if you have a points earning credit card at groceries (Blue cash Preferred or Blue cash everyday from Amex) you can get 6% or 3% off the Shell gas gift cards at Stop and Shop)
Posts made by barrytuneup
btw, I spoke to the attendant and he told me his boss decides how much to discount the gas. So you can go to different stations. BUT if you are using any credit card at shell, the FR card will save you $. recommend using a discounted Shell gift card to get cash price. You can buy Shell cards for discount in many places. Hope this helps someone.
There is a grocery chain near me that gives gas points whenever you purchase Visa or master card gift cards. All the time. Also Stop and Shop does this when advertised. I was intrigued by the Fuel rewards program hanging on the shelf, as it states you have to link a credit card to the program, so I never tried. But I did sign up 2 weeks ago and card arrived. So I gave it a shot with a 25.00 Shell gift card I had from the grocery store. (they convert your points into a Shell Gift Card when you have enough to redeem, so for me the 25.00 card is free. I went across the street to Shell and followed the directions which were very simple. Then inserted the gift card and thought for sure the pump would lock up…BUT it took off another 12 cents per gallon. And this works with Stop and Shop loyalty cards too. granted you wont get rich, but if you manufacture spend, this is a great deal. And you get the cash price. The price for reg (cash) was 2.98. it dropped to 2.86 w/o doing much. So you insert 2 cards (fuel rewards and Gift card)
RE: Staples $25 off $100 Coupon, online
@my4mainecoons their ink prices are among the highest. Couldn’t believe them. i order name brand ink on ebay and the date on pack doesn’t matter. Im mostly printing coupons anyways. My college and biz days are long gone.
RE: 50% Off Wendy's Baconator 1/2 Lb. Burger @ Wendy's - YMMV - Expires 06/17/18
not on my Wendy app. I have bogo 3 pc chicken tenders/ free chick sandwich w/ fries and drink. plus 5.00 double meal deal. Am i looking in wrong place?
RE: PSA: SINKING SHIP ALERT! 72 more KMart/Sears stores to close
dont have the time or room for storage of old appliances. They also could leak fluid and mildew smell also develops. I gladly pay the 20.00 to be rid of it the same day. And my town does not allow storage of any appliance outside or even on your property. Eyesore. And even if someone does it… doors must be removed. I cut my finger 1x doing that. Worth 20.00 to me. Also for all the environmentalists…NYState has a law that the Freon MUST be removed before a recycler can take it. And they dont remove the Freon. You have to give them a certificate from the state that the Freon was removed.
RE: PSA: SINKING SHIP ALERT! 72 more KMart/Sears stores to close
@my4mainecoons my local Kmart in Mahopac NY is like a cemetery. never busy at any time. Wife cant believe this store has never made the closing list. Not on this latest list either. But the same shopping center is building a huge Super Stop and Shop which is to open in Oct. The parking lot is a total mess to get to Kmart. Dont know how they stay. There is a Home depot and Walmart 5 miles away. But my local hardware store is still going strong. Im partial to local biz. In my younger days owned an auto. diagnostic/repair center for 24 years. beat all the competitors…pep Boys/Firestone/Sears Auto /KMart auto/Goodyear…not on price but on quality of work. If your work and repairs are excellent, price is not a factor. In my time there, Pep Boys …Goodyear and Kmart auto centers closed up. For their last 2 years in business, they were sending me all the “hard jobs”.
RE: PSA: SINKING SHIP ALERT! 72 more KMart/Sears stores to close
@zennuts their appliances have been higher then my local in town appliance store. Even with the coupons/delivery /installation/haul away/tax, they are higher then local store. ie: Whirlpool DWasher (according to Consumer reports)the Kenmore model I wanted and Whirlpool model are exactly same model except for nameplate. My local store was 55.00 cheaper after all said and done. Same thing with fridge. And they wont take old appliance away w/o fee. My local guy gives 1 price… included tax and everything. Even Lowes and HDepot are higher. I stopped wasting time at these store a few years ago. All you need is Consumer Reports and model #.
RE: Free via sign up: Mailed Coupon for one free 8 Pack of Poland Springs/Deer Park/Zhills or Ice Mountain Sprk. Water
got my 2 coupons for Poland Springs 8 pack sparkling water yesterday. (2 Addresses).
