I saw them at Lowes a few week ago. Just get Gulf cards…cheaper gas. Or Shell via Stopand Shop with an amex 5 or 6% cash back card.
Posts made by barrytuneup
RE: Mobil Gas Gift Cards - Where can I buy besides at Mobil station?
RE: Grocery Prices Skyrocket in May - expected to stay high in some categories
not true in the real world… Another media scare w/o facts. As of yesterday.Trader Joe in CT lowered egg prices to 1.39 per dozen…large size. Was 1.99 last week. Also Trader Joe had all gallons of milk for 2.99 as does Stop&Shop. Was 3.99 last week. Plus starting today Shoprite in NY/CT has 5lb bags of red and Idaho potato for 1.99. Also amply supplies of meat and chicken. And no limits at trader Joe or Stew Leonard. And Stew also has milk for 2.99. So what is the media trying to do? Also Shoprite has iceberg lettuce for .99 last week 1.99.
RE: Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts
everyone has overlooked the Customers Bank Ascent MM account. 2.26 % guaranteed thru 6/30/20. Min 25k. No max. I moved my funds from Northern Direct…was 2.50 for 7 months and now 1.75. All I did was open Customers Acct online and mailed them 2 checks. Posted 2 days after mailing.
RE: Staples 9/29-10/5 B&M only. $200 Visa gc no activation fee
great for MSing…Already maxed out 25k on 2 Chase Ink biz cards doing these Staples no fee offers… Now working on the BOA Biz Advantage CC but only 3% back at Staples up to 150k yearly ( if I do 20 K yearly on this its alot) My Chase cards start again Jan/Feb. Staples seems to do these every 2 weeks. I load the 200.00 cards to a few Gobank accts at WM at no charge. Then pay back Chase…from Gobank.!!! That accts for 15 % of my MS activities for the year. BTW…harder to find Staples that will let you buy more then 1 card per trip. @ of my 3 close in Staples now only allow 1 per day. Still have one I can get 10 from in 1 day. Greedy people in my MS field ruin it for me.
RE: 5 Free Wendy’s Jr Frostys For $1 Coupon Book Purchase
good deal .They used to be an entire year for 2.00 I think
RE: Rite Aid 9/22-9/28/19 MM Chobani
if in stock…dates are short. never buy their dairy. Except the 2.69 milk gallon when they get a delivery here on Tues. I go there on Wed AM for the milk. Hassle free then going to BJ for 2.05 milk.
RE: $25 off $75 at OFFICE DEPOT. com (works on free after rewards Duracell batts to lower sales tax)
thanks MRC!! I already have a 2 year supply of batteries from them for free…And since my elec co (NYSEG) finally upgraded and did extensive tree trimming over the past 2 years…spent 2 billion… I dont have many power outages as we used to. But I spent my 78.00 on liquid soap and paper products… with the coupon and points plus no charge shipping +free. Thanks
RE: Walgreens To Close 200 Stores (exact list not yet known)
obviously the completion from Walmart and online is killing retail. Probably 70 % of Walgreen and Rite Aid stores are within 5 miles of Walmart. Wife did a price comparison last year and it so tipped in WM favor… 6 pack great value raisins .99 for 2 years already…Gallon spring water .60 cents …now 82 cents in WM…great value allergy nose spray 1.29…WG brand. 4.99. etc…gallon milk in WM around here is 2.59…WG is 399. CVS is the same high priced outlet unless you can get extra bucks on some good sales…Those are rare. My small successful biz I sold 15 years ago still thrives in this economy… Diagnostic auto repair. No big box shop comes close.
RE: cardcash
card cash is legit. I sold them gift cards and was paid within a week. did this 2x. The one not to trust is cardpool. They have a flashy site and were great up till 6 months ago. After that I listed cards to sell and nothing ever happened. Stil listed. I sold them to cardcast nor problem. And no way to contact cardpool no phone no email. cardcash you can call. They are in philly. Also another good seller and buyer is clipkard.com. I have dealt with them and they are good.
