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Posts made by barrytuneup
RE: Free $5 WAG giftcard wyb any 2 $25 Google play or Vanilla GC @Walgreens 11/19 thru 11/25
RE: Free $5 WAG giftcard wyb any 2 $25 Google play or Vanilla GC @Walgreens 11/19 thru 11/25
Vanilla gift cards are now 5.95 so1013.90 plus can not unload at post office. Must find other ways.
RE: Giant/Stop & Shop 5x Gas Points on all Gift Cards (excludes Visa/MC/AMEX/Giant-S&S) starts 11/10
BTW, where is the SRite ad forr next week? Looking for the VGC deal, but this AM the usual SR has next weeks ad available at service desk. not this Sun. I am expecting 2 weeks of VGC with free food the following week!!
RE: Giant/Stop & Shop 5x Gas Points on all Gift Cards (excludes Visa/MC/AMEX/Giant-S&S) starts 11/10
thanks, ill check it out before buying. But the Danbury CT and upstate NY stores state "buy any GC (excluding MC/VIsa/AMEX) for 100.00 so I assume it’s all the others.
RE: Giant/Stop & Shop 5x Gas Points on all Gift Cards (excludes Visa/MC/AMEX/Giant-S&S) starts 11/10
also have S&S gas Stations in CT and have the 20.00 offer. Thinking of buying a 100.00 Gulf GC for the 20.00 free groceries. The voucher is good thru 12/7 so keep checking their ads. Usually no good stuff there. family buys lots of canned tuna, maybe the .99 sale in the next 2 weeks. Gulf is cheaper then Shell around here and S&S gas is about 4 cents less then Gulf.
RE: Rayovac Batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, Hearing Aid, etc) all 50-75% off at link with Free Ship BEST BUY
d batteries (Fusion) no longer available, already!! Waiting for Thurs PM when OD has the aaa/aa free with points.
RE: AMEX OFFERS: $5 on $25 Petco, $10 on $40 Etsy, $5 on $10 FedEx, $10 on $50, $10 on $50 ON/Gap
I guess that beats my assumptions!! I buy quality dog food from Feed barn in Mahopac, NY, A special blend that keeps my pup and older dog healthy, so I stick with it for all these years. (Golden retrievers)
RE: SHOPRITE!! Gift Card Deal 11/12-18 (redeem $10 grocery voucher 11/19-25) Buy $50 in SELECT GC's , get $10 Grocery Voucher
hope SR does their Visa GC deal on Black FRI/Sat. they also did it a second time the next week also. Get 15.00 SR coupon when buying a $100VGC and the following week it was a 10.00 VGC. I have 2 PP cards so got 50.00 in free food, minus the fees (28.00 =22.00 in freebies.) Plus use a 5% card for points. (amex BCP/Blue Cash and a bunch of 3% cards. (Amex everyday/Alliant/Consumers Credit Union). Any work on that yet MRC???
RE: KMart & Sears Black Friday 2017 Ads
so they are not open Thanksgiving morning as in the past? Those men’s and ladies slippers were always on a deal on Thurs Am and my store was empty at 8AM. Im not heading out to them if they open Thurs PM. Ill RA early.
RE: AMEX OFFERS: $5 on $25 Petco, $10 on $40 Etsy, $5 on $10 FedEx, $10 on $50, $10 on $50 ON/Gap
thanks MRC, but I have the offer also and Petco is way over priced on their web site. Plus you need a certain amount for free shipping. Ill pass, but keep up the great work.
@my4mainecoons usefull reply. will check this. Only problem with RA here (CT/Upstate NY) many times the dates are no good. Tried to buy the BOGO (nature made) vitamins today and got a raincheck since some were only dated next month. Also 3 RA consistently OOS on advertised cereal. (this week Special K since it was on sale the previous week. ) But Shoprite and Acme have better deals on most of the same stuff, but I can get it for free with PP. One thing I like about PP, you can use them for milk and CVS doesn’t allow it with xtra bucks.
@mrvietnam thanks so much for the great reply. Ill try when I have the time. Just waiting and organizing for the Black FRi. ad. Seems like some good deals to use my 1k PP. Thanks again
could someone here (mr. V) explain how to sign up for L2C. I can’t find out how to email someone on this site, but here goes… I have tons of PP and wife does also. All our amex MR points go there .Our sign ons work fine at and RA. But somehow our L2C stopped working. We get messages to call their 800 #. Totally useless. Wasted 1 hour this AM. Was told to go to and sign up with new sign on/password… Then click that I have a P card and enter #. Well when that happens system states that I have multiple accts. But phone rep stated they are separate sign ons (Plenti and L2C) can’t believe they would make it this hard. Please help or this is their loss.
