority of us are here to help each other win & I appreciate everyone that posts here for that purpose.Chumlie, Whatever repetitive nonsense you’ve again, posted, I’m sure THIS pretty much Speaks for All of us that Actually CONTRIBUTE!!
@Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
Mission accomplished, the positive challenge works. We won the battle with @Ronzilla and are ready to win the war when the shenanigans start again.
Many thanks to @dangeRuss, the moderators and the many.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
2 in one Day! Chums…are You Flirting??
dangeRuss he thinks his attacks on members and lewd comments towards women is a joke. Serious liability.
The viral outrage traveled wide, beyond Phatwallet, simply because of your words and actions. @Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
@Chumle u right word haz spread /squad sez that all da past peepz atackd hav talkd an datz why all da kharma. rebrand wont workz /yu-b-yu
chek fbook, lik watchin kidz ulink referal warz /epic bakfired lol
hav a guud weeknd@HappyWife glad you are doing well and those are some fantastic wins, congratulations!
And talk about backfire, I find it interesting that the Facebook contest group is going to become a “Private” group and their reasoning. Wait till they realize that @Ronzilla mirror posts everything on “Public” sites like Phatwallet that anyone can see. That conflict may not end well.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Not much to do with Phatwallet, since it is in the FB pg. I post in, Although “Others” have desperately tried to connect the Two & for That Reason, along with all the Missinfo//False info that was used in those Posts//Comments on how Hated//Despised I am there, I am including this. It is a member taking a poll to make the page “Private”, Including a piece on How Despised I Actually Am >> Chris Jones created a poll. · Does anyone else feel like this should be a private group instead of public? So only those who participate and are local get info? Much love to Ronzilla for running group ❤️ Just a thought. 🍀
Actually the Group’s administrator is “Jesse James”, we Collaborate, quite a bit & Jesse has had kind words for me, on that & my frequency of posting… My response the the “recognition” given by Chris is as follows : Ronzilla: Chris, Thank You for the recognition, but I Do not “run” this group. I Contribute as much as I can, that is ALL. There are other good contributors, along with me, that make this site the success that it is. May this continue–and GOOD LUCK to everyone. like people “Like” my response…including the guy that Does “Run the Page”>> Constance Johnson
Jessie James
The viral outrage traveled wide, beyond Phatwallet, simply because of your words and actions. @Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
2 in one Day! Chums…are You Flirting??
dangeRuss he thinks his attacks on members and lewd comments towards women is a joke. Serious liability.
The viral outrage traveled wide, beyond Phatwallet, simply because of your words and actions. @Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
2 in one Day! Chums…are You Flirting??
dangeRuss he thinks his attacks on members and lewd comments towards women is a joke. Serious liability.
The viral outrage traveled wide, beyond Phatwallet, simply because of your words. @Ronzilla, you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
2 in one Day! Chums…are You Flirting??
@dangeRuss he thinks his attacks on members and lewd comments towards women is a joke. Serious liability.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@Happywife hope you had a fantastic weekend. So sorry for @Ronzilla lewd comments, you should consider taking him off ignore to follow the shenanigans.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@dangeruss plz help! squad sez @Ronzilla removed sayin “stick finger in H W butt” from post. i hope some1 doesnt hurt thereselvez bcauz of hiz harasment. btw when yu read hiz endlezz rantz yu know when hez attackin/harass me when he sez “H W” or “queen” or (list go on an on), why? me stickin up for myself, postin fastr and the word “bam”. other sex harasment today “condom” an callin @Chumle without the “h”, f word … hez obscene!
Unbelievable, this is how women members get treated, @Ronzilla this and your peers Facebook comments is all we really need to know about you. You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
"Squad queen goes from 776 to 1321 in 3 days on 30 posts…Amazing!! Nothing to see here—keep moving L C S
@ctgolfer i juss saw yur recent suport fur me thankz - sir yur top “reputation” on phatwalett iz thhat of an “overlord” respect!
No problem. Thanks for your support also. You and @Chumle keep up with EVERYTHING that you do.
thankz @ctgolfer yu arr right, thnakz to @Chumle 2 /itz the best entertainmt watchin teenie blowup lololol /good vibz
OH! and the “Ringmaster” over 4yrs. to get to 22,250…about 5500 a YEAR avg…2 months go by—and OVER 35,000 … Yet 13,000 in 60++ DAYS went from 34,441 TO 35,06 -in 1 Hour with 19 post!! Those must have been some very special posts!! LOLOLOL …Nothing to see here–move along, please—Pay no Attention to the man behind the Curtain L C S
25,605 to 2nd 13,670 only numbers that are Legitimate!!—
@Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@dangeruss said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@Ronzilla @ctgolfer can we keep this on topic please. Don’t make me garage this thread.
@dangeRuss Hello. I am surprised that @Ronzilla is still here after his lewd comments to women and weekly attacks of good members. Kind sir, please consider revoking @ronzilla access to the San Diego contest page & the Trivia page and the problem will be solved. @Happywife and @ctgolfer will get some relief and @ronzilla can continue to do his thing in the Southern California contest page. Everybody happy including the Mods.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@happywife TARDO>>Ronzilla 10K CLUB
“Trouble in Paradise? Like YOU, Nothing could be Further The TRUTH” If this is Trouble to You >>Thanks so much you are awesome Ronzilla. Always posting for us❤️
You sent July 19 at 4:02 PM you are always most welcome…a great part of our machine!! We are NOT SQUAD! LOL a machine that must work together to be Our Best!
Ruth XXXX sent July 19 at 11:31 AM
Are you ok with me sharing all your posts? Thank you for always posting for us😊 << some//ONE People//Person say They don’t see All my Posts—The WANT TO SEE ALL MY POSTS --Even IF Ruth has TO SHARE THEM—And YOU TRY A do the Sqwad TWIST THE TRUTH on it-TO SAY THE OPPOSITE—HA HA HA>.Ridiculous–YOU DON’T MAKE SENSE—People//Person ASKs Ruth IF She Would SHARE MINE–Because they FOLLOW >HER< And SEE HERS FIRST–AND >>DON’T WANT TO >>MISS MINE!!<< IF they’re Blocking --How do thy SEE & COMMENT----STUPIDO
Ronzilla sent July 19at 11:42 AM I Think It gives a Better Chance of Being Seen–So Why Not Share them–Please Do!
Ruth XXXX Author…Thank you Ronzilla. I will be sharing your posts as some cant see them😊
Only one Posting KSON Words during the Week & Weekend >>
Ruth sent: Thank you for all the words, we’d be lost without you ❤️
Ruth XXXXXXX I missed the 100.7 name!! Ronzilla : 100.7>PRISCILLA ELWELL 11am. Thank you Ronzilla we missed it. Saved again!
Ruth xxxxxxx All the words I am posting for KYXY, KSON and iHeart are from Ronzilla. Dont want to give myself the credit for all of it but want to share them for those that cant see his posts. 😊
Rosabel XXXX Here’s another post from Ronzilla some can’t see: KSON (saturday) stagecoach weekend codes >You will have until 11:59PM PT on July 18, 2021 to enter any or all of the correct keywords - ONE Per HOUR!
1:30p BOOTS
5:30p PARTYLikes//upvotes on ONE POST!! Gotta Block identities, so a sicky doesn’t pull their favorite passtime & Harass these people… These are the People that “Can’t See My Posts”—YET CAN COMMENT??–That makes Sense!!
Marissa XXXX
Trisha XXXX
Brandy XXXX
Michelle XXXX
Norma XXXX
Jessica XXXX
Rosabel XXXX
Ruth M XXXX-------Sorry to Shatter your “Hopes and Dreams” Far from…“TROUBLE” without CUMLIE, H W & “Duh Squad”…How can there be trouble??IT was One person----And she’s on that 10 Likes list & Others---- Ruth had a message “What Happened to the I-Heart Words?” ----IT WAS BECAUSE I HADN’T Posted them YET—BUT I Let RUTH >>SHARE Them ANYWAY—>>MORE EXPOSURE<< --WHY NOT—Like in HERE --People >>FOLLOW PEOPLE & SEE THOSE POSTS >.FIRST<< That IS ALL IT IS-- HOW CAN I GET 10 LIKES on POSTS PEOPLE CAN NOT SEE–DUH, DUH, DUH! DUH SQWAD SAYS >>Ha Ha Ha Ha -WHO GIVES A ******* WHAT THE “SQUAD” SAYS----SPREAD YOUR USUAL MISINFORMATION & BS—No Surprises --IT IS ALL PART OF THE “LIE CHEAT & STEAL” Squad MANTRA—Means ZERO Because THEY ARE ZERO—AND >>YOU ARE MAKING IT UP<< it is because Some SEE MINE >>FIRST<< Some SEE RUTH’s >> All depends On Who Follows Who>>LUZR
7 More people that can Comment Yet Can’t SEE ME??..on my Jennifer post!
Steven Wxx
Norma Gxx Nxx
Juan Gxx
Jennifer Ward
Jessica Taylor Hawthorne
Ruth Fxxxx
Mike SxxxALL THE ENERGY YOU PUT INTO ALL THIS >>STALKING<< is Useless & FRIGHTENING, at the SAME TIME You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing…Joe Blow
ONE, and Only Response//Recognition Or contact With ANY “SQWAD LAMOS”—Completely Worthless----and NOT A POSITIVE IN ANY WAY HERE!! IGNOR IS THERE FOR A REASON—Even though It Works Backwards—I’LL Take What IT DOES—Can’t Screw with ME IF I Can’t SEE IT—LOLOLOLOLOL>>SQWADDY SQWAD SQUAD >>DEFUSED<< Ha Ha Ha DONE!!