RE: Rite Aid: August 2019 Senior coupons (only 8 of them) - valid Wednesday, 8/7/19
what is a toothache cushion.? Probably should see a dentist if you need this!!. Luckily wife and i don t need these things…yet
RE: Rite Aid 8/4 - 8/10 (free BIC razor a/ freebate, 2 free Gillette Mach 3 razors a/ 30% off q/man q/bc, Crest a/ man q/bc; cheap Arm & Hammer detergent a/ man Q; cheap Palmolive Liquid Dish Soap10 fl oz, Scotch Brite Scrub Sponge, Heavy Duty wyb 3 a/ bc)
hope you had a good trip. I have never been to the far east. And was not drafted for the VN war…
RE: Rite Aid 7/7-7/13 Up to six free CREST Oral Care items AC's and BC, more coming
just to mention while in WM the last few weeks buying money orders…they have the 24 pack of Great Value water (their brand) for 1.77 and the 1 gallon jug of spring water for .60. Been like that for the past month. This is in Ct.
RE: Rite Aid 4/28 - 5/4 (P&G spend $40 get $20 BC, L2. Includes Bounty, Charmin, Downy, Bounce, Tide, Tampax, Always, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, maybe more; Easter candy 75% off)
@my4mainecoons yes it expired but I bought 4 packs. Did get the BOGO 2x. thanks for the help.
RE: 2 DAYS ONLY! Staples B&M $1.99 for 24-pack bottled water, exp. 5-4
@mrvietnam if you have a Wm near you… around here the 24 pack is 1.69 all the time!! 35 pack even better deal.
RE: SHOPRITE: Get a free case of SR Brand Spring Water via Digi Q with Bonus Card# to 5/4
@mistercheap where is this page? Not anywhere on my shop rite pages. Thanks
RE: Rite Aid 4/28 - 5/4 (P&G spend $40 get $20 BC, L2. Includes Bounty, Charmin, Downy, Bounce, Tide, Tampax, Always, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, maybe more; Easter candy 75% off)
got the 20.00 Bonus Cash on Olay…but no Senior discount. Inquired with manager…said does not apply to sale items… although flyer states “everything”. Ahole of a company. And around here almost always oos on most items. This is why I stopped shopping at all these drugstore chains. Did not want to argue or waste time. Ill use the bonus cash for milk and eggs. Exclusively buying all my stuff at Shoprite/walmart and walmart online plus amazon. And folks wonder why the Rite aids and people like them are closing up.
RE: CVS Stores: ECB's and ridiculous policies - BEWARE
@mistercheap perfect reason to go elsewhere. I stopped shopping there since I would lose the little slips of eb. I shop mainly at ShopRite and Walmart. Their prices are cheaper even with the CVS extra bucks. And CVS is constantly OOS.
RE: Rite Aid 4/28 - 5/4 (P&G spend $40 get $20 BC, L2. Includes Bounty, Charmin, Downy, Bounce, Tide, Tampax, Always, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, maybe more; Easter candy 75% off)
@mrvietnam said in Rite Aid 4/28 - 5/4 (P&G spend $40 get $20 BC, lim 2. Includes Bounty, Charmin, Downy, Bounce, Tide, Tampax, Always, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, maybe more):
This is a nice ad!
P&G spend $40 get $20 BC, lim 2. Includes Bounty, Charmin, Downy, Bounce, Tide, Tampax, Always, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, maybe more.
Allergy DD. Chattem Brands is bogo50 and spend $30 get $10 BC lim 2. Included in this deal are Allegra, Nasacort and Xyzal. All 3 count towards AR.
Cheap Conair/Scunci. Buy 3 get $10 BC, lim 2, psa $4.29/$3.43 w/gold
Cheap Yes To products. They will be bogo50 and buy 2 get $2 BC. Ad mentions a $2 digital q.
Buy 2 masks @ $4.48 - $2 dq = $2.48 and get back $2 BCCND Vinylux Nail Polish is buy 2 get $5 BC. I have been finding several of these on clearance lately. They are $2.62 on clearance at my store so if you can find any they would be close to free.
you can also use the P&G 15.00 rebate for spending 50.00 on Olay. My wife does these all the time. So 20.00 BC and 15.00 P&G. Sweet.
