Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
Here is our new Official Recyclebank Master Thread
FW Archive:
One-Time Earn Opportunities
- Eco Library - Flip through the 10 pages to earn 10 pts -
Repeating Earn Opportunities
Daily Pledge or Double Daily Pledge - every day, you can earn 5 or 10 pts just by clicking on the Daily Pledge, which is on the right-hand side of most pages
DISCONTINUED after 9/21/20: Persistent Pledger - earn 5 pts every time you do the Daily Pledge/Double Daily Pledge 5 days in a row
2022 7/7 - 5; 6/24 - 5; 6/10 - 5; 5/27 - 5; 5/13 - 5; 4/29 - 5; 4/15 - 5; 4/1 - 5; 3/18 - 5; 3/4 - 5; 2/18 - 5; 2/11 - 5; 2/4 - 5; 1/21 - 5; 1/7 - 5
2021 12/31 - 5; 12/24 - 5; 12/17 - 5; 12/10 - 5; 12/3 - 5; 11/19 - 5; 11/12 - 5; 10/29 - 5; 10/22 - 5; 10/15 - 5; 10/1 - 5; 9/24 - 5; 9/10 - 5; 9/3 - 5; 8/20 - 5; 8/13 - 5; 8/6 - 5; 7/30 - 5; 7/23 - 5; 7/16 - 5; 7/9 - 5; 7/2 - 5; 6/25 - 5; 6/18 - 5; 6/11 - 5; 6/4 - 5; 5/28 - 5; 5/21 - 5; 5/14 - 5; 4/30 - 5; 4/23 - 5; 4/16 - 5; 4/9 - 5; 4/2 - 5; 3/26 - 5; 3/19 - 5; 3/12 - 5; 3/5 - 5; 2/26 - 5; 2/19 - 5; 2/5 - 5; 1/29 - 5; 1/22 - 5; 1/8 - 5; 1/1 - 5
Aug 8/21 - 5; 8/7 - 5; 8/3 - 5
Jul 7/24 - 5; 7/10 - 5
Jun 6/26 - 25; 6/26 - 5; 6/12 - 5; 6/9 - 25; 6/1 - 25
May 5/29 - 5; 5/26 - 25; 5/15 - 5; 5/11 - 25; 5/1 - 5
Apr 4/27 - 25; 4/23 - 5; 4/22 - 5; 4/21 - 5; 4/20 - 5; 4/19 - 50; 4/19 - 5; 4/18 - 5; 4/17 - 5; 4/17 - 5; 4/16 - 25; 4/16 - 5; 4/15 - 5; 4/14 - 5; 4/13 - 5; 4/12 - 5; 4/11 - 5; 4/10 - 5; 4/9 - 5; 4/8 - 5; 4/7 - 5; 4/6 - 5; 4/5 - 5; 4/4 - 5; 4/3 - 5; 4/3 - 5; 4/2 - 5; 4/1 - 5
Mar 3/31 - 5; 3/30 - 5; 3/29 - 5; 3/28 - 5; 3/27 - 5; 3/26 - 5; 3/25 - 25+25 for each correct answer - max 150; 3/25 - 5; 3/24 - 5; 3/23 - 5; 3/22 - 5; 3/21 - 5; 3/20 - 5; 3/20 - 5; 3/19 - 5; 3/18 - 25; 3/18 - 5; 3/17 - 5; 3/16 - 5; 3/15 - 5; 3/14 - 5; 3/13 - 5; 3/12 - 5; 3/11 - 5; 3/10 - 25+25 for each correct answer - max 150; 3/10 - 25; 3/10 - 5; 3/9 - 5; 3/8 - 5; 3/7 - 5; 3/6 - 5; 3/6 - 5; 3/5 - 5; 3/4 - 25; 3/4 - 5; 3/3 - 5; 3/2 - 5; 3/1 - 5;
Feb 2/29 - 0 - RB can’t handle Leap Day; 2/28 - 5; 2/28 - 5; 2/27 - 5; 2/26 - 25; 2/26 - 5; 2/25 - 5; 2/24 - 5; 2/23 - 5; 2/22 - 5; 2/21 - 5; 2/21 - 5; 2/20 - 5; 2/19 - 25; 2/19 - 5; 2/18 - 5; 2/17 - 5; 2/16 - 5; 2/15 - 5; 2/14 - 5; 2/14 - 5; 2/13 - 5; 2/12 - UP TO 150; 2/12 - 5; 2/11 - 5; 2/10 - 5; 2/9 - 5; 2/8 - 5; 2/7 - 5; 2/7 - 5; 2/6 - 5; 2/5 - 5; 2/4 - 5; 2/3 - 5; 2/2 - 5; 2/1 - 5
Jan 1/31 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 1/31 - 5; 1/31 - 5; 1/30 - 5; 1/29 - 25; 1/29 - 5; 1/28 - 5; 1/27 - 5; 1/26 - 5; 1/25 - 5; 1/24 - 5; 1/24 - 5; 1/23 - 5; 1/22 - 30; 1/22 - 5; 1/21 - 5; 1/20 - 5; 1/19 - 5; 1/18 - 5; 1/17 - 5; 1/17 - 5; 1/16 - 5; 1/15 - up to 100; 1/15 - 5; 1/14 - 5; 1/13 - 5; 1/12 - 5; 1/11 - 5; 1/10 - 5; 1/10 - 5; 1/9 - 5; 1/8 - 25; 1/8 - 5; 1/7 - 5; 1/6 - 5; 1/5 - 5; 1/4 - 5; 1/3 - 5; 1/3 - 5; 1/2 - 5; 1/1 - 5
