Expired: Office Depot/Max: Through 12/14/19, Buy $300 in Mastercard Giftcards & Save $15 Instantly
Office Depot/Max are offering a $15 instant discount when you buy $300 in Mastercard gift cards this week.
Valid 12/8/19 – 12/14/19
Limit 1 per household/business
Discount applied at register
Purchase fees may apply
Valid in store on Mastercard gift cards onlyThe $15 discount more-than-covers the purchase fees. Lots of people like racking up their INK points or another card that offers a bonus at office supply stores. As always, it’ll be store dependent how many times they let you come back during the week.
Issued by MetaBank
If you have a credit card that has a good bonus, this is certainly a good deal. If you want to do this deal to make money in and of itself, not so much. At my store at least, the largest denomination card available is $200, so it requires buying two cards to get the $15 discount. But two cards means two fees, which eats up most of the savings. Oh well.