If you’ve ever bought a cell phone, laptop, tablet or power tool that runs on lithium-ion batteries, there’s a chance you could get a piece of a class action settlement.

Best posts made by FrugalFreak
lithium-ion batteries Class Action
Code of Conduct
Phatwallet forums Code of Conduct
Be polite because it promotes more connected community. When people feel attacked they get defensive. The progress goes awry and that benefits no one, and productive discussion ends. There is no victor.
If your family member were behind the user you are communicating with, how would you treat them? You should treat everyone with same regard.
Stay focused on the topic. Criticize the argument but not the member. If you have a point, there’s is no need to personally attack the other person to clarify your stance.
Personal attacks aren’t just direct name-calling. These are all attacks to the intelligence and character of the member and are not acceptable:
Bad Examples:- “Even you can understand this.”
“Let me spell it out in numbnuts language.”
“Only an moron would think like that.”
“I think I lost brain cells reading that.”
"I will not dignify that nonsense”
Be respectful and bring value to the conversation.
** Good examples:- “I hate to criticize, but that is an awful price”
“great value, but product build is faulty”
“That is not the cheapest price, it is cheaper here Http://etc”
“I have experience with this item, let me explain my issues”
“I saw something else, it says something else about this item.”
Self-referral posts are not allowed, but you may go here for referrals: https://phatwalletforums.com/topic/133/official-request-a-referral-thread
Always use the most direct link available in making posts.Avoid the drama Be more polite than you think is required. Check this out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeJj41-spgg - “Even you can understand this.”
RE: new logo
@mommyofhandk said in new logo:
I like this way better than the old one 👍🏼
want your opinion, honest one, what do you think of this?
RE: Welcome FatWallet Refugees
@phatty said in Welcome FatWallet Refugees:
New here, not a huge FW user but always went there for finance advice. I’m addicted to SD though. lol
Anyway, I didn’t get the story on why FW is shutting down. I know it was sold to Ratuken but not why it’s shutting it down.
I think it was bought to kill, someone had said “industry consolidation” Same thing other industry go through, minimizing competition.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Play pass is changing to perks, it’s changing to a points based system. different tiers and levels. 15 rentals will now be required for a free rentals.
Earning Points for Qualifying Activities
Members can earn Points in the Program by completing Qualifying Activities. Qualifying Activities and the associated Points earned for those activities currently include:
Completing a paid transaction for the rental of a DVD
100 Points/night
Completing a paid transaction for the rental of a Blu-Ray Disc
125 Points/night
Completing a paid transaction for the rental of a video game disc
200 Points/night
Completing a paid On Demand rental or purchase transaction at Redbox.com or via the Redbox app on Android devices
75 points per transaction (regardless of the number of titles in the transactions)
Adding an accepted payment card to your Redbox Account (if no payment card has been added in the past)
150 Points (and may only be earned one time)
Completing your Redbox disc preferences (if not already complete). Completing your Redbox disc preferences means filling out your preferred disc format and genre preference in your Redbox Account profile.
200 Points (and may only be earned one time).
Downloading the Redbox Mobile App (if never downloaded before) and logging in
150 Points (and may only be earned one time).
Setting up and confirming “phone and pin,”, which means providing your mobile phone number and selecting a four (4) digit pin in your Redbox Account and confirming your mobile phone number when prompted via SMS.
250 points (and may only be earned one time).
1500 points for free rental, so 15 rentals to obtain free rental instead of the current 10.
Levels of Status
The Program offers four levels of status: Perks Member, Star, Superstar and Legend. The benefits for each are explained in detail below. Levels are earned as follows:
Perks Member – register for the Program and remain in good standing
Star - 10 paid qualifying transactions per calendar year
Superstar - 20 paid qualifying transactions per calendar year
Legend – 50 paid qualifying transactions per calendar year
A qualifying transaction is: (i) DVD, Blu-Ray, On Demand or video game rental; (ii) purchase of a movie from a kiosk; (iii) purchase of a video game from a kiosk; (iv) purchase of a digital code; or (v) purchase of an On Demand title. Completion of a qualifying transaction occurs when, if applicable, Redbox collects the funds associated with the qualifying transaction.
Points may be redeemed for rewards in the Program during checkout. The current list of rewards include:
1500 Points for a one-night DVD rental
1750 Points for a one-night Blu-Ray disc rental
2500 Points for a one-night video game disc rental
Rewards are not combinable. Unused rewards or portions thereof are forfeited.“You may elect to terminate your Redbox Play Pass Account at any time by contacting Redbox at 1-866-REDBOX3 (1-866-733-2693). If you remain eligible for a Rental Account, termination of your Redbox Play Pass Account will not affect your Rental Account or any other types of credits previously issued to you and posted to your Rental Account. However, upon termination of your Redbox Play Pass Account, any Points associated with your Rental Account will automatically expire and be forfeited. If you later elect to re-enroll in the Program, you will not have access to any Points associated with your previous Redbox Play Pass Account and your beginning balance of Points will be zero. Because having a Rental Account is a requirement in order to have a Redbox Play Pass Account, termination of your Rental Account (either by you or by Redbox) will result in the automatic termination of your Redbox Play Pass Account and the forfeiture of any Points and Credits then associated with your Accounts.”
