Rite Aid B&M Irish Spring Bar Soap 6ct pack 99c after $2 IAQ and $1 Bonus Cash (ends 8/20)
There is also a printable coupon for I. Spring on their website, requires sign up which makes it about 50c a pack.
This is the lowest price on Irish Spring in a long time, regular shelf price of these are now $7.09!
The 50 cent printables on irishspeing.com beep and my store wouldn’t manually enter them. Check to see if you have a BCC for Irish Spring, could make for 5 very cheap (52 cents each) six packs of Irish Spring bar soap if you have the BCC that gives you $5.40 back on an $18 spend, or free if your store will manually enter five 50-cent coupons.
I only have the Irish Spring BCC in one of my three accounts.