01/24/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/should-you-clean-metal-cans-before-recycling-them
Posts made by Connman
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
@tuskers said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
5 Recyclebank Points - The List: 6 Cool Can Crafts
Look up one post…
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Watch for an email titled: "Your Members Update: Mystery Bonus Inside"
In it is a link to collect “Mystery Points” - 3 points!
You have until 2/18/18 to collect the points. -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
01/19/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/the-list-8-awesome-facts-about-metal-recycling
01/19/18 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/the-list-6-cool-can-crafts
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
It looks like if you collected your 5 points on the latest Earn Point opportunity before they did there ‘renaming’ (1/17/18), that the renamed opportunity might be stuck at the top of your Earn Points page, since you can’t re-earn the points under the renamed link.
On a positive note, the Daily Pledge is up to 10 points starting today!
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
@mrvietnam said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
@connman said in Official Recyclebank Master Thread:
01/17/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/which-metals-can-you-recycle-curbside
Don’t forget to take the Daily Pledge for 5 points!
For a single post containing links to all the points-earning opportunities in this forum topic, click here.Conman’s link worked for me, but I collected my points at 6 am. Recyclebank must have changed the link sometime in the mid- morning.
Looks like they changed the link. It’s now https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/which-of-these-metals-can-you-recycle-curbside.
Points were not reset, so I can’t earn them again, but I’ll update the posts to reflect the new link.
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
@yoregano The name of the chain of stores is Hollywood Markets. It’s a local chain in SE Michigan. http://hollywoodmarkets.com/
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
MrsGuin only caught the 2nd one of that set of Emailed VGN Bonus Points.
1/11/18 Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgxNDZfNGZmYjQ1NDk2NjU4M2ZkY2ZkYTQyYmEyMGMyZjFiYTk=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180111_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
@zennuts Specifically, I use them for free milk and free lettuce, because there’s so little else of interest available, and the store is local. I’ve done magazines a few times, but they intend it to be new subscriptions, which is annoying (but still free). It would be nice if they could improve their selection of stuff people want.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Rent any 2 discs, get $1 off, exp 1/7
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Use code U4AM3JLT by 01/07/2018 @11:59 p.m.Please Green when used…
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Reminder: Code PE8SB36AKT expires on 12/31/17. It’s good for $1.50 off a rental one time for each credit card you have.
Happy Holidays everyone!
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
12/28/17 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/the-list-6-ideas-for-an-eco-friendly-coffee-habit
12/28/17 Email Rewards Digest Bonus - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgxMTNfZDliMDkwZmI3NzFhYzk0ZDMwNGJjYjFhMDk4MGJjMWM=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171228_RewardsDigest&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=rewardsdigest
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
12/21/17 Earn Digest Bonus - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgxMDNfMmFhNmY1ZGI3ZGY0NDVhMGUyNjYyZjY5ZmU2YmQyZTU=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171221_EarnDigest&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=earnsdigest
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
12/14/17 Bonus Points Email - 25 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgwOTJfYTU5YzczY2RhYzNjN2JmZDA2NWQxNTUzM2ZhZTlmMWI=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171214_BonusPoints&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=collections
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Watch for an email titled: "Your Members Update: Mystery Bonus Inside"
In it is a link to collect “Mystery Points” - 4 points!
You have until 1/11/18 to collect the points. -
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
First Monday of the month - time to take the Disney Challenge, and earn 5 pts, whether you get any answers correct or not!
They’ve moved the location of the challenge: https://disneymovierewards.go.com/DisneyChallenge (you will have to login if you’re not already logged in).
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Get $1 off 2 disc w/code T9AJKW86, exp 12/10.
Please post when used. -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
11/30/17 Email/Rewards Digrst Bonus - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgwNDdfZWIxYjgyY2NhNzRjNDdmZWRhNjIwZjNjODM0OWY2YTc=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171130_RewardsDigest&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=rewardsdigest
11/30/17 Editor’s Pick - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/because-you-asked-are-gift-cards-recyclable
11/30/17 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/the-list-9-crazy-garbage-patch-stats-that-will-make-you-rethink-plastic
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
@ctujackbauer said in Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread:
That makes a DVD a freebie, too!
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Watch for an email titled: "Mystery Points Inside - Holiday Shopping Time!"
In it is a link to collect “Mystery Points” - 5 points!
You have until 12/24/17 to collect the points. -
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
11/21/17 Email/Earn Digest Bonus - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgwNDVfNGI0NzY3YzUyMTUwMjVjNDkzMTAzYzkwNjRkNWU4M2M=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171121_EarnDigest&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=earnsdigest
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Third Monday of the month - time to take the Disney Challenge, and earn 5 pts, whether you get any anwers correct or not!
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Watch for an email titled: "Your Members Update: Mystery Bonus Inside"
In it is a link to collect “Mystery Points” - 6 points this month!
You have until 12/17/17 to collect the points. -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Use code VTW5FHY5 by 11/19/2017 @11:59 p.m.Please post when used
RE: Official Kellogg's Family Rewards Program Codes Master Thread (program to end 12/31/2022)
@tuskers: 0 for 6: “Sorry, the bonus code you have entered has expired.”
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
11/09/17 - Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgwMjhfN2UxOGFhYzY3ZDE2MGNhZGVjZDQxNzM2YTU1ZTBmMWI=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171109_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
11/09/17 Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=MzgwMjlfMWNkYzE4ODM5ZTVkOTdhNTI3YzhkNGMyMWQxYTFkMTA=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20171109_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
First Monday of the month - time to take the Disney Challenge, and earn 5 pts, whether you get any anwers correct or not! If you get one of the top 3 scores for the week, you’ll win 50 pts!