To opt out you must call the redbox 1.866.733.2693 number.
RE: Welcome FatWallet Refugees
Thanks for forum, What software is this based on?
RE: Windows 10 - free?
@fivetalents Ellory joined, he would be the one to extend the invitation, he was the man at tech. @ellory
RE: Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
@NorCal2013 and we are happy you joined us too, Welcome.
RE: FatWallet closing: Final Day Monday 10/9
Yes I used to telnet into a bbs, Can’t recall the name, it was run by a guy that worked at local airbase, Fatwallet was home though, never loved a site like that, every morning, it was my first stop.
RE: Welcome FatWallet Refugees
Welcome @QuiTu, @girlinblack, @yoregano, @f2000sa Glad you’re here, Need help with anything, please let me know.
Please read before posting.
Self Promotion/Self Referred deals are not allowed, Posting deals related to a website/store you own or employed at is unethical and you will be removed and posts deleted.
How to PostThere is a single essential you need to know. Title must be self-sufficient!
An ideal post will have;
1.Title containing all the information. Must-have info in the title includes product name, important product specs, Price, Shipping cost or if “Free ship” and Merchants website name. use a price range if necessary for multiple items or for Amazon changing pricing and expiration date if applicable. Use “name dropping” in the title compare the price you have with Amazon price or PWF historical price to show your awesome find. If it’s the lowest price ever according to price tracker such as Camel, indicate that.
2. Information in the body of the post describing the deal.
3. Direct Link/URL to deal in the post
4. Photo/Graphic descriptive of the deal.
Nike Air Jordans Special edition freestyle, $100 Org $300 W/Free Ship @/At Walmart.comWhy?
If a deal is not interesting to the reader, he/she will simply skip it instead of clicking it and reading more. That’s it, These are good posting techniques. We are all busy folks - a self-sufficient title, a Link, and a photo make a post.
You Need to Care for Your Posts, Not Just Post and Leave, periodically check and update your links, check if deal is still active if not, notify mod to move to expired deals. Make necessary changes depending on feedback received from mods or phatwalleters. Mods aren’t perfect, if we lock a post and it comes alive again, let us know.Acronyms that may be used on Phatwalletforums.com:
AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service (relates to special deals for military, their dependents and relatives)
AC After Coupon
AFAIK As Far as I Know
AMEX American Express
APM After Price Match
AR After Rebate
B&M – Brick and Mortar store (A physical retail store as opposed to an online merchant)
B1G1 or BOGO – Buy One get One free
BB – Best Buy
BB&B Bed, Bath & Beyond
BBB Better Business Bureau
BF Black Friday: Friday after Thanksgiving. Sales on BF show if stores will profit on the year (run in the black)
BTW By The Way
Bump Replying to a thread to move it to the top of a forum to make it more prominent
CC – Credit card
DD Deal Discussion
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DPA Dell Preferred Account
FAR/FAMIR Free After Rebate or Free a/mail in rebate
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FW Fat Wallet
PWF/PhWF PhatWallet Forums
FWIW For What It’s Worth
GC – Gift Card or Gift Certificate
GPT Get Paid To
HD Hot Deal(s)
HSN – Home Shopping Network
HTH Hope This Helps
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IMHO In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IP Internet Printable Coupon (may require coupon website software to be installed on your PC)
IR Instant Rebate
ISO In Search Of, or type of CDRom image file
LMAO Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL Laugh Out Loud
MFG Manufacturer/Manufacturing
MFR Manufacturer
MIR – Mail In Rebate
MM Money Maker (either in $ or overage towards other merchandise)
Noob, newbie a new user/member (usually used in a demeaning way)
OD – Office Depot
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OM – Office Max
OOS Out Of Stock
OP Original Post or Original Poster (author of thread)
OT Off Topic
OTD Out The Door
PM – Price Match (see below)
PM Private Message
Q Coupon (may refer to any type, printed, newspaper, shown on phone, etc)
RAOK – Random Act Of kindness
RMA Return merchandise authorization
ROFL Rolling on floor laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
SD Slickdeals
SER Staples Easy Rebate
SKU Unique product ID number assigned by the retailer
SPAM Unwanted commercial email advertisements, usually unsolicited. Your legislators can stop SPAM!
S/H – Shipping and handling
TIA Thanks in advance
TOS Terms of service
TRU – Toys R Us
TY Thank you
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USPS United States Postal Service
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briarycliffsOfficial Kohl’s Sales and Promotions Master
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PruHTP -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
@harperr about 24 hours ago
$1.25 OffUse code 4MKR82PE by 4/19/18 @ 11
RE: SUBWAY to close over 500 sandwich stores in 2018
GOOD! needs to be more, quality sucks
RE: EBATES Birthday: 15% Cashback this week at over 400 stores (inc Macy's, JCP, Overstock, Walgreens, etc)
@mom2jel said in EBATES Birthday: 15% Cashback this week at over 400 stores (inc Macy's, JCP, Overstock, Walgreens, etc):
So, am I the only one boycotting ebates?
(I’ve been using BeFrugal)nope not the only one!