RE: Amazon : Pack of (2) Head and Shoulders Clinical Strength Shampoo
seems like sprint signed me up for prime… Don’t use sprint for the past 4 months.
RE: Amazon : Pack of (2) Head and Shoulders Clinical Strength Shampoo
cost me 7.97 with free ship as per Sprint. DOn’t know how I got this!!!
RE: Rite Aid B&M 11/23-25 Freebie Items, Money Makers ac/points, Gift Card Deals In store with Plenti Card
thanks MRC. You left out bigwin 24 pack 1/2 price 1.74!!! I recommend hitting a few stores early on Thanksgiving day. Probably a limit.
RE: LG X charge preorder $149.99 unlocked Amazon
i have 3 of the 1.00 phones from infinity for my family… Better then my Iphone 6 I used to have and bigger screen. Super fast. So this is a stripped down model? Don’t believe it. Plus the monthly fee is 12.00 + tax =14.50. The 12.00 is shared among the 3 phones, but we don;t use much data. Total for 3 phones monthly is $19.50. Unlimited talk/text. And it connects seamlessly to work internet and home router also.
RE: HEADS UP: Variable Load Visas only up to $200 now (was $500) YMMV
as far as I can remenber, about the past 4 years in the MS biz, Staples and OM/OD never had 500.00 Visa/MC gift cards. Only 200.00 in store.
RE: Planters Deluxe Mixed Nuts 15.25 oz $3.93 at
@loren-pechtel my wife is drooling over my nuts also
RE: Sirius XM select 6 months for $33 or 5 months for $28 (YMMV, plus taxes/royalty fees)
I have been threatening to cancel for over 4 years. Always get the 26.00 plus tax deal for 5 months. I used to use it for H. Stern but getting tired of him. They do have a good 50’s/60’s/70’s channels. Only have it in car and cancelled my home radio 2 years ago. Don’t spend much time in the car anymore tho. Don’t know how thay can be making profits with all the comp. from pandora/Iheart etc.
RE: EBATES: 13% CB event 10/13 only: JCPenney, GNC, Walgreens, Dicks, Barnes & Nobel, many others
no good for me as it excludes Giftcardmall. But the good part: i found MR Cheap!
RE: XFINITY Mobile deal discussion (as the deal has expired)
i live in an area that has very bad Sprint service. had them for years, but good service where I work in Manhattan. Switched 3 of the family’s phones to 3 xcharge phones, am as happy as sh-t!!, free everything, except for NY State taxes, 3.85 per phone. Phone connects seamlessly to work internet, connects on Metro North RR to grand central internet for free, and in home area uses xfinity wifi. All I do is talk and text and a bit of reading these forums! it’s great. And activated all the phones via their website. I had Comcast cable/internet/landline for years and they have come a long way from the crappy service years ago. Basically when it comes to cable TV, I am lazy and won’t be a cord cutter. i like to just use 1 remote with no signins. Wife wants all the local NYC and CT channels. We have their Premier X1 platform. it’s great. She pays for top tier, she is an overpaid Westchester County elementary school teacher. But I hardly have time to watch TV. The only channels I look at lately on my days off are lifetime movies. Those women are HOT!!!
RE: Official Crown Vic Thread
@honkinggoose i do drive it more now during the warm weather. I keep in in a garage during the snow and ice. (upstate NY) only bad thing 1)uses premium gas 2) none!! Will work on some pics over the weekend.
RE: Official Crown Vic Thread
i bought the 04 Mercury marauder new in Aug of 04. Baby the car. has 24k on it. has every option available at that time including embossed leather seats. (embossed with the mercury god on top of front seatback). Even has stainless steel tire nuts (the part you unscrew to add air). Super fast from 20mph. Speedometer goes to 140. Has about 40 coats of wax and it’s garaged kept. Folks in parking lots admire it all the time and think it’s brand new. First time mercury put bucket seats in a gMarquis. Only bad thing: A/C control door went bad (no a/c) last summer, was 375.00 repair. Plus the tires (goodrich) got dry rot on the sides. So I am on my 3rd set. Dry rot happens just by age.
Manufactured spending
since I don’t see this topic here, how about beginning one? We can cover all the changes affecting this hobby/part time job/, new methods new retailers friendly to us, etc. methods that work and one’s that don’t I will start off with a small tidbit.: Chase freedom cat. for 10/1-12/30 is Walmart. They sell 500.00 MCGC issued Bankcorp. The 500 VGC they sell are green dot (at least here) and don’t know if they can be liquidated by our methods. Bancorp cards can. But you will net about 60.00 after fees. If you have more then 1 freedom, it’s probably worth it, but only up to 1500 per freedom card, thus the 60.00 profit.