Dec 12/31 - 5; 12/30 - 5; 12/29 - 5; 12/28 - 5; 12/27 - 5; 12/27 - 5; 12/26 - 5; 12/25 - 5; 12/24 - 5; 12/23 - 25; 12/23 - 25; 12/23 - 5; 12/23 - 25; 12/22 - 5; 12/21 - 5; 12/20 - 5; 12/20 - 5; 12/19 - 5; 12/18 - 5; 12/17 - 5; 12/16 - 5; 12/15 - 5; 12/14 - 5; 12/13 - 5; 12/12 - 5; 12/11 - 5; 12/10 - 5; 12/9 - 5; 12/8 - 5; 12/7 - 5; 12/6 - 5; 12/6 - 5; 12/5 - 5; 12/4 - 5; 12/3 - 5; 12/2 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/2 - 5; 12/1 - 5
Nov 11/30 - 5; 11/29 - 5; 11/29 - 5; 11/28 - 5; 11/27 - 5; 11/26 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 11/26 - 5; 11/25 - 5; 11/24 - 5; 11/23 - 5; 11/22 - 5; 11/22 - 5; 11/21 - 5; 11/20 - 5; 11/19 Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 11/19 - 5; 11/18 - 5; 11/17 - 5; 11/16 - 5; 11/15 - 5; 11/15 - 5; 11/14 - 5; 11/13 - 5; 11/12 - 5; 11/11 - 5; 11/10 - 5; 11/9 - 5; 11/8 - 5; 11/8 - 5; 11/7 - 5; 11/6 - 5; 11/5 - 5; 11/4 - 5; 11/3 - 5; 11/2 - 5; 11/1 -5; 11/1 - 5
Oct 10/31 - 5; 10/31 - 5; 10/30 - 5; 10/29 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 10/29 - 5; 10/28 - 5; 10/27 - 5; 10/26 - 5; 10/25 - 5; 10/25 - 5; 10/24 - 5; 10/23 - 5; 10/22 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 10/22 - 5; 10/21 - 5; 10/20 - 5; 10/19 - 5; 10/18 - 5; 10/18 - 5; 10/18 - 5; 10/18 - 5; 10/17 - 5; 10/16 - 5; 10/15 - 5; 10/14 - 5; 10/13 - 5; 10/12 - 5; 10/11 - 5; 10/10 - 5; 10/9 - 5; 10/8 - 5; 10/7 - 5; 10/6 - 5; 10/5 - 5; 10/4 - 5; 10/3 - 5; 10/2 - 5; 10/1 - 5
Sep 9/30 - 5; 9/29 - 5; 9/28 - 5; 9/27 - 5; 9/26 Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 9/26 - 5; 9/25 - 5; 9/24 Bonus Points Email - 25; 9/24 - 5; 9/23 - 5; 9/22 - 5; 9/21 - 5; 9/20 - 5; 9/19 - 5; 9/18 - 5; 9/17 - 5; 9/16 - 5; 9/15 - 5; 9/14 - 5; 9/13 - 5; 9/12 - 5; 9/11 - 5; 9/10 - 5; 9/9 - 5; 9/8 - 5; 9/7 - 5; 9/6 - 5; 9/5 - 5; 9/4 - 5; 9/3 - 5; 9/2 - 5; 9/1 - 5
Aug 8/31 - 5; 8/30 Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 8/30 - 5; 8/29 - 5; 8/28 - 5; 8/27 - 5; 8/26 - 5; 8/25 - 5; 8/24 - 5; 8/23 - 5; 8/22 - 5; 8/21 - 5; 8/20 - 5; 8/19 - 5; 8/18 - 5; 8/17 - 5; 8/16 - 5; 8/15 - 5; 8/14 - 5; 8/13 - 5; 8/12 - 5; 8/11 - 5; 8/10 - 5; 8/9 - 5; 8/8 - 5; 8/7 - 5; 8/6 - 25; 8/6 - 5; 8/5 - 5; 8/4 - 5; 8/3 - 5; 8/2 - 5; 8/1 - 5; 8/1 - 5; 8/1 - 5
Jul 7/31 - 5; 7/30 - 5; 7/29 - 5; 7/28 - 5; 7/27 - 5; 7/26 - 5; 7/25 Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 7/25 - 5; 7/19 Editor’s Pick - 5; 7/16 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 7/12 Editor’s Pick - 5; 7/12 - 30; 7/10 - 25; 7/8 - 25; 7/2 - 5; 7/1 - 10
Jun 6/28 -10; 6/27 - 10; 6/26 - 5; 6/25 - 10; 6/24 - 10; 6/22 - 10; 6/21 - 10; 6/20 - 10; 6/19 - 10; 6/18 - 10; 6/17 - 10; 6/17 Editor’s Pick - 5; 6/16 - 10; 6/15 - 10; 6/14 - 10; 6/13 Email/Bonus - 25; 6/13 - 10; 6/12 - 10; 6/11 - 10; 6/10 - 10; 6/9 - 10; 6/8 - 10; 6/7 - 10; 6/6 - 10; 6/5 - 10; 6/4 Editor’s Pick - 5; 6/4 - 10; 6/3 Notification/June 2019 Giveaway - 90; 6/3 - 30; 6/3 - 20; 6/3 - 25; 6/2 - 10; 6/1 - 5; 6/1 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10
May 5/31 - 5; 5/27 - 5; 5/26 - 10; 5/25 - 5; 5/24 - 5; 5/23 - 10; 5/22 - 5; 5/21 - 10; 5/16 - 10; 5/11 - 5; 5/10 - 5; 5/9 VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 5/9 VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 5/9 Editor’s Pick - 5; 5/9 - 5; 5/8 - 20; 5/8 - 5; 5/7 - 5; 5/7 - 5; 5/6 - 5; 5/5 - 5; 5/4 - 5; 5/3 - 5; 5/3 - 5; 5/2 - 30; 5/2 Editor’s Pick - 5; 5/2 - 5; 5/1 - 5; 5/1 - 5
