@kateivan said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka BeeBuzzPoints):
Today’s SacBee Rewards stuff:
Submit a Code
Daily Code = SLEDDING (same as Buzz Word posted by @taurus742)
Daily Facebook = gloves (as posted earlier by @dstoye)
Daily Quiz = Detroit Tigers / Elephant
Reader Quest = 80 mph / Manson / Franken
Earn 14,000 points by visiting the mobile Bee Buzz Points site and entering “—” in the “submit a code” field repeatedly … http://buzzpoints.sacbee.com/m/MobileSubmitCode.aspx
Do these videos on the mobile Bee Buzz Points site before you empty out your trivia questions (or the links won’t work) but after you’ve maxed out video watching on the desktop site [posting a single sample as all the videos were on the mobile site again this morning] …
http://buzzpoints.sacbee.com/m/MobileCodeDetail.aspx?moduleType=trivia&instanceID=421376 ~~~ Comedy Central Videos (enter — and submit)
Everyone - the other 3 video links you posted previously still work. Just remember to change the number from the last posting, ie: today they are 41620 - Awesome Woment 2, 412752 Country Music, 421681 Awesome Woment 1