PSA: Amex Offers Multi-Tab Trick is Dead along with Creating Separate Log-Ins.There’s Now a Hard Limit of One Offer per Person/SS#.
The Amex Offers Multi-Tab Trick is Dead, There’s Now a Hard Limit of One Offer per Person
It may be free for the primary member (I had the staples offer on only one account), but not true so far for AUs, as I had the staples offer in multiple accounts for the same AU.
DangeRuss, you may have had the Staples offer in multiple accounts with the same AU, but do they show up in saved offers after saving them all? I had the offer in multiple accounts as the primary cardmember but only one actually saved (the one I saved first) even after saving them all. This new policy really makes the Am Ex card less valuable to me. Looks like I may be closing some accounts soon.
@mrvietnam said in PSA: Amex Offers Multi-Tab Trick is Dead along with Creating Separate Log-Ins.There’s Now a Hard Limit of One Offer per Person/SS#.:
DangeRuss, you may have had the Staples offer in multiple accounts with the same AU, but do they show up in saved offers after saving them all? I had the offer in multiple accounts as the primary cardmember but only one actually saved (the one I saved first) even after saving them all. This new policy really makes the Am Ex card less valuable to me. Looks like I may be closing some accounts soon.
Yes, I relogged in and the AUs have the offer on multiple accounts saved.