honkinggoose needs assistance

  • 1000 Club

    from @honkinggoose
    Sorry for the chat intrusion, but I as of this afternoon, I can no longer start a thread, reply to a post, or quote a post. I can still Post Quick Reply. If you’re doing some testing/modding, this is the current result for me. Oh, I also no longer have access to emoticons. 🙂

    from @honkinggoose
    Sorry for the chat intrusion, but I as of this afternoon, I can no longer start a thread, reply to a post, or quote a post. I can still Post Quick Reply. If you’re doing some testing/modding, this is the current result for me. Oh, I also no longer have access to emoticons. 🙂

  • I don’t understand this post or who it’s by and what’s the issue is or whose issue it is.

    I don’t understand this post or who it’s by and what’s the issue is or whose issue it is.

  • 1000 Club

    ok, Honkinggoose sent me(frugalfreak) a chat message saying he could;
    no longer start a thread,
    not reply to a post,
    nor quote a post.
    or use emoticons.
    He needs it fixed or suggestions to fix.

    ok, Honkinggoose sent me(frugalfreak) a chat message saying he could;
    no longer start a thread,
    not reply to a post,
    nor quote a post.
    or use emoticons.
    He needs it fixed or suggestions to fix.

  • Thanks FF. I especially like the title. My friends would add “In so many ways” 🙂

    I can still “Post Quick Reply”, but if I click on the “reply” or quote" buttons, nothing happens. As well, if I type a colon and close parenthesis, normally an emoticon would appear. Now it doesn’t.
    I’ve just deleted my cache (really deleted, not sent to trash) and rebooted. The issue still remains.
    If something changed today, or if some testing is going on, this is my datapoint. 🙂

    Thanks FF. I especially like the title. My friends would add “In so many ways” 🙂

    I can still “Post Quick Reply”, but if I click on the “reply” or quote" buttons, nothing happens. As well, if I type a colon and close parenthesis, normally an emoticon would appear. Now it doesn’t.
    I’ve just deleted my cache (really deleted, not sent to trash) and rebooted. The issue still remains.
    If something changed today, or if some testing is going on, this is my datapoint. 🙂

  • Just noticed that I also can’t edit, which is a big deal when you make as many mistakes as I do. As for the emoticons, they just disappear. At the end of this sentence is a period, space, colon, and close parenthesis. 🙂

    Just noticed that I also can’t edit, which is a big deal when you make as many mistakes as I do. As for the emoticons, they just disappear. At the end of this sentence is a period, space, colon, and close parenthesis. 🙂

  • Did your deletion include all PWF cookies?

    Did your deletion include all PWF cookies?

  • Global Moderator

    This sounds soooooo much like Oppidum’s support request: Functions blocked or unavailable /Tech Support, except these functions never worked for him whereas yours suddenly stopped working.

    This sounds soooooo much like Oppidum’s support request: Functions blocked or unavailable /Tech Support, except these functions never worked for him whereas yours suddenly stopped working.

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    Just noticed that I also can’t edit, which is a big deal when you make as many mistakes as I do. As for the emoticons, they just disappear. At the end of this sentence is a period, space, colon, and close parenthesis. 🙂

    What browser are you using? Also I checked and seems like there were some errors in IE (although they didn’t seem to prevent me from using the site). I fixed it up. Let me know if it works for you now.

    If you can’t post, please email support@phatwalletforums.com

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    Just noticed that I also can’t edit, which is a big deal when you make as many mistakes as I do. As for the emoticons, they just disappear. At the end of this sentence is a period, space, colon, and close parenthesis. 🙂

    What browser are you using? Also I checked and seems like there were some errors in IE (although they didn’t seem to prevent me from using the site). I fixed it up. Let me know if it works for you now.

    If you can’t post, please email support@phatwalletforums.com

  • @zapjb - My cookies are delted everytime I close Firefox

    @dangeRuss - I’m using Firefox 43.01, possbily disguised as 45. I have enabled Javascript for phatwalletforums.com and the amazon aws server that occasionally asks to run Javascript. However it is disabled for ebay and anrdoezrs. I also use AdBlockPlus and initially tried to disable it to help support the site, at least until I found the requirement for Javascript. I will try temporarily disabling ABP and report back.

