My 2¢…
I was a frequent post-er to the FW Staples Clearance thread and it wasn’t always easy to find.
Search for STAPLES and a lot of threads appeared, the Clearance thread not necessarily being on the first page.
Sometimes the easiest way to find it was to start on Page 1 of HD and scroll down looking for long green bars.
So I like the YMMV forum and store specific threads.
On FW something YMMV and “hot” was posted on HD and mentioned in the Staples Clearance Thread.
Posts made by my4mainecoons
RE: **Resolved** Retailer subforum
RE: Bought a New Windows 7 laptop.
I bought a netbook that had Linux. Being uneasy I had XPP installed instead. It was too much for the little netbook.
Wanted to go back to Linux. I’m probably one of the most unsavvy computer folks on here.
Guys on the FW Technology Forum talked me through step by step installing Easy Peasy on to a flash drive and then booting off of that.Fast forward a few years. Bought a Surface 3 Pro (clearance at Staples for $199) and it came with Windows 8.
Free update to W10. Tried it and hated it. Went back to W8.
I have very cheap but slow internet. Unable to watch videos with W10 vs. no issues with W8. -
RE: New Facebook Page
Social media? Is that what FB is? I’m a social outcast…