Apr 4/30 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 4/30 - 5; 4/29 - 5; 4/28 - 5; 4/27 - 5; 4/26 - 15; 4/26 - 5; 4/25 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/25 - 5; 4/25 - 5; 4/24 - 5; 4/24 - 5; 4/23 - 5; 4/23 - 5; 4/22 - 50; 4/22 - 50; 4/22 - 50; 4/22 - 50; 4/22 - 50; 4/22 - 5; 4/21 - 50; 4/21 - 50; 4/21 - 50;; 4/21 - 50; 4/21 - 5; 4/20 - 5; 4/19 - 5; 4/19 - 20; 4/18 Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 4/18 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/18 - 5; 4/18 - 5; 4/17 - 20; 4/17 - 5; 4/17 - 5; 4/16 - 5; 4/15 Notification - 25; 4/15 - 5; 4/14 - 5; 4/13 - 5; 4/12 - 15; 4/12 - 5; 4/11 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/11 - 5; 4/11 - 10; 4/10 - 5; 4/10 - 25; 4/9 - 5; 4/8 - 5; 4/8 - 5; 4/8 - 5; 4/7 - 5; 4/6 - 5; 4/5 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/5 - 25; 4/5 - 5; 4/4 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 4/4 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 4/4 - 5; 4/4 - 5; 4/3 - 25; 4/3 - 5; 4/2 - 5; 4/1 - 20; 4/1 - 5
Mar 3/31 - 5; 3/30 - 5; 3/29 - 15; 3/29 - 5; 3/28 Email/Rewards Digest - 10; 3/28 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/28 - 5; 3/27 - 5; 3/27 - 5; 3/26 - 5; 3/25 - 5; 3/24 - 5; 3/23 - 5; 3/22 -20; 3/22 - 5; 3/21 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 3/21 - 5; 3/21 - 5; 3/20 - 5; 3/19 Notification - 25; 3/19 - 5; 3/19 - 5; 3/18 - 5 ; 3/17 - 5; 3/16 - 5; 3/15 - 15; 3/15 - 5; 3/15 - 5; 3/15 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/14 - 5; 3/13 - 5; 3/12 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 3/12 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 3/12 - 5; 3/12 - 5; 3/11 - 30; 3/11 - 5; 3/10 - 5; 3/9 - 5; 3/8 - 25; 3/8 - 5; 3/7 Bonus Points Email - 25; 3/7 Editor’s Pick - 25; 3/7 - 5; 3/7 - 5; 3/6 - 5; 3/6 - 25; 3/5 - 20; 3/5 - 5; 3/4 - 5; 3/3 - 5; 3/2 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/2 - 5; 3/1 Notification/March 2019 Giveaway - 95; 3/1 - 20; 3/1 - 5
Feb 2/28 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 2/28 - 5; 2/28 - 5; 2/27 - 25; 2/27 - 5; 2/26 - 5; 2/26 - 5; 2/25 - 5; 2/24 - 5; 2/23 - 5; 2/22 - 35; 2/22 - 20; 2/22 - 5; 2/21 Editor’s Pick - 5; 2/21 - 5; 2/21 - 5; 2/20 - 5; 2/19 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 2/19 - 5; 2/19 - 5; 2/18 - 5; 2/17 - 5; 2/16 - 5; 2/15 - 20; 2/15 - 5; 2/14 - 5; 2/13 Editor’s Pick - 5; 2/13 - 5; 2/13 - 5; 2/12 Editor’s Pick - 5; 2/12 - 5; 2/12 - 5; 2/11 - 5; 2/10 - 5; 2/9 - 5; 2/8 Notification - 100; 2/8 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 2/8 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 2/8 - 5; 2/8 - 5; 2/7 - 5; 2/6 - 30; 2/6 - 5; 2/5 - 5; 2/4 - 5; 2/3 - 5; 2/2 - 5; 2/1 - 5