    @zapjb - My cookies are delted everytime I close Firefox

    @dangeRuss - I’m using Firefox 43.01, possbily disguised as 45. I have enabled Javascript for phatwalletforums.com and the amazon aws server that occasionally asks to run Javascript. However it is disabled for ebay and anrdoezrs. I also use AdBlockPlus and initially tried to disable it to help support the site, at least until I found the requirement for Javascript. I will try temporarily disabling ABP and report back.

  • Disabled AdBlockPlus and closed Firefox. It makes no difference. Sorry to be a PITA. Of course, I’ll say what everyone says - nothing changed on my end. “smiley”

    Disabled AdBlockPlus and closed Firefox. It makes no difference. Sorry to be a PITA. Of course, I’ll say what everyone says - nothing changed on my end. “smiley”

  • as an aside, I’d recommend switching to ublock origin over ABP. less resource hungry and won’t try to give you “ethical ads”

    as an aside, I’d recommend switching to ublock origin over ABP. less resource hungry and won’t try to give you “ethical ads”

  • I’m not an expert but on FF I dumped UBO also. Tried ABP but found AB worked best here.

    I’m not an expert but on FF I dumped UBO also. Tried ABP but found AB worked best here.

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    Disabled AdBlockPlus and closed Firefox. It makes no difference. Sorry to be a PITA. Of course, I’ll say what everyone says - nothing changed on my end. “smiley”

    I tried downloading firefox 45, but couldn’t find a trusted link for it. I downloaded 56.0.2 (64bit) and the site works fine (I’m posting this from firefox now and was able to create a thread and use smileys 🙂

    Can you try clearing your cache and see if that helps?

    Failing that, if you can open the web console under developer (Ctrl-Shift-K) and try some actions which are failing. Then post any messages that you see in there (or at least any errors/anything suspicious).

    You can also check the network tab and see if anything is blocked.

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    Disabled AdBlockPlus and closed Firefox. It makes no difference. Sorry to be a PITA. Of course, I’ll say what everyone says - nothing changed on my end. “smiley”

    I tried downloading firefox 45, but couldn’t find a trusted link for it. I downloaded 56.0.2 (64bit) and the site works fine (I’m posting this from firefox now and was able to create a thread and use smileys 🙂

    Can you try clearing your cache and see if that helps?

    Failing that, if you can open the web console under developer (Ctrl-Shift-K) and try some actions which are failing. Then post any messages that you see in there (or at least any errors/anything suspicious).

    You can also check the network tab and see if anything is blocked.

  • I’m running Chrome 64 bit Windows with no troubles here, with AdBlock and a few other extensions running. A browser switch might be worth a try.

    I’m running Chrome 64 bit Windows with no troubles here, with AdBlock and a few other extensions running. A browser switch might be worth a try.

  • 1000 Club

    I’m using firefox 56 now with adblock plus, modified hosts file to block
    about 20 advertistng/pixel tracker domains and it seems to be working

    I’m using firefox 56 now with adblock plus, modified hosts file to block
    about 20 advertistng/pixel tracker domains and it seems to be working

  • 1000 Club

    @slimtim said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I’m running Chrome 64 bit Windows with no troubles here, with AdBlock and a few other extensions running. A browser switch might be worth a try.


    @slimtim said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I’m running Chrome 64 bit Windows with no troubles here, with AdBlock and a few other extensions running. A browser switch might be worth a try.


  • @griz , @zapjb - Thanks for the suggestions, and I will look into each after resolving the current problem.
    @SlimTim - Thanks, and I may be forced to upgrade FF.
    @FrugalFreak - Thanks for the confirmation of FF56 with a similar config working.
    @dangeRuss - Cache cleared per an earlier suggestion from FrugalFreak, I believe, but will try again. All cookies also deleted on browser shutdown. I’ve also removed the fake identity and the browser now identifies itself properly. Thanks for your other suggestions, and I will try them. I’ll only add to your workload if I can’t decipher them. This is obviously something in my configuration which has changed (despite my always perfect memory saying otherwise).
    Thanks again to everyone for all the responses.

    @griz , @zapjb - Thanks for the suggestions, and I will look into each after resolving the current problem.
    @SlimTim - Thanks, and I may be forced to upgrade FF.
    @FrugalFreak - Thanks for the confirmation of FF56 with a similar config working.
    @dangeRuss - Cache cleared per an earlier suggestion from FrugalFreak, I believe, but will try again. All cookies also deleted on browser shutdown. I’ve also removed the fake identity and the browser now identifies itself properly. Thanks for your other suggestions, and I will try them. I’ll only add to your workload if I can’t decipher them. This is obviously something in my configuration which has changed (despite my always perfect memory saying otherwise).
    Thanks again to everyone for all the responses.