IT"s Like that IRRITATING LITTLE Yapping DOG HAS FINALLY SHUT UP!!..Kinda like cumlie Plus//BONUS>> ME being here>>Makes You Flip-Out and work Harder!! --Gotta Love That!!@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@ctgolfer said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@ctgolfer i juss saw yur recent suport fur me thankz - sir yur top “reputation” on phatwalett iz thhat of an “overlord” respect!
No problem. Thanks for your support also. You and @Chumle keep up with EVERYTHING that you do.
thankz @ctgolfer yu arr right, thnakz to @Chumle 2 /itz the best entertainmt watchin teenie blowup lololol /good vibz
@HappyWife the respect goes to you and @ctgolfer for your leadership in Phatwallet and the “positive challenge”. And I notice a few others recently joining in like @casas, @JulyTulip, @Palacios1980, etc. to help make a difference. Many thanks.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@chumle Whatta got on This BULLARKY----I post then, Minutes after get slammed with 2 HUGE Double posts 20 seconds Apart
Ronzilla 10K CLUB 3 days ago
👀 KYXY 5P >WEST< 👀
there is NO I-HEART 5pHappyWife 500 CLUB 3 days ago
Harrah’s Resort, Nominate your favorite charity to win!HappyWife 500 CLUB 3 days ago
311 with Iration, Tame Impala and ZZ Top Announces 2021 Tour Datesthen Posting what I Had more than 5minutes Prior-
HappyWife 500 CLUB 3 days ago
west 72881 5bamm 200-200 5
followed By HW Double HUGE Posts to Intentionally BURY//Hide//Invalidate my post & those BS “bamm!” Like HW was first because HW wasn’t First—Whatta ya Call THAT—Not GOOD//FAIR practices—BUT OK, as long as it is ANYONE But ME!! & those Bamms–
And These-=-=-=Only does them TO ME>>HappyWife 500 CLUB 3 days ago
pobrecito 72881 6 /me furgot almose 70 year ole fingaz lolol-----as though My posting 2nd makes me some kind of Inferior—You consider those OK or >>RUDE"??>>reminder >>THERE WAS NO 5PM<< So Don’t try & say IT was posting the word!!..pobrecito = “Poor baby”
Do you SEE ME doing those Disrespectful>>CLOWNING<< Maneuvers??
NO! Me if I am 2nd?…
HappyWife 500 CLUB 3 days ago
legends 103.7 8Ronzilla 10K CLUB 3 days ago
Thanks for entering GTFO: Kelsea Ballerini Flyaway!—>I Post & Move ONGET OUTTA HERE With your Senseless BIASED B S RANTS!!
ALL THE ENERGY YOU PUT INTO ALL THIS >>STALKING<< is Useless & FRIGHTENING, at the SAME TIME You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing…Joe Blow
Anyone else have an Opinion on chum’s Rants–Feel Free!—It is More your forum than someone that simply Never Contributes Useful Info here----silence is like agreeing and then it will not stop!!—Instead of Saying it in my messenger–Say the Same HERE!
this is CHUMLIE’s PLAN//AGENDA>>Suggested previously, that moderators isolate Ronzilla in a single thread to prevent causing trouble all over Phatwallet/Facebook and if he is as popular as he thinks, his fans will follow. A win-win for everyone. And/Or give @ctgolfer and @HappyWife administrative functions for their threads----------now WITHOUT your input//Standing UP For YOURSELVES & EVERYONE these Tyrants will Just Walk all over YOU! —WHAT ARE THE odds HW, Given the “POWER” how long before She just Outright >>BANS ME from PHATWALLET Altogether—Is That What You all want?? ----It just may come To That! Closer & Closer EVERY DAY!! the MORE you let This Forum Slip Out of ALL OF OUR HANDS and into that of the WANNABE THUGS…The “SQUAD” !!—He is Such a NUT JOB Control Freak—He thinks he Actually Has Some Kind of SAY//Jurisdiction OVER FACE BOOK TOO…WHAT?? Now do you Finally see WHO//WHAT we are Dealing With—++ Who Will Be Next–that THEY Don’t APPROVE OF??---------This is it>>RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes B y H W>>😮 karma a secretz no–zilla page wuz juzz creeted frum peepz done wit it. hop peepz here get invitez /go squad an good vibz—tamed 72881 6 /chumle chalenge workin -peepz dubel crossin u lol–THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?? +++ People in the FB Pg. Say, "Who Talks like that, What is she, 12??------And IF I do a Couple Days of Posting Everything–instead of Everything EMPTY I still get Nothing BUT Ridicule >>oh my, ware iz every1 bamm bamm? we gotz a pack mule doin the work givin us da codez. squad sez copycat everythin, flatery.—YET WILL USE EVERYTHING I POSTED To Her Advantage!! …Like Many Times says Nasty Stuff then Deletes It BUT >>>"Removed Yur Post??–No it is Right Here…so no Delete Yours & call the Mods, again --! @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes: Listen you psycho, don’t take it out on us just because you chose to be superman and post everything 24 hours a day to stroke your narcissism. Go hide in some hospital until the chemical imbalance in your brain absorbs the medications. /happy friday y’all --This is What Happened for Simply Posting 2 in a Row Before She Could----HOW Stable a Person Does THAT Sound LIKE —GIVE THAT Administrative Power??? Really???
@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Sometimes its obvious when someone is compensating for something.
<<<<<< NO IM NOT!!! >>>>>>
/thakz fur sending me dis lol, hav guud weeknd
@HappyWife Funny!
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@julytulip JulyTulip about 23 hours ago
…I didn’t Notice but “GotNo” Did stand up &? Say something gotnopoints 500 CLUB 29 days ago
Ronzilla is right. I am guilty of being a bystander hoping things would just get better but it never does. So now I am speaking up. This pettiness over the years needs to stop. Everyone has their little oddities but this is not the place for cyber bullying. I for one appreciate a majority of Ronzilla’s posts but I also know his rants can be annoying to some…ok all. Ronzilla is not the most eloquent poster and has initiated some of this backlash onto himself but that does not give you the right to keep pushing his buttons, so why do you think it is ok here? If you can’t say or do something nice for those that post just keep it to yourself. We are all here with the purpose of helping each other win free prizes, some more than others, so why not be more appreciative or understanding? Hopefully you will keep this in mind if Ronzilla continues to participate or when the next Ronzilla joins this forum. For those that frequently post, I don’t say it as much as I should but thank you for your service.
-IF you are Not familiar with “GOTNO” -----He has Posted here for YEARS from near the Beginning, longer Than I have And MANY Times has “SAVED the DAY” with Many Well Timed posts that Could have Been Missed----I Appreciate “GOTNO” enough that I went Back & UPVOTED JUST ABOUT every post ever made ----JUST IN CASE THOSE fools Tried Taking Any away from Him-----I did Hundreds at a Time HIS STATUS IN “REPUTATION” MOVED up ABOUT 15- 20 OR MORE POSITIONS---- I know he will be there At the Right times again & Have Posted 2nd to His Just to help it be more visible to assist people going thru post rather quickly --Due to time restrictions!!—>>DOUBLE POSTING IS GOOD!! don’t be afraid to Post if One Just DID—Not an Insult to Post 2nd & help VERIFY the Content OF THE ORIGINAL POST As Well as Making it Easier TO SEE//FIND!ONE More thing—IF You want to SEE how I post without all the ODD Comments & Double posting//Burying of Any Post I Make Before HappyWife—PLEASE Got to RE: Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion and YOU Will see WEEKS of nothing BUT POSTING THE CORRECT INFORMATION–>>ZERO DRAMA<<
Unbelievable, there is a second strike. This is how a member gets treated when asking an innocent question. @Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@julytulip you started KSON posting?? First Means very Little --Only to one mental case–I Post in 3 Places, sometimes >>4<<AS I am Working…So I Get them All Done ASAP—NOT a Race!!-I have posted KSON Both in here for over 3 Years Ronzilla 10K CLUB 2 years ago KSON—DAVID GORDA ,& On their F B pg for over 8++ Years along with KR Urbina, Amber, & Others—949, Many people Won Coachella passes from my posts there, over the years. —KYXY Ronzilla 10K CLUB 3 years ago KYXY ----5:10 Trip Name>>>Carlos Canejo—and Sunny 98.1, BOB RADIO & GLOW You are more than Welcome to Join in Posting–I Welcome ALL Posters --Have You seen Me flip Out & Bury Posts because someone Else did before me?? I Will bring Mine Forward when someone Clowns Me & show IT I Already had posted their “First Post” or use those Ridiculous EYES To demonstrate the Silliness of it All -But the First??? You would have had to begin in 2012//13-----KSON Posts have Always Been Posted in This Forum------Post or Don"t Post—All up to >>VOLUNTARY Posting by any Person>>>casas 500 CLUB about a month ago KSON - magic…Ronzilla 10K CLUB about a month ago KSON All WEEKEND.GTFO: Win up front tickets to see Florida Georgia Line plus an autographed guitar
This is how a member gets treated when asking an innocent question. @Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife I see why he struggles to get any support and everyone runs away. We all read the comments about him from genuine people on Facebook and what happens when it comes to in person interactions. Not a people person and social media is the only option left for interaction that comes with a captive audience 24 hours a day. Deep inside it has got to hurt knowing that his issues have lost the respect of everyone and all that is left is terrorist posting any crap we already see on industry websites as often as possible at all hours and calling that amazing. It’s the only way to “like/upvote” himself and scream for attention while sadly avoiding the learning and growing opportunity. New people are getting attacked quicker but I will repost the challenge and see if that helps.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@HappyWife good to see you posting on a weekend. How goes it here?
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Your thursday "Thought of the Day"
To all my haters, I realize you only have one advantage over me…you can kiss my azz and I cant!@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@happywife ??? WV T H ??? hHaHaHsa! What the Hell is That Mess?? LOL you!, WHATEVER THEV HECK This is suppose to be!! What a JOKE ----OOOOOOOO!! BBoooo!! LOL----There is >>NOTHING THERE —Yet you Keep Posting it & Reposting NOTHING----Your Meds Run out?? Your Big "Thrreatening URL takes you to >>This Page Isn’t Available The link may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Check to see if the link you’re trying to open is correct.