Jan 1/31 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 1/31 Editor’s Pick - 5; 1/31 - 5; 1/30 - 5; 1/29 - 5; 1/29 - 5; 1/28 - 20; 1/28 - 5; 1/27 - 5; 1/26 - 5; 1/25 - 5; 1/24 Editor’s Pick - 5; 1/24 - 5; 1/24 - 5; 1/23 - 5; 1/22 - 5; 1/21 - 5; 1/20 - 5; 1/19 - 5; 1/18 - 5; 1/17 - 25; 1/17 - 5; 1/16 - 5; 1/15 - 5; 1/14 - 5; 1/14 - 5; 1/13 - 5; 1/12 - 5; 1/11 - 5; 1/10 VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 1/10 VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 1/10 Editor’s Pick - 5; 1/10 - 5; 1/10 - 5; 1/9 - 5; 1/8 - 5; 1/8 - 5; 1/7 - 5; 1/6 - 5; 1/5 - 5; 1/5 - 5; 1/4 - 5; 1/3 - 5; 1/3 - 5; 1/3 - 5; 1/2 - 25; 1/2 - 5; 1/1 - 5
Dec 12/31 - 5; 12/30 - 5; 12/29 - 5; 12/28 - 5; 12/27 Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 12/27 - 20; 12/27 - 5; 12/26 - 5; 12/25 - 5; 12/24 - 5; 12/23 - 5; 12/22 - 5; 12/21 - 5; 12/20 Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 12/20 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/20 - 5; 12/20 - 5; 12/19 - 20; 12/19 -5; 12/8 - 5; 12/17 - 5; 12/16 - 5; 12/15 - 5; 12/14 - 5; 12/13 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/13 Bonus Points Email - 25; 12/13 - 5; 12/12 - 5; 12/12 - 5; 12/12 - 5; 12/11 - 25; 12/11 - 5; 12/10 - 5; 12/9 - 5; 12/8 - 5; 12/7 - 5; 12/6 - 5; 12/6 VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 12/6 VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 12/6 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/6 - 5; 12/6 - 5; 12/5 -25; 12/5 - 5; 12/5 - 5; 12/4 - 25; 12/4 - 5; 12/3 - 5; 12/2 - 5; 12/1 - 5
Nov 11/30 - 5; 11/29 - 5; 11/29 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/29 - 5; 11/29 - 5; 11/28 - 5; 11/28 - 5; 11/27 - 5; 11/26 - 5; 11/25 - 5; 11/24 - 5; 11/23 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/23 - 5; 11/22 - 5; 11/21 Notification - 20; 11/21 - 5; 11/21 - 5; 11/20 - 20; 11/20 - 5; 11/19 - 5; 11/18 - 5; 11/17 - 5; 11/16 - 5; 11/15 Holiday Giveaway; 11/15 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/15 - 5; 11/14 - 5; 11/14 - 5; 11/14 - 5; 11/13 - 5; 11/12 - 5; 11/12 - 5; 11/11 - 5; 11/10 - 5; 11/9 - 5; 11/8 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 11/8 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 11/8 - 5; 11/8 - 5; 11/8 - 20; 11/8 - 5; 11/7 - 15; 11/7 - 5; 11/6 - 5; 11/5 - 5; 11/4 - 5; 11/3 - 5; 11/2 - 5; 11/1 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/1 - 5; 11/1 - 5; 11/1 - 5
Oct 10/31 - 5; 10/30 Email/Rewards Digest - 10; 10/30 - 5; 10/29 - 5; 10/28 - 5; 10/27 - 5; 10/26 - 5; 10/26 - 5; 10/25 - 5; 10/25 Editor’s Pick - 5; 10/25 - 5; 10/24 - 25; 10/24 - 5; 10/24 Notification - 30; 10/23 - 5; 10/22 - 5; 10/21 - 5; 10/20 - 5; 10/19 - 5; 10/18 Email/Earn Digest - 10; 10/18 Editor’s Pick -5; 10/18 - 5; 10/18 - 5; 10/18 - 5; 10/17 - 5; 10/16 - 5; 10/15 - 5; 10/14 - 5; 10/13 - 5; 10/12 - 5; 10/11 - 5; 10/11 Editor’s Pick - 5; 10/11 - 5; 10/10 - 5; 10/10 - 30; 10/10 - 5; 10/9 - 5; 10/9 - 30; 10/8 - 5; 10/7 - 5; 10/6 - 5; 10/5 - 5; 10/4 VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 10/4 VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 10/4 Editor’s Pick - 5; 10/4 - 5; 10/4 - 5; 10/3 - 5; 10/3 - 5; 10/2 Re-Earn - 25; 10/2 - 5; 10/1 - 5
