FREE 24 Pack Natural Light Beer Rebate for Filing with TaxAct Ages 21+ AK AZ CT CO DE DC FL GA IA ID KS MA MD ME MI MN MS MT ND NE NJ NM NV NY OK OR PA RI SC SD TN VT WI WY thru 7/29
Purchase a Natural Light 24-pack of beers for up to $24.00, by July 15th, and keep your receipt.
File your tax return with TaxAct.
Add your name, contact information, address, date of birth, and proof of ID.
Upload your receipt/ submit your UPC, as well as required proof of your TaxAct tax return code by July 29th, 2020.
Not to exceed $24. Purchase must be made between 03/02/20 – 07/15/20. Request must be submitted by 07/29/20.
One thing I noticed is that most of these type of offers exclude CA. Not that I am a beer drinker because I am not, but most of the cash rebate-type offers exclude CA but I noticed are readily available in the ultra-conservative state of Utah. Go figure.