This FITS the BOTH OF YA>>You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Blow.
@Ronzilla the comments on the Facebook post is all we really need to know about you!
You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
A quick moment to recognize @ctgolfer for passing a 30,000 reputation. I for one, greatly appreciate all of his posts in " trivia", “free stuff” and “hot deals” to name a few. Thank you very much @ctgolfer!
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@chumle I thought you Said >*I hope this helps and this is my last response to anyone. Best of luck to you…" You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing
,and here You are Here Yet again. with another out of control serves no real purpose >RANT<–yes! I responeded to H W’s many repetitive comments Concerning a “BAN” that Never WAS and that YOUR FALSE CLAIMS Started All of IT! --Your point Of bringing All of this UNTRUE BS back up in the Forum …IS??
MY resonpnse to the Belligerent @happywife IGNORANCE is Bliss & Making stuff UP or Believing Chumlie is always a Mistake–Just as Big a Lie when He Said it—No More True Because You Say it–Quite the opposite!!PROOF<< there Was NEVER a BAN----IT was a "SECURITY ISSUE–BUT JOB #1 For You is Slamming ME Every chance you Get --Nothing more, nothing Less—all part of your Narcissistic personality
Facebook Someone may have accessed your account
Jun 18, 2021, 5:01 PM (4 days ago)
Hi Ronzilla It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you’ll need to answer a few questions and change your password
Once I answered their querry–I was Granted 100% ACCES TO ALL of F B’s FEATURES, >>within hours NOT 6 Months–RUMOR SPREADERAnd I have Made Many post on that page in the past Few DAYS----You"re just Exposing what a “Troll you can be–By doing NOTHING BUT Spreading Lies & Falsehood… what else is new?”
with little regard as to the wishes of others i this forum example "casas 500 CLUB 8 days ago
@chumle it is unfortunate that you cannot focus your energy on helping this group. All you continue to do is harass & try to stir up problems. I really appreciate the posters here that just want to work as a team without the extra drama.
Please move on and post useful contest info or just leave us alone.
500 CLUB 13 days ago
@chumle just stop this nonsense
Move on & post something productive or helpfulSeems as though others in the forum get along Just fine with me in a friendly manner >bryanwr 1000 CLUB 6 days ago
@ronzilla Yes finally i won something good. Thanks again 🙂Ronzilla 10K CLUB 6 days ago
@bryanwr ++ FINAL WIN OF THE CONTEST RUN!!–The “CROWNING WIN” Your the “King for The Run!” NICE ONE–VERY NICE!–I Like Helping and Hearing wins–Especially when Well Deserved and Like “Bottom of the 9th, 2 outs W/Nobody on—and one Strike on the batter----And CRACK!—It’s long, going deep–that babies outta here—HOME RUN For The WIN!” --Made My DAY!
Ronzilla 10K CLUB 4 days ago
105.3-----DISNEY!!—wooza woowza flooosza wiinzzaa__DANK! >>WINNER! caller #15----First freaking DIAL–Kabboom
supertaylorguy 1000 CLUB 4 days ago
@ronzilla congrats I didn’t even know they were giving away Disneyland tickets, but what station isn’t. Lol. You are going to have fun. Happiest place on EarthStormie123 23 days ago
@ronzilla ok thanks I’ll def be aware of them.Other positive responses to My postings : #1 👍🏼 …#2 Thanks, much appreciated, ive been super busy last couple of days!! …#3 Thank you 😊 …#4 Thank you, did some shopping, entered the word & missed nothing–freedom LOL #5 I’m definitely was listening closely, now I do not have to So Cool! 18 days ago Thank you, I called in time and so far the only one who did today. Hopefully those tickets will be mine!!
Even though after over 95000 Upvotes being removed …But you wouldn’t know anything about that. STILL 27,027 upvotes Out of 24,200 posts THAT OVER 27, 00O People found them perfectly good & useful—Chumlie >16<…so, Out of 87 posts ONLY 16 were Usefull …The rest, what?? RANTS??? Myself, out of 24,200—27,000 Liked & useful–I"d Call my ratio shows people in PW like me just Fine!! and “FOLLOWERS” are people that are fans of a contributing Member//Poster and want to be alerted of every post I Make ----Chumlie’s Followers 0
FOLLOWERS No surpirise since the difference is “CONTRIBUTING” in a posistive manner.–YOU HAVE ZERO Informative Posts to offer!
Ronzilla 10 FOLLOWERS. OVER 27,000 Liked//Useful posts…10 Followers 43.4k
PROFILE VIEWS …Chumlie 649 PROFILE VIEWS…These show how many people come here & check your profile for Your Posts or Useful information…OVER 43,000 for ME and 649 for CHUMS…Not a lot of Interest there Chums…Not a Lot of good info Either!! lookin’ like a lotta rants! ! Here is someone that wants to also follow Me >>Stormie123 18 days ago
@ronzilla I would love to get on your FB page
I would Not call these anywhere Near negative replies>>
Rosabel XXXXXX
· Reply
Rosabel XXXXXXX Thanx—You’re NEXT!!
· Reply ·
Congratulations my friend
Sam xxxxxxx
· Reply ·
Ruth Mxxxxxx
Congrats that’s awesome!
----again Your “reason” for Breaking your word>>I hope this helps and this is my last response to anyone. Best of luck to you… . & making yet another of your Senseless//Rediculous RANTS?? —All this Hurt and negativity–WHERE IS IT?? …why No Mention of HW 's continuous double posting LARGE IMAGES just seconds apart TO BURY MY POST & Posting what I Had posted 3-8 Minutes before , just to make hers “Appear to be first” Her ridiculous “FIRST at any cost” >>I Believe You Called it “Preditory Behavior” when you made the false accusation that IT WAS I doing THAT—SHE used the TV-8 Weather quiz (she always copied from Me)–THREE EXTRA TIMES that day as a Burying tool>>–Posting it FIUR TIMES serves what real PURPOSE…IF not to BURY?? H W Invented that Move 100% All H W! posting in that manner is not only RUDE but also quite Disruptive in every Way—Far From creating a “Friendly & Cooperative Atmosphere” within the forum !—Sorry but I have to use the forum for what it is for >>POSTING<< In closing, I believe this person nails it for Many of US >> 500 CLUB 13 days ago@chumle just stop this nonsense and Move on & post something productive or helpful, or just move on!
You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing–Fits you so much better than it ever did me@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
yu can meet ronzilla but me wiil pass, yu must read commentz to chumle link frum many past pwallet peepz oh my 😞–Only thing i >Must do<< is post as best as I can & Ignor YOU and The many Off topic Postings you waste space with, as much as possible–That is ALL That is IMPORTANT… But You & that Narcissism…keep you thinking >>YOU GUYS hold some type of “importance”–NOT ONE Bit a part of what this forum is all about–As a Reminder >>ALL About posting Contest & winning information–And >>VERY LITTLE<< about You & the “CHUMS”—Perhaps You should REMEMBER That
@Ronzilla the comments on the Facebook post is all we really need to know about you!
You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Face Book did Not respond through it’s Regular Channels , due to the SECURITY ISSUE — Last I Saw, was the Red Banner informing me–I Could Not Participate in “Group Forums” --in Reality (GOOGLE IT–Chumlie…R E A L I T Y ) for the Security of everyone in the Group—>>from the HACKER<< Hmmm? could it have been an Overly Zelous//Jeolous Aggressive “PhatWallet” Member?? Vladimir Putin?? CHINA!! D B freaking Cooper!! I was Not Baned -It Was a Safety ISSUE—I Was Being>>hacked<< at The Time I was Posting—They Couldn’t respond Until I Prooved >I< was the Owner of My FB Account–I get So Many emails, did not See the EMAIL, Until a Short While Ago
Facebook Sat, Jun 19, 12:01 PM
Hi Ronzilla , It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you’ll need to answer a few questions and change your password. Facebook Your Facebook Security Code, Your security code is: xxxxxxx To help us confirm your identity on Facebook, we need to verify your email address
I didn’t Connect the Two-----I thought this was Yet another separate Issue—It was>The ONE & ONLY Issue<< Once I Did IT—Within An Hour—I Had Full Access As Before—Not Banned at All. …another email. explains The issue & That there was Never a BAN. MYself & the Hacker WERE >>Both Neutralized–Until One of us could Prove Their Identity*There was Never a >BAN< —Nothing to do with Any "ill Perceived “Antics”, since there Are None And am 100% clear to go about my business on F B as before–Just as in Here…we are all equal, just “Some” can’t Grasp That!–The entire “Issue” >>All For SECURITY & Preventing Others in that Group, From the Hacker–Not ME! (Since F B had Not Yet descerned Who Was Who.& Who was a Threat) Obviously >>NOT ME< to be back within 18 hours.–Not 6 Months–Just Where DID you get this “6 Month Ban” info, since I couldn’t Post it?? I Only PM’d a few People–One was You? or Squad, using the old “Fake Friend” Trick, again? —Fixed!! No More PM’s–Shuts that Down—I only Posted “I Can Post–The Ban is Over” Before Realizing There Was Never Any>>BAN< Sorry that, I am assuming, All that jumping up & Down, “Yippee” and the Like , If happened—Was all for Not! There Was No Ban, Nor Reason For One–WAAAH!