Sep 9/30 - 5; 9/29 - 5; 9/28 - 5; 9/28 - 5; 9/27 Rewards Digest - 10; 9/27 - 5; 9/27 Editor’s Pick - 5; 9/27 - 5; 9/26 - 15; 9/26 - 5; 9/25 - 5; 9/24 - 5; 9/23 - 5; 9/22 - 5; 9/21 - 5; 9/20 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 9/20 Editor’s Pick - 5; 9/20 - 25; 9/20 - 5; 9/19 - 5; 9/19 - 5; 9/19 Notification - 35; 9/18 - 5 pts; 9/17 - 5; 9/17 - 5; 9/16 - 5; 9/15 - 5; 9/14 - 5; 9/14 - 5; 9/13 Bonus Points Email - 25; 9/13 Editor’s Pick - 5; 9/13 - 5; 9/13 - 5; 9/12 - 25; 9/12 - 5; 9/11 25; 9/11 - 5; 9/10 - 5; 9/9 - 5; 9/8 - 5; 9/7 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 9/7 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 9/7 - 5; 9/7 Re-Earn from 9/13/10 - 5; 9/6 - 20; 9/6 - 5; 9/5 - 5; 9/5 - 5; 9/4 Re-Earn - 30; 9/4 - 5; 9/3 - 5; 9/2 - 5; 9/1 - 5
Aug 8/31 - 5; 8/31 - 5; 8/30 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 8/30 Editor’s Pick - 5; 8/30 - 5; 8/29 -15; 8/29 - 5; 8/28 - 5; 8/27 Video - 30; 8/27 - 5; 8/26 - 5; 8/25 - 5; 8/24 - 5; 8/23 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 8/23 - 25; 8/23 Editor’s Pick - 5; 8/23 - 5; 8/23 - 5; 8/22 - 5; 8/21 - 5; 8/21 - 5; 8/20 Notification - 30; 8/20 - 5; 8/19 - 5; 8/18 - 5; 8/17 - 5; 8/17 - 5; 8/16 - 5; 8/15 Editor’s Pick - 25; 8/15 - 25; 8/15 - 5; 8/14 - 5; 8/13 - 20; 8/13 - 5; 8/12 - 5; 8/11 - 5; 8/10 - 5; 8/9 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 5; 8/9 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 5; 8/9 Editor’s Pick - 5; 8/9 - 30; 8/9 - 5; 8/8 - 5; 8/8 - 5; 8/7 - 5; 8/7 - 5; 8/6 - 25; 8/6 - 5; 8/5 - 5; 8/4 - 5; 8/3 - 5; 8/3 - 5; 8/2 Editor’s Pick - 5; 8/2 - 5; 8/1 - 30; 8/1 - 5
Jul 7/31 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 7/31 - 5; 7/30 - 5; 7/29 - 5; 7/28 - 5; 7/28 Notification - 30; 7/27 - 5; 7/26 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 7/26 Editor’s Pick - 5; 7/26 - 5; 7/26 - 5; 7/26 - 5; 7/25 - 5; 7/24 - 5; 7/24 - 5; 7/23 - 5; 7/22 - 5; 7/21 - 5; 7/20 - 5; 7/20 - 5; 7/19 Editor’s Pick - 5; 7/19 - 5; 7/18 - 25; 7/18 - 5; 7/17 - 5; 7/16 - 5; 7/15 - 5; 7/14 - 5; 7/13 - 5; 7/12 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 7/12 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 7/12 - 5; 7/12 Editor’s Pick - 5; 7/12 - 5; 7/12 - 5; 7/11 - 5; 7/11 -5; 7/11 - 25; 7/11 - 5; 7/10 - 5; 7/10 - 5; 7/9 - 30; 7/9 - 5; 7/8 - 5; 7/7 - 5; 7/6 - 5; 7/6 Editor’s Pick - 5; 7/6 - 5; 7/5 - 20; 7/5 - 5; 7/4 - 5; 7/3 - 5; 7/2 - 5; 7/2 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 7/2 Re-Earn - 25; 7/1 - 5
Jun 6/30 - 5; 6/29 - 5; 6/28 - 5; 6/28 - 5; 6/28 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 6/28 Editor’s Pick - 5; 6/28 - 5; 6/27 - 5; 6/27 - 5; 6/26 - 5; 6/26 - 5; 6/25 - 5; 6/24 - 5; 6/23 - 5; 6/22 - 5; 6/22 - 5; 6/21 - 5; 6 /21 Email Bonus - 10; 6/21 - 5; 6/20 - 5; 6/20 - 5; 6/19 - 5; 6/18 - 5; 6/17 - 5; 6/16 - 5; 6/15 - 5; 6/14 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 6/14 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 6/14 - 5; 6/14 - 5; 6/14 - 5; 6/13 - 5; 6/12 - 5; 6/12 - 5; 6/11 - 5; 6/11 - 5; 6/10 - 5; 6/9 - 5; 6/8 - 5; 6/8 - 5; 6/8 Editor’s Pick - 5; 6/7 - 5; 6/6 - 5; 6/6 - 5; 6/5 - 5; 6/4 - 25; 6/4 - 5; 6/3 - 5; 6/2 - 5; 6/1 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 6/1 - 5