RE: Expired: Rite Aid 6/10 - 6/16 ($2.01 MM Persil a/ man Q/targeted L2C or mailed Q/S*; $1.57 MM Stayfree/Carefree wyb 1 of each a/ L2C/BC/CO51, 61 cent MM Colgate Hydris mouthwash a/ targeted L2C/man Q/BC)
thanks MRV. Did the Razor deal on 2 cards…5.00 +5.00 bonus bucks Thanks
RE: Giant/Stop n Shop/Martins Supermarkets (Northeast/Mid-Atlantic) Buy 6 Two Liter Dr Pepper for $6 in one order, get a $15 Fandango Movie Voucher (up to $9MM)
thanks for posting but I stopped going to movies last year. Movies are crap and I pay for cable movies plus basically unlimited on demand. But I mainly love LMN. They are simple to follow (no thinking required) and tons of pretty girls to watch.
RE: Expired: 5 Free Birds Eye Frozen Vegetables a/ $5 Visa Rewards via online submisson rebate (limit 4 offers) - Issues with getting receipts processed and items counted has now been fixed. Receiptsneed to be submitted by 6/30/18.
thanks for doing this… but are the Birdseye steamfresh broccoli/carrots/cauliflower also 99 at Target? Probably no. Sometimes Shoprite and S&S have those for .99 Thanks
RE: EBATES Birthday: 15% Cashback this week at over 400 stores (inc Macy's, JCP, Overstock, Walgreens, etc)
boycotting will do nothing. And on 99% of the purchases, if you use your ebates cc, you get an extra 3% on top of the bonus %
RE: Expired: Rite Aid 5/6 - 5/12 (small MM wyb 4 Arm & Hammer a/ man Qs/BC/ibotta; monthly deals - some MMs a/ man Q/BC - continue)
thanks for posting about the soaps. I think you are great for doing this stuff MRV.
RE: Expired: Rite Aid 5/13 - 5/19 (30% off Regular Retail prices 5/18-19 w/ coupon, Some items from the monthly deals are better with 30% off than the sale price; Blue Diamond almonds DD - 12 cans for $12.94 - $1.08 a can - BEFORE man Qs - many more deals...)
i think most of us and the entire population have been hoodwinked into buying all the pain relievers. I’m just about 70 yo and and have all the ailments of someone my age…(knee problems/sore this and that etc/ walking slower/ holding hand railings on staircases) I find regular store brand non aspirin pills work great when needed. If you need all these pain relievers, probably best to see a doc as to why. I also have had lifelong allergies and store brand (CVS) allergy pills are the only on that works. for me. And I still work f/t and commute via Metro North 55 miles each way to Grand Central. Then walk 20 blocks to work, in good weather. In bad weather I take the subway.
RE: SUBWAY to close over 500 sandwich stores in 2018
their 5.99 foot long meatball in NYC is a great bargain. Load it with tomato, onions, green peppers, spinach ,lettuce, (iceberg). You don’t know how to order!! I throw away 1/2 the bread and eat it as a salad. Also they mail out 3.00 coupons for 6". I work near a college in NYC and the place is always mobbed.
RE: IMPORTANT HEADS UP! Rite Aid - Action May Be Required
correction: the post for the 20.00 back BC starts 4/29.
RE: IMPORTANT HEADS UP! Rite Aid - Action May Be Required
thanks for the heads up!! But I have used my 2 cards with about 300.00 in PP that I have drawn down to almost 10.00. Dont shop there too much as they have no deals anymore, but might check this week the BC on the toilet and paper products. Thanks
RE: SPRING! 50% off full line of WINDEX Wiper Blades + 10% CB at Sears.com (free pick up or ship at $25+)
@ctcarl never heard of them making blades. Just bought tric oynx blades at autozone 2 weeks ago on sale for 12-15.00 each. best blades ever, and no squeaks
RE: SPRING! 50% off full line of WINDEX Wiper Blades + 10% CB at Sears.com (free pick up or ship at $25+)
per my handle… formerly for 20 years owned an auto diagnostic center in NJ. You get what you pay for in the auto biz. never heard of Windex making wipers. Actually some Chinese co. probably stole the name. As the previous poster mentioned… they squeak. That’s because the rubber is cheap. Would never last a year in the cold/ice and now of the northern states. The freeze thaw cycle will kill them in months. Maybe ok for south and west. But I am particular with my cars. Cant live with squeaks!! I use and sold only top blades from Bosch/Trico.