The Group was just as Mystified as I was as to “WHY”…a few of Many Comments : . #1 “Why? That’s bullshit” Sat 10:39 AM Steven XXXXX Steven sent Yesterday at 10:39 AM “Did you appeal the ban? They should have to give you some specifics”. #2 Angelica MXXXXX “What! Why? You are so good at this! Thank you for all your help. I hope you come back soon to the page, Thank you much!”…#3 Elvia L.XXXX “Wow, I Saw that you posted tonight, Okay, cool. Hope all is well! Keep winning” #4 Rose GXXXX.“What?? I can’t believe it. Don’t see anything wrong about your posts. I’m completely shocked. You and Ruth ROCK! And the restriction is way too much for no reason. Will you still be posting in phatwallet? I look their and see your many good posts. If you miss any passwords please let me know and I got you–”—Some >Trust Me//Lke Me so Much–they pass on their Personal Info>> #5 “If you hear my name … XXXXXX XXXXX And my phone is XXXX XXX XXXX don’t know if you have time to call people but you do a lot already thanks for posting appreciate it immensely” --and over a Dozen More–No reason Fill with More-- The POINT has been made
Have you Noticed the Down Vote “someone” had activated has been Removed…more than Likely from the “ANTICS” of a Certain Few–ABUSING IT & Weaponizing it! “Who could That Be?”–WAIT! Did you just Use “IRREGARDLESS” —As Well as Insult many in here As “Desparate” and “Heartless” As well? And You claim I say Hurtful things—So Natural to You–You don’t even Notice>>“the people that support him are just interested in getting information at any cost irregardless of who gets hurt.” OH! That’s Charming! I Doubt You got that "Talent From >> "How to Win Friends and Influence People --Though I Do recommend Reading it—Perhaps “See the Light” ""
BTW From a Google Search, not me (Don’t Twist it as usual—This is Merely Stating >The Fact< (Are you Allergic to these?) --Though I already knew > "Why do idiots say irregardless? “6 Words Made Up by Stupid People” But “irregardless” can’t take the place of “regardless”! “Ir-” is already a negating prefix, as in “irrespective” or “irrelevant.” And because “-less” is also a negative suffix, “irregardless” is a paradox. Using it would technically mean that you actually have regard for something – in which case you can just say you fxxxxn’ regard that shXt!
THE URL for you to “Fact Check” You do understand the Concept of “Facts”?
Have A Look…as you recommend Others to do, all the Time–So Try your own Suggestion>>Have a LOOK! I Have Wasted Way Too much Time than you are Worth–But IF you’d Really Like to see “Trolling” & Poor Behavior—just look back non the Many bad colored, Rude and ones that have ZERO to do Wit Contest Info----Scan thru HappyWifes --and See why People (Indentities Witheld to prevent attacks–and against the Rules) Say> #1 “I don’t understand why she does this weird stuff I wish she would go away… I skip her stuff mostly because I feel her posts are confusing and don’t make sense but she post so much stuff” 🙁 …#2 “Correction:I don’t enter her posted contests anymore is what I meant to say. I agree totally she posts things that don’t have anything to do with contests or this forum” #3 “Yes I am who I said I was not sure what your referring too, yes I was just accepted on San Diego fb page my Facebook is under XXXXXXXXXXXX I don’t XXXXXXXX happy wife I find her posts XXXXXXX overwhelming and skip her stuff” (“Referring To” was about the Ban that wasn’t) #4 “Yes I saw that, What is she like 12 years old” #5> Even One from a “Lurker” >> “Thank you. I really appreciate all the posts you do and I get excited when you guys win stuff I try to listen when I can but these threads help. 👍🏼–I Have No Idea who that is—But Appreciate the content!–#6–And Facebook ban would’ve been crazy as I never saw anything that would warrant that. Just more garbage from the squad”. #7 RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes @Ronzilla How do I get my contact info on the excel spreadsheet of yours?? You are practically a super hero btw!- There’ Over 20 More—OR Look at The Many I posted In these “Best of Chumlie’s >RANTS” alreadyBefore Posting, This Caught My Eye>>-Some >Trust Me//Like Me so Much-<< IS That What Drives You—Some Twisted Disdain for People that you see as Popular and Liked—Is that something Lacking in your life—that it makes you Lash Out??-----Merely a Question// Observation–Just Trying to make Some Sense for This Garbage & Why You Devote so Much of Your Time & Waste so Much of Ours --You Obviously Have Little to no “REGARD” (real word) of Doing–Now >THAT< is a Narcissistic trait —That You Reverse—another Narcissistic trait Again --As Well as Insult many in here As “DESPARATE” and “Heartless” As well…Without any Concern or Remorse----More Narcissistic Behavior?Their Reqest & Comments on your actions > "casas 500 CLUB about 22 hours ago @chumle it is unfortunate that you cannot focus your energy on helping this group. All you continue to do is harass & try to stir up problems. I really appreciate the posters here that just want to work as a team without the extra drama.Please move on and post useful contest info or just leave us alone.------<<.Even completely discounting//ignoring this person’s legitimate request You Cease & Desist, from disrupting, harrassing, posting useles junk, and off topic commenting–even requesting you Try and post something that actually Contributes—Instead, More Narcissistic “That request means Nothing” to you, and you yet, Pound the Tables again-Responding -repeating your tired "My message is more impoertant–I’m not evengoing to consider any of that rquest, attitude"
Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, rogant thinking and behavior, .Symptoms include an excessive disregard for others’ feelings, an inability to handle any criticism,(Lashing Out) and a sense of entitlement. (As in Entitled to RANT at everyone else’s expense–without regard for other’s feeling or Time) Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative,(Manipulating the Truth and Facts) selfish, and demanding.(Demanding Others Step up for >Your Cause<) The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors. OOPS! EXPOSED!!“and this is my last response to anyone”<<<<<<<<<<<<<–OH! MY!–Time Will Tell
Facebook banned him for 6 months perhaps for his post above and all the same shenanigans he does here. Read the FB post below and the comments.----NO Ban—Spreading Usubstantiated RUMORS—But then Agian–Thruth & Facts were Never one of Your Strong Points!–anything–True or Not, Just to Get “Zilla”-----as many of H W’s comments Contain
BTW–The Adition to the Suggested “Modus operandi” Are ALL HappyWife’s Additions----Go Over them–and See how Many She Breaks or Does Not Follow------MORE Narcissistic personality disorder Behavior–“Rules Do Not Apply—Above It ALL”–Does Whattever It Wants Without Regard for Others!—Are You Sure You are TWO Separate People?? —Not One appearing As Two??–A Narcissistic//schizophrenic ??
Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.---------WOW --Bulleye Anyone?>> out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior>>wowwwzza manyz bak 2 bak contest calls my fingaz hav blistaz. did me win? 🙂 …>>> 2 get out. lotzza winz for diss gurlll an no-illa zonez squad still killin itz. good vibz <<< 4 “Yes I saw that, What is she like 12 years old”It Appears from the Majority making nothing But Positive Comments About me, Thanking me for my many good & useful Posts—Many Wishing You’d Just Go AWAY so to Improve//Bring Back OUR FORUM–Not Some BS >Squad//Thugs<<overloading the Forum Space With Useless Off Topic postings & MAGAZINE SWEEPSTAKES That Just Cause Multiple Emails, Private Information Sharing//Selling–and many unwanted Phone Calls—There was Just THAT Same Request Made in the ForumYesterday—But the Narcissism ONLY Allowed Her to Rmove One----because of the Lack Of Regard for Other peoples Wishes—Does Whatever She pleases–No Matter what–as in a >Fantasy< of Running This Forum–Again, a Reminder>>WE Are All Equal & Volunteer our Time—Everyone’s Posts Matter!__ Hows About just Swallowing your own Self- Importance And Simply Comply with the Many Requests!! -Post Good Useful stuff OR Don’t Post at ALL-----You 2//1—Push the Narcissism agenda against me-----When it is Blatantly Displayed in Many of the things You Do Chumle, such as, Spreading Rumors & False In formation Again! There Was No Ban…but since Face Book Was Merely being SAFE & keepping things >ON HOLD< until Identites Could be Established
@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@casas Hello and much respect to you. My positive challenge states my concerns and is to encourage people like you to post. Ronzilla wants to spin it into something negative because I shed light on the fact that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and change to get along with others. Take a moment and review some of his words that I reposted, he hurts many people. I fear the people that support him are just interested in getting information at any cost irregardless of who gets hurt. The frequency is increasing and has spread to Facebook but I am here for as long as it takes for things to change or he moves on. I hope this helps and this is my last response to anyone. Best of luck to you and you really should read the comments on Facebook while they are there!
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@ronzilla said in
IF you Can, PLEASE go to PhatWallet San Diego Contests & Sweeps…and Reply to Chumlies 2 challenges to have me removed. click on the "CONTESTS & SWEEPS Below–you will first see a Page with a Blue “New topic” Go down 5 people on that list --Click on the “San Diego Contest & Sweeps”–with a yellow icon of a guy & guitar----THEN–Just click REPLY–to the right of chumlies comments --And let him know–“I support Ronzilla (My User Name) as a good poster and would wrather YOU leave & he remains to contribute as he Has For Years”–or anything close to that =–Please these are the HappyWife TROLLS>>Remember reply to BOTH! --ALSO The Plus minus boxes on the right–Click oN The >LEFT ONE<< and Turn it RED–NOT GREEN–THE ONE on the Left --Turn it RED->>THANK YOU VERY MUCH—THIS MUST END!!Facebook banned him for 6 months perhaps for his post above and all the same shenanigans he does here. Read the FB post below and the comments.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in
IF you Can, PLEASE go to PhatWallet >San Diego Contests & Sweeps<…and Reply to Chumlies 2 challenges to have me removed. click on the "CONTESTS & SWEEPS Below–you will first see a Page with a Blue “New topic” Go down 5 people on that list --Click on the “San Diego Contest & Sweeps”–with a yellow icon of a guy & guitar----THEN–Just click REPLY–to the right of chumlies comments --And let him know–“I support Ronzilla (My User Name) as a good poster and would wrather YOU leave & he remains to contribute as he Has For Years”–or anything close to that =–Please these are the HappyWife TROLLS>>Remember reply to BOTH! --ALSO The Plus minus boxes on the right–Click oN The >LEFT ONE<< and Turn it RED–NOT GREEN–THE ONE on the Left --Turn it RED->>THANK YOU VERY MUCH—THIS MUST END!!
