New and Exisiting UPS My Choice Members: Earn $10 Target GC when you pick up 5 packages at UPS Access Point Location

  • offers UPS My Choice Members (free to join): a $10 Target eGift Card when you change your delivery preference to a UPS Access Point Location and pickup 5 packages (see details below)

    Pickup 1st Package
    Free one-month UPS My Choice Premium membership
    Pickup 3rd Package
    $5 in UPS My Choice Deals site cash redeemable for a Target gift card
    Pickup 5th Package
    An additional $5 in UPS My Choice Deals site cash redeemable for a Target gift card and an additional two-month My Choice Premium membership

    To automatically send all your packages to a UPS Access Point location:

    Click here to login to your account
    Select "Preferences"
    Click on “Edit” within the UPS My Choice area
    Under “Alternate Delivery Location” click on "select a location"
    Search for and select UPS access point
    Once you set your UPS My Choice delivery location preference to a UPS Access Point location, your package deliveries will automatically be redirected
    You can switch your preferred delivery location back to your home at any time by clicking on “Clear Selection” at the bottom of the Delivery Preference page

  • Global Moderator

    Couple of points/questions:

    1. does picking up 5 packages at once count or is each pick up considered “ONE” towards this promo?

    If I could claim 5 pick ups at once = good deal.

    Having to make 5 trips at the holidays to a potentially crowded UPS pick up location is simply not worth $2 a visit. Gas, time, hassle.


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