  • @dangeruss Well, we’ve solved the problem, but haven’t yet narrowed it down to exactly what I have to work around. All I did was disable AdBlockPlus andNoScript. I will narrow it down and report back on which piece of $*#(% is the culprit. 🙂

    Thanks again, and sorry for adding to everyone’s workload.

    Edit 1.
    ABP enabled and all okay. This isn’t encouraging.

    @dangeruss Well, we’ve solved the problem, but haven’t yet narrowed it down to exactly what I have to work around. All I did was disable AdBlockPlus andNoScript. I will narrow it down and report back on which piece of $*#(% is the culprit. 🙂

    Thanks again, and sorry for adding to everyone’s workload.

    Edit 1.
    ABP enabled and all okay. This isn’t encouraging.

  • Target Identified.
    Javascript from anrdoezrs.net.
    Fire one for effect.

    FYI, this is not a change on my end. I have always had js from anrdoezrs.net blocked. It appears to be a commission junction spook.

    Target Identified.
    Javascript from anrdoezrs.net.
    Fire one for effect.

    FYI, this is not a change on my end. I have always had js from anrdoezrs.net blocked. It appears to be a commission junction spook.

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    Target Identified.
    Javascript from anrdoezrs.net.
    Fire one for effect.

    FYI, this is not a change on my end. I have always had js from anrdoezrs.net blocked. It appears to be a commission junction spook.

    I did deploy a change in how cj links
    are handled. Is there aby specific error you can point to?

    Also cj is one of our partners, so if you block them, we will not get commission for any orders you place through our links.

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    Target Identified.
    Javascript from anrdoezrs.net.
    Fire one for effect.

    FYI, this is not a change on my end. I have always had js from anrdoezrs.net blocked. It appears to be a commission junction spook.

    I did deploy a change in how cj links
    are handled. Is there aby specific error you can point to?

    Also cj is one of our partners, so if you block them, we will not get commission for any orders you place through our links.

  • Thanks for the info, @dangeRuss.
    There is no specific error. The problems I’m experiencing are due to me not allowing javascript to run indiscriminately on my pc. I granted javascript permissions to phatwalletforums.com, but not to ebay.com or anrdoezrs.net.
    I certainly think y’all should get money for hosting the site and for all of the work involved in managing it, but I’ll need to find a junk machine and IP to use. I’ve tried using a virtual machine, but can’t figure out how to get only it to use a VPN IP. I’ll keep an eye out for an old XP machine, slap OpenVPN on it, and let commission junction track it all day. ":)"
    Thanks again.

    Thanks for the info, @dangeRuss.
    There is no specific error. The problems I’m experiencing are due to me not allowing javascript to run indiscriminately on my pc. I granted javascript permissions to phatwalletforums.com, but not to ebay.com or anrdoezrs.net.
    I certainly think y’all should get money for hosting the site and for all of the work involved in managing it, but I’ll need to find a junk machine and IP to use. I’ve tried using a virtual machine, but can’t figure out how to get only it to use a VPN IP. I’ll keep an eye out for an old XP machine, slap OpenVPN on it, and let commission junction track it all day. ":)"
    Thanks again.

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose can you give me a recipe to replicate your settings? Wonder what is causing the blocking of the scripts to blleak features for you.

    @honkinggoose can you give me a recipe to replicate your settings? Wonder what is causing the blocking of the scripts to blleak features for you.

  • If I’m following this as mentioned I bet NoScript was a big part of this.

    If I’m following this as mentioned I bet NoScript was a big part of this.