Too bad the 100+ he scared off can’t speak.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
So, I SEE–it IS All up toTHEM–you gave this ALL UP?? WHY?? it could…IT SHOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER----LOOK AT HOW MUCH IS >>NOT GETTING POSTED–ALL THE HOLES–<< ABOUT 60% IS LACKING----Because you fold & gave IN—I WILL CHECK BACK IN 30 DAYS —if anything is LEFT
When someone puts a mirror in front of his face and repost his words, he doesn’t like it and rants all over the website degrading others, which I am certain you don’t support. I see a trend, he leaves then gets paranoid when the members start building the forum without him so he has to disrupt it. It is disrespectful to all of you. I will repost the challenge.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
I Am going to the "LAND of PLEASANT PEOPLE-----AWAY From THIS >>PIT OF SERPENTS an Sociopaths<<—many of you know H W is a Whack-Job!!–allowing it >>MAKES YOU JUST AS GUILTY
Another Response to My FB Post
Michael A. Keeley
Thank you, I called in time and so far the only one who did today. Hopefully those tickets will be mine!!
Michael A. Keeley
Thank you, Ronzilla! I love being a part of a group who love radio contests as much as me!!Ruth sent Today at 12:11 PM
You are on it. Dont know how you do it. I cant keep up 😂
I have missed some names
Michelle Johnston
***Thank you for all the words and Names you post, how can you get so many at once…do you use some kind of Sotfware?
Looks like Ruth is having a Rough//Busy day!!
Ruth Ferrel Delgado
Thank you for posting. Missed the names–I just miss them by a little bit, but missing them the same. you Save Me!
· Reply · Share · 21m
CUMLIE got Any Complaints today? << THAT is What I do—for 8 freaking years >>BEFORE COMING HERE --on Radio Stations FB pgs. & .com Sites, KSON, B-100 (NOW 100.7) 94.9, 98.1, 105.7 (Gone) KYXY, 91-X and Many Others—You Guys ALLOW It----the SAME as them --You are In your Ignoring the Problem, allows it to persist—>>AGREE WITH THEM<< I am a Piece of FECES?? —That is what is Making it SO Freaking Easy-----ZERO Support FOR ALL I DO----YOU TRY IT–get 3-5 in a ROW or TIED to 1 Minute apart!–While WORKING at the SAME TIME!!–Sorry BUT Selling ME Out And Alowing All this---------LESSENS each & ervery one of YOU in my EYES!-----even Messaging Secret Contests that Even YOU Can’t GET on your Own–Listening @ 4AM to get these !! --Just SO YOU Can BE IN ON THEM–FOR WHAT??–GOOD F’ING BYEFreeing up my VALUABLE TIME & posting for more More deserving//Supportive People–ATB least they let me know --and yes–have made comments to others not so kind!! UNLIKE >>here<<–They come in here & downvote ME, BUZZTRAIN, DisneyWizard AND do it as Though they RUN THIS PLACE–(RUIN-YES) with zero consiquences–because of >>you!
ANYWAY----to end this on a More Positive note __THIS PERSON Missed his Name—BUT Checks for 100.7 Posts on my FB Group & This was the RESULTS!!
Michael A. Keeley
Ronzilla, I just got the call that I won the 100.7 BIGFM Disneyland tickets!!! Thank You and to this group for looking out. I will continue to pay it forward and post names and key words to help others win! <THAT IS MY REASON–I WIN SO MUCH YOU ALL NEVER HEAR ABOUT!—2019 OVER $14 ,000 Between I-Heart & Entecom–NOT Including READER Wins…TV Station Wins & Other Online WINS–REMOTE LOCATION//BOOTH -Probably another $5000 on those–Winning for me??? I’m OK —OTHERS I HELP for the Good KARMA!! Go! CUMLIE …H W’s “LAP DOG!” --Keep Your Nose outta My Business --Besides H W’s Cheecks are Getting COLD! ALMOST 24,000 Post & Should be 35,000 Upovotes–IN THREE YEARS!!! WTF Have YOU DONE----HW’s "TOOL"I Will Keep Messaging THAT Contest to Who I Have Been & I see the @&##!! ~ are Already at Cumlie is up! A IT–DO WATEVER the F**K YOU THINK MEANS WHATEVER YOU WEAK FREAKING WEASELS DO!! FAAAK ALL OF YOU!–Working in the “Dark” LIKE A BUNCH OF COCKROACHES THAT YOU ARE!–I MAKE GOOD CLEAN POSTS UNTIL THE diarrhea SHOWS UP STINKING UP THE PLACE----YOU GUYS ARE THE PROBLEM–ALL WAS GREAT =–PRE–SQUAD!!
@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every other day, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ctgolfer said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
Ronzilla said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
Come on!! ! I Should Have 33,600 + hammering me down to–28,923 —over 200 just Today–SO FAR! -OVER 4,500 IN A MONTH!! —robbing ME & Adding 300-400 a day TO Ctg --THAT’s “Winning”?? really–More like >>MOB RULE<< THAT’s how one “ADVANCES” That’s the Phat Wallet You Want? —The Same Attacking Me --Requested The downvote Be Made–Not as an Accessory. at all . Just to Strip my 'REPUTATION"—Still Not A “true win” A >theft" ----SHOULD BE ABOUT A 10,000 lead in both–you can’t change these My 3 YEARS TO His 4 Years Ronzilla 23,325 posts Ctgolfer 13,265 posts… That GAP shall Continue to WIDEN —I Have 10 FOLLOWERS --PEOPLE FOLLOW >bad Contributors?? I Have Upvoted Duckmin, Bloody, Trump & Smokey >HUNDREDS and Over 1800++ to Some—in the past 10 days – This is FAIR?? D-Wiz >>WAS<< a Hero//Treat with Respect, I was told–NOW Attacked by This GANG --The page he Started and Invited you all there >>“DESTROYED” Daily. --Who’s Next–Who will NOT Abide by the “MOB” and Get Penalized! – ridiculous & Doing MORE HARM to Phatwallet than to me—No Matter WHAT—CTG will Never be the >>TRUE<< Lead in Upvotes --Simply by HOW it Happenned!–I KNOW This will Cause Another 500 Easy but it will happen >>ANYWAY–This is Your “LEADER”–Should I Take the 1500++ Back off the Ones I Upvoted–NO THEY Are Good Contributors–I AM Not The "SQUAUD" Not a Group of Sociopathic PUNKS–And this Is the Only Way they can "Get Ahead"–YOU Can make a 6 inch Long red line next to my name----REFLECTS ON YOU …Not ME. I gotta get the KSON Word–& 933 Name–Things to Post
ctgolfer said:
Once again, your misdirecting your bullshit. The people who contribute here are all good people and you sit there criticizing them. YOU’VE GOT SOME NERVE!! I am not in control of what others do. Maybe you earned yourself some
"fans" with all of your whining and bickering you’ve done with others in other threads. Try looking in the mirror. -
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife that karma has got to hurt, it looks like they are making their point and not leaving the stats alone (whatever it is) until he learns. And I see what you mean about Facebook.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
–I Noticed Because I Went toi See IF I had Crossed 32,000 …SO When I See it is 31,860…then Withiin 2 Days it is 31,467 --YES! That got my Attention, Especially When Every 10 second Click–Reveals it is Declining As I Watched–CORRECT, I have down voted about 20-25 or so, my right to Disagree and use this>>TOOL<< as intended >Not as a WEAPON< So it’s Out of the Goodness of 3 to 4 People’s Hearts, At the Same time, --within a day that H Wife --rears her head in S D Contests & Sweeps—that These, generous ones, in unison, Lauch their ATTACK—OK --with those odds----you must win the Lottery 3 times a Month!–BTW It was One of YOUR >Rants IN Here That Chased trell11 over To DisneyWizards Pg/Forum–BUT Has Not been seen, Since this Onslaught–and You 2 or 3 Rants over Posting Your L A Trivia in Our S D >>Contests & Sweeps<< was//is the Wrong Place–As YOU Tell people in Here–Contests are not allowed–YET >>YOUR TRIVIA ones Are Just Fine—in the WRong Forum–in S D Contests --Gave ME The “Riot Act” For posting a "“Check Your Google” on the Same Place You did–YET >You Have done the Same …Posted a 2nd Same post–Multiple times—Xplain? (Appears The Same 3-4 People) Also do the Same to D-Wiz–for Which I See No Problem in his postings, (Myself & Karenjel Up Voting Him) – on these WRONG Downvote >>ATTACKS<< nothing evil, on his Part–other than >>YOU Disagree With His Posts in here & He DEFIES Your requests to not do it–I Defy You , as well–Seeing a “Pattern”? LIKE “Defy CTg and Suffer his Wrath”
Watch TMZ weeknights February 4th - March 3rd for the new secret “Word of the Day”, and go to or text your answer.
The Response to YOUR Harassment & Rants for posting this mutiple times in >>YOUR<< pg…as though It is YOURS—You are “King” You are Judge and Jury…in TRELL’s Words, you’re "INSULTING"
PRIZE(S): NATIONAL WEEKLY GRAND PRIZEWINNERS: Twenty (20) National Weekly Grand Prizewinners will each receive the following: A Five Hundred Dollar (US $500.00) check. ARV of each National Weekly Grand Prize is Five Hundred Dollars (US $500.00). TOTAL ARV OF ALL PRIZES: Ten Thousand Dollars (US $10,000.00).TRELL11
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
No need to be insulting. I thought this was like the fandom family page but updated and easier to read. I was wrong. Anything I posted was to share with users here to give them the opportunity to win out of kindness. Thanks for your clarification. I will no longer post. Thanks.POSTED IN TRIVIA …SO TRELL came to US…in RE: Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion…This was Started by DisneyWizard >>BECAUSE of YOU to have a "Free & Safe place and TRELL 11 Posted many good posts…until 11 days ago…about the Same Time As Downvoting began–Another Coincidence?—Was TRELL “Targeted” too??
