@dionaea yes it applies to brown rice as well but there’s not as much flour (rice flour) on brown rice since it still has its husk. Cheap rice cookers (like the one in OP) don’t cook brown rice well. For that you need a $$ digital cooker. i follow the package instructions for brown rice on the stove but for white rice:
- Put the rice in your pot.
- Pour a bunch of water in the pot on the rice. Lots more water than rice.
- Swish. The water will turn white. Pour off the water.
- Repeat until the water is clear after you swish. It can take a lot of water and 10-15 min to wash until the water is clear.
- Once the water is clear drain off as much as possible. You don’t need to use a strainer, just tip the pot carefully.
- Put your index finger on top of the rice and pour water into the pot until it reaches the first bend/line in your finger. For real. This is how people across Asia measure the amount of water to add to the rice.
- Bring to a boil. Put the cover on the pot. Lower the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes or however long the package says.***
My friend who couldn’t cook rice before says that her rice is now perfect. She just didn’t know she had to wash it.
***I don’t actually know how long this takes because I use a rice pot or an instant pot. I can’t remember the last time I cooked white rice on the stove. BUT even if you use a rice pot or an IP you have to wash the rice!