  • @dangeRuss, @zapjb hit it on the head. As soon as I allow js from anrdoezrs.net, all is right in the world. As soon as it’s blocked, I cannot reply, quote, use emoticons, or start threads. There may be more limitations, but those are the ones that I know about. It could be worse. ":-)
    Feel free to call me paranoid, but even though I don’t run anti-virus or anti-malware s/w, I haven’t had a virus incident since 1992. the only malware was the %E#& ?? toolbar that Adobe tries to sneak in with every install or manual update of Flash.
    If you would like details of my os and s/w configs, just let me know.
    Thanks again for your help, but I’m probably the only user affected, so please don’t spend any time on it. FYI, I will allow the js from anrdoezrs for the brief moment that I click-thru to make a purchase, unless I use a cashback site. “sorry”

    @dangeRuss, @zapjb hit it on the head. As soon as I allow js from anrdoezrs.net, all is right in the world. As soon as it’s blocked, I cannot reply, quote, use emoticons, or start threads. There may be more limitations, but those are the ones that I know about. It could be worse. ":-)
    Feel free to call me paranoid, but even though I don’t run anti-virus or anti-malware s/w, I haven’t had a virus incident since 1992. the only malware was the %E#& ?? toolbar that Adobe tries to sneak in with every install or manual update of Flash.
    If you would like details of my os and s/w configs, just let me know.
    Thanks again for your help, but I’m probably the only user affected, so please don’t spend any time on it. FYI, I will allow the js from anrdoezrs for the brief moment that I click-thru to make a purchase, unless I use a cashback site. “sorry”

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeRuss, @zapjb hit it on the head. As soon as I allow js from anrdoezrs.net, all is right in the world. As soon as it’s blocked, I cannot reply, quote, use emoticons, or start threads. There may be more limitations, but those are the ones that I know about. It could be worse. ":-)
    Feel free to call me paranoid, but even though I don’t run anti-virus or anti-malware s/w, I haven’t had a virus incident since 1992. the only malware was the %E#& ?? toolbar that Adobe tries to sneak in with every install or manual update of Flash.
    If you would like details of my os and s/w configs, just let me know.
    Thanks again for your help, but I’m probably the only user affected, so please don’t spend any time on it. FYI, I will allow the js from anrdoezrs for the brief moment that I click-thru to make a purchase, unless I use a cashback site. “sorry”

    This is really weird, as the change that I made before this broke was to stop running the js from anrdoezrs.net and instead run it locally.

    The only thing that goes to them is a tracking pixel pageImpression, and even when I tried blocking it, the site still seemed to work fine for me.

    Maybe I’m not doing something right.

    I added the following filters in ABP:


    and the tracking pixel is being blocked, but the site still seems work fine.

    You think you may be the only user affected, but for every one person that speaks up, there are ten others that don’t, so I would like to get this fixed for everyone.

    @honkinggoose said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeRuss, @zapjb hit it on the head. As soon as I allow js from anrdoezrs.net, all is right in the world. As soon as it’s blocked, I cannot reply, quote, use emoticons, or start threads. There may be more limitations, but those are the ones that I know about. It could be worse. ":-)
    Feel free to call me paranoid, but even though I don’t run anti-virus or anti-malware s/w, I haven’t had a virus incident since 1992. the only malware was the %E#& ?? toolbar that Adobe tries to sneak in with every install or manual update of Flash.
    If you would like details of my os and s/w configs, just let me know.
    Thanks again for your help, but I’m probably the only user affected, so please don’t spend any time on it. FYI, I will allow the js from anrdoezrs for the brief moment that I click-thru to make a purchase, unless I use a cashback site. “sorry”

    This is really weird, as the change that I made before this broke was to stop running the js from anrdoezrs.net and instead run it locally.

    The only thing that goes to them is a tracking pixel pageImpression, and even when I tried blocking it, the site still seemed to work fine for me.

    Maybe I’m not doing something right.

    I added the following filters in ABP:


    and the tracking pixel is being blocked, but the site still seems work fine.

    You think you may be the only user affected, but for every one person that speaks up, there are ten others that don’t, so I would like to get this fixed for everyone.

  • @dangeRuss said:
    “This is really weird, as the change that I made before this broke was to stop running the js from anrdoezrs.net and instead run it locally.”

    You aren’t kidding. I’m sure that you’ve double checked, but my system’s behavior acts as if you did the exact opposite.

    The problems started on the very day that that I mentioned it to FrugalFreak who kindly started this thread for me. I did not make any system config changes, nor update any software (none of my software auto-updates).
    My issue has absolutely nothing to do with AdBlockPlus. I’ve had it enabled, disabled, and completely uninstalled with no effect.