You “Claim” I “Chased” Happy Wife away—TRUTH IS-----the Very First Day—SHE STALKED >>ME to That Page–very first day------Just Could’t Leave Me Alone–Once I Mention I was Coming Here!
HappyWife 500 CLUB 4 months ago
day kfrg 930 - << posting the Exact Post I Did as a KSON//KFRG…Even a Copied & Paste of the URL I used in S D Contests and Sweepssince --> a National Contest Open to Residence of All 50 States…that includes San Diego…a perfectly good post.MY FIRST DAY & Happy it was Available>>***Ronzilla 10K CLUB 4 months ago
@*disneywizard I Missed everything Today…WOW!! Nice Synopsis on the Movie, the whole thing in a few paragraphs. Nice to see a new, fresh “All Inclusive” page that encompasses pretty much everything—giving people a Chance @ posting their Favorite or Specialty “BEST of CONTEST//SWEEPS & EVERYTHING” I Have Seen,OK, The “Wizard” Yes Indeed! Even though I Missed the Entire Day—I Feel GREAT Just seeing this Very WIDE, and not very “Restricted”. That Clear Channel one, where Words are entered for points then redeemed to enter Contests—yet >>NOT<< A contest page?? Confusing, Others posting Contest there, must have also seen it as Confusing, as well --or Changes were recently made?? Anyway,>>a big BRAVO!! I Just caught the “With Discussion” that covers it all Ha Ha Ha!–There are quite a few Contests//Sweeps I can Do@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every month, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
Ronzilla says that Disneywizard posts out of topic to “defy” and he does the same to just make trouble. From what I gather SLICKDEAL moderators found a way to deal with it and it will eventually happen here. Karma finds a way.
Suggested previously, that moderators isolate Ronzilla in a single thread to prevent causing trouble all over Phatwallet/Facebook and if he is as popular as he thinks, his fans will follow. A win-win for everyone. And/Or give @ctgolfer and @HappyWife administrative functions for their threads.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@ronzilla said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
–I Noticed Because I Went toi See IF I had Crossed 32,000 …SO When I See it is 31,860…then Withiin 2 Days it is 31,467 --YES! That got my Attention, Especially When Every 10 second Click–Reveals it is Declining As I Watched–CORRECT, I have down voted about 20-25 or so, my right to Disagree and use this>>TOOL<< as intended >Not as a WEAPON< So it’s Out of the Goodness of 3 to 4 People’s Hearts, At the Same time, --within a day that H Wife --rears her head in S D Contests & Sweeps—that These, generous ones, in unison, Lauch their ATTACK—OK --with those odds----you must win the Lottery 3 times a Month!–BTW It was One of YOUR >Rants IN Here That Chased trell11 over To DisneyWizards Pg/Forum–BUT Has Not been seen, Since this Onslaught–and You 2 or 3 Rants over Posting Your L A Trivia in Our S D >>Contests & Sweeps<< was//is the Wrong Place–As YOU Tell people in Here–Contests are not allowed–YET >>YOUR TRIVIA ones Are Just Fine—in the WRong Forum–in S D Contests --Gave ME The “Riot Act” For posting a "“Check Your Google” on the Same Place You did–YET >You Have done the Same …Posted a 2nd Same post–Multiple times—Xplain? (Appears The Same 3-4 People) Also do the Same to D-Wiz–for Which I See No Problem in his postings, (Myself & Karenjel Up Voting Him) – on these WRONG Downvote >>ATTACKS<< nothing evil, on his Part–other than >>YOU Disagree With His Posts in here & He DEFIES Your requests to not do it–I Defy You , as well–Seeing a “Pattern”? LIKE “Defy CTg and Suffer his Wrath”
Watch TMZ weeknights February 4th - March 3rd for the new secret “Word of the Day”, and go to or text your answer.
The Response to YOUR Harassment & Rants for posting this mutiple times in >>YOUR<< pg…as though It is YOURS—You are “King” You are Judge and Jury…in TRELL’s Words, you’re "INSULTING"
PRIZE(S): NATIONAL WEEKLY GRAND PRIZEWINNERS: Twenty (20) National Weekly Grand Prizewinners will each receive the following: A Five Hundred Dollar (US $500.00) check. ARV of each National Weekly Grand Prize is Five Hundred Dollars (US $500.00). TOTAL ARV OF ALL PRIZES: Ten Thousand Dollars (US $10,000.00).TRELL11
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
No need to be insulting. I thought this was like the fandom family page but updated and easier to read. I was wrong. Anything I posted was to share with users here to give them the opportunity to win out of kindness. Thanks for your clarification. I will no longer post. Thanks.POSTED IN TRIVIA …SO TRELL came to US…in RE: Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion…This was Started by DisneyWizard >>BECAUSE of YOU to have a "Free & Safe place and TRELL 11 Posted many good posts…until 11 days ago…about the Same Time As Downvoting began–Another Coincidence?—Was TRELL “Targeted” too??
You “Claim” I “Chased” Happy Wife away—TRUTH IS-----the Very First Day—SHE STALKED >>ME to That Page–very first day------Just Could’t Leave Me Alone–Once I Mention I was Coming Here!
HappyWife 500 CLUB 4 months ago
day kfrg 930 - << posting the Exact Post I Did as a KSON//KFRG…Even a Copied & Paste of the URL I used in S D Contests and Sweepssince --> a National Contest Open to Residence of All 50 States…that includes San Diego…a perfectly good post.MY FIRST DAY & Happy it was Available>>***Ronzilla 10K CLUB 4 months ago
@*disneywizard I Missed everything Today…WOW!! Nice Synopsis on the Movie, the whole thing in a few paragraphs. Nice to see a new, fresh “All Inclusive” page that encompasses pretty much everything—giving people a Chance @ posting their Favorite or Specialty “BEST of CONTEST//SWEEPS & EVERYTHING” I Have Seen,OK, The “Wizard” Yes Indeed! Even though I Missed the Entire Day—I Feel GREAT Just seeing this Very WIDE, and not very “Restricted”. That Clear Channel one, where Words are entered for points then redeemed to enter Contests—yet >>NOT<< A contest page?? Confusing, Others posting Contest there, must have also seen it as Confusing, as well --or Changes were recently made?? Anyway,>>a big BRAVO!! I Just caught the “With Discussion” that covers it all Ha Ha Ha!–There are quite a few Contests//Sweeps I can Do@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every month, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
Ronzilla says that Disneywizard posts out of topic to “defy” and he does the same to just make trouble. From what I gather SLICKDEAL moderators found a way to deal with it and it will eventually happen here. Karma finds a way.
Suggested previously, that moderators isolate Ronzilla in a single thread to prevent causing trouble all over Phatwallet/Facebook and if he is as popular as he thinks, his fans will follow. A win-win for everyone. And/Or give @ctgolfer and @HappyWife administrative functions for their threads.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@supertaylorguy NICE a HW edit “Jump Post”…THAT is what “TJ” was al ABOUT? IS IT that big a deal to Post First?? Gotta make a Fake “TJ”?? post–then fill in AFTER—so it LOOKS LIKE it was Posted FIRST–" Post–then Fill it in AFTER with NEW INFO-----pretty "fragile in the Ego-ile >>>that Post ORIGINALLY SAID “TJ”?& nothing else-----NOT What is there NOW! LOL—Ha Ha Ha–Not making ME Look WEAK!
Quite the CONTRARY–LOL>>>>"SKWAD"@Ronzilla That makes 4 of many other of your rant posts in the last 4 months. You can’t change what happened every month, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.
And those who up-vote his shenanigans are perpetuating the problem and preventing the open sharing in the forum.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
@big-o BEWARE It seems that Happy Wife, YOU, Myself, DisneyWizard, trell11 Should All be Reported to the Mods according to CT Golfer For Posting Contests in the “Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel” >CT Golfer’s Quote> But this is NOT the “contests” forum as I have previously stated. This is for radio station trivia and bonus points codes. PLEASE post contests in the contest forum where they belong. If not, I will ask mods to remove them and maybe more. I don’t want it to come to that.<< That just Sounds like more of a Long Winded Version of OR LEAVE" Actually If you’re going to get all “Hard Nosed” About it, The Forum description says Nothing About “Code Words” Just “Trivia” Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel<< Also No Mention of Entercom either, So having a Mod come in and Remove All that is Not Clear Channel, there will be about 2-3 Posts per Day I-Heart & Clear Channel Can “Loosely” be the Same–I get Calls from San Diego I-Heart Clear Channel is on my C I D
I myself, have Zero Problem with things that are Posted Here, since these Code & Bonus Words are intended to Get Points so You Can redeem them in exchange to Enter Contests to WIN Prizes. So, in a round about way, are they pretty much not he Same as Texting//Entering Code Words to Win $$ or Trips// Prizes & Gift Cards but merely side step the point redeeming aspect?? As I mentioned before, the operative word WIN, denotes some type of Contest or Sweepstakes . Code Words are used for those Contests. The Trivia Words are used as an answer to a Question That is used To either Win a Prize Or get Points that are then used to accumulate Points that are eventually redeemed to enter contests for a shot at Winning a Prize, Such as a $50 Subway Card or Other Prize, depending on Points…Does Not all that Sound Like Contests are the End Result, Technically Making this A “Contest Forum” that Uses Words as it Form of “ENTRY”…and singling out ME out as the Only “Violator” in here, even though there are others Posting The exact same Information, Yet Not Being Mentioned—What does THAT sound Like?? HMMM? GIVE ME A BREAK…I would Place that somewhere between Hypocracy & a Personal Attack!! Now I Do Know that a Personal Attack, now THAT Is a Violation. So Instead of Certain People Concentrating on ME…How About we Make Some CLARIFICATIONS on What this Forum Is & Isn’t and Simply Move on!! Because this Minority that is Fixated ON ME is Much More the Problem here, than whether Something is “Trivia For Prizes” or “Code Words for Prizes” it appears, to me, the lines are being skewed to merely fit an AGENDA. >>Get Ronzilla OUT<< HW’s agenda. with her friend//associate in assistance ctgolfer
I Use to Tell People Just to Get them to join in on Posting, that “1st, 2nd 3rd, doesn’t matter and it helps make them easier for people in a hurry to find them” DisnetWiz says Postiong 2 I-HEART Lisst is not a problem, and in fact helps in Verification—I LIKE THAT, it is 100% TRUE!.