May 5/31 - 5; 5/30 - 5; 5/30 - 5; 5/29 - 5; 5/29 - 5; 5/28 - 5; 5/27 - 5; 5/26 - 5; 5/25 - 5; 5/25 - 5; 5/24 Editor’s Pick - 5; 5/24 - 5; 5/24 - 5; 5/23 - 5; 5/22 - 5; 5/21 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 5/21 - 5; 5/21 - 5; 5/20 - 5; 5/19 - 5; 5/18 - 5; 5/18 - 5; 5/17 Editor’s Pick - 5; 5/17 - 5; 5/16 - 5; 5/15 - 5; 5/15 - 5; 5/14 - 5; 5/13 - 5; 5/12 - 5; 5/11 Editor’s Pick - 5; 5/11 - 5; 5/11 - 5; 5/10 - 5; 5/9 - 5; 5/9 - 5; 5/8 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 5/8 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 5/8 - 5; 5/7 - 5; 5/7 - 30; 5/6 - 5; 5/5 - 5; Email/Re-Earn - UP TO 35: 5 PLUS 5 per correct answer - 6 EASY questions; 5/4 - 5; 5/3 Editor’s Pick - 5; 5/3 - 30; 5/3 - 5; 5/2 - 5; 5/2 - 5; 5/2 - 5; 5/2 - 25; 5/1 - 5; 5/1 - 5
Apr 4/30 Re-Earn - 25; 4/30 - 5; 4/29 - 5; 4/28 - 5; 4/27 Re-Earn - 100; 4/27 - 5; 4/27 - 5; 4/26 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 4/26 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/26 - 5; 4/25 - 5; 4/25 - 5; 4/24 - 5; 4/23 - 5; 4/22 - 5; 4/21 - 5; 4/21 Re-Earn - 100; 4/20 - 5; 4/19 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 4/19 Re-Earn - 100; 4/19 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/19 - 5; 4/18 - 5; 4/18 - 5; 4/17 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/17 - 5; 4/17 - 5; 4/16 - 5; 4/16 - 5; 4/15 - 5; 4/14 - 5; 4/13 - 5; 4/13 - 5; 4/12 Spanish - 105; 4/12 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/12 - 5; 4/12 - 100; 4/11 - 5; 4/11 - 5; 4/10 - 5; 4/9 - 5; 4/9 - 25; 4/8 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/8 - 5; 4/7 - 5; 4/6 - 5; 4/6 - 5+25; 4/5 - 5; 4/5 Editor’s Pick - 5; 4/4 Facebook - 100; 4/4 - 5; 4/4 - 5; 4/3 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 4/3 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 4/3 - 5; 4/3 - 5; 4/2 - 30; 4/2 - 5; 4/1 - 5
Mar 3/31 - 5; 3/30 - 5; 3/30 - 5; 3/29 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 3/29 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/29 - 5; 3/28 - 5; 3/28 - 5; 3/27 - 5; 3/26 - 5; 3/25 - 5; 3/24 - 5; 3/23 - 5; 3/22 Bonus Points Email - 25; 3/22 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/22 - 5; 3/21 - 5; 3/21 - 5; 3/20 - 5; 3/20 - 5; 3/19 - 5; 3/18 - 5; 3/17 - 5; 3/16 - 5; 3/16 - 5; 3/15 Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 3/15 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/15 - 5; 3/14 - 5; 3/14 - 5; 3/13 - 5; 3/12 - 25; 3/12 - 5; 3/11 - 5; 3/10 - 5; 3/9 - 5; 3/8 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/8 - 5; 3/7 - 5; 3/6 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 3/6 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 3/6 - 5; 3/6 - 5; 3/6 - 5; 3/5 - 25; 3/5 - 5; 3/4 - 5; 3/3 - 5; 3/2 - 5; 3/2 - 5; 3/1 Editor’s Pick - 5; 3/1 - 5