    To replicate my issues:
    Run FireFox (I suspect any version will do)
    Install the security addon called NoScript. (Restart of Firefox is probably required)

    • Remove every entry from NoScript’s default whitelist.
      Using Firefox, navigate to phatwalletforums.com.
      At the bottom right corner of the browser window, click on Options and temporarily allow Phatwalletforums.com. The page will automatically reload.
    • Try to start a thread - fail
    • Try to reply to an existing post - fail
    • Use the Post Quick Reply in a thread and try to use an emoticon - emoticon failure
    • Once the Quick Reply is posted, try to edit it. - fail

    To resolve the issues:
    At the bottom right corner of the browser window, click on Options and temporarily allow anrdoezrs.net. The page will reload.
    Everything then runs tickety boo.

    Although you were real nice about it potentially affecting more people than me, I seriously doubt it. ":-)"
    Besides, I found the a solution. I just need to find another machine to use that solution.

    @dangeRuss said:
    “This is really weird, as the change that I made before this broke was to stop running the js from anrdoezrs.net and instead run it locally.”

    You aren’t kidding. I’m sure that you’ve double checked, but my system’s behavior acts as if you did the exact opposite.

    The problems started on the very day that that I mentioned it to FrugalFreak who kindly started this thread for me. I did not make any system config changes, nor update any software (none of my software auto-updates).
    My issue has absolutely nothing to do with AdBlockPlus. I’ve had it enabled, disabled, and completely uninstalled with no effect.

    To replicate my issues:
    Run FireFox (I suspect any version will do)
    Install the security addon called NoScript. (Restart of Firefox is probably required)

    • Remove every entry from NoScript’s default whitelist.
      Using Firefox, navigate to phatwalletforums.com.
      At the bottom right corner of the browser window, click on Options and temporarily allow Phatwalletforums.com. The page will automatically reload.
    • Try to start a thread - fail
    • Try to reply to an existing post - fail
    • Use the Post Quick Reply in a thread and try to use an emoticon - emoticon failure
    • Once the Quick Reply is posted, try to edit it. - fail

    To resolve the issues:
    At the bottom right corner of the browser window, click on Options and temporarily allow anrdoezrs.net. The page will reload.
    Everything then runs tickety boo.

    Although you were real nice about it potentially affecting more people than me, I seriously doubt it. ":-)"
    Besides, I found the a solution. I just need to find another machine to use that solution.

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose I highly doubt you are the only person running NoScript.

    I would also be very interested to hear why people are blocking scripts and tracking cookies.

    @honkinggoose I highly doubt you are the only person running NoScript.

    I would also be very interested to hear why people are blocking scripts and tracking cookies.

  • 1000 Club

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @honkinggoose I highly doubt you are the only person running NoScript.

    I would also be very interested to hear why people are blocking scripts and tracking cookies.

    I do it because of privacy, I feel my data is worth something and my property, not to anyone that can track me. I have google search history disabled, I use a browser that doesn’t phone home to google and can’t force update at will, guess I believe that this machine I paid for is still mine and my right to control what gets tracked or downloaded or upgraded, despite what any company feels…

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @honkinggoose I highly doubt you are the only person running NoScript.

    I would also be very interested to hear why people are blocking scripts and tracking cookies.

    I do it because of privacy, I feel my data is worth something and my property, not to anyone that can track me. I have google search history disabled, I use a browser that doesn’t phone home to google and can’t force update at will, guess I believe that this machine I paid for is still mine and my right to control what gets tracked or downloaded or upgraded, despite what any company feels…

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose I can’t seem to replicate your issues. I got firefox and installed noscript. Even with everything blocked, all functions still appear to work (even though there’s a giant warning on top).

    Even with scripts partially allowed (phatwalletforums.com only) everything works great.

    @honkinggoose I can’t seem to replicate your issues. I got firefox and installed noscript. Even with everything blocked, all functions still appear to work (even though there’s a giant warning on top).

    Even with scripts partially allowed (phatwalletforums.com only) everything works great.

  • @FrugalFreak
    Wow! I guess I’m not as weird as everyone says … or you … never mind.

    As for why I block a lot of things, my reasons are similar to FrugalFreak’s.

    Tracking cookies - I don’t block all of these, but they are deleted when I close my browser (every couple of hours). That said, I believe that with the tracking and fingerprinting methods used by companies today, non or n-PII “non-personally identifiable information” is only technically true. If you haven’t yet, take a look at https://panopticlick.eff.org.
    I don’t do things online that I’d be embarrassed about, but think my activities should remain semi-private. Although not a perfect analogy, this is the best one that comes to me at the moment - I would be pretty ticked off if the library, without notification, was selling the list of books that I checked out. I would be even madder if they told me that it was non-PII, when it was trivial for anyone to make it PII without my knowledge or consent.

