FREE rebate General Mills Blueberry Cheerios at Target w/Fetch Rewards & Target card

  • 5K Club

    At Target buy one 19.5 oz. General Mills Blueberry Cheerios for $3.64 and keep your receipt.
    ”Download the Fetch Rewards app for Apple and Android phones.
    New users only: Open the app and register using a valid email, phone number and other contact information. On the last step of the process use code V4AXJ to earn the 2,000+ bonus . This amount may increase if a promotion is going on (see note above).
    Scan your receipt using the app and get a 100% rebate making this product absolutely free!

  • Global Moderator

    @MrsGuin ALL Grocery item freebies via app/coupons/rewards offers etc. GO IN THIS AREA. They always have, why are you posting these in FREE STUFF?? PLEASE DO NOT POST DEALS LIKE THIS IN FREE STUFF where you have to visit the store and use a digital Q/app rebate, etc to make it free. This is not something you request by mail.


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