RE: Staples Rewards: Recycle Electronics In-Store, Get Coupon For $10 Off $30+ (Reg Priced Item) 4/21 - 4/27
@sportsfan64 I brought in an old desktop with Win 7 and no wireless. Also an old Buffalo wireless router from the old days and a Samsung 12 year old monitor that is dead. Got 3 10.00 coupons. All I can find are 3 packs of Staples wipes and paper towels on sale. Still have to pay 20.00
RE: Buy $40 in P&G Items, get $20 bonus cash back, 30% and $5 off at Rite Aid.com (lim 2) w/Free Shipping (inc. most P&G - Pampers, Tide, Olay, Charmin, Bounty, Secret, etc.) + cash back
thanksmrc. Wife ordered some Olay products and with the 20.00 bonus cash its a steal. Problem is :tried to order same again and bonus cash does not show up when ordering again. Thought you could get 2 offers?
RE: RIte Aid 1/27 - 2/2 (2 free bic flex, hybrid, & soleil disposables a/ mir)
MVN…Shoprite in the East also has a 2.00 digi and a 3.00 coupon in paper. And onsale for 4.99. so profit of 4.99
RE: Use Chase Pay® with your Chase Visa® credit cards at ShopRite® stores/online from 1/1/19-2/4/19 to earn 10% rewards.
bought 2 400.00 SR gift cards via Chase pay (2 freedom cards)using mobile phone via Chase pay app. Never got 40.00 credit. Emailed them 2x…was told it takes 6 biz days for them to check. Im not dropping this. Signs all over store advertising this. No sign up mentioned anywhere.
RE: Free Sylvania LED Bulb at Shoprite W/Coupon
@mrsguin thanks. printed 2!!
RE: Staples B&M 1/13-19: Fee Free $200 Visa GC and $15 off $75 in store Q valid to 1/19
And no set rules on amt of VGC you can buy. I usually buy 10 per visit at numerous store with Chase biz cards. However 1 staples only allows 1 card,while 3 miles on the other side of town I can buy 15, Up to clerk working or good manager who wants to show $$ the store is doing. Liquidating all these takes time. Still have 6 from last Staples deal 3 weeks ago. That time the fee was 1.95.
RE: Staples B&M 1/13-19: Fee Free $200 Visa GC and $15 off $75 in store Q valid to 1/19
I can attest that 500.00 VGC on Amex cards get the 5% back on certain blue cash and the new gold card. been doing this for 4 years…very lucrative even with fees. HOWEVER… Staples and Office max report level 3 data on purchase at their stores. Means that the charges are itemized…300.00 card plus fee show on the statement. But I use Chase 5% card at Staples. They dont get level 3 data. BUT the Staples 10% offer with Amex does pay out even tho its gift cards. I have 2 amex biz cards and got the 10% just this am after ordering GC online on Sunday.
RE: USPS Postage Rates Going up Jan 27, 2019. Buy Forever Stamps to save 10% Later
as a senior citizen (67) and an avid MSer, I think I used 2 stamps in the past year. What do you do with them now? My wife uses some though. And years ago I was a USPS rural carrier associate. (delivered route on Fri and Sat in place of regular carrier) I also sold stamps from delivery truck.
RE: Expired: Rite Aid 12/2 - 12/8 (Free Daylogic men's 3 blade refill 5 ct a/ BC; Dimetapp a/ man Q/Ibotta/S*)
thanks MRV… but thankfully don’t need some of this stuff…yet!!
RE: Expired: Rite Aid 12/5 - 12/8 (2 free Hershey single serve candy bars a/ BC)
weird that its in the middle of week!!
RE: YMMV Buy an Arch card for $50 or more and get a free Big Mac/month for a year at Mcdonald's
did not see this this AM in CT. Danbury area. But will check again. The large coffee was 1.00 for months… now its 1.49. Boo!! The Dunkin coffee card is 10.00 for 6 large making it 1.66 (tax excluded.) So DD and Mcdonalds are both good to go.
