it’s not in my signon, but crappy coupons are. Does this mean im out of luck for the water?
Posts made by barrytuneup
RE: KMart B&M Clip Coupon Free 35Pack of Smart Sense Bottled Water w/any purchase valid to 2/3 (YMMV targeted)
RE: KMart B&M Clip Coupon Free 35Pack of Smart Sense Bottled Water w/any purchase valid to 2/3 (YMMV targeted)
you are a home run mainecoons. i’m impressed. But I have been drinking NYState tap water for 66 years. Seem ok so far. Only stock up about 6 gallons of water in an emergency. Also your back and legs can get in trouble with all the carrying and lifting as you said. I lift weights in the gym but it’s not like lifting gallons of water and bleach 50 times.
RE: No More PLENTI POINTS at Rite Aid in 2018
congrats MRV!!! my 2 sons are in their early 40’s.!!!. All I remember about diapers were that we used Johnsons disposables and Kimbies. Made by major companies but those brands are gone now. I do remember buying baby formula at numerous Shoprites when that had a sale of .99 per can. And got tons of rainchecks for that item also. BYW, I just checked in Acme for nostalgia sake and they sell the (Enfamil) in the rx dept. not on shelves, and the old can is no more. Now its a container that costs about $9.50!!
RE: No More PLENTI POINTS at Rite Aid in 2018
it also stated the bonus points will be added to your plenti card. I have been using up the points. Buying gallons of milk/eggs/and vitamins. Still have about 150.00 worth between wife and myself. BTW, the senior day this week seems to be a ripoff, at least to me. My 3 stores are oos on the centrum and the shelf price is 6.99 on sale plus the senior coupon. Wm online is 4.97 for the same item. Much less of a hassle. Also Sensodyne with the senior coupon is 6.99. Wm online sells the twin pack for 11.47. BTW happy New Year to all. And for MSers… Wm has a new system rolling out for money orders but reports are that the only change is a signature now required. No need to worry.
RE: What's Best Option for Paying Dental Bill?
i could give you the best answer. get a gov’t job and get the dental work for free, but probably not feasible for you. The main reason I don’t retire from the NYPD is the health benefits for wife and me. I will retire in July 18, but the benefits change. Over the years, wife and I have had numerous crowns/root canals etc and zero charge. Plus rx benefits and medical. Governments are the only ones that don’t charge a medical premium, at least till now.
RE: What's Best Option for Paying Dental Bill?
@my4mainecoons basically you just drag out the payments back to the card for 18 or whatever months they give. No interest.
RE: What's Best Option for Paying Dental Bill?
maybe apply for a Chase credit card (slate I think) with free BTransfer. You can xfer to checking and pay it out w/o interest. I think up to 18 or 24 months.
RE: Toys R Us considering closure of at least 100 stores
haven’t been in a TOYSRUS is about 30 years when my kids were little. Even back then they never had the hot items (sold out) and their stores were like a maze to shop. had to go in different directions to get somewhere.
RE: No More PLENTI POINTS at Rite Aid in 2018
well still no info on how long we can use the PP? I have about 400.00 worth. Most of the RA stuff is overpriced anyway, but we should be thankful for the “free items” we accumulated over the past 2 years. Hopefully Amex will let us redeem for a while, or at least xfer to the new program and then have 60 days. As I said previously, this program has cost Amex and RA tons of $ that they can’t recoup, thus the reason it’s closing. Same thing is happening with MSers on Amex Old Blue cash cards. They are actually checking for GC purchases and denying points. Currently they are not paying bonuses if you have a new card and spend X amt for bonus via ms. Haven’t touched the regular Msers yet. All these “deals” are going to hell!!
RE: Dunkin Donuts DDPerks Rewards: Reload $10+ Balance & Earn $10 Bonus w/ MasterPass Checkout
did this yesterday on the phone app. Quite easy. Used my Citi 2x card. Charged 10.00 and received a balance of 20.00 instantly. Thanks MRC
RE: No More PLENTI POINTS at Rite Aid in 2018
BTW, is it possible to use PP wyb a gift card from Kohls/Home Depot etc? I know you can’t use PP for RA gift cards but do PP work with these gift cards?