Excepet in One members opinion ctgolfer 10K CLUB 15 days ago “L” - If something is already posted, why do you re-post it again??? - “L”…Yet That all changes when it applies to him When Duplicating a Post From duckmin
@ctgolfer By your accont, 'No problem, we just happen to post at the same time.
duckmin 500 CLUB 28 days ago
Thursday December 3rd
Happy December ??Be Well and Stay Safe!
Spread Good Wishes, We’re in This TogetherMovie Trivia: Glenn Close
Tee 'em High and Let 'em Fly!
Fire it up!!
You see, I am Good at Patterns ,How I “Broke the Code” for the I-Heart Words The Pattern HERE is One of “It is Only a Violation IF I am Doing It”…Same Thing As Certain Others except whenThey do it, in their opinion, >>ALL IS FINE<<Is it not an Odd coincidence H W shows up the very day, I mentioned I am Posting here, the same KFRG I was posting, then following me to F B , too?? speaking of F B …I Recently posted my having to Stop posting there, as wel, because H W has stalked me to that place, not knowing where to go until a day or 2 ago?? But finds it a MUST now?
F B Members responses to me stopping or winning from my posts >>Cynthia Delgadillo Ferguson (Mssgd her and Won 3-day KAABO & Coachella didn’t know 949 said her name)
Ronzila, all your work is super appreciated! I really don’t know how you do it, but it doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m sorry you are going through this.
Michelle McDaniel Jondall
What the heck?! That’s a crazy, I’ve said it before but I appreciate all the posts. Wish I knew how to stop it, Ronzilla, I definitely appreciate your posts!
Jessica Snyder Simply amazing. How do you get those? thank You Much! I just watch the clock to enter LOL
Ruth Ferrel Delgado
Thank you for posting all the words! Keep posting! I follow what u post.
Steven Welty (Won 12 Days of Christmas to Florida --words from my Posts).Big big thank you to this page! I found out yesterday I won the one of the 12 days of Christmas Legand Florida trips. They announce a winner each day and I won day 5. Certainly do appreciate the links/reminders/keywords. Thanks Ronzilla
Rosabel Corona
I see and use them too! Thank you for all your posts ???
Michelle Knowles
Thank you! I want this one
Chip Malee
For the record, one of my peeps also won on the day before the last day. Also got notification by email. So that’s 2 winners.1 from this group. that guy doing all those words THANK YOU!
Mike Slane
I would love to know how you get all these words 8-12 hours earlier !!
Jenifer Hines
Ronzilla It was my name they called, I missed it oh! Thank you!
BY “Trivia” and “Bonus Words” are posting the Following Wrong ?? Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channeltrell11, 17 days ago THE BIG BANG THEORY "Wonder Woman 1984 Sweepstakes
Click to Enter Sweepstakes December 14 - January 1 Code word lasso
DisneyWizard 16 days ago
?THE BIG BANG THEORY ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Sweepstakes
DisneyWizard 25 days ago
KTLA 5.1 Tune in and Win (template)
KTLA 5.1 Tune in and Win 09:50= CLAPTON random pick until 11:00 wins an Eric Clapton
Swagpack -
DisneyWizard 25 days ago
” GIVEAWAY DECEMBER 2020 SWEEPSTAKES Official Rules 1. Sponsors. This sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes…There are many more the further you go back
YET, is it is OK & Is perfectly Fine with commiting the same “violation” in the San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes by posting his 2 regular TRIVIA posts he does here but in a Contest Forum
POSTED IN CONTESTS & SWEEPSTAKES Posting Codes & Bonus Words in San Diego TV & RADIO Contests & Sweepstakes
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
ctgolfer 10K CLUB about a month ago
Book Worm Trivia: Marie
Classic Rock :Challenge: Kick Start My Heart
Country Music Trivia: Country
Get your game on: 30
Healthy Knowledge: Antibiotic
Movie Trivia: The House with a Clock in its Walls
Music Challenge: A Boy Who Loives Across The Street From The Edge
Music Pop Quiz: The Rua
Sports Trivia: Bill Peters
TV Trivia: Gillian Flynn
Is this not the Same thing he Points out to Me as a VIOLATION but in Reverse? (NOBODY ELSE even DisneyWiz-posts theSame I-HEART SWEEPSTAKES as I do…Big O the Intercom Contest, as I do) /
But I am the "Target"
I Observed Before Posting any Code Word Contests & Sweepstakes Posted In Here.
So I Joined in----Only to Be Onvce Again, Threatened to have Mods BAN ME
There Should Be some Clarification on this Matter and Some Consistency in What Can & Can’t be Posted Since almost 50% of the Posting are For Codeword Contests & SweepsTo me, They are BOTH Code Words that you enter//Text to win a contest–the moment the Word >>WIN<< when used, it denotes Contest//Sweeps…not TRIVIA//BONUS POINTS
I was Actually Going to88 Prepare My Dinner, when, as before…was Reported to the Mods Late at night, Posting in “Freebies”" Some yellow wormie thing & FMB1 500 CLUB 11 days ago You should report ronzippythepinhead to a mod Actually the person being asked Follows Me.because She LIKES MY POSTS --That late night Double team>>Failed<<
giving the Chance I may not see it & be Banned without Recourse BUT I did as I am Doing Now >Checking to see IF it was Happening Again…and it has already begun
GOODThing I Caught him while in the Forum Because After a Review and me being able to have “some kind” of input–Made all the Difference MR.CHEAP We’re cool Ronzilla. the reason why each gets its own thread is this: IF I WAS SO BAD Why did MRCHEAP Ask me to stay & Try??
We’re cool Ronzilla. the reason why each gets its own thread is this:Deals all expire at different times. some freebies are valid for a day, some a month.
If people have comments or updates on the freebie and make a post, it is confusing as to which item they are talking about if you have 4 freebies posted as 4 replies.
I Told him I was Not going to Post Twice Sicking MODS on me Everywhere I Try–one is same one Threatening me now
His Response–he Tried to Talk Me INTO STAYING!! Reported & then Asked to Stay----I must really be a Terrible person…maybe going b Certain Complaints
@ronzilla said in Recruit (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 1) Kindle Edition - FREE - exp unk:@mistercheap Appreciate your help, but I Believe it would be better IF I watch & Learn Before jumping into this “New Area”…Kinda like starting a new job without any experience. I need to step back & learn it! First time behind the wheel, is no time to jump onto the Freeway! Best to clean up MY MESS while it is small I don"t have very many, so i will just Shut those down, as well, during today
@Ronzilla take it slow, post a few things you think are worth sharing and take if from there. If you have questions/concerns, feel free to PM me for advice. we need good contributors to the deal boards, everyone, myself included was ‘new’ once.
I Shall Remove this Saturday-IT IS TEMPORARY just to give time to be seen__I AM Taking
Tomorrow & Possibly Monday OFF as well— OUT or We shall ALL BE Banned for Posting Contests & Sweeps in a TRIVIA Forum…I am 65, work 17 to 20 hour days "I need this harassment from the same 3 people??@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every couple months, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion:
@disneywizard Sorry to see you get tagged in the SD Contest pg. I was set-up…HW had been making the Usual crappy comments—I was burnt out, again and reacted to 3 or 4 …“took the Bait” ----HW after i had left–edited out all the Foul Stuff, initiated the Chumle, that called in the Mods. I Then Posted a few Insulting Posts from FMB1 from he Political pg…since FB1 was mentioned as one >>I ATTACK<< it was Those Foul comments that got me the 24hr. ban -for “Posting Garage Content” . Nothing Else. it was all a set-up…also—Chumle came to “BE” exactly 7 minutes before a similar situation only without mods. My assessment of that odd “Coincidence” is "Chumle…is a HW acct. made merely for what you saw for the “Appearance” of a Neutral Outsider…to come a give a “Witnesses” account, although it is HW …anyway…only thing to do, is to continue my posting there…with a “self imposed Gag Order.”…no communicating in the Forum//Chatting, BTW–I came across that post of you apologizing for a comment I never saw, until after being corrected—not a problem at all. I wish I-Heart didn’t do the every other Monday Mix-Up …but I Guess it is to inhibit people like me, that figured out the 3 down 3 out pattern. Things got so bad with sd contest—i was only “posting” in mssgr–A Post From Cassy’s mssgr: IF You Can POST THIS…I Think It Would Be GREAT
I-Heart $1000 ALL DAY 01/08/20 txt 200200
7a FUN…etc.,Ronzilla
EVEN IF ALREADY POSTED…or just Use ThemCassy 21 days ago
That’s excellent I posted - feels weird for me to do that without giving you credit. Funny how she doesn’t bother unless you post.And thank you - I was just going to make my own list for the day <smile emoji>
iT’s OK—WIZ wasn"t able to post in “CLEAR CHANNEL” & My Post is the ONLY ONE …SO H W Won’t post unless it is Associated with him…
The reaction to my ban, this person is very aware of the HW “situation” no longer participates because of getting the weird H W comments aimed at them
Cassy I really wish by hitting ignore she couldn’t see your posts. I don’t really have time to sort thru all the nonsense that she posts and illiterate garbage. You have contributed WAY more worthwhile info than anyone else could even make time for. << There a view thru the HW Smokescreen, One final thing. When you began posting in SD Contest…It was during a Heavy “Bashing Campaign” HW was dumping in that Forum. People were no longer participating MSSGing me …telling me–“I Have Had enough of that Madness!” Then, You, CTGolfer, Who has dropped into join the Bashing Parties before…I Wrongly assumed you were “Invited in” by HW (I would not doubt the use of a bit of coercion//trickery…like “Hey we could use your I-Heart in SD Contest–would you?”) simply to Post what I was posting to, as she does with yours, the goal being, Invalidate the Validity of my Independent I-Heart posts, by Copying Yours, Posting them After Mine, Stating Them as the Original…making it look like I was using Yours without giving credit—I Have Copied yours 2-3 times—on Mondays—BUT HAD “Thank You Wiz” on the Bottom. I Hope you have noticed without that :Squad" as HW calls them…no drama in here. Thanks again for providing This. Here & My F B place…are the Only Places I can Feel Secure…@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every couple months, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Sorry, But I Have had More than enough Of Happy Wife’s Rudeness & Ridiculous giant “Look at ME, Looky, Looky” GIFs and Harrassing Me on a Daily Basis. Also, her friend Super Taylor Guy, just would LOVE to see me Gone. This Forum Should be a good, Safe & Respectable place FOR ALL. Sad that Happy Wife . Her and Super Taylor Guy both want me out of here. They Will BOTH Be screaming for MODS to take me out. I have almost 21,000 Posts in here (Ronzilla 20,931) and almost 30,000 Upvotes (Ronzilla 29,415) So, I’d say Most people found My information,in my Posts, Useful. But I Willfuly, on my own am Stopping… Just as, SHROSS, Love-Joy?, Puggle, Amber-Lynn, . aztec4life, ECBUD, Big-D, Littlemissfelina & Others all stopped because how it went from Good//Peaceful interaction…to NOT! Yes! I Have made some REACTIONARY Comments in here over those Problems, but we have moved on from all that For the BETTER! That BETTER has Faded.