RE: Now Use american express points to pay for purchase at rite aid - see details
appreciate the post MRC. But Im still using my PP.
RE: 8-Pack of 160-Count Kleenex 2-Ply Facial Tissues + $5 Target Gift Card $11.38 + Free Shipping
@mistercheap sorry MRC!! You are correct… my math is screwy. ordered 6 4 packs and am getting 3 5.00 egift Target gift cards. Free shipping and S &S. Also used Topcash back for 2.5 % plus a 3% Discover miles card (3% for first year only) Just noted to cance S&Save in a few days. Thanks
RE: Plenti program will be ending Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - Spend those points while you still can
concur… I had 800.00 among 2 cards… now down to 90.00. But hate paying their high prices. Sometimes nothing on sale that is good.
RE: 8-Pack of 160-Count Kleenex 2-Ply Facial Tissues + $5 Target Gift Card $11.38 + Free Shipping
if you have a Shoprite near you,this deal is not that good. I think Scotties were .99 last week or this week. anyway they have the sale every 2 weeks. So the 5.00 gift card is negated. But no Shoprite, then this is good.
RE: ShopRite B&M 3/18-24 Buy $100 in SELECT GC's, get $20 Grocery Voucher Lim 1 per card
@barrytuneup ok went to the Danbury store… found out its only Lowes cards. rep was nice enought to show me the internal promo sheet on this offer. Only works for Lowes… Nothing lost nothing gained. Shop their anyway on Monday AM. thanks my4mainecoons
RE: ShopRite B&M 3/18-24 Buy $100 in SELECT GC's, get $20 Grocery Voucher Lim 1 per card
ill find out what select gift cards means, and report back!!
RE: ShopRite B&M 3/18-24 Buy $100 in SELECT GC's, get $20 Grocery Voucher Lim 1 per card
@my4mainecoons wow, thanks much!! Ill be there Mon anyway. Appreciated…
RE: ShopRite B&M 3/18-24 Buy $100 in SELECT GC's, get $20 Grocery Voucher Lim 1 per card
seems like only Jersey stores
RE: ShopRite B&M 3/18-24 Buy $100 in SELECT GC's, get $20 Grocery Voucher Lim 1 per card
that ad is not in my local circular!! NY counties Putnam/Duchess/Westchester/Sullivan/Orange/Ulster. Is it still working. Wont buy a VHG if not.
RE: ShopRite B&M 3/18-24 Buy $100 in SELECT GC's, get $20 Grocery Voucher Lim 1 per card
hoping for the 200 Visa gift cards. Thanks MRC!
RE: Rite Aid 3/11 - 3/17 (25 cent Campbells Chunky Soup (select varieties) wyb 4 a/ BC double dip, man Q); 6 Irish Spring body washes or 36 bars of Irish Spring soap for 94 cents a/ monthly deal/in-ad/man Qs, many deals this week - read thread for details)
main problem here (upstate Ny) RA don’t have stock. maybe 2 or 3 packs of soap if you go Sunday.
RE: Wendy's Double Stack Hamburgers $1 starts 2/26 (at participating locations)
i ordered 5 of them in Carmel NY. No ads anywhere but clerk said 1.00. You can refrigerate them wrapped in foil, but must use by the next day or bun becomes soggy. BTW I asked for tomato on all of them and was not charged. Does it come with them? Also couldn’t find onion in there, unless it was microscopic. Obviously they want you to buy drinks or fries,
which I don’t. Drink diet Snapple with it. They do have a great taste!! -
RE: Get a $5 Walmart E-Gift Card wyb $10 worth of select soda brands (Crush, Mug, Lipton Can Tea, etc) Limit 5 gift cards
will do. Today is snowstorm, so will try tomorrow.
RE: Select ShopRite Stores to No Longer Double Coupons Starting 3/4
i moved to the Hudson Valley 19 years ago. They have been doubling the whole time…(Shoprite/A&P/Acme/Stopand Shop/ Tops/Hannaford). never stopped. I use to vacation and owned a home in Liberty NY years ago. Those Shop rites cater to a welfare type of clientele. Very few folks in that area with any $$. Typical upstate NY. Ellenville and Kingston were the worst. Monticello and Liberty were ok, but always had to check the dates on items. The Shop rites in Dutchess/Putnam/Westchester are 1000% better. Also Rockland has some great Shoprites. These stores are still doubling.