RE: No More PLENTI POINTS at Rite Aid in 2018
from my vantage point as a MSer for about 4 years, all the good deals die when these big corp. realize they are getting gamed by a few players. I feel Amex killed this because they are subsidizing the PP program. They have done this with their 5 % no fee Old Blue cash card (after a few years). There are folks that have 4 or 5 of these cards. They put a 55600 yearly cap, but they are still cracking down. Now they have a crew checking all the purchases on these cards looking for MSers. They are starting to NOT pay out the 5%, I hear from a few sources. These cards are money losers for them, but it takes them a year or to two to figure it out. They never had Amex employees checking purchases but now they are. Even tho the T&C stated gift cards are not eligible fort 5 % back, they are enforcing it now. In retrospect, our members are “abusing” the PP system and they are stopping it.
RE: Live Sun 12/10: Buy 3 $9.49-$11.99 Select Charmin, Bounty, Tide/Gain, Finish, All, Kleenex, Bounce/Downy) get $10 Target GC and free shipping
I guess use subscribe and save for a bit more off, then probably cancel. I’m going to use my target 10.00 gift card from last week. (bounty) thanks mr. cheap!! Sun Ill get the Kleenex.
RE: ShopRite B&M 12/10-16 Buy $100 in SELECT Gift Cards, get $15 Grocery Voucher valid week of 12/17
they seem to only have Shell and Gulf in Dutchess Co, Putnam Co NY and Danbury Ct
RE: No More PLENTI POINTS at Rite Aid in 2018
so how do they apply it? Does it go on your Plenti card? Can’t see the fine print. But we can still use our PP for stuff at RA I suppose.
$5.00 Dunkin Donuts AMEX OFFER ON MOBILE APP
I downloaded the mobile app and got a great offer using this particular Amex card. “spend $5.00 at Dunkin Donuts (in one order) and get $5.00 back.” I have a bunch of amex cards, but this offer was only on one. YMMV but worth a shot.
RE: Staples $5 off $5 coupon - check your email - YMMV
last week I got 5.00 off 5.00. this week (yesterday) got 10.00 off 10.00. This is all of a sudden, nothing for 2 years. BUT I have been buying the VCG/MC with Ink cards on the deals, and getting the 15.00 Staples cards back. I have 9 of their cards now. im buying paper goods/lysol wipes etc… for free basically. I can drain the VGC elsewhere for money orders or deposits to gobank. pretty easy.
RE: ShopRite B&M 12/10-16 Buy $100 in SELECT Gift Cards, get $15 Grocery Voucher valid week of 12/17
on closer look, it’s only the cards shown. no good for me now.
RE: ShopRite B&M 12/10-16 Buy $100 in SELECT Gift Cards, get $15 Grocery Voucher valid week of 12/17
great, thanks for this… used my 2 20.00 and 2 15.00 certificates the last 2 weeks, they also had some great deals these past 2 weeks.
RE: $50 Gift Card when you Test Drive a Hyundai Vehicle
corrections… “local” and “my” GTO
RE: $50 Gift Card when you Test Drive a Hyundai Vehicle
I actually bought a 2017 Elantra online from my cloaca dealer. This was in July of 2017. Went to pick up car and did all paperwork along with the 50.00 test drive certificate. Never recd the 50.00 Visa card. After calling and wasting valuable time I called the dealership owner. After 2 days got a check from the dealer. Persistance pays off. BTW, the car is great and it averages about 36MPG per the mileage calc built in. Goes along with mt 66 GTO that runs on premium and gets 19mpg. w/o ac.
RE: Amex Plenti to lose several partners in 2018
not true, I bought Dominos gc last month when they had the deal, and along with other stuff, PP were taken off for all ltems except the gc. It was hard coded in register. I had to use a 3% credit card for that. They also have the Dominos deal this week along with a RA gift card. Debating whether to buy.
RE: Federal regulators just cleared the way for your stamps to get much more expensive
i like your comment. But I very rarely use stamps. Pay everything online, except my dentist who sent me a bill for $15.00 that my plan didn’t pay. I mailed that bill in and used 1 stamp this past year. But my wife pays all bills via checks and mail.
RE: Amex Plenti to lose several partners in 2018
how do you know which RA will become a WG? Employees are the last to know. I have 5 RA here and 1 WG, which I hate. One RA worker told me they are staying, and the others said they are switching/…who knows?