Here are some comments of People in the F B Group I Post in. >> Cynthia xxxx xxxxx You have fans! Don’t let those unhappy people bring you down. She is UNHAPPY WIFE—why else would anyone mess with such an awesome, helpful person?. You post way more than anyone else in here-I see your post almost as they say them–simply incredible. She must be jealous, on drugs or drunk, a mental case or All of the Above. If you’re not wanted there, then hell with those fools in Fat Wallet. You will always have a good and friendly place with us. those people don’t deserve you, if all you get is Crap! Please reconsider, You and Terry are the Awsome Duo! Between you and her–nothing gets missed. When you started here, many of us were like, Who is this guy, some kind of A-I Terminator poster from another world…LOL, many times 2 to 4 in a Minute! really, we want you with us!
Diane XXXXXXX -XXXX THX for everything. I won 2 times from you posting. last year I didn’t even know 98.1 was doing Disney 4 packs. third try, I won from Joe. The other was that trip a day to Cabo. if not for your post, I would have missed it. If you change your mind, please stay, for all of us. F those people in that Club. Why would you stay in such a hateful place anyway?Rosie XXXXXXXX Ronnie, thank you for all your post we really appreciate all you do for our group. God bless you on whatever you decide but decide to be with us, please.Charlie XXXXXXX What happened? Someone’s being bad in the group? I have never heard of that Nut-Job. WTF is her problem? Mental? **Diane Chambris XXXXXXXX Ahhhh ok. Wow, that’s really F’d up! Why? Who? like a burning building, g t f o while you can. That’s just Crazy! Who talks like that and spells like a 4yr.old. Must have the brain of a 4yr.old, that was Glad to get Rid of It!! LOL.Michelle McXXXXXXXX I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, not sure who keeps messing with you but you’re appreciated! I will say it however many times it takes to change your mind. You are loved here! Don’t put up with those crazy people one day more! I sure wouldn’t. What do you owe, people like that?Marty Me too! I agree with what everyone is saying, I’m just not good with words, but for sure, we all dig you and all of it!Mary ChXXXXXX Do you need my email? If ya wanna talk, I’m here, honey. WOW! That is just 100% insane Craziness. You need to just get the heck out. Why put yourself through all that crazy abuse. Ovrer a YEAR!! this is a very sick individual. Just separate from it…walk away, yes, walk away FAST! What are they reacting to? That Crazy Rant Happy Wife Made and I COPIED IT because I knew she would delete, like Dozens Before, and nothing for the MODs–but it is All there for them to see (Just click the 3 vertical dots & Report This" the rant>>HappyWife, "Listen you psycho, don’t take it out on us just because you chose to be superman and post everything 24 hours a day to stroke your narcissism. Go hide in some hospital until the chemical imbalance in your brain absorbs the medications. /happy friday y’all<< oh!! that’s a Mark of “Stability”— just for posting 2 before she could Plus her ridiculous 'tarted Bamm Bamm GIF This Place is For Posting Contest Information for all of us to Share! << SHARE >>Not try & Run it Like Her own Little Fantasy Army…or “Squad”. Many here have witnessed her many attacks on me–No Matter when sho goes back later to remove them. Just go back To One Day Ago and look at the few days, Happy Wife, was not posting—It was Orderly and Most all about getting the Names & Contest info to others in here. THAT Is what this forum WAS & Should go back to being. ONLY Times there are Problems, is when It raises it’self and starts crap & Making rude comments and Filling the Pages with “Nothing to do with Contests” Garbage & Chatting! This is Not a Chat Room–It is For Posting Contest Information for all of us to Share! << SHARE >>Not try & Run it Like Her own Little Fantasy Army…or “Squad”.
GO LOOK at “Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion” Another Place I Post on Phat Wallet, that is Free of HappyWifes Trio (SQUAD) It is Smaller, But Frre of the SQUAD, allows it to be just as you see it—All Business–No Time For Whackos! Many here have witnessed her many attacks on me–No Matter when she goes back later to remove them. This Forum Should be a good, Safe & Respectable place FOR ALL. Sad that Happy Wife, CHUMLE and Super Taylor Guy (AKA The “Squad”) Just want me out of here. They Will Be screaming for MODS …I “Could” just delete this…But NO! Wether It gets Me Banned Or Whatever----This Forum Should be LIKE IT WAS BEFORE. Contest info, and Assisting others in Winning or Improving their chances there of! BUT simply go Back to Monday through Thursday’s postings, See How those Days went Compared to when HappyWife is Posting>>Like two different forums–more likea “Forum” and not a "CIRCUS"
GOOD BYE! Good Luck, I love “Most” of you in here and Only wish the BEST OF LUCK and Everything Else, in Life for You! To all the People I Helped WIN–I loved all that and THAT Is what drove//drives me to make all my posting. WITH OR WITHOUT ME…I Am NOT Ruined nor Letting HappyWife & “SQUAD” Win–I am merely Going to be Posting in the Other TWO Places, where Things are MUCH BETTER & I Am Appreciated for all my Posting—Not “Ram-Rodded” by Jealeous// Weak Ego destructive types! GOD BLESS, ++ Just Keep Trying and Most of all, be good to each Other >>AND WIN!<<…in closing, I received an bonus word, in an email, for Z-90 >>>> I Can’t help but Share>>> Since we’re feeling good today we’ll give you the exclusive Newsletter code word - just head to the entry page below and enter the word “RICK” to get yourself one entry closer to the $10,000 prize.@Ronzilla You can’t change what happened every couple months, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve learned nothing John Snow.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@supertaylorguy said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
@Global-Moderators Sorry to bother you. What are the etiquette rules on this particular message board? If anarchy is allowed, I can work with that. Just wondering.
The gentleman who set up this wonderful topic board no longer posts here. Not sure how he set it up or wanted it set up.
Maybe we all here could need a refresher on the standards of conduct. Then we can hit the reset button and let everybody start again with a clean slate. But with knowledge of the expected rules of conduct.
It seems like we might have some lurkers or people who are hesitate to post. Lurking is allowed but I feel that our little community would be better served if everybody (who wants to post ) felt comfortable and respected enough in order to post without hesitancy.
Maybe others can share their view of this small community and how to improve it. Thank you.
@supertaylorguy Thank you for the courage to speak out, you are golden!
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
Poor @HappyWife deserves a medal putting up with it, I personally couldn’t stay quiet about it and I guess others just leave. She can’t even post once without negative comments, look it up, some posts aren’t edited to hide it. Friday, he posted right after each of her posts to intimidate, who does that? Territorial behavior? This is a person who has lost sight of why they started posting in the first place or maybe worse. I had an epiphany Friday and here is my first search: “Many narcissists enjoy provoking negative emotions to gain control, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance”.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
I see a few people have accepted the “challenge” and started posting again and reporting abuse, good for you! Have faith, baby steps will prevail.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
A positive challenge from a fellow member:
I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.
Poor @HappyWife deserves a medal putting up with it, I personally couldn’t stay quiet about it and I guess others just leave. She can’t even post once without negative comments, look it up, some posts aren’t edited to hide it. Friday, he posted right after each of her posts to intimidate, who does that? Territorial behavior? This is a person who has lost sight of why they started posting in the first place or maybe worse. I had an epiphany Friday and here is my first search: “Many narcissists enjoy provoking negative emotions to gain control, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance”.
The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.
With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
Radio stations doing weekend prize calls, go win!
RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@happywife It makes even more sense now, I missed the “went 2 far” part when I read this the first time. DJ’s have to put up with a lot of fan harassment, they need pay raises. The “cycle of madness” is definitely on point, we should frame it and start a pool to guess what phase we are in.