05/10/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/what-is-de-inking
Posts made by Connman
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Watch for an email titled: "Your Members Update: Mystery Bonus Inside"
In it is a link to collect “Mystery Points” - 6 points!I don’t see an expiration date on getting the freebie points this time, so act now!
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/08/18 - Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=Mzg1MDBfMGFkN2Y2NGRmOTc3NGE3NThkNTQyMzdiNTI3ZDRlNDc=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180508_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
05/08/18 - Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=Mzg0OTlfMzY4OTYyNmFkZWExOGFkMDkzNDg0NDVhMjQzOGM1NGE=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180508_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
05/09/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/what-greenhouse-gas-is-created-when-food-scraps-decompose-in-a-landfill
05/0918 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/match-the-plastic-product-with-its-recycling-number
RE: Official Kellogg's Family Rewards Program Codes Master Thread (program to end 12/31/2022)
It’s supposed to be 50 pts…per the email I received.
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/07/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/when-it-comes-to-trash-and-recycling-what-does-msw-stand-for
05/07/18 - 30 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/enjoy-and-care-for-the-outdoors-this-spring
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/4/18 Email/Re-Earn - UP TO 35 pts: 5 pts PLUS 5 pts per correct answer - 6 EASY questions - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/crystal-clear-glass-facts-test-your-knowledge
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Take $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental.
Use code RZ6R5EG3 by 05/06/2018 @ 11:59 PM -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Got a weird email from Redbox on one of my accounts. For some reason, they added 150 points because I completed a bonus task (as far as I know, I didn’t even log in with this account since January), and another 100 points for a “Points Correction” from March - and again, not logged in since January.
So again, weird, but it did push me over the top to a free DVD, which is where I thought it should have been (on more than one account) when they switched over to the new program. Maybe, just maybe, others are also getting similar emails with points being added. Heads up!
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
$1.50 Off DVDs Redbox Uninversal Code.
Credit to SamKQboro on SD for the code:4DFVCA52
Today only.
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/02/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/does-a-number-in-a-triangle-guarantee-curbside-recyclability
05/02/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/la-lista-9-estadisticas-increibles-que-te-haran-reconsiderar-el-plastico
05/02/18 - 25 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/la-verdad-de-5-mitos-del-reciclaje-de-vidrio
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
ROGO exp 5/3 11:59pm
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/01/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/which-of-these-is-one-of-the-tools-used-to-sort-metals-at-a-materials-recovery-facility-mrf
05/01/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/because-you-asked-can-i-recycle-foam-platters-and-containers
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Take $0.75 off the first night of any rental
Use code EG7VFNVU by 04/29/2018 @ 11:59 PMTake $1.25 off the first night of any rental
Use code TRHGP72G by 04/29/2018 @ 11:59 PM -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
04/26/18 Email/Rewards Digest Bonus - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=Mzg0NDlfODgzOWU0ZTMyZTgxNmZkMjhiOWFiZGFiYTkyMTRkYzQ=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180426_RewardsDigest&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=rewardsdigest
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
True ROGO exp 4/29/18 @ 11:59PM
RE: Free LALA Drinkable Yogurt at Meijer
Looks like not everyone is getting this. Nothing on either of my accounts.
RE: Not getting REPLY notifications
OK, that’s weird. Somehow the switch to notify on replies had been turned off. I know I wasn’t in there, so maybe it was part of an upgrade behind the scenes. I didn’t even know there was a separate setting to control this other than setting a topic to “Watch”.
Oh well, as long as it’s back and working…
RE: Not getting REPLY notifications
All quiet here. No notifications other than upvotes still…
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Take $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental.
Use code U3ZHAGYA by 04/22/2018 @ 11:59 PM -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
4/19/18 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgzOTNfMWUxNTczMDZlMDdlYTE5YmE2ZTdlYzk1Y2UxMGI0NTk=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180419_EarnDigest&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=earnsdigest
4/19/18 Re-Earn - 100 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/the-list-7-achievable-green-resolutions-for-this-year
Not getting REPLY notifications
Seems like it’s been not notifying for a while now. I am getting upvote notifications, but nothing about replies, and I’ve verified that I am watching the topics in question. This happens to be in the Free Stuff forum, but could be elsewhere as well.
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
@mrsguin Where did you find that? It seems like it should be on the Earn Points page, but I don’t see it there. If it wasn’t for your link (or maybe a future email from RB), I’m not sure I would have found it…
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
04/17/18 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/ways-to-celebrate-earth-month
04/17/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/what-is-the-wet-mush-of-wood-fibers-called-in-the-paper-recycling-process
04/17/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/because-you-asked-can-i-recycle-light-bulbs-curbside
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
@mrsguin Maybe you posted this after seeing it on SD before getting the email from RB. SD was where I saw it noted as 100 points (the RB email didn’t specify anything about points). I was just totaling them up to make sure I hit all the pages (since they were so fun to read, even with Chrome translating some of them).
Now lets see if RB posts something for today after they corrected the dates of what came out on 4/13 (which were incorrectly posted as 4/12)…
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
04/13/18 (date is now correct) - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/how-much-post-consumer-textile-waste-is-sent-to-landfills-in-the-united-states-each-year
04/13/18 (date is now correct) - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/the-list-6-unlucky-sustainability-issues-and-how-to-fix-them
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Take $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental.
Use code KPKZA6WF by 04/15/2018 @ 11:59 PM -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
Is it just me, or is the Spanish actually generating 105 points: 20+15+5+30+5+25+5?
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
04/11/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/roughly-what-percentage-of-paper-waste-is-recovered-for-recycling
04/11/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/what-should-you-do-with-these-glass-containers
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
This should be interesting: The “10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Month” that I posted back on 4/5 and MrsGuin reposted earlier today seems to have a glitch. Every time I go to that page, the Earn button is reset and you can re-earn the 5 points. Click on “Earn 5 points”, refresh the page and repeat - over and over.
Not sure if it will last, or if the points will get pulled back, but worth sharing again: https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/ways-to-celebrate-earth-month
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Free Redbox 1-Night DVD, Blu-Ray, or Game Rental - Text TECHSTUFF OR STUFF to 727272.
Use both to get two codes! Reportedly good for Games, DVDs or Blu-Rays even if it says it’s just for Games.
Expires 4/15/18
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Take $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental.
Use code SJSQ2NVC by 04/08/2018 @ 11:59 PM -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
06/06/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/what-are-bioplastics
04/06/18 - 5 pts plus up to 25 additional points for correct answers! - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/the-origins-of-glass-test-your-knowledge
The correct answers are 1) All of the Above, 2) True, 3) Say the “magic” word, 4) Both of these are true, and 5) All of these are good examples