RE: Amex Plenti to lose several partners in 2018
well, then don’t recommend buying the RA gift card starting Sun. for 1000 PP. $10.00 profit, but who knows how long the PP will be around. Although they would probably give warning to us your points as of a certain date.
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
I’m retiring from my career in 6 months (NYPD Sergeant) great thing about NY, (although I live 65 mile away now, but lived on lower east side my entire life) is the bank situation. IE: after getting off Metro North train this PM, deposited MO to TDBank/WF bank/BOA/and Santander… .2 accts here. All accept MO at ATM. Tomorrow I hit 3 more on way in. Then walk to work. I do have trouble with the mobile deposits from my phone at BOA and WF. TD seems to accept anything I throw at them. Santander did call me to come in for a few questions about my deposits (large monthly amounts into 2 accts) I explained my “biz " honestly and how I get the MO. They were ok with it. That was 15 months ago.
”" -
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
And I am friendly with all the clerks in my 4 S&S I frequent plus the clerks at Wmart. You need to be nice to these folks, my biz depends on them. I give them Dunkin donut GC during the holidays (although WM employees are not allowed to accept them) Those folks I deliver donuts and coffee to them. this way they sell me the MO w/o questions. Cost of doing biz, I guess. Wife thinks I am nuts. But she likes the $ at end of year. It’s substantial. With all my cards, plus Gift card mall… over 24k. Im at work now…
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
… The gas deal you have is good, not great. The best Shell deal around is when S&S does the 2 or 4% point deal on the VGC or MCGC. I hear this deal is coming starting Fri, but not sure yet. When this deal is in effect, (at least in my area) Shell gas is 1.50 off that is the maximum you can get, bringing the price for a gallon of reg to about $1.10. I use the amex old blue cash with 5% back in drug/groceries/ to maximize. Been doing this for 2.5 years. But you only have 40 days to use them, so I give my S&S card to my sons and neighbors when I get near the 40 day cutoff. Have been know to buy about 60-70 500 VGC during these promos and get crazy amount of points. Family has 4 OBC cards as they are capped at 56,500 per year. Working on my last card now, will get up to 56,500 in a few weeks and then comes Jan 15, 2 of the others begin anew. So you can only get about 2k profit after fees on these cards. The time spent buying and liquidating is annoying but its a cash profit. Thats why I have about 8 checking accts to deposit my mo into. Wife uses an amex BCPreferred for 6% on groceries and we just stick to groceries with that card.Has a 75.00 fee.
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
@my4mainecoons actually that’s too complicated for me. I buy the Staples 300.00 VGC online (2k per acct) usinf INks and Amex biz for the 5%. Then do the liquidation thing. I do the instore 300.00 deals whenever they do it. Did 3 weekly deals the past 5 weeks but with Staples 15.00 GC, not VGC. Have 3 accts for the rebates. Maxed out my 50k Ink Preferred just with Staples 300.00 cards plus maxed out 2 regular Ink cards. for lots of cash back (after fees). Now working on 3 Amex simply biz cards buying the 300.00 cards. So far (at least the past 3 years, Amex has not said anything about paying out rewards. They seem to let it slide. But my biz could change overnight. Don’t think your 4 step scenario is actually MS, but close. continued…
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
@mrvietnam I am a MSer (manufactured spender) so I try to hit stores near my 3 Walmarts (for Money orders on the gift cards and groceries that sell money orders) So there are 3 RA near where I go. mainly did the Shoprite deal this weekend. get 20.00 certificate wyb 100.00 any gc. So I did it 2x with 2 SR cards. You need the card to get the deals. For me I never could get more then 2 cards from years ago (wife and me) Anyway I bought 4 and 4 25.00 Shell gas cards. The 20.00 cert. is good starting Sun. SR is my actual grocery. They are great. Small region al chain too. Sun they start another deal, buy 100.00 of any gift card (again) get 15.00 certificate for the following week. I am debating whether to do this one. I can wind up with 16 Shell cards. I also did the Stop&Shop deal this AM, spend 100.00 on gift cards… get 20.00 off your next order. Good immediately. So I bought the 100 Shell cards (2 50.00) along with my 4 500.00 Visa GC (for MS)again and then got the cert and bought some great sale items. After the certify, spend 1.23. Soory if this is boring. But I will have Shell gas for months and I don’t do that much driving. probably give some to my son’s. have a great Tday weekend. Since my time is limited I can’t go back to RA for the price difference. I’m just glad everything with the MS biz is still working out.
