My free offer is for Green Giant Frozen Veggies. (These random free offers are really random. It seems to vary by account, whereas the Saturday Sampler often varies by location.)
Posts made by kimi
RE: Just4U (YMMV) Free Bag of 8oz Lucerne Shredded Cheese ($2.99 rr value) expires 4/4
RE: Safeway 4U Rewards Program changing 4/1/24. Other stores too?
@mistercheap said in Safeway 4U Rewards Program changing 4/1/24. Other stores too?:
As a trial or active FreshPass subscriber, your earned Rewards balance will convert to Points. Going forward, your Points will not expire as long as you remain a FreshPass subscriber.
Given this change, will rewards selections for grocery dollars (ie, currently redeem 12 rewards (soon to be 1200 points) get $20 off) still remain, given 1200 points will be worth $12 on the auto convert thing? Just don’t want to see a ‘FETCH’ thing happen here where suddenly my rewards are devalued.
Safeway has been my ‘go to’ store for years. From what I’ve experienced, the rewards selection for dollars off groceries (e.g. 12 rewards for $20) wasn’t always available – I would see it only during the holidays. Then they seemed to make it permanent a couple of years ago. (It’s not just for Fresh Pass subscribers)
Since the grocery item redemption selections varies from month to month, I wouldn’t be surprised if the dollars off groceries option disappears – especially since they are introducing the ‘automatic cash off’ option.
Safeway 4U Rewards Program changing 4/1/24. Other stores too?
From the FAQ:
What is changing with the Safeway for U Loyalty Program?
As of April 1, 2024, we will simplify our program as follows:
We will have a single currency – Points will no longer be converted to rewards; members will earn Points only.
Members will have more time than ever to earn and use their Points with extended expiration - Points will now accrue over 2 calendar months instead of expiring within the same calendar month that they are earned. For example, if you earn 80 Points in April, they will carry over to May. If you earn an additional 50 Points in May, they will combine with earned April Points for a total of 130 Points. If unused by the end of May, the 80 Points earned in April will expire.
We haven’t changed the redemption options you’ve come to know and love – you can continue to use grocery rewards and gas rewards the same way you have done in the past- but we are introducing a new redemption option, automatic cash off.
What will happen to my rewards starting April 1?Any Rewards you earn in March and haven’t used will be converted to Points (1 reward = 100 Points) and carried over to April. You will not lose any rewards that you have earned. Any Points you earned in March, including Points from the 4X bonus program, that have not converted to a reward will also be carried over to April. Your converted Points (and any new April earnings) will expire at the end of May. For example, if you have 1 reward in March, on April 1 it will be converted to 100 Points. If you earn 50 Points in March, they will carry over to your April balance. With those combined you will have 150 Points at the start of April. Any purchases completed in April on eligible items will be added to your Points balance. All converted and newly earned Points will display on the rewards landing page in your Safeway Deals & Delivery app.
How long can I use my Points at Safeway starting April 2024?
With our simplified program, you’ll have more time than ever to earn and use Points; Points can be accrued and used within a 2-month calendar period. For example, Points earned in April will expire at the end of May.
Will there be any new redemption options at Safeway starting April 2024?
Yes, while grocery rewards and gas rewards are not changing, we are introducing a new, optional redemption option, automatic cash off. By opting in, Points will automatically convert to cash off at your next purchase. Every 100 Points will auto convert to $1 cash off at the time of checkout. Note that while opted in, members can continue to use Points for gas rewards.
Can my existing Points transfer over to automatic cash off starting April 2024?
Once you opt in for automatic cash off your existing Points balance will be used to accrue automatic cash off. Every 100 Points equals $1 off at your next checkout.
What will happen to grocery rewards clipped prior to April 1, 2024?
Rewards clipped prior to April 1 will maintain their existing process – once a grocery reward is clipped, you can continue to claim it by the claim date.
What happens if I unclip a grocery reward in April 2024?
If you unclip a grocery reward in April, and you hadn’t yet claimed your product, you will receive a Points credit to your account balance. These Points will expire based on when they were earned.
Points earned in March 2024 will receive a one-time exception and will expire at the end of May 2024.
What will happen to my account balance as a FreshPass subscriber in April 2024 and later?
As a trial or active FreshPass subscriber, your earned Rewards balance will convert to Points. Going forward, your Points will not expire as long as you remain a FreshPass subscriber.
JUST 4 U Safeway: Saturday Sampler Gatorade Fast Twitch, 12 oz exp 3/11
This freebie doesn’t interest me, but it might interest others…
RE: Updated 3/8/24: BEWARE of Rakuten cashback. I had one of their Big Fat quarterly cashback checks returned today for insufficient funds. Luckily I only lost $5
Oh no! I deposited a $13 Rakuten check on 2/21. So far it hasn’t bounced.
I used to get my cashback via PP. But years ago PP harassed me (they wanted my SSN and I refused to give it to them so they restricted my acct) so I avoided using PP and had my cashback sent via check. The restriction has since been lifted so I might start having my CB sent via PP again.
RE: JUST 4 U (ACME): Saturday Sampler Free 20 Oz SPICED COKE (or Zero) Clip by 2/25, use by 2/26)
I also have ‘Signature Care Cough Drops’, 30 ct.
RE: P&G Good Everyday Rewards -- eGCs are available (2/12/24)
@mrvietnam said in P&G Good Everyday Rewards -- eGCs are available (2/12/24):
Looks like they sold out in less than a day. I have enough banked points for 3 (maybe even 4) $5 gift cards the next time they restock.
You have great taste! We’re sorry, but gift cards are temporarily out of stock. In the meantime, check out our other rewards, like sweepstakes
Wow. That was fast. I received an email from P&G Good Every about a quiz. At the end of the email it mentioned eGCs arriving in time for V-day. I logged in and redeemed pts for 2 GCs, then posted here.