Feb 2/28 - 5; 2/28 - 5; 2/27 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 2/27 - 5; 2/26 - 5; 2/25 - 5; 2/24 - 5; 2/23 - 5; 2/22 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 2/22 Editor’s Pick - 5; 2/22 - 5; 2/21 - 5; 2/21 - 5; 2/20 - 5; 2/20 - 5; 2/19 - 5; 2/18 - 5; 2/17 - 5; 2/16 - 5; 2/16 - 5; 2/16 Editor’s Pick - 5; 2/15 - 5; 2/14 - 5; 2/14 - 5; 2/13 - 5; 2/12 - 5; 2/11 - 5; 2/10 - 5; 2/9 Editor’s Pick - 5; 2/9 - 5; 2/8 Email/VGN Bonus - 10; 2/8 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 2/8 - 5; 2/8 - 20; 2/7 - 5; 2/7 - 5; 2/6 - 5; 2/6 - 5; 2/5 - 5; 2/4 - 5; 2/3 - 5; 2/2 - 5; 2/2 - 5; 2/1 - 25; 2/1 - 5; 2/1 Editor’s Pick - 5
Jan 1/31 - 5; 1/30 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 1/26 Editor’s Pick - 5; 1/25 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 1/25 - 5; 1/24 - 5; 1/19 - 5; 1/19 Editor’s Pick - 5; 1/17 - 5; 1/16 - 5; 1/11 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 1/11 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10;
1/11 Editor’s Pick - 5; 1/11 - 30; 1/10 - 5; 1/5 - 5; 1/5 - 5; 1/4 - 30; 1/2 - 5; 1/2 - 5
Dec 12/28 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/28 Email Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 12/26 - 5; 12/21 Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 12/21 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/21 -
5; 12/21 - 5; 12/15 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/14 Bonus Points Email - 25; 12/12 - 5 ; 12/8 - 5; 12/7 Editor’s Pick - 5; 12/7 - 25; 12/7 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 12/7 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 12/5 - 5
Nov 11/30 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 11/30 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/30 - 5; 11/28 - 5; 11/27 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/24 - 5; 11/23 - 5; 11/21 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 11/21 - 5; 11/17 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/14 - 5; 11/10 - 5; 11/9 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 11/9 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 11/9 - 5; 11/9 - 15; 11/7 - 5; 11/3 Editor’s Pick - 5; 11/2 - 25
Oct 10/31 - 5; 10/26 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 10/27 - 5; 10/27 Editor’s Pick - 5; 10/26 - 5; 10/24 - 5; 10/23 - 5; 10/20 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10; 10/18 - 30; 10/17 - 5; 10/13 - 5; 10/12 - 5; 10/11 - 5; 10/10 - 5; 10/9 - 5; 10/5 VGN Bonus #1 - 10; 10/5 VGN Bonus #2 - 10; 10/5 Editor’s pick - 5; 10/5 - 25; 10/3 - 5; 10/2 - 5
Sept 9/30 Editor’s Pick - 5; 9/29 - 5; 9/28 Rewards Digest Bonus - 10; 9/26 - 5
10/2 - 5 pts -
10/3 - 5 pts -
10/5 - 25 pts -
10/5 - VGN Bonus #1 - 10 pts -
10/5 - VGN Bonus #2 - 10 pts -
10/9 - 5 pts -
10/10 - 5 pts -
25 pts - Learn How To Co-Exist With Plastics
@mrsguin The Learn How to Co-Exist With Plastics link is an old one from 2015. The points earning opportunity was not reset recently. If you earned this now, you must not have earned it back-in-the day. That’s why I didn’t post it when it showed up last week.
