@tuskers The language is in the T&C: “This offer covers one (1) free .85oz of hello sweet mint or charcoal fluoride free toothpaste, including shipping costs. Approximate Retail Value: $0.50. This offer also covers eligibility to receive a free year’s supply (4 tubes) of 4.2oz of hello sweet mint or charcoal fluoride free toothpaste, including shipping costs. Approximate Retail Value: $12.00. OFFER IS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.”
They are giving away samples to everyone who signs up, the offer applies until supplies are gone, with up to 100,000. Everyone wins a sample, 25 random folks win a year’s supply. That’s why other forums are saying “1st 100,000”.
“Offer term: October 31, 2017@ 9am EST through November 31, 2017 @ 11:59am EST, or until 100k users have been confirmed as winners.”
This is pretty standard language, they have to verify the submissions that are legitimate. Many discard submissions from a bot, multiple submissions from the same source, incomplete submissions, etc. Once they have reached 100,000 legitimate entries, or 11/31/2017, whichever comes first, giveaway ends. It’s that language that makes this a FS post, If it was random picks of 100,000, out of all submissions, this would be the wrong forum, and it would belong in a sweeps/contest forum.
You made the comment, “H$F posted this at 4pm, 40 minutes after it was posted here.” What is the point? Why bring it up? There are 100’s of freebie boards, blogs. FB freebie groups, etc. Everybody posts at different times, and everybody posts stuff from other boards. Also, note that these same freebie places are in different time zones, so you can’t always go by time stamps. The people following the various boards don’t care if a competing board posted it 40 minutes earlier. It’s not important to post to state that you posted it first.
If people prefer a particular board, such as SD, or H4F, and one posts before the other, the people following one risk missing out if the board posts later than a competing one. Most know that, hence they follow more than one board. The comment comes across as smarmy, because I stated I signed up through H4F earlier. I visit H4F more than here, Michelle does this full time, and in most cases, her blog gets the earliest post. I don’t care that you allegedly posted it 40 minutes earlier, it circumvents from the point I was making.
If you don’t believe the T&C wording indicates 1st 100k gets the sample, then why is it in FS? You either agree that it does, and it belongs in the OP, or it’s a contest with 100k being randomly given away, and you posted in the wrong forum.