RE: Get a $5 Walmart E-Gift Card wyb $10 worth of select soda brands (Crush, Mug, Lipton Can Tea, etc) Limit 5 gift cards
do they have any in diet? All cans only??
RE: 6pk Snack Raisins 49c ea wyb 2 ac, Extra or Eclipse gum singles 99cents, get 99cents ECB = free limit 1 per card at CVS to 2/24
maybe I’m thick… but 2 six pack raisins at 2.99 each + bogo = 4.50 -2.00 coupon = 2.50 or 1.25 each. Not .49 cents each…
RE: Albertson's to purchase remaining Rite Aid stores.
@my4mainecoons so does this include Acme groceries? Acme is another division of Albertsons.They bought these stores from A&P about 18 months ago. 3 Acmes in my area share the same shopping centers with Rite aid and was told these stores were staying RA. (Walgreens didn’t want them) 2 Acmes have their own in store RX.
RE: UPDATE! BEWARE: CVS 30% off Email Coupons/Some Kiosk Q's - sort of a rip off
@mistercheap definitely true. I only shop there when you note a great deal!!
RE: Free Light and Fit Greek Zero Yogurt at Acme Market - xpires 2/12
another thing: The monopoly game seems crazy… but the puzzle pieces they give out have free items inside. So far wife received free with the puzzle pieces: box of signature spaghetti, 8 oz can signature tomato sauce… bottle of 100 signature aspirin. Worth it if you have the time. My grand kids do it. Plus this week they have Starkist solid tuna for 1.00 wyb 10 PLUS 14 extra puzzle pieces.
RE: Free Light and Fit Greek Zero Yogurt at Acme Market - xpires 2/12
weird thing about Acme. They never ask for a phone #. Since they don’t use loyalty cards you have to remember to input your phone #, cashiers never ask. I got Arla CChesse last week and the yogurt yesterday.
RE: CVS! Hot Deals on GOLD ABOUND Grocery Items BOGO/AC (PButter 65c ea, 6pk raisins 49c, etc) SEE POST
thanks MRC!! did this deal on Fri AM. Bought 2 PButter and 2 6pack raisins plus used a 1.00 xxtra buck coupon and paid .66.!!!
RE: Office Depot OfficeMax Rewards offers for the week of 02/04/2018.
i have too many of the aaa and aa. do they ever have 9v (smoke detectors)? with the points?
RE: Digital Q Freebie at Giant/Stop n Shop - ARLA Cream Cheese (clip now)
thanks MRC!. Had offer on 2 cards plus 2.50 off 10.00 produce and 5.00 off 15.00 grocery purchase. Did it last PM on 2 cards. never would have known about it.
RE: Ends 1/27: Amazing 3 free Ptzls/Popcorn and 2/.25 Snacks-Trail Mix, etc Deals at CVS with Q's (see post)
just did the offer 2x!! Thanks MRC. Appreciate all the work you do. Keep it coming. Don’t have the time to get on here often, but I have used many,many of your deals. And
MRV also. -
RE: Ends 1/27: Amazing 3 free Ptzls/Popcorn and 2/.25 Snacks-Trail Mix, etc Deals at CVS with Q's (see post)
thanks MRC!! Im going on Sat. Yeah
RE: UPDATE 9/16 CVS Q's are RESET Free Snacks/Groceries with $1/1 and $2/2 Gold Emblem Abound Items (PRECLIPPED to print all 3 at once)
so maybe i’m thick, but how are these free. ie: the 2.00 off 2.00 abound, are there items that are 1.00? I don’t go to CVS since my MS One vanilla cards are hard to liquidate. And the 1.00 item I once bought (abound party mix) were terrible. gave 4 packs to homeless folks outside Grand central on way to work.
RE: 6% Cashback at Office Depot/Max at Ebates - Stacks w/ Free a/rewards items FS $25 or store PU
plus 3% more if you use your ebates credit card. Beats the Ink cards at 5%. But I don’t need anything.