What is this for?
Is it for testing stuff?
Yes this area is just to play around so you can get familiar with the forum functionality.
That’s my shovel; give it back!
here kitty kitty
Who wants to bake some sand muffins?
@mrsguin said in What is this for?:
That’s my shovel; give it back!
Can’t we just be kind to each other and take turns?
@noribei Are you having difficulty posting images, or is that long string of text intentional? Try saving it as a jpg file or take a screen shot instead of using png formatted images.
yes trying to post the pic
so thought practice here
This post is deleted!
@noribei if you’re using “Post quick reply” it won’t work - you have to use Reply, then use the icons to either upload or link. Hope this helps!
@noribei If you’re inserting a link/web url to view a picture in a new window, open the editor text box. Place your blinking cursor where you want the picture inserted. Click on the sideways “8” symbol (the link symbol) between the striketrough (uppercase S with a line through it) and the landscape picture icon. You’ll see this
[link text](link url)
Copy and paste what you want to name the link between the brackets on the left: [ ]
Copy and paste the url between the parentheses: ( )
@fivetalents your answer wins…
@mikk1 said in What is this for?:
@fivetalents your answer wins…
Huh? Wins what?
ETA: oh, I didn’t see that we were posting help suggestions at the same time.
@noribei If you want to insert the picture into your post, go to the website containing your picture. Right click on the picture to save it to your computer.
Open the text editor by clicking “new topic,” or clicking the 3 white vertical dots at the bottom of an existing post and click “edit.” Place your blinking cursor where you want the picture to appear in your post.
Click on the black cloud icon with a little white arrow pointing up (all the way on the right). Browse your desktop to find your downloaded picture. Click on the picture then select “open.” The picture will appear in the preview window on the right if the upload works (you may have to wait a minute for it to upload completely). Click submit.
@noribei The 2nd way to insert an actual image in your post is to open the text editor and place the blinking cursor where you want the image to appear. Click on the little landscape picture box to the left of the X with four arrowheads. That will insert the following:

Just paste your picture url over all of the text between the parentheses: ( )
Ok I finally found it.
The text editor with preview window show up only when I reply.
And hope this works.
@noribei said in What is this for?:
Thank you very much for your time and patience
Yes, but now I can’t guess 'cause I got a head start
Yes that was the problem but I didn’t see your post when I was trying to figure it out. Wish I did. Thank you!
How do I change the circle (with the letter), at the top of my home page to my own pic? I figured out the top pic… same as FB.
@lawomaniam1 said in What is this for?:
How do I change the circle (with the letter), at the top of my home page to my own pic? I figured out the top pic… same as FB.
- Double click on your avatar
- Click the 3 vertical dots in the blue circle
- Select edit
- Select change picture
- Select upload new picture
- Click save changes
“Sandbox” is a euphemism for…
@larrymoencurly said in What is this for?:
“Sandbox” is a euphemism for…
A place where you play around presumably. Maybe @dangeRuss can give this forum a subtitle to clarify that.
@dangeruss said in What is this for?:
Yes this area is just to play around so you can get familiar with the forum functionality.