Also, as a suggestion, how about we don’t use the gigantic graphics (bigger than on FW). All it’s doing is taking up screen space, and if the point of the thread is to share the points, between that graphics and the larger-in-general-font sizes used by this site, all I’ve got on the screen right now is that graphic and this response.
@connman said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
Also, as a suggestion, how about we don’t use the gigantic graphics (bigger than on FW). All it’s doing is taking up screen space, and if the point of the thread is to share the points, between that graphics and the larger-in-general-font sizes used by this site, all I’ve got on the screen right now is that graphic and this response.
@Connman A new feature was recently introduced in which the graphics associated with a url/link are automatically inserted. @MrsGuin has no control over that. The size of the graphics is set by default and is, admittedly, way too large. Changing the default graphic size for links and uploads is actually something that the mods were just discussing with @dangeRuss again earlier this morning, and we hop to see a fix soon.
@fivetalents said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
@connman said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
Also, as a suggestion, how about we don’t use the gigantic graphics (bigger than on FW). All it’s doing is taking up screen space, and if the point of the thread is to share the points, between that graphics and the larger-in-general-font sizes used by this site, all I’ve got on the screen right now is that graphic and this response.
@Connman A new feature was recently introduced in which the graphics associated with a url/link are automatically inserted. @MrsGuin has no control over that. The size of the graphics is set by default and is, admittedly, way too large. Changing the default graphic size for links and uploads is actually something that the mods were just discussing with @dangeRuss again earlier this morning, and we hop to see a fix soon.
Although that won’t help here with the iframely embed. You can avoid the embedding by using the link tool. If the community agrees that recyclebank links shouldn’t be embedded, we can add them to the blacklist.
@connman Have U tried changing the font size for this site on your computer? I have not changed anything & my print is smaller than FW.
@dangeruss What does that mean?
@mrsguin said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
@dangeruss What does that mean?
In the full editor, there’s a link button. If you use that, it won’t embed.
@dangeruss said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
@mrsguin said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
@dangeruss What does that mean?
In the full editor, there’s a link button. If you use that, it won’t embed.
@mrsguin said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
@connman Have U tried changing the font size for this site on your computer? I have not changed anything & my print is smaller than FW.
I was actually referring to the font size used in the full editor. The font in the main text seems about the same (with quoted text being a bit smaller - which is ok IMO). Just lots more white space between those sections of text -all throughout the site.
Ghoulish and Green Halloween Decorations - 5 points
Don’t forget the Daily Pledge for another 5 points.
10/18/17 - 30 pts -
10/20/17 - EMail/Earn Digest Bonus 10 pts -
10/23/17 - 5 pts -
10/24/17 - 5 pts -
10/26/17 - 5 pts -
@connman How do we get the points?
Never mind - Just click on the picture.
10/27/17 - Editor’s Pick 5 pts -
10/27/17 - 5 pts -
10/26/17 - Rewards Digest Bonus 10 pts -
25 Recyclebank points - What Are Plastics, Really?
Updated On 11/02/2017 | Originally Published On 09/11/2015
Don’t forget the Daily Pledge for another 5 points.
11/03/17 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts -
11/07/17 - 5 pts -
11/09/17 - 15 pts -
5 points - Because You Asked: What Kind of Plastic Bags Can I Recycle?
11/09/17 - Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10 pts -
11/09/17 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10 pts -
11/10/17 - 5 pts -
11/14/17 - 5 pts -
11/17/17 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts -
11/21/17 - 5 pts -
11/21/17 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10 pts -
11/23/17 - 5 pts -
11/27/17 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts -
11/30/17 Email/Rewards Digrst Bonus - 10 pts -
11/30/17 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts -
11/30/17 - 5 pts -