RE: Office Depot/Max: $20 Discount When You Buy $150 (that's a 13.3% discount) Or More of Happy Lady, Happy Guy, Happy Teen, Happy Kid, Happy Bites, Happy Dining, Happy Eats gift cards [11/25/18 until 12/1/18]
thanks MRV. But these can not be liquidated for MO. They are very specific in their use.
RE: DieHard 4 pack AA or AAA Size Alkaline Battery $0.98 + FSP @ Sears (use those SYW Points)
thanks all… Happy tgiving to all.
RE: DieHard 4 pack AA or AAA Size Alkaline Battery $0.98 + FSP @ Sears (use those SYW Points)
the Sears batteries show up for 1.80 plus shipping. Where is the bargain ctgolfer. Can you point me in the right direction?
RE: DieHard 4 pack AA or AAA Size Alkaline Battery $0.98 + FSP @ Sears (use those SYW Points)
but OD/OM requires minimum for shipping…so you need to buy stuff you dont want. Tried to get this last night…1 pk aaa and 1 pack aa 16 ct…needed to add stuff for free shipping along with my 20.00 rewards.
RE: BJ's Members: $50 Starbucks Gift Card $39.99 + FS
also Dunkin Donuts 25.00 card for 19.97. For those who dont like Starbucks.
RE: FREE Mrs. Meyer’s Hand Soap Open to All At Walmart After In-Store Pick Up & TopCashBack Members
not available in my stores…30 miles away they have it. If your local store has it…get it.
RE: Staples Black Friday 2018 Ad Scan
@my4mainecoons the deal on prepaid visa is THIS week ending today. Sorry for being late. No fee on 200.00 cards. probably MC will be next the next 2 weeks.
RE: SHOPRITE Black Friday Ad (two days 11/23-24) Paper goods, KCups, Shampoo, more
thanks MRC. Also remember they usually do it the next week also…for 15.00 off your bill. Hope it continues.
RE: Dell Small Business Black Friday 2018 Ad Scan
last years ad??? says 2017
well its 400.00 . last year Shoprite gift cards worked for the promo. Haven’t tried yet but will try it out with a 10.00 card and report back. Visa gift cards do not work. The ad always states it excludes gift cards.
RE: Halloween Candy Deals & Coupons Master Thread: Supermarket/Drug Store Deals
any good dentists around?
RE: UPDATE Rite Aid 10/14 to 20L: Seven Free ac's select Colgate Toothpaste + up to $7.75mm BC, more
thanks for the update. I stopped shopping at RA 2 months ago. Hassle with the bonus points and about 5 stores in my area are always OOS on the ad items. Shifted my drug/toiletries/allergy stuff to WMart. Amazing prices there. I shop at WM at 8AM and out by 8:20 along with my money orders. Also great prices on dairy…milk, creamers. And 57 cents for steam-able mixed veg is unheard of along with the 1.00 6 pack of raisins.
so what is the req. spend? It used to be 250 or 300 then it went up to 400.00 last year…if I remember correctly.
RE: 3X Gas Points on VISA Prepaid at Stop n Shop (10/12-18) possibly Giant too.
BTW thanks for the hard work you do!!!
RE: 3X Gas Points on VISA Prepaid at Stop n Shop (10/12-18) possibly Giant too.
thanks for the heads up MRC. This week it was Master Cards for 3%. At a 1.50 discount the price in my area is about 1.40. PLUS if you do it right you can get 3-6% back with a high earning grocery card AND you can use Shell gift cards at the pump after inputting your info at pump on in store.
RE: Shop Rite B&M: Four (4) 60 Watt LED A19 Non Dimmable Bulbs Free w/ Coupons (pay tax only) - limit 4 with 4 printed Q's - 9/30 to 10/6
thanks for this deal. used 4 coupons printed last pm from this post. My Shoprite charges.79 but all 4 coupons went thru for 1.00. Thanks MRC and CTGOLFER