Please read before posting.
Self Promotion/Self Referred deals are not allowed, Posting deals related to a website/store you own or employed at is unethical and you will be removed and posts deleted.
How to PostThere is a single essential you need to know. Title must be self-sufficient!
An ideal post will have;
1.Title containing all the information. Must-have info in the title includes product name, important product specs, Price, Shipping cost or if “Free ship” and Merchants website name. use a price range if necessary for multiple items or for Amazon changing pricing and expiration date if applicable. Use “name dropping” in the title compare the price you have with Amazon price or PWF historical price to show your awesome find. If it’s the lowest price ever according to price tracker such as Camel, indicate that.
2. Information in the body of the post describing the deal.
3. Direct Link/URL to deal in the post
4. Photo/Graphic descriptive of the deal.
Nike Air Jordans Special edition freestyle, $100 Org $300 W/Free Ship @/At Walmart.comWhy?
If a deal is not interesting to the reader, he/she will simply skip it instead of clicking it and reading more. That’s it, These are good posting techniques. We are all busy folks - a self-sufficient title, a Link, and a photo make a post.
You Need to Care for Your Posts, Not Just Post and Leave, periodically check and update your links, check if deal is still active if not, notify mod to move to expired deals. Make necessary changes depending on feedback received from mods or phatwalleters. Mods aren’t perfect, if we lock a post and it comes alive again, let us know.Acronyms that may be used on
AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service (relates to special deals for military, their dependents and relatives)
AC After Coupon
AFAIK As Far as I Know
AMEX American Express
APM After Price Match
AR After Rebate
B&M – Brick and Mortar store (A physical retail store as opposed to an online merchant)
B1G1 or BOGO – Buy One get One free
BB – Best Buy
BB&B Bed, Bath & Beyond
BBB Better Business Bureau
BF Black Friday: Friday after Thanksgiving. Sales on BF show if stores will profit on the year (run in the black)
BTW By The Way
Bump Replying to a thread to move it to the top of a forum to make it more prominent
CC – Credit card
DD Deal Discussion
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DPA Dell Preferred Account
FAR/FAMIR Free After Rebate or Free a/mail in rebate
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FW Fat Wallet
PWF/PhWF PhatWallet Forums
FWIW For What It’s Worth
GC – Gift Card or Gift Certificate
GPT Get Paid To
HD Hot Deal(s)
HSN – Home Shopping Network
HTH Hope This Helps
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IMHO In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IP Internet Printable Coupon (may require coupon website software to be installed on your PC)
IR Instant Rebate
ISO In Search Of, or type of CDRom image file
LMAO Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL Laugh Out Loud
MFG Manufacturer/Manufacturing
MFR Manufacturer
MIR – Mail In Rebate
MM Money Maker (either in $ or overage towards other merchandise)
Noob, newbie a new user/member (usually used in a demeaning way)
OD – Office Depot
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OM – Office Max
OOS Out Of Stock
OP Original Post or Original Poster (author of thread)
OT Off Topic
OTD Out The Door
PM – Price Match (see below)
PM Private Message
Q Coupon (may refer to any type, printed, newspaper, shown on phone, etc)
RAOK – Random Act Of kindness
RMA Return merchandise authorization
ROFL Rolling on floor laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
SD Slickdeals
SER Staples Easy Rebate
SKU Unique product ID number assigned by the retailer
SPAM Unwanted commercial email advertisements, usually unsolicited. Your legislators can stop SPAM!
S/H – Shipping and handling
TIA Thanks in advance
TOS Terms of service
TRU – Toys R Us
TY Thank you
UPC Universal product code (unique product ID assigned by MFR)
UPS United Parcel Service
USPS United States Postal Service
YMMV Your mileage may varyPlease Comment and leave your own tips, comments, or advice, The best advice is from someone with knowledge.
Perhaps a darker color font would make this easier on the eyes
Welcome @yacheapbastard - thanks for joining us and for contributing to the discussion! We’re glad you’re here!
I am glad you posted this because a lot of these I didn’t know, so I copied it and emailed it to myself for reference for this site & others, a helpful tool (keeping up with the times)!
@yacheapbastard said in Please read before posting.:
Perhaps a darker color font would make this easier on the eyes
Have you tried using a different skin? Click your avatar at the top right corner of the screen, then Settings. Different skins will give you different visual layout - you might like a different one better than whatever you are using now.
Tried looking for the option myself, to no avail…I posted a deal that expired and was looking for the ‘report dead deal’ button/menu option and couldn’t find one. So I just deleted the entire post.
Is there a ‘report expired deal’ option available to OP’ers that I just couldn’t see? TIA.
@rambone said in Please read before posting.:
Tried looking for the option myself, to no avail…I posted a deal that expired and was looking for the ‘report dead deal’ button/menu option and couldn’t find one. So I just deleted the entire post.
Is there a ‘report expired deal’ option available to OP’ers that I just couldn’t see? TIA.
Hello @rambone. Thank you for asking.
When a thread expires, please do not delete it.
You can post a reply in the thread stating that it is expired (you can also add “EXPIRED” in front of the title to alert the other members and also provide another means for mods to spot expired threads). The next mod to see your reply or title change will move it to the expired sub-forum. Since we are all volunteers, it may take a little but for that to happen. However, if it is taking a very long time to be moved, you can flag the moderators and explain your request there.
Thanks for understanding. We hope to have a more streamlined expiration process down the line when resources allow.
Also, I located your deleted thread, restored it, and moved it the expired deals sub-forum. If you have other threads that need to be un-deleted/restored, please let us know.
Thanks for the info. I’ll follow this protocol next time.
thanks, now i understand a lot
Thank you for letting us know.This is very helpful for a beginner.
Thanks for this