    Javascript - This is at least as much for safety as privacy. With today"s, ransomware, malware, scriptmorons and the like, I look at NoScript as a sometimes painful, extra step of protection. Although I’ve only mistyped my way into a couple of bad sites, there have been several reports of legitimate websites being scammed to serve up malware. Recently, the most famous to do this was Equifax. As well, would you feel comfortable if you logged into your bank and NoScript popped up asking if you want to allow javascript from a .ru, .cn, or .kp domain to run on your machine? It happened to me for several weeks / months at Chase.

    OTOH, I may be deluding myself, and Google not only knows my SSN, shoe size, and favorite food, but also my date and time of death. “:-)”

    Regarding your test with Firefox, that tells me that I need to update all my settings backups, gather last night’s data backup and restore my machine from an image. I normally do this every year around Christmas, so it’s about due, but finding the downtime will be my biggest issue. Your test also tells me that this has caused you undue work, for which I apologize. Thank you very much for going above and beyond. I don’t know how you find time in the day, or you’ve got a secret workshop of elves …

    Thanks again and enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

    Wow! I guess I’m not as weird as everyone says … or you … never mind.

    As for why I block a lot of things, my reasons are similar to FrugalFreak’s.

    Tracking cookies - I don’t block all of these, but they are deleted when I close my browser (every couple of hours). That said, I believe that with the tracking and fingerprinting methods used by companies today, non or n-PII “non-personally identifiable information” is only technically true. If you haven’t yet, take a look at https://panopticlick.eff.org.
    I don’t do things online that I’d be embarrassed about, but think my activities should remain semi-private. Although not a perfect analogy, this is the best one that comes to me at the moment - I would be pretty ticked off if the library, without notification, was selling the list of books that I checked out. I would be even madder if they told me that it was non-PII, when it was trivial for anyone to make it PII without my knowledge or consent.

    Javascript - This is at least as much for safety as privacy. With today"s, ransomware, malware, scriptmorons and the like, I look at NoScript as a sometimes painful, extra step of protection. Although I’ve only mistyped my way into a couple of bad sites, there have been several reports of legitimate websites being scammed to serve up malware. Recently, the most famous to do this was Equifax. As well, would you feel comfortable if you logged into your bank and NoScript popped up asking if you want to allow javascript from a .ru, .cn, or .kp domain to run on your machine? It happened to me for several weeks / months at Chase.

    OTOH, I may be deluding myself, and Google not only knows my SSN, shoe size, and favorite food, but also my date and time of death. “:-)”

    Regarding your test with Firefox, that tells me that I need to update all my settings backups, gather last night’s data backup and restore my machine from an image. I normally do this every year around Christmas, so it’s about due, but finding the downtime will be my biggest issue. Your test also tells me that this has caused you undue work, for which I apologize. Thank you very much for going above and beyond. I don’t know how you find time in the day, or you’ve got a secret workshop of elves …

    Thanks again and enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

  • administrators

    @honkinggoose and thank you for reporting the bug. I know it can be frustrating when yours is the only computer it’s broken on. I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate. Guess it’s time to reinstall my phone.

    Perhaps there is a bug with the older version of Firefox you may be using. In any case I’m glad you were able to find a workaround.

    @honkinggoose and thank you for reporting the bug. I know it can be frustrating when yours is the only computer it’s broken on. I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate. Guess it’s time to reinstall my phone.

    Perhaps there is a bug with the older version of Firefox you may be using. In any case I’m glad you were able to find a workaround.

  • Global Moderator

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

  • administrators

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    What phone are you using?

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    What phone are you using?

  • Global Moderator

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    What phone are you using?

    Galaxy Note 3

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    What phone are you using?

    Galaxy Note 3

  • administrators

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    What phone are you using?

    Galaxy Note 3


    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @fivetalents said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    @dangeruss said in honkinggoose needs assistance:

    I have a similar issue myself, where I can’t scroll on my phone if I try to do it over any of the pinned threads here, but nobody can replicate.

    You’re not alone on that one. I’ve always had the same bug on my android phone. I was refreshing the screen and scrolling down quickly before the page reloaded to get past the pins… until I saw your post about scrolling in the far left margin.

    What phone are you using?

    Galaxy Note 3


  • Global Moderator

    Yes, lollipop.

    Yes, lollipop.


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