RE: $25 off $100 using Visa Checkout at payment screen
when I tried last year (it’s the Staples card you get in the mail when buying the 200.00 Visa gift cards) I buy tons of these when they have those deals with the 5% Ink and Amex cards. They still don’t work.
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
naw. My RA stores are in NY… Carmel (2)/Mahopac (1)and in CT… New MIlford and Danbury (mill plain rd). Only went on Thurs AM (day off from work) and bought the light bulbs/mandm’s for 2.00 with a paper coupon/7 cases of Big Win water/ the Home tape and wife got the nononsense tights big2free/zest. Was amazed they had stock at the Mill Plain Store in Danbury. Didn’t hit others. All the PP worked. I also am a MSer and use my Amex points to transfer to PP. I try to stay close to home/ I live on the Putnam Co/ Westchester border outside Danbury Ct. Have a great weekend.
RE: $25 off $100 using Visa Checkout at payment screen
I have about 125.00 in staples gc from buying the VGC offers the past few months. As was stated above, can’t be used online, so i have to go instore. Anyway nothing that good there. Will wait for the paper towels and toilet paper deals in store.
RE: Free Ship No Min (Deluxe Mixed Nuts $2.99, 6 Pack Viva Vantage or 9 roll Scott Tubeless $3.77, 11oz Wavy Potato Chips $2.09) Lots of great deals!
SR has Herrs chips , big bag for 1.64 with Digi coupon starting Sun.
RE: Canon PIXMA™ Wireless Color Inkjet All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Photo, MG3620, Black $39.99 shipped Plus $30 back in rewards Office Depot
got this and the aaa and aa batteries 16 pk with my points from their paper towel deal about 2 months ago. Since I am new to OD/OM online (no stores here) I don’t see the points for the batteries or printer posted that I bought on Wed PM… The FAQ states it could take time. is this correct?
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
thanks for the news on that!! Only problem here is that my 3 close in RA are oos. I bought the last 3 packs among 2 stores. The 3rd had none. That’s the way RA operates here.
RE: SHOPRITE Black Friday 2 Day 11/24-25 Grocery Specials (KCups, Charmin/Bounty/Tide), Shrimp, etc)
got 4 25.00 Shell gas cards plus the Nivea with all the coupons and 3 Mini Wheats plus 3.00 off milk gallon all worked for the 20.00 cert. Used my KFRewards 3 coupons also. Did the same on 2 PP cards. Now 40.00 for Sun. They have some great deals starting Sun. If I want the 2 15.00 cert next week, I might wind up with 16 Shell cards!!! Can’t find any other GC to use. Can do better with my regular points credit cards. Don’t want extra GC hanging around which I could misplace.
RE: Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Scan 2017
the tape (Home brand 3/4 x 300 worked for the points in CT. 2 rolls for $2.00 plus 200 PP. I did buy the 2.00 holiday m$m’s along with it. The Colgate/light bulbs (along with the Stop&Shop 1.00 coupon for the bulbs). The 3 pk Zest for .99 is also a good buy.
RE: ShopRite B&M 11/26-12/2 Buy $100 in any gift cards (except ShopRite GC) get $15 grocery voucher valid 12/3-12/9 Lim 1
thanksMRC! I was waiting for the 2nd week promo. Buying some Gulf gas gc this weekend for the 20.00 cert.
RE: SHOPRITE 11/24-25 only (in store) Buy $100 Gift Card (any, including Visa/Amex/MC) Get a $20 oyno shopping voucher! $14 mm on Visa/Amex/MC
that is correct. Best to buy Gulf/Shell gift cards.
RE: Buy $100 in gift cards 11/24-25, get $20 coupon at Shoprite
well does that include Shoprite Gift card? Ad does not exclude them. States ANY gift card. Don’t want to be quinea pig so I’ll go for the Gulf or Shell gas cards.
RE: Manufactured spending
I was one who was closed down in Oct 14. I now have 4 OBC between wife/me/son. yes capped at 50k plus the 6500. lots of work but about 1900